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Info Page | Burn Your Cellulite


Cellulite is different than the fat deep in your belly and therefore
requires a different approach to remove it. This program teaches you
the specific program we use at the Metabolic Effect clinic to burn
your cellulite. There is a big difference between deep visceral fat
(the stuff that gives you a pot belly) and superficial subcutaneous
fat (the fat found just underneath your skin). In order to burn the
fat associated with cellulite, you need to know this difference. As
you know, we don't do gimmicks at Metabolic Effect.

This program will teach you the exact diet, exercise, supplement and
lifestyle strategies we use to tighten and tone the lower body and
enhance the strength and resiliency of the collagen associated with it
(the real cause of cellulite). Here is what you get:

* The science behind why women get cellulite, who is most prone to
it, why men don't get it and preventive approaches to keep from
getting it, reduce its appearance and directly treat it.
* The specific diet approach we prescribe to our elite fitness model
clients to tone the lower body
* The exercise approach that provides the greatest hormonal fat
burning advantage to the lower body
* The specific movements and activities that tighten the collagen
structure of the lower body
* The supplement regime that specifically targets the hips, butt and
thighs of females.
* The spa and medical treatments that actually work
* Topical agents that can really reduce the appearance of cellulite.
* Natural medicine techniques that enhance the appearance of the
skin and collagen

This program is an internet based informational product. After buying
the product,  you will be sent registration details for access to the


_INFORMATION ABOUT PARTICIPATION:_ To participate in this program,
you will need access to Adobe Acrobat Reader, a multimedia player for
videos, as well as iTunes or similar audio player for downloadable
audio educational files. Videos will be streamed online, program
documents are in PDF for and available for direct download and via
email.Once registered, you will receive a username and password to
access the materials within 24 hours, and all the information in the
online educational portal will be available immediately. This is NOT a
physical product. It is a completely online digital program, so
nothing will be delivered via mail.__

_CONTACT:_Questions about the program, at any time, can be directed
to support@metaboliceffect.zendesk.com

Copyright (c) 2012 Metabolic Effect Inc.

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