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The Masterplan for Email Marketing Success

"Don't Wasting Time And Effort Looking
For The Next Big Thing, Explode Your Business Profits With Email Marketing
Plain And Simple"

"Tap into the gold mine that is right at your door step"

From: Dave Alcock
Re: Discovering The Email Marketing Masterplan

Dear Marketing Entrepreneur,

Have you been wanting/trying to break out onto Internet Marketing for a while, maybe your trying to boost your personal or business income? You may have tried a few things out there and you keep your eye open for the next big thing, I know that I have.

But with most "the next big things" you might find that after a while it becomes less and less effective and is creating more and more work for you.

Thats the opposite of what my goal was, I was looking for a way to increase my income whilst decrease my workload.

Now, you might be thinking what is this guy talking about; email marketing is dead, it's all about social media now... well it isn't. Don't get me wrong social media can get you a ton of traffic, but what do you think most businesses are doing with this traffic? Turning it into an email list.

And why...? Getting into the inbox is a lot more personal than posting on a wall and it allows you to build more of a personal relationship with them more than if they were just a "follower".
If you're like me you'll have probably have heard that the money is in the list far too many times and to be honest I didn't really know what on Earth they were talking about. What list?

Or maybe you are one of the lucky ones that have managed to establish a list but you don't seem to be able to profit from it?

Personally I felt a little overwhelmed with information that I took in and I still didn't really know where to begin. Every Tom, Dick and Harry out there was giving adivce and not all of it good but I still seemed to get nowhere.

I was believing that if I only I could build my list then I would be able to increase my income.

Well I was wrong!  I wouldn't say 'no' to a bigger list but...

"A Responsive List Is The
Most Effective Ways To Boost Your Sales"

I mean increasing your list will undoubtly increase your sales. However it's not the most efficient way and I LOVE being efficient!

But just imagine if you had a list of highly targetted, responsive subscribers. You would be suprised with the results you would get. It would be much easier to increase your sales by having a more responsive list that buy more than have a bigger list that buy less.

Lets think about it in numbers for a second. Lets say for arguements sake you have 1,000 subscribers, of which you made 10 sales. But you wanted to double you sales.

You have two options here either double your list or double the effectiveness of your emails. Now which one do you think would be easier, faster and the most time effective?

But not knowing where to start is a slight problem. I once didn't not even know how to create a list to talk to or even a product to sell.

And I didn't believe the number of different variables that I need to take into account when completing an email marketing campaign.

But I had the drive and the imagination... "what if I manage to get a list what do I do then..." 

"Introducing The Comprehensive Email Marketing Masterplan Step-By-Step Run Down Everything You Need To Know To Get You Earning Online"


I guess that one of the reasons you are still reading this is you are looking for more comfortable life. Maybe more free time, a better income or simply you want more success.

You might still be wondering what's in it for me? Just imagine...

You could be getting more of a buzz from your subscribers, helping people with the same passions as you and encouraging them to share your content and website.
You will be able to turn a random visitor traffic in to a loyal subscriber. You'll be spending less time tied to your desk and spending more time on what you want to spend your money on.
You'll learn how to save time and maximize sales.
You'll find out how to make use of email marketing even if your company isn't internet based.
You'll know your email reaches your prospects inbox... and how successful they are.
You be able to build your opt-in list by offering free articles, eBooks and mini courses... and converting them into life-long customers, it shouldn't be just a one night stand ...And much, much more!
Today you have the opportunity to make the change. You are only a few moments away for owning this amazing offer for only the small investment of $10.


Imagine for a moment if you had just one 'Ah Ha' moment from reading the Email Marketing Masterplan, how much could that help you?

Would that help you to hear your own thoughts more clearly? Would it possibly help you see the bigger picture, that would allow you to feel comfortable wishing for something better, and not settling for what you used to.

Think about how many times you've wished for more, How often you worried about things, Think about the knots in the pit of your stomach and the pain of questioning why everyone else seems to be able to do it but you!

Remember the fear you've felt, eating away at you as random thoughts raced around your head, convincing you not to try! Questioning every thought of just wanting something better,  knowing there must be a way, but never quite finding it!

That's exactly the feeling that I had. Like Alice going down the rabbit hole. And that's why I am going to teach you the ins and outs of what you need to know to take advantage of making a killing with email marketing.

And I'll only be an email away to help. 

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Stop thinking about the WHAT IF and start doing!

Invest in the Email Marketing Masterplan now for

Only $10



To Your Success,


Dave Alcock

P.S. I just know you'll benefit greatly, from Email Marketing Masterplan after all it was you that I made it for. I'm so confident I'm happy to give a 60 day unconditional risk-free guarantee, you have nothing to lose!

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