Excerpt from product page

Stock Prediction Software





CLEVERSTOCKS is a powerful market analysis and prediction tool that
can give you a significant edge in your day to day trading strategies.
The software is conceptualized and developed by seasoned stock market
traders and uses very advanced mathematical techniques to make its
recommendations. However, investments are subject to market risks and
a tool can only be as good as the person using it. The predictions
made by the software are usually based on the past performance of
respective stocks and they should be used with human perception and
fundamental basics to achieve the best possible results.

Support For All Major Stock Markets

The software has support for all the major stock markets in the world
and it can work with multiple markets at the same time.

Accurate Predictions Using ARIMA

The software uses one of the most powerful prediction techniques
available - ARIMA, often used by governments and major banks.

Multiple Analysis Scenarios

The software is loaded with many analysis scenarios that can be
utilized to find the best possible stocks through different channels
and then compare them together.

Effective Training

Not only that, the package includes detailed manuals for the
effective use of the software as well as two books for different level
of users to help them trade efficiently. STOCK MARKET
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