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Are You Ready For the Police Oral Board Interview...

The Seven Deadly Sins THEY Don't Want YOU To Know...

Police oral board interview panels are designed for one purpose, to flush out the rejects. Yes, they do rank applicants, but this is the natural progression of any mass hiring, discard the scrap and naturally the remaining applicants now become potentially employable candidates.

In this free video you’ll learn what your competition doesn’t know. You’ll learn about…
The picture effect The human polygraph consequence The cowboy cop The jargon juggler The trite titillation The ram entry The cc disorder

The Empty Hand Condition 

Imagine your name is called, you’re walking down the hall and in three seconds you’ll be walking through the door into your oral board interview panel. You’re hoping you don’t mess this one up because it took you four months just to get the interview. What a rotten feeling. Now, imagine you’ve not only done your research and you know what TO say and do, you’ve done what most haven’t. You’ve learned what NOT to say and do.

Most police officer applicants go into their oral board interview with the idea that all they have to do is impress the panel with the right answers and nothing more. They’re wrong! Good, or, correct answers are only a fraction of what you need to know BEFORE you walk in the room.  It’s your job as a candidate to put your best foot forward. Unfortunately, most candidates don’t do enough research and very few have the edge that you do. You’ve taken the time to learn what not to do and it will make a tremendous diffference in your interview.

The DO NOTs are just as important as the DOs and that’s why this information is provided to you absolutely free.

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