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[BookBrewer ](/)

Give the Gift of Publishing

Or use it to publish your own eBook!
If you have a friend or loved one who's always writing, here's the gift he or she will never forget. Give the Gift of Publishing for just $39.99 with an all-inclusive eBook publishing from BookBrewer. The package that can be used to digitally publish when, where and how the author chooses, including these ways:

 1. Sell the eBook through Major eBook stores, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Apple iBooks.
Our easy drag-and-drop tools make it easy create an eBook, then make it available for sale through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, Apple iBooks, Kobo and Google Editions, as well as their integrated devices such as the Kindle or Noook.

An ISBN -- a $125 value -- is included, and you get the full ePub file so you can even sell directly from your own Web site if you want.  

2. Send to Family or Friends, Post Online or Send in eMail.

An eBook can also be used privately, or e-mailed to friends to view on their own eReaders, smart phones or tablets such as the iPad. It can even be sent in e-mail to be opened in the reader's app of choice from most mobile devices, or in desktop apps.


How to Buy the Gift of Publishing:

Publishing is a unique, thoughtful gift for writers that shows how much you care. Buy it now for a friend, or for your own next great title. Ready to Order? Click this button to pay for the gift using ClickBank for just $39.99:


PLEASE NOTE BEFORE PURCHASING: The email certificate will be delivered to the e-mail address you provide at checkout within 24 hours after ordering. From there you can print out or forward the e-mail to the recipient. Also, the gift email will come from "bookbrewer@bookbrewer.com." Please add this address to your address book to keep your spam filter from intercepting the email.

What Might They Publish? Here are Just a Few Ideas

Collect poems, journals or special thoughts. Publish winning recipes to sell, just like the TV chefs.

Chronicle family history and photos to easily show and share.

Digitize the kids' scrapbooks to send to grandma!

Publish travel journals and photos.

Finally publish that novel that's been gathering dust in the desk drawer

How Does BookBrewer Work?

BookBrewer makes it easy to create, sell and share eBooks that can be read by millions on eBook readers and apps, including the iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle, Nook, Kobo and more. The author doesn't need to be an expert in technology or anything other than their own content.

This video shows how easy it is to publish an eBook with BookBrewer:


Only $39.99!/>

You can get started in just three easy steps:
Copy/paste from a Word doc, or import content from a blog. Edit and arrange content as desired. Click a button and publish!
[Order now](http://2.feedbrewer.pay.clickbank.net) for $39.99 with a valid email address and to receive a coupon code in a printable eCard. This coupon is redeemable for Conversion and Distribution Package, plus the ability to get the full ePub file to use as you wish. You can print the card to put in an envelope, forward it in an e-mail, or even use it yourself. The code may only be used once, and is valid for one year from date of purchase.

* Note that when BookBrewer distributes your eBook to retailers, we keep an additional royalty percentage on each book sold after we get paid from retailers to cover the costs of tracking and reporting your royalty sales over time. Refer to the [Author Agreements](http://bookbrewer.com/content/author-agreements) for the most current royalty rates.


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