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[High Cost of Incompetent Bookkeepers
Bookkeeper and CFO eBooks, Papers and Books from CxO To Go](http://book2.cxotogo.com/bk)

Bookkeepers and CPAs do not want you to know our secrets. Because they make more money when you don't know about them.

They charge you more and more, but you get less and less value.

This groundbreaking information lets business owners take a revolutionary approach to ensure you…..




Read the real life story of how a business owner bounced back after years of incompetence in their bookkeepers.

Our 15 page eBook is packed full of information you can use the second you read it. 
Real life stories Won't waste your time with extra words Actionable information
It costs just $9.47, you can get an ROI of over 1,000%. So actually its an investment, not a cost.


[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://88.bizstuff.pay.clickbank.net)



NOW REVEALED!  A few of the secrets from inside:

"Nobody is going to buy a company where it takes three weeks to prepare a balance sheet and income statement (and even then the numbers were suspect)….a tell-tale sign the business didn’t have their act together."

"When your books are screwed up, your company isn't an actual business, but looks and acts like a hobby. A buyer will more likely pay you a very small, and undervalued, amount, if anything, for your "hobby."

"Tip #2: A business owner should always question the bookkeeper and check references during the interview process. Here are some very important questions to ask:"


[Click Here to buy our eBook.](http://88.bizstuff.pay.clickbank.net/) Its a pdf file and you'll get it instantly via direct download. You'll need an Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit Reader, available for free on the internet.

Feel free to contact us a sales@cxotogo.com for any questions.


[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://88.bizstuff.pay.clickbank.net)

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