Excerpt from product page

  "Undiscover Your Slender Beauty"
You will lose weight for good – no starving – no diet pills – no high priced food plan – no groups that charge thousands of dollars to join

Get that “head turning” body you always dreamed about – without fancy fitness equipment – without joining a gym – without willpower

Judy Lederman spoke about hypnosis on the leading news show, Good Morning America. She took her 224 pound self to a hypnotist as an alternative to another ineffective diet. Her original skepticism turned to joy as the hypnotherapy took effect. Judy now weighs 129 pounds...Does it work? No doubt, YES IT DOES...[] [Read The Story ](http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/PersonalBest/story?id=1132645&page=1)



Discover The Shocking Truth About Weight Loss

Low Fat Foods DON’T WORK
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets. Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years. Yet our society gets heavier year after year. The fact is that eating a strictly low-fat diet is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON’T WORK
You cannot lose weight on a Low Calorie Diet. A low calorie diet will slow down your metabolism and your body will grow sluggish and ruin all chances of losing those pounds of fat. You will experience a slight weight loss at first. BUT then you will reach a dieting plateau and lose no more. Starvation is not the answer to uncovering your slender beauty.

Low Carb Plans DON’T WORK
The recent popularity of Low Carb Diet Plans is frankly SURPRISING. The problem with low carb foods is the lack of energy you will feel. They are TOO STRICT and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW. They deprive you of the zest for life that you experience when you lose weight successfully.

There is a method that DOES WORK
The 100% guaranteed “MAKE ME THIN” plan is the one that will get rid of those extra pounds that stand between you and happiness. Don’t allow those pounds to weigh you down physically and emotionally. Take advantage of the fast and easy way for YOU to recover your slender figure – achieve a THIN body with the “MAKE ME THIN” plan.

From: Simon Warner

Dear Friends,
Do you continue to struggle with excess weight?
YOU have tried all the diets, exercises and support groups with limited success…
None gave YOU what you needed to get rid of unhealthy pounds of fat…
Are YOU fearful that being overweight will shorten your life?

Being Overweight destroys your ability to enjoy life. Excess weight takes away your self-esteem and self-confidence. Being overweight has an effect on your career. Excess weight can mess up your social life. Being overweight keeps you from wearing trendy clothes. Excess weight makes air travel uncomfortable.
The “MAKE YOU THIN” plan makes it fast and easy to lose that excess weight. You pay nothing for the plan if it does not work. I can offer this 100% money-back guarantee BECAUSE it will work.


If YOU have given up – here is a new plan that WILL work for YOU. We guarantee it. We are so completely sure that this will work for YOU that we offer a money-back guarantee.

Visualize yourself without the burden of excess weight…Imagine the freedom you will feel every day for the rest of your life…

YOU were not able to lose weight and keep it off in the past…Now YOU will step into the future – YOUR future as a slender person.

YOU will lose weight the FAST and EASY way with my new “MAKE ME THIN” plan.

I took great pride in helping MYSELF to live life as a SLENDER PERSON. I take great pride in helping others to live life as a SLENDER PERSON. I am confident I will take great pride in helping YOU to live life as a SLENDER PERSON too!


You may have doubts. You may think this is too good to be true. BUT - this is the real thing. If it were not the real thing – I could not offer a full money-back guarantee, EIGHT DVDs to teach you how to use my “MAKE ME THIN” plan and an extra unscheduled bonus. YES, the first hundred people who take advantage of this offer will receive an extra bonus. Order my revolutionary “MAKE ME THIN” plan TODAY and lose weight TOMORROW!
It worked for ME – now let it work for YOU!


DIETS: The Adkins Diet is difficult to follow and harder to maintain. The low level of carbs leaves the dieter with no energy. The South Beach Diet is similar. The cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet are a waste of time and effort.

Diets are not the answer!

READY-TO-EAT FOOD PLANS:  Jenny Craig and Nutrasystem deliver ready-to-prepare food. Boredom and hunger quickly follow the first week or two.

Prepared meal plans are not the answer!

SUPPORT GROUPS: Weight Watchers offers a good support system. But you dont need support you need to lose weight!

Support groups are not the answer!

EXERCISE EQUIPMENT: Workout machines for the home and gym memberships are good for sweating and exhaustion!

Exercise is not the answer!

But what IS the answer???  It is what I offer – It is what worked for me – It is what worked for my clients and it is what will work for you!

What I Offer Is The One Ingredient Missing From All Other Plans


ONE-ON-ONE THERAPY:  I have counseled dozens of people and they succeeded using the “MAKE ME SLIM” plan. I offer this therapy BUT only if you can travel to my offices in Cyprus. The cost for one hour of my time exceeds the cost of the “MAKE ME SLIM” plan that I’m offering you ONLINE TODAY..
The client I counsel in my office – using the same “MAKE ME THIN” plan is billed at $125.00 per session. The average cost for eighty-four sessions is over Ten Thousand Dollars. Using the same method with my home edition of the program – YOU can do as many self-hypnotic sessions as you like for one single payment. This would be a bargain at a thousand dollars.
I have given a great deal of thought to putting a price on this 100% guaranteed plan:
I KNOW it worked for ME. I KNOW it worked for clients who came to my office. I KNOW it will work for YOU.

What you receive is all the incredible home training materials – my home audio trance session AND – my 100% money-back guaranty. I know your life will be improved and you will remain a slender and self-confident person all the days of your life.

I had planned to launch the sale of this guaranteed “MAKE ME THIN” plan at the price of $997. It is certainly worth that price. But - as I considered the depressed economy – I thought about all the people who would miss out on the BENEFITS of becoming a slender and healthy person.

Being the softy that I am – I’m making it available at a price EVERYONE can afford. My friends and family think I am soft all right – soft in the head. But, I want others to enjoy life as I do NOW after using my “Make Me Thin” plan.

I will be ready to raise the price to a realistic level.
Everyone will be eager to purchase it at any price. Those who order TODAY will be the ones who prove that it works – and go out and tell others about it. When they see for themselves how well it worked for you – they will rush to order the “Make Me Thin” plan for their own use at any price.

Others have paid a fortune for in-person hypnotherapy with me. You will be getting the same techniques when you obtain this invaluable set of eight CDs… All CDs can be [instantaneously](http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&pws=0&gl=us&&sa=X&ei=5b9aTYWiPJCJhQfylqjZDQ&ved=0CBUQBSgA&q=instantaneously&spell=1)   downladed as MP3 files..


Night Time Version – This is your introduction to the program. Learn how to lose weight for good with the “Get Slim Fast” plan. Neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy and the techniques used in self-hypnosis will be explained and you will be led into the journey to weight loss and a new life.


Daytime Version – Reinforce the message you heard in the night time version. Take your mind through the neurolinguistic and hypnosis teachings that will allow you to learn the wonderful ways self-hypnosis will build self-confidence and break-down your dependence on food. This audio material is going to take over your thoughts. I caution you to drive cautiously while listening in the car.


Night Time Version – This is the CD that will relieve you of your need to stop snacking on sugary foods and sugary drinks. Build on your strengths. Learn to enjoy the weight-loss process and develop a reliance on YOURSELF.


Daytime Version – Reinforce your feelings of pleasure that accompany the weight-loss process. Continue your journey towards a slender body. Each time you listen you will be taking another step on your weight-loss journey. This audio material is going to take over your thoughts. I caution you to drive cautiously while listening in the car.


Night Time Version – You will explore the way exercise can make you healthier as you are losing weight. You will develop an interest in exercise to enhance your beauty. Exercise will increase the pleasure you feel when you see your body growing slender.


Daytime Version – Reinforce any feelings of enjoyment you feel as a result of exercise. The audio will lead your thoughts through a comparison of the pleasure of exercise to the pleasure of growing thin. As the two pleasures merge they will replace the pleasure you formerly took in the act of overeating. Once again, use caution if you listen to the CD while driving.


Night Time Version:
Trains your mind to desire health food and a lifestyle that promotes good health. Self-hypnosis techniques continue to expand your self-confidence and an appetite for the foods that will increase your health as they decrease your body weight.


Daytime Version:
Continue to turn your focus towards the healthier foods in life. Reinforce your appetite for them. Review and reinforce all the self-hypnosis techniques and strengthen your ability to utilize them. You are fast now realizing your own powers of self-control and self-direction. As you review this and all the CDs, remember to use caution if listening to them while driving.

You also receive an intensive introduction manual:  Easy to follow step-by-step instructions on how to use the techniques taught in the Night Time CDs and reinforced in the Daytime CDs. Practice and learn the skill of self-hypnosis. As you proceed, you self-confidence will soar. Each day you will see your body grow slimmer until you are the woman you always wanted to be. Self-confidence promotes a slim body and a slim body promotes more self-confidence. There is nothing you cannot achieve with the plan.

Assure your place in the lucky group of first responders – you will receive a special bonus GIFT to celebrate your success.

YOU know it is tough to be overweight… YOU know how it lowers your self-esteem... YOU know it keeps you from those job promotions you desire.. YOU know it makes your social life a disaster – when was the last time you had a date? YOU know that not being able to wear trendy clothes is a disappointment… YOU know that air travel is a total nightmare of not fitting in the seat comfortably…
No other plan was successful - now that slender body will be yours…



Losing only 10% of your current body weight will improve your health and the way you feel.
Here are some other ways losing weight will benefit your health:
More energy Lower cholesterol Lower blood pressure Fewer aches and pains Improved mobility Improved breathing Help you sleep better and wake more rested Prevent the pain of angina (chest pain because of decreased oxygen to the heart) Lower risk of stroke Prevention of Type 2 diabetes Improved blood sugar levels Model good health habits for your children You save thousands to spend on holidays and luxuries you could not previously afford You save money on junk food, unhealthy snacks and your entire grocery bill.
You will not be a slave to the foods with addictive ingredients. Reduce your grocery bill as you reduce your weight.


The media uncovers the truth. Read the facts about how hypnosis can help YOU lose weight.

According to Consumer Reports, hypnosis is successful as a method to control pain, clear up acne and alleviate the effects of gastrointestinal disorder. Other important uses for hypnotherapy are to promote weight loss and hasten the healing process after surgery and bone fractures.

Newsweek has stated that a growing body of research results in support for hypnosis to help a variety of conditions including chronic pain and anxiety.

An article in WebMD describes hypnosis as the concentrated and focused attention in which the mind is powerful. A highly respected mainstream institution, Harvard Medical School, presents evidence that hypnosis is the state of mind over body. The American Psychology Association considers hypnosis a valid tool as well.

BusinessWeek attributes research, which employs the latest brain imaging technologies, with advancing the credibility of hypnosis to assist in treating a variety of disorders.


STOP Cravings STOP Short Tempers STOP Excessive Hunger STOP Weight Gain STOP Usual Urges


Losing Weight Has Never Been This Easy! 100% Guaranteed Results Or You Pay Nothing!

My Guarantee:

Use the system – experience the weight loss – for 60 days – prove the system and if you are not thrilled with the results and your new slender body – you can still return the system for a full refund – I want YOU to be completely satisfied that the system DELIVERS as promised – or you return it.


What other plan offers a foolproof guarantee? – If there is one – it is unknown. I have complete confidence in my plan – I have full confidence in the results you will get – Make this satisfaction guaranteed, one-time investment of only $47.00. You have NOTHING to lose except the fat that is making you unhappy every day.


YES Simon! I am ready to spend the rest of my life in a new, slender body. My future is waiting

YES Simon! I am ready to make this small investment to gain this large improvement.

I am ready to use this system to change my life and I understand there is NO RISK thanks to your guarantee!

I want to order my copy of the system TODAY


I will be looking forward to hearing about your weight loss success. I guarantee it will happen – ORDER TODAY – BEGIN LOSING WEIGHT TOMORROW.



Hypnotherapist and creator of “Make Me Slim”

P.S. ORDER TODAY – REAP THE BENEFITS STARTING TOMORROW. 100% success guaranteed. ORDER NOW while the low price remains in effect. Take charge of your future.

P.P.S. ORDER TODAY – you may save $200 or more – the price increase could happen at any time.

ACT TODAY to receive two bonus CDs

They are free to first-responders. Only while supplies last
Losing the excess weight is your first step to good health.

If you smoke – I want you to stop.

If you are depressed or anxious – I want you to relax and be happy

I want you to be ready to enjoy your new slender body – I want you to use your new self-confidence to enjoy life to the fullest extent.


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