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This Somewhat Weird Method Has Been Reported
To Eliminate or Improve A Range Of Health Problems...  

The Liver Cleanse -- a.k.a. The Liver & Gallbladder
Flush -- Is One Of The Most Powerful Healing
Modalities When Done Right

Here, Finally, Are The Liver Cleanse Secrets That Grant Anti-Aging Benefits & Prevent Health Problems
From Coming Back

Remove Gallstones From Your Liver & Gallbladder, Avoid Gallbladder Surgery and Enjoy Food & Life Again

Frequently reported side benefits of the Liver Cleanse include:
Eliminating or improving acne  Eliminating or improving food allergies & food intolerances 
By following my recommendations you will likely also see an improvement in
Normalizing high blood sugar  Preventing gallstones from coming back  Losing fat (if you need to) 

by David Hall -- independent health researcher and former gallstone & acne sufferer

Hi there, 

If you're looking for a cure for all diseases, effortless weight loss, want to look and feel 10 years younger all within 24 hours using one simple, cheap home-remedy... keep looking, because this is NOT it.

But if you're looking for a viable, natural treatment to remove gallstones and their related complications -- a treatmet that has been reported to make multiple health problems go away -- keep reading because I have exciting news for you.

Here's why:

You may have heard about the Liver Cleanse -- also known as the Liver & Gallbladder Flush etc. If not, it's a powerful healing modality that clears cholesterol and pigment gallstones from the liver and gallbladder, cleansing away the blockages so that...

Your Body Can Repair & Heal Itself!

Apart from the obvious benefits of getting rid of gallstone pain, eliminating the food intolerances often associated with gallstone disease, avoiding gallbladder-removal surgery (cholecystectomy) and the post-surgery complications that often arise (indigestion, food intolerances etc.), and going through life without worrying about when your next debilitating gallstone attack will be... apart from all that, the Liver Cleanse often makes other health problems vanish.

While no one seems to know exactly how, people often report that acne and food allergies disappear or greatly improve after they have removed their gallstones using the Liver Cleanse method. In fact, those are probably the two most commonly reported side-benefits of liver cleansing. 

There are others also. In fact, 

The Liver Cleanse Seems To Be
A Powerful Weapon Against
Hormonal Imbalances

Why else is liver cleansing a central part of most natural acne cure protocols? Indeed, it's an integral part of many "get-yourself-back-to-optimal-health" programs. Maybe you're wondering how that works.

Well, here are two facts you probably didn't know:
The liver helps regulate and deactivate estrogens (female sex hormones) androgens (male sex hormones).  Most gallstones consist predominantly of cholesterol. Cholesterol is the building block for steroid hormones, including estradiol (the main female sex hormone) and testosterone (the main male sex hormone). 
So, the liver helps regulate hormones, but when it is clogged with gallstones maybe it can't do its job. I'm not saying this for a fact, but it doesn't seem unreasonable to me that gallstones could affect liver function, and thereby cause hormonal imbalances in some individuals. Clearing those gallstones may then cause the hormonal problems to disappear.

Additionally, could excess cholesterol deposits in the form of cholesterol gallstones be a contributing factor to hormone imbalances (that can cause acne etc.) since cholesterol is the "building block" (pre-cursor) to those hormones? I don't know for sure. All I know is that hormone-related ailments often vanish after liver cleansing.

I don't know what your reason for trying liver cleansing is...
Maybe you have gallstone pain and want to eliminate that...  Maybe you have food intolerances and food allergies...  Or maybe you suffer from acne, or some other specific health problem...  Or maybe, just maybe you're one of the few people that want to be the picture of health and realize that... 
If Your Liver And Digestive Tract Are Working Sub-Optimally You Can't Be Truly Healthy

All those reasons are highly commendable, of course.

But please realize that the liver cleanse is just one part of achieving optimal health. True, it can be a way to jump-start your journey to health and wellness, but it should ultimately just be one tool in your toolbox, and I refuse to claim that the liver cleanse will cure any and all health problems.

One reason you may want to liver cleanse, is to lose fat. I don't know what you may have been told, but there is really no reason to believe that cleansing yourself of gallstones and getting your liver working better would lead to any significant fat loss. Those who report fat loss after liver cleansing most likely just slashed their calories during the liver cleanse. So please don't expect a huge loss of bodyfat from doing the liver cleanse.

I just want you to do the Liver Cleanse for the right reasons, and I'm fed up with uncritical claims of liver cleansing as a quick-fix, cure-all. It takes away from its credibility. However, for many people including myself, liver cleansing was one of the things that made a BIG difference in health and appearance.

Let me introduce myself. My name is David Hall and for a long time I suffered from gallstones and acne. I didn't even know I had gallstones -- for most people, gallstones are asymptomatic, causing no symptoms -- until I researched a cure for acne, which involved liver cleansing as a central part.

At first I was quite skeptical of the idea that I could have gallstones. After all, I didn't fit the normal profile of an older, overweight woman... quite the contrary!

In fact, I thought I was pretty healthy already, but what I discovered was that just a few small mistakes in diet and lifestyle can turn your liver and gallbladder into a stone-producing factory! Not good!

The method I learned about, claimed that gallstones could supposedly be expelled from the liver and gallbladder, and passed intact through the intestines, and finally passed in the toilet. The procedure was actually 100% logical. There wasn't any metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, no "energies", no new-age stuff... just a series of steps that would dislodge and eject, quite painlessly mind you, the gallstones and remove them from the body forever.

Once I started liver cleansing, I followed the standard advice that you can read for free in many places on the internet. You may have read about it. If not, it involves eating a no-fat or low-fat diet for 1 day, followed in the evening by magnesium sulphate dissolved in water, and then followed by a mixture of olive oil and grapefruit juice (or lemon or lime juice).

It's Actually Very Logical. Here's How It Works:

By eating a low-fat diet for 1 day, bile is stored in the liver. The magnesium sulphate then causes the bile ducts and intestines to relax and dilate so gallstones can pass through them. Finally, the olive oil and grapefruit juice trigger a strong contraction of the gallbladder which causes a big release of bile, expelling gallstones through the dilated bile ducts.

While that may sound painful, it never was for me (and isn't for most others) thanks to the action of the magnesium sulphate.

The problem I discovered was that sometimes this procedure would fail, i.e. no stones would come out, even though I knew I still had gallstones. This didn't just happen to me, but to others too. Frustrated by the lack of results I sometimes experienced, I set out to research exactly why the liver cleanse would sometimes fail. Was it just a random occurence or could the success rate of the liver cleanse be increased?

What I found was that proper preparation was CRUCIAL to the success of the liver cleanse. However, not too many were talking about preparation, or they were talking about the wrong things. You can do all the preparation in the world, but if you're doing the wrong things, you liver cleansing efforts will still fail! Trust me, I know from experience.

Once I found the secrets, the missing pieces of the puzzle...

Things Really Took A Turn For The
Better For Me And My Health

I started getting consistent results from liver cleansing. Less gallstones. Less pain. Less food intolerances. And less acne. I was thrilled.

I only felt the pain under my right-side ribs if I really tried bending my body into a contorted position. I could also eat foods that were previously on the no-no list, such as eggs, bacon, cheese and other fatty foods that could previously had sent me to the hospital.

Wow, was I happy. This was life-changing stuff. Not only did I feel better, but being able to eat again gave me a new outlook on life. I imagined all the things I could do again, like eating at restaurants or going abroad without fear of being hospitalized for gallbladder pain in a foreign country. The best part? The improvement in my hormonal problem, which caused acne.

All was going well, but after a while, I seemed to hit a brick wall. I was still getting gallstones out. But they never really seemed to stop. 

That's When I Realized
What Is Missing From The
Common Liver Cleanse

One word: Prevention.

While many people can teach you how to do a common liver cleanse (even though they often miss the crucial preparation secrets), few can tell you how to prevent gallstones. I really couldn't find much at all about prevention on forums, or books or on websites.

So I set out on a journey of reading through a multitude published scientific studies on gallstones (not the BS you'll see on a lot of forums or blogs or even books), bile composition and how gallstones are formed, both in animals and humans.

While the studies were often dry as dust, they were also very eye-opening. And I found that A LOT (if not most) of the anti-gallstone strategies published online, either paid or free, are complete BS and often counter-productive.

Many people already seem to think that they know how to prevent gallstones. A healthy diet? Exercise? Yes, of course.

But it also turned out that the intricacies of curing and preventing gallstones were hardly common-sense. What I discovered was a bit counter-intuitive, some would even say weird... certainly nothing that you would come up with on your own.

With These New-Found Strategies In Hand
I Finally Became Stone-Free

All my gallstone-related symptoms vanished, and I improved my health in other ways too. My somewhat elevated blood sugar came down to an ideal level, and my cholesterol levels were great, with low LDL cholesterol, high HDL cholesterol, low triglycerides and normal cholesterol. Maybe you don't know the implications of all that, but it means that my health had really taken a turn for the better.

Actually, it was a bit hard to believe that a procedure so simple, performed on myself from my own home with ingredients from any common health food store or the Internet, could be so effective in removing gallstones.

I decided to make my discoveries available to other health-conscious people. After all, cholecystectomy, i.e. surgically removing the gallbladder, usually because of symptomatic gallstones, is one of the most common operations in the United States, roughly 700 000 being performed per year. Not to mention the multiple health benefits that can be granted those who follow this program.

Introducing "Liver Cleanse Secrets"

Liver Cleanse Secrets by David Hall.

I put together what I believe is the most comprehensive, most practical, most applicable ebook on Liver Cleansing and curing gallstones that you can find anywhere.

I'll teach you the exact method that I perfected for expelling gallstones. I'll show you step-by-step what to do, how to prepare and what to expect.

It's especially important that you get the preparation part right. If you don't, the method isn't likely to work. And once you've gotten rid of your gallstones, I'll show you a number of preventive approaches so that you can minimize the risk of recurrence. As far as I know, no one else has detailed this like me before.

What Sets My Liver Cleanse
Program Apart From Others?

First of all, I went through all this myself. I cured my own gallstones. I didn't just compile a bunch of unfocused forum posts on a subject I had no knowledge about. No, I did all the research for this book myself. And I discovered secrets on my own, that -- as far as I know -- NO ONE ELSE has put in writing in one, single document.

Here are just a few of the things you'll learn about in my book:
How an extremely common deficiency of just 1 mineral can stop the method from working so you don't get your gallstones out! (This has been the cause of much frustration for me and others, until I finally found out that a simple mineral supplement can help expel gallstones.) The statements I make in the book are, for the most part, scientifically backed. I list scientific references and provide you with links to more reading. While I'm a big proponent of alternative and complementary health, the problem with most alternative health writers is that they're completely unscientific. They make wild claims without backing anything up with science. It's almost as sickening as the medical doctors who view surgery as your only alternative for getting rid of gallstones.
My book is the refreshing anti-dote to both of those extremes.
While there is no shortage of people willing to tell you what an appropriate diet for a gallstone sufferer should look like, most of them are, in my view, completely wrong. What I discovered is that a diet for preventing gallstones could (and probably should) be much different from a diet for someone who already has gallstones. 
Much, if not most, of the information you'll find on "gallstone diets" (i.e. diets suitable for gallstone patients) are also largely based on animal studies. Some of the things I talk about in my "Liver Cleanse Secrets" program is also based on animal studies, but I tried to pull as much information as possible from studies made on humans.

Prevention is a huge part of "Liver Cleanse Secrets". Why?

Because if you don't prevent gallstones from coming back, you'll just be stuck in a endless cycle of Liver Cleansing over and over again. That's NOT what I wanted for myself and that's NOT what I want for you. I think we can do better. That's why I researched a number of ways to...

Remove Gallstones Once and For All

On that note, here is just a tiny preview of what you'll learn about prevention:
People that ate just 143 grams (5 ounces) per week of this food had a 25-30% reduced risk of gallstones! I'll tell you the specifics, and why it works. 
Coffee is associated with a lower risk of gallstones in some studies, but it can work to a disadvantage for some people. Learn if you should drink coffee or not. 
Does alcohol protect against gallstones? If so, how much and in what manner should you consume it?  
Three "spices" that help gallstone sufferers (two of them have been shown in mice to actually dissolve cholesterol gallstones) 
Some studies have shown that vegetarians have a lesser risk of gallstones than meat eaters... what's the story here? Do you need to become a vegetarian or not? 
Most gallstones consist mainly of cholesterol. Does that mean you should avoid eating cholesterol or not? 
Did you know that your liver typically produces a lot more cholesterol than you eat? The internal cholesterol production of many gallstone sufferers is in overdrive -- which can cause cholesterol gallstones -- but I'll show you a method that usually normalizes it! 
One common beverage that can protect against gallstones, and one that can (indirectly) cause gallstones! 
120 grams of this common foodgroup per day negatively changed the bile of test patients so that it increased the risk of gallstones. But there's 1 food item in this foodgroup that is an exception and actually protects against gallstones! 
What is preferable to eat, fat or carbohydrates? The answer may surprise you. 
Everyone else is claiming that a certain type of vegetable oils (polyunsaturated) are good for gallstone sufferers, but what does the scientific evidence say? 
Should sugar be avoided like the plague? Generally, yes, but under some circumstances it can be just fine! I'll show you the difference. 
Why the Glycemic Index of foods matters when it comes to a prudent gallstone diet! 
The little "trick" you can use to instantly know (almost every time) whether a food is good or bad for you! 
Touted as a health food for everyone from infants to older men, this food may cause a lot of harm, including gallstones! 
The paradox of dairy! 
The vitamin that should be avoided in most cases! Hint: Your body makes this in the proper amount if you supply the "building blocks". But if you take the pre-formed version, it can harm you. 
The mineral that causes gallstones if you have too much or too little! I'll show you how to balance this vital mineral. Even most medical doctors are oblivious to this strategy.
I can't overemphasize how powerfully these secrets can impact your life. There is no other guide like this anywhere. In fact, until it was put together, only bits and pieces of these concepts were scattered across the internet, or "hidden" in forgotten studies. This is the first time that such a comprehensive, accurate and relevant Liver Cleanse manual even exists.

This Information Can Change Your Life, Starting Today!

Imagine going through life the way you used to, without even as much as a thought about gallstone pain. Imagine being able to go abroad (or just far from where you live) on vaccations, without being scared of ending up in a hospital in a foreign place because of something you ate. Imagine being able to eat freely during holidays again.

Or maybe you have a specific health problem you want to improve. While the Liver Cleanse isn't a cure-all, it certainly has a reputation for improving a range of ailments, especially acne, allergies, food intolerances and gastro-intestinal problems.

Once you've cleared your gallstones, with the probable improvements in your health, you probably don't want to go back to your old lifestyle completely. If you do, you'll just recreate your gallstones again. Sure, you can use the Liver Cleanse method I describe to get rid of them again...

But I rather hope you will use the preventive strategies that I have laid out for you in "Liver Cleanse Secrets". Don't worry, you will NOT be restricted to eating rice and water for the rest of your life. You can have a very satisfying diet, cheat within reason, and still be gallstone free.

Your exact dietary allowances will depend on your circumstances and how prone you are to gallstones, of course.

But if you're thinking of getting my program just to cure yourself from the pain or a certain ailment and then go out and binge on junk food 3 times per day, 7 days per week, then please don't buy my program. It is meant for those who are serious about their health, not those who merely want a quick-fix (though it can fix your problems pretty fast).

Can Gallstones Be Dissolved?
Is Dissolving Gallstones A Viable Treatment?

If you look around on the Internet you'll see some claims that gallstones can be dissolved easily, just by using someone's expensive mix of herbs. Some of these claims even come from medical doctors, people with credentials. While certain supplements can in fact help against gallstone disease, most are completely unproven and probably pretty weak.

You see, dissolving gallstones is no easy task.

Even the prescription drugs, Ursodiol (which is the trade name for ursodeoxycholic acid), and Chenodeoxycholic acid are no miracle drugs against gallstones. Dissolution often takes months or years, full dissolution is typically only achieved in a minority of patients, and dissolution therapy doesn't do much against the hardened kind of gallstones called pigment stones.

It can also be accompanied by its own set of nasty side-effects.

Worse yet, once you stop taking the stone-dissolving drugs, your gallstones typically come back. Think about it, why else would gallbladder surgery be the preferred alternative to dissolution therapy in the medical establishment? The answer, of course, is that dissolution of gallstones isn't too effective... At least not the way it's commonly done.

Inside my program, I list several treatments, foods and supplements that are known to have a positive effect on bile composition. These work by making the bile unsaturated with cholesterol. Theoretically, that should allow cholesterol gallstones (the most common type of gallstones) to be dissolved.

So, theoretically...

My Program Can Potentially
Dissolve Cholesterol Gallstones!

One problem with dissolution therapy alone is that it doesn't get to the root cause of gallstones. Unless you correct the conditions that caused gallstones to begin with, then your chances of dissolving your gallstones are limited. It's like a tug-of-war between two forces: the stone-creating (lithogenic) and stone-dissolving (anti-lithogenic). By decimating the lithogenic side, the anti-lithogenic has a much greater chance of winning. You with me? Good.

That's, again, where my prevention strategies detailed in "Liver Cleanse Secrets" come in. However, I'm not making any guarantees that my program will dissolve. The emphasis of "Liver Cleanse Secrets" is still expelling gallstones and preventing them from re-forming. 

What About Gallbladder Surgery?

Let's face it. If you're reading this, you're one of those who want to keep your gallbladder. And I commend you for that decision. I'm not buying the idea that the gallbladder is an unnecessary part of the human anatomy! Sure, you can live without a gallbladder. You can also live with only 1 hand. Does that mean that 2 hands are worthless?

Just some of the complications that you may experience, for life, after gallbladder surgery are:
Diarrhea  Bloating  Gas  Food intolerances (Imagine living on a strict diet for the rest of your life...)  Pain from gallstones... 
Yes, you read that right. You can keep experiencing pain from gallstones after removing your gallbladder because gallstones can exist in the liver bile ducts too! And gallbladder surgery does NOTHING to remove stones from your liver.

Can my program remove gallstones from the liver ducts and bile ducts? Quite possibly! And if you try my program and it doesn't work, you pay nothing. More about that soon.

What Are Your Options?

At this point you don't really have that many choices at your disposal. Once gallstones become symptomatic, you can't really ignore them. And gallstones and their related symptoms don't go away on their own, either. The way I see it, these are your realistic options:

1. You can try to do nothing, but then you always risk having a gallstone attack, possibly at the LEAST convenient time, such as a holiday or a birthday celebration when you want to cheat just a little. (Which I think is perfectly fine when you're free of gallstones.) Or, by doing nothing, you'll always have the symptoms that gallstones may cause, such as acne. You'll never be truly healthy this way. I think we can agree on that.

2. You can undergo surgery, but then you will never know if you could have cured yourself of gallstone disease and kept your gallbladder and avoided all further complications. Shouldn't you at least give my program a risk-free try first? 

3. Dissolution Therapy. If you can convince your medical doctor to give you Ursodiol or chenodeoxycholic acid, then you may be able to dissolve cholesterol gallstones, if that's what you have. But that can take a long, long time... has a high risk of never reaching complete dissolution... or not working at all... and you will still need PREVENTION after the dissolution.

Why not try the treatments in my program instead, that have a theoretical chance of dissolving gallstones and come with side-benefits, not side-effects? Medical dissolution therapy doesn't really restore health, even when it dissolves gallstones.

Also, if you have pigment stones, the hardened type of gallstones, forget about dissolution therapy.

4. Make a risk-free purchase of "Liver Cleanse Secrets". In my opinion, this is your most realistic choice versus gallstones, and the only of the above that sets you on the path to health. Look, I can't promise you that you'll definitely dissolve or remove every single one of your gallstones with this program. Anyone who promises you that is a liar, plain and simple. But I do believe this is your best bet, especially since you're protected by my... 

60-Day Money-Back-Guarantee

I'm so confident that you'll find my "Liver Cleanse Secrets" program useful in eliminating and preventing gallstones that I'm willing to give you a bullet-proof guarantee.

You can purchase this guide today, and anytime within 60 days you can ask for your money back if the program isn't to your satisfaction. If you don't agree that this program is worth a lot more than I'm asking for... if your gallstone problem isn't resolved or well on its way to being resolved... and if you're not healthier and more optimistic about your health 60 days from now, you have every right to ask for your money back.

All this just for giving my program a fair try. I'm shouldering all the risk here; because I want to help you make what I think is the right decision.

Since it's a downloadable product, you can also keep your copy, but you will lose access to future editions.

Future Editions Are Free For Customers

Speaking of updates, the current edition of "Liver Cleanse Secrets" was updated in 2010. I am committed to keeping up with the latest research on Liver Cleansing and natural health in general, and I plan on updating this book. In fact, I got updates planned for early 2011. If you purchase my program now you will receive access to all future editions of this book as they come available. 

Here Is What You Get When You Invest
In The Secret Gallstone Cure

The "Liver Cleanse Secrets" ebook. This will be made available to you for download in PDF format. In other words, you can open this file on your computer if you have the free Adobe Reader. If you don't already have it, I'll show you how to download it and set it up. Lifetime access to future editions of "Liver Cleanse Secrets". You'll be able to log in and download future editions from the members area.
You'll be automatically subscribed by email to my health newsletter. As long as you stay subscribed I will notify you about updates to the ebook, and provide you with a steady stream of authoritative health tips. (Even if you unsubscribe, you'll still be able to download your free future updates of the book.) Technical Support. If you have any problem downloading or opening your file, we'll help you until you're set. However, what isn't included is unlimited one-on-one support for your gallstone problem or your general health. As a customer of mine, you're more than welcome to ask questions about the content of the ebook. In fact, I invite questions and comments and answer a lot of them personally. However, I do not guarantee that I will answer every question and comment.

Order Now

The current price for the "Liver Cleanse Secrets" program is only $32, but I'm planning to increase it with the next major update. If you buy today, you'll get future updates for free.

At this point, I strongly believe you should [invest in my program](http://www.livercleansesecrets.com/dlg/sell.php?prodData=cb%2C1). What else would you spend $32 on, if not your health? We are truly talking about a decision that may impact the rest of your life. Remember, too, that you're protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.

And let's be honest. If $32 is too much to save your gallbladder, if you'd rather take the risks of surgery (risking complications and food intolerances forever) or do nothing (and risk a debilitating gallstone attack at any moment, or remain in suboptimal health forever), or if $32 is too much for you... if any of those points are true, then you're not gonna have much success with your health. Period.

Because if being healthy doesn't appeal to you, if you'd rather just take your chances that things will turn out "fine" by themselves -- even though they haven't so far -- or if you don't want to spend any money on your health, then you'll likely be sick and unhealthy for the rest of your life. Sorry for breaking it to you...

But if you are willing to take some action towards curing your gallstones and achieving good health, then this program is just what you need in your hands. This will be your road map, and with it you can be the picture of health, both inside and out.

If you're ready to order, click the order button below.

Download The Liver Cleanse Secrets
Program Within 5 Minutes


Note: When you click on the order button you will be taken to our payment processor, Clickbank. After you've made your payment, you'll be automatically transferred to a page where you can access the product.
Note #2: This is a downloadable product in PDF format. No physical product will be shipped to you in the mail. You will open this file with the free Adobe Reader that works on Mac & PC. I'll show you how to get up and running if you're not computer literate.

Seriously. Gallstone disease and its related complications and symtoms, does not just spontaneously vanish. Sorry to say it, but that's the truth. But it can be resolved through a series of simple actions, that I'm willing to teach you. If you're not ready to order right now, you can come back after your next gallstone attack, or indigestion episode, or whatever your symptoms happen to be. But wouldn't you much rather enjoy life (and food) again?

There's a saying. "He who does not spend time on health will sooner or later have to spend time on illness." Isn't it time that you take some positive action toward a healthy body? If you agree, click here to order now.

I wish you well, however you decide. 


P.S. Still hesitant about buying? Check out the [Frequently Asked Questions](support.php) or [ask me](support.php) anything about the ebook before you buy.

P.P.S. With the method I'll teach you, you'll see step-by-step how to expel gallstones from your gallbladder, liver and bile ducts and how to pass them from your body without taking drugs or undergoing surgery.

You won't hear about this method from your medical doctor, because they don't like being challenged by alternative health procedures, and this method is so cheap that they cannot make any money from it. Remember, your purchase is protected by my 60-day money back guarantee. Order here.

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 (c) 2010 David Hall

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