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Welcome to you can speak in public

Comprehensive, practical, and accessible, The Ultimate Guide to Public Speaking serves all the needs of public speakers, from the seasoned pro to the greenest rookie. Whether you’re trying to start a career as a professional speaker or improve your speaking skills to further your career or influence those around you, this straightforward guide will help you deliver dynamic, compelling, and convincing presentations.

Years and years of experience went into writing this book, covering most every aspect of public speaking, from the practical details of presentations to the psychological issues. Insightful and compelling, this is both a handy resource for information on the public speaker’s most pressing questions, as well as a primer for those who are new to the field. Every chapter is full of expert advice and practical information.

Training in public speaking is not a matter of externals–primarily; it is not a matter of imitation–fundamentally; it is not a matter of conformity to standards–at all. Public speaking is public utterance, public issuance, of the man himself; therefore the first thing both in time and in importance is that the man should be and think and feel things that are worthy of being given forth. Unless there be something of value within, no tricks of training can ever make of the talker anything more than a machine–albeit a highly perfected machine–for the delivery of other men’s goods. So self-development is fundamental in our plan.

"Say It! With Confidence!"

How to say it with confidence when you are too shy to say boo to a goose!

Does that sound like you? 

Do you imagine that others are "able to speak in public without fear?" (No way! We all feel fear – but at varying degrees.)

You are definitely not alone! Millions of people worldwide suffer from social phobia or shyness.

The good news is that these socio-emotional states are perfectly manageable. The sad news is that, most people are unaware of these good news and will still try and live with the worst of these emotions.

Yes, you may be feeling that "shyness or social phobia" are somehow a part of your genetic imprint but I will tell you now: Despair Not, because they can be managed and controlled, with the right tools, knowledge and information.

This e-book will, through guidelines, tips, and techniques, show you exactly how to deal with shyness, paralyzing fear,low confidence etc. and how to use your nerves to your advantage and express yourself with passion and confidence!

The ebook will boost your confidence, give you strategies for coping and help you manage your shyness whether you are speaking to a room full of people, a stranger on the street or just your own children. Yes as parents you need to be able to motivate your children, encourage them and build their self esteem.

BUT FIRST, DO YOU NEED AN EBOOK LIKE THIS ONE? CHECK AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF   Here is a hint of what you can expect in the book:   Managing shyness Fear of risk Change your mindset about speaking in public Working with your voice Dos & Don’ts of public speaking Motivating kids to be good, confident speakers Rise above fear Shake fear Preparation   With The Ultimate Guide to Public Speaking you will: Conquer your fear of public speaking by following our guidelines. Save hours of precious time when writing your speech. Learn the body language tricks used by CEO’s, politicians and journalists. Stop rambling on and learn to deliver a focused, clear message. Boost your self-confidence as you dazzle your audience. Promote your professional image with vivid phrases and metaphors used by professional speechwriters. Make your presentation memorable by using phrases that are likely to “stick.” Avoid embarrassing mistakes that are the hallmark of amateur speakers. Heighten the energy level of your presentation with our new tricks. Sharpen your persuasion skills and increase sales. Guarantee that you are not paying attention to crucial details that will eventually result in a bombshell presentation. The most modern speechwriting techniques used by Barack Obama & other top speakers. 100% Risk-Free Guarantee

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Get complete access to everything immediately for only $29.95


"Thank you for this book. Wow!"
- Steven (Florida, USA)

"A great insight into the scary world of public speaking. Thank you for writing this book"
- Jennifer (Toronto, Canada)

"You have successfully helped me manage my fears, and deliver great speeches! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
- Peter M. (London, UK)

"My son is in his freshman year of college and has always feared speaking in public. Thank you for providing resources for him to get over his fears and excel in the classroom. I recommend that parents invest in these resources, because they work!"
- Christine J. (San Francisco, USA)
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