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All-in-One Marriage Prep ClickBank Ebook

_All-in-One Marriage Prep_
75 Experts Share Tips and Wisdom to
Help You Get Ready Now
By Susanne M. Alexander

The most comprehensive marriage prep book
for couples available!
430 pages; 6 x 9 inches; $13.95 USD
Adobe Acrobat pdf file
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~ Do you want to have a harmonious and rewarding relationship?
~ Are you in a serious relationship or cohabiting and talking about
whether to marry?
~ Are you engaged and planning for a happy, lasting marriage
~ Are you wondering about how to be successful at marriage?

Testimonial: "This is an incredible book! Personally, I have been
married for 34 years and have helped hundreds of couples as a Mars
Venus Success Coach and a Prepare-Enrich mentor for over 12 years. I
~ Melodie Tucker, Mars Venus Success Coach, Prepare-Enrich Mentor and
ProConnect Specialist


~ Practical, easy-to-read, and at times humorous short stories,
advice, tips, and how-to articles
~ A flexible approach, so you can read what most interests you and
best applies for you
~ Varied writing styles, topics, and diverse points of view to keep
you learning from beginning to end
~ Useful points of discussion and action suggestions for couples
~ Contains both professional/secular and multi-faith perspectives

All-in-One Marriage Prep goes beyond the expected content on
communication and love to encourage couples to be sure their
relationship is founded on friendship, equality, and maturity. They
need money savvy, knowledge of each other's character, spiritual
connection, skill in handling difficulties, and more. Mentor couples
and relationship inventories are key recommended tools. The diversity
section will interest the increasing number of interracial and
interfaith couples.

The team of experts sharing their advice is diverse, including both
genders and various ages, races, cultures, and religious faiths. Each
expert has gone through different relationship experiences, training,
and career paths. Experts include these well-known professionals and
authors: Gary Chapman, Scott Haltzman, John Van Epp, Linda and Charlie
Bloom, Dave and Claudia Arp, Amy Spencer, Paul Coleman, Susan Heitler,
Mark Gungor, Dave Carder, Molly Barrow, Elizabeth Marquardt, John
Curtis, Elizabeth Einstein, and many more. See more details about the
experts at

Testimonial: "From the moment we began reading this book, my partner
and I started talking. We were both initially a little hesitant to
jump into a marriage preparation book, partly because both of us had
been previously engaged and the preparation process had not worked out
well. But instead of feeling awkward reading it together, it helped us
realize the strength and the depth in our relationship, affirmed that
we were following the right path for us, AND GAVE US CONCRETE STEPS,
~ Talia Lindsley, now engaged

This book has excellent
information, coaching, and encouragement
to help you be successful.

Learn how you can set a new course for your future
in this helpful e-book!

Marriage preparation is vital, yet hard to do in busy lives,
especially while wedding planning. Susanne M. Alexander, a
Relationship and Marriage Coach, and the "All-in-One Marriage Prep"
editor as well as a contributor, has created an excellent
comprehensive resource with focused, accessible, foundational advice
to help--all in one place.

Susanne M. Alexander
Relationship and Marriage Coach with a specialty in character
President of Marriage Transformation LLC

800-501-6682 ~

Alexander is also author/coauthor of several
other relationship and marriage books, including:

~_A Perfectly Funny Marriage_ (cartoon book)

~ Becoming an Excellent Person: Preparing Your Character for Dating,
Courtship, and Marriage

~ Becoming Relationship Ready: Preparing for a Future Partner

~ Becoming Character Partners: Observing and Understanding Your
Partner's Qualities

~ Becoming Unified Partners: Assessing Harmony
Between You and a Partner

~ Can We Dance? Learning the Steps for a Fulfilling Relationship

_~ Marriage Can Be Forever

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