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Need To Get Your Ex Back?

Does Your Relationship Need Rescuing?

Are You Having the Same Fight Over and Over?

You CAN Stop Fighting Now and Improve Your Relationship Forever!

Please, Let Me Help You

Whatever your situation is now, my proven methods will help you mend your relationship and create the lasting love that you want and deserve.


How can I make such claims? Let me tell you a bit about myself before I get into just how this program is going to work for you and transform your life. My background and experience speaks volumes about the quality of the information I am about to give you.

I am Dr. Jamie Turndorf, Ph.D. Unlike many others on the Internet trying to sell you magic formulas to fix your relationship, I’m a real practicing doctor with a real doctorate degree, and I’ve been specializing in couples counseling and conflict resolution for nearly 30 years.

My methods are drawn directly from my experience working with real couples–with people just like you–every day at my Center for Emotional Communication in upstate New York. And from years of observational post-doctoral research, which lead me to understand the Chemistry of Conflict. This research has yielded my conflict resolution theories and methods.

[](http://makeupdontbreakup.us/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Picture-1_0_0_01.png)I am the author of the critically acclaimed book Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First): A Step By Step Guide for Resolving Relationship Conflict.

This book and my methods have been endorsed by #1 NY Times Bestselling authors John Gray, author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus, John Bradshaw, the creator of Inner Child Healing and author of Homecoming, and Harvard Professor of Psychiatry, John Mack, M.D.

My method has also been featured in top magazines like Cosmopolitan, Glamour, New Woman, American Woman, Men’s Health, and on such TV shows as CNN, Inside Edition, Later Today, Fox News, and others. You may have heard of me or have seen me on one of these shows.

On top of all this, I started the Web’s first interactive relationship advice column over fifteen years ago and have maintained it ever since. The site has been seen at different times at AskDrLove.com, or DrLove.com, and can now be accessed from both.

On this site I have been answering relationship advice questions for free for over 15 years, and continue to do so today. It now boasts an archive of thousands of original advice columns that are easy to search on any relationship topic or issue.

My claims are easily verifiable by checking my Web site. You will see that I am a real person and a known expert in this field, and that my desire has always been to help people achieve happy and fulfilling relationships, often at my own expense.

I can’t tell you how much time and money I’ve spent over the years keeping my Web sites going, all without making a dime on them. But that’s OK. I have always considered my work a calling and my free advice column a kind of ministry, and I’ve been blessed with the resources to keep them going.

I care about your relationship–I care about all relationships: it is what I was put on this earth to do. I care about how the divorce rate today for first time marriages is over 50%.  I care about all the people who write to me via my Web site with their problems, and how I keep seeing the same conflict issues over and over again.

And I care about the long term effects all these dysfunctional relationships are going to have on the next generation of children and on our society as a whole.

Over the past decade, and especially the past few years, I’ve noticed a steady decline in the health of relationships in this culture. There is a definite connection to the economy, since it is historically true, as the once popular song goes, that “they started to fight when the money got tight.”

As foreclosures rise and jobs get lost, my mailbox fills with more and more pleas for help. Meanwhile divorce rates, domestic violence, child abuse, and even violence between children is climbing at an alarming rate. We are a deeply unhappy people.

Now you might say, wait minute, why the soapbox about social problems? What does this have to do with me and why I came here?

Let me explain. This has everything to do with you.

First, it means you are not alone. Relationships are dropping like flies all around you, so whatever is ailing your relationship is not about your or your partner’s unique shortcomings, but about generations of people that have not been taught how to create and maintain healthy relationships.

This means it’s not all your fault. It’s not all your fault because we have generally not been taught how to manage our relationships and deal with conflict constructively.

Think about the fact that throughout all your years of public or private education you haven’t taken one course on relationships. I’m sure at some point maybe you took a “health” class, which might have included a bit of psychology, but still little or nothing about relationships.

We are taught that life is about going to school, getting a job, and competing in the workplace, and that all our happiness depends on our financial success. As long as we are consuming and spending and have all the latest stuff, we should be happy.

[](http://makeupdontbreakup.us/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/dreamstimecomp_8109092_155w.png)And yet we are miserable in our relationships because we don’t know what we’re doing.  And we are miserable in our hearts and souls because we are not fed by material attainment. It makes no difference how much money we make.

Most people know more about how to write a resume than they know about the most basic points of relationship psychology. In fact, many people who read my books are surprised to find out that there really is something to know, that it can be explained like any other subject matter. And that it’s not that hard or technical and ultimately makes a lot of sense.

In our culture, we treat love and relationships as mystical things that cannot not be explained. We assume that if a relationship is “meant to be,” then it should magically work all on its own. Love is not something you learn about, but you either have it, or you don’t.

We treat love as a mystery that’s better left that way: if you explain it, you ruin it.

Now, all that is well and good, and as one who has been there I will not discount the experience of higher romantic Love. But that still does not mean that there are things that you can’t learn about it. Even the most religiously inspired people still study the holy books of their religion to gain a strong foundation of knowledge about their faith.

As far as us not being taught what to do, the fact is that not that long ago it was not so necessary. The traditions of your culture, your religion, and your community taught you what was required, and as long as you did as everyone else did, you could expect reasonable success (at least according to the standards of the day, which IMHO were often set pretty low).

But it was a smaller world then, and times have changed drastically. All the old traditional supports and values are rapidly fading from existence because they are irrelevant to the modern world. What worked then just does not work now.

For one thing, the accepted roles of women have expanded farther beyond traditional confines than even my generation expected. This alone has caused major upheavals in our relationships. At the same time, our culture has become increasingly diverse, and we live and work alongside people of all cultures and sexual orientations, all of which have different ideas and expectations about relationships. Then add in the pressure that modern technology imposes on our relationships…

There is little place in most traditional value systems for handling many of these changes. Now that we’re liberated from traditional roles where the man does this and the woman does that, we’re set adrift in the sea of love without a sail. We have lost our bearings and don’t know where to turn. You can’t ask your grandmother for relationship advice in a complex world that she can’t possibly fathom.

This is why I wrote my first book. I could see that we needed a modern understanding of relationships, that someone had to step in where Grandma or the church or tradition could no longer help.

The good news is that I found through years of research and working directly with couples that all relationship conflicts — and how to deal with them — could be boiled down to a number of core principles that apply to anyone, regardless of age, sexual orientation, or cultural background.

Out of this work, I developed my method, which I call Effective Emotional Communication.

Now by this I don’t mean screaming and yelling and venting your emotions at people. In fact, I mean the opposite, which is learning how to communicate what you feel and need without dumping on your partner all your raw, negative emotions. And, conversely, how to listen to another’s feelings without overreacting.

Now, while this may sound very simple, well, it is –sort of.

The problem is we live in a culture that has trained us to be very competitive to survive, and so we tend treat our relationships as one more battle in which there has to be a winner and a loser.  Plus, more and more people are coming from broken homes and dysfunctional families that did not teach us properly and left us with a lot of Old Scars and baggage that we bring into our own relationships.

The result is that we repeat the same negative patterns of behavior that we learned in our first families.

In my first book, Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First), I distilled years of clinical research down into some 200+ pages. It contains all the concepts, tools and techniques you need to create a better relationship. I thought I had basically said all that there was to say at that point.

But my Web site keeps me on my toes, and as more and more requests kept coming in from people asking me to help them save their marriage or even get their ex back, I began to see the need for a book that focuses on this problem and answers their need quickly.

So, Make Up, Don’t Break Up: A Quick Start Guide to Repairing Your Relationship, Resolving Conflict, and Improving Communication, was born, as well as all the additional E-Books, reports and bonuses you will be getting with this course.

Make Up, Don’t Break Up takes all the parts of my method relevant to making up and repairing a broken or seriously injured relationship, boils them down, zeroes in on them, and expands on them, adding loads of new information and insight packed into a step-by-step easy to follow plan.

In the first part of the book, before I recommend you do anything, I help you to understand the cycle of conflict and what fuels it. This understanding is vital to have if you’re ever going to put a wrench in the spokes and stop it. You can’t fix something if you don’t know where it’s broken. So first, we cover the following main points:
The mistake that 100% of fighting couples make. How this mistake fuels the cycle of fighting. How to not  negatively act out your feelings. An introduction to my theory of Fight Traps–those dysfunctional fighting tactics. The two main categories of Fight Traps and the most common sub-categories. How to recognize your own fight traps and say goodbye to all of them. An introduction to the Chemistry of Conflict, and how the autonomic nervous system (ANS) helps stir the pot. (Don’t worry, there’s no actual chemistry lessons involved here. It’s easily explained without mind-numbing formulas). How ANS arousal in men explains their reaction to conflict, and how to be understanding of this effect and minimize the impact for you both. Guys: awareness of this one fact alone has changed the life of hundreds of my male patients and thousands of my male readers. How Men and Women respond differently to conflict, and why neither is either right or wrong.

Once you understand how conflict starts and how it escalates out of control,  you now have  a foundation of understanding upon which you’re going to build changes in your behavior.

That’s right. I said changes in your behavior. You can’t expect different results if you keep doing the same old thing. Nothing is going to change unless you change.

Think about the fact that your own changes will create a ripple effect. Like a pebble cast into a pond, your shifts will necessarily cause your partner to shift in response.

But I know how heated these situations can be. If you’re the one who feels wronged in love, hearing me say that you need to make changes is really going to get your back up.  But in fact most breakups come down to this argument about who is right and who is wrong

Except that it’s not about who is right and who is wrong.

Chances are, you’re both right and you’re both wrong.  Meaning you both have valid rights in the situation, but chances are that neither of you is really fully acknowledging the other’s.

Ultimately, what’s wrong is this blame seeking. As long as you’re focusing on good guy/bad guy, you’re never going to fix anything. You will never have any kind of meaningful relationship if it’s always reduced to black and white. No one is ever all right or all wrong, or all good or all evil.

My method is not about finding guilt, but about empowering individuals to take control of their relationship and their emotions instead of being controlled by them. When you fight, it’s as if the fight has a life of it’s own, isn’t it? It’s almost like an evil spirit invades you both and the next thing you know, it’s torn your love limb from limb.

This is because we knee-jerk react out of habit instead of stopping and being aware of what we’re doing as well as what our partner is doing. When you see inside the Chemistry of Conflict and understand the simple psychology behind what’s making you both tick, you realize it’s really nobody’s fault.

Then you can take control and take responsibility for yourself and your relationship instead of finding guilt and fault with others or even yourself. Now your relationship can tick like a Swiss watch instead of like a suicide bomb.

So if you think have nothing to learn or gain, and it’s all your partner’s fault, then I can’t help you.

But if you’re willing to learn,  then my methods will revolutionize your life. And once you’ve begun to change, your partner will also start to change.

The kinds of changes I am talking about are not going to try to make you into someone or something that you’re not. I am simply talking about becoming aware of the causes of our habitual behaviors and reactions and the way they make us act on autopilot. Once we see this, we automatically want to start doing something different. Nobody wants to be a robot acting without awareness.

Then we find ourselves freed from habits that we mistakenly thought helped or protected us, but in fact undermined and ruined many aspects of our lives, starting with our close relationships.

[](http://makeupdontbreakup.us/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Make-Up-Dont-Break-Up-CAP-3D_trans_180x2631.png)I am also talking about developing this same knowledge about your partner, because the understanding has to be mutual; it has to go both ways.

Futhermore, I am going to arm you with a working knowledge of the dynamics of relationships and relationship conflict, and give you specific tools and techniques for better communication and making your conflicts constructive instead of destructive.

All relationships are fraught with conflicts of interest: this is inevitable. What’s not is that they have to turn ugly and drive you apart.  I will show you how to turn your conflict into connection that draws you closer than ever.

OK, now that you’ve got that point, if you’re still with me, let’s continue with the final stages of making up. Next, you will  learn:
How to approach your partner with the make-up request. How to rekindle your feelings for your partner. How to make the Peace Offering. How to discuss your feelings and your beefs with your partner using my “X, Y” formula. How to remain neutral and not stir up the same arguments all over again. How to listen to your partner without reacting the same way all over again. How to convey both verbal and non-verbal listening cues. Five techniques for paying attention to and validating your partner’s feelings. How to show your partner how much you care about fixing the relationship. How to tell how much your partner cares about fixing the relationship. How to get you and your partner on the same emotional level. How to finally make-up and come to an agreement for you both to work together on the relationship.

At this point, the make-up phase should be complete!

This is the exact same advice I give my clients–who are paying me hundreds of dollars an hour, often over the course of many appointments–to achieve the same results. It is yours here for a fraction of the cost.

I can’t stress this enough: these are proven methods tested over many years of direct experience working with couples in live therapy sessions with me. This is not some untested theory, or the fanciful ideas of an uneducated self-proclaimed expert.

Once you’ve completed this final phase making up, you should be quite pleased with yourself.  And your partner should be impressed with what you’ve done as well. Well, you’ve both had to work on it, so you both deserve some credit, I’m sure!

Now, beware of the Romance of Making Up! It can really fool you into feeling like it’s all coming up roses and that everything’s changed when in fact it hasn’t. It’s just that you’re all caught up in that feeling of newness again. Meanwhile, the same issues may still be lurking just beneath the surface waiting to explode again as soon as the spell wears off.

In fact many couples get addicted to this cycle and are what I call Fight Junkies.

Fight Junkies get off on the thrill of fighting, breaking up or nearly so, and then making up again. This drama injects some passion and emotion into what they see as an otherwise stale and boring relationship.

But this is just a cover-up for some seriously festering Old Scars that need to be addressed. And this cycle goes nowhere but ultimately down the toilet, since at every new turn each party has to up the ante to make more exciting. It‘s like a gambling addiction which just can’t last because at some point you bet and lose it all. It’s most likely to end ugly with no hope of resurrection.

And manufactured thrills based on negative and melodramatic emotional swings are no replacement for a truly healthy and balanced relationship based on mutual fulfillment.

If this cycle sounds familiar to you, then you really need to read my book and all the materials I am making available to you here today.

Either way, usually the underlying seeds of conflict take a bit more work to root out than what we’ve gone over in Make Up, Don’t Break Up! The purpose of that book was to get you back together, and so it drew only on the parts of my method needed to do that.

Now you need to go deeper if you really want to create the lasting relationship of your dreams.

This is why I’ve packaged Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I kill You First):  A Step By Step Guide For Resolving Relationship Conflict, along with Make Up, Don’t Break Up! This book is the cornerstone  upon which all my methods are based.

This book is not just about repairing a relationship, but about maintaining it and keeping it healthy. It applies to everyone at every relationship phase. Even if everything seems to be fine, this book will show you how to make things even better.

Here is a breakdown of the book with highlights of the important points you’ll learn in each chapter:


Chapter 1: Understanding the Chemistry of Fighting
How unconscious automatic physiological fight responses are different in men and women. Why men often withdraw from an argument, and why it doesn’t mean they don’t care. The three types of fleeing men use to avoid confrontation. Why arguments escalate out of control. How understanding the chemistry of conflict helps you to not take his withdrawal behaviors personally, which pulls the plug on fighting. A quick True-False test for women to gauge their man’s ANS response.
Chapter 2: The Relationship Battleground: Rate Your Conflicts on the Fighting Richter Scale.
What are your common subjects of conflict? I have identified 18 common areas of conflict, such as value conflicts, control freak arguments, money arguments, you-never-listen to me arguments, and more..  Discover your areas of conflict, their causes, and how to break free of them. The difference between conflict and fighting.  How to handle conflicts, which are always going to be present in a relationship, without turning them into fights. Fight Habituation: How to determine if you and/or your partner are “Fight Junkies.” How to rate the severity of your fighting on my 3-degree Fighting Richter scale.
Chapter 3: The No Fly (off the Handle) Zone: Eliminating Fight Traps and Faulty Conflict Resolution Tactics
A complete and in-depth exploration of what Fight Traps are and how they are the #1 roadblock to resolving your conflict. Learn about the 15 kinds of Open Warfare vs. the  9 kinds of Secret Warfare. Your fighting tactics are unveiled for you to examine and eliminate. Identify the 3 Categories of Conflict Resolution Blocks: Universal, Couple, and Individual. How Old Scars from your past can invade your present relationship. Discover your Couple Type and how it affects your conflicts. Understanding the male power play vs. the female power play. Learn how to recognize and deal with such resolution blocks as controlling, competition, lack of cooperation, manipulation, refusing to negotiate, and more.
Chapter 4: Battle of the Bulge: The Sex Wars.
The differences between male and female sexual drives. Why a woman’s sex drive fizzles when she feels emotionally insecure or angry with her mate. Understanding different sexual tastes as the foundation for conflict. Sexual war games: male versus female strategies. Learning to “Read Between the Sheets: Sex as the Battleground for Non-Sexual Issues.”
Chapter 5: Battle Scars: How Childhood Wounds Cause Chronic Conflict and How to Heal Them.
How to determine if your fight patterns are being fueled by Old Scars. Why we choose partners that are like our parents: learn about the Repetition Compulsion and how it unconsciously runs and ruins your life. How to strip away the surface fight content and trace it back to your or your partner’s Old Scars. How to discuss your Old Scars with your partner and create a mutual understanding. The 9 types of Old Scars and how to heal them.
Chapter 6: How Your Head Can Be Your Own Worst Enemy: Training Your Mind to Fight for (Not Against) You.
Understanding the Echo Process: why we often hear what we want to hear. How your negative interpretations, based on Old Scars, may be fueling your fighting. The Five Steps to retraining your mind to overcome programmed distortions. Excessive personalization and how to avoid it.
Chapter 7: The Battle Ax: How Women Can Use Climate Control Techniques to End Relationship Fighting.
The Seven Basic Cool-Down principles women need to know. Recognizing relationship Danger Zones. When to call a permanent truce on certain topics. General Cool-Down techniques for when conflicts arise. The 11 techniques of keeping things cool by meeting each other’s needs. Partial Identification exercises to see things from your partner’s point of view.
Chapter 8: Listening to the Battle Cry: How to Use Your Ears to Resolve Conflicts.
The 8 types of Listening Blunders: which ones do you commit? The 6 common Listening Blocks behind the blunders, plus unique male and female Listening Blocks How to understand what she’s really asking of you. How to tell if he really cares. Five easy techniques for better listening and understanding, and a simple exercise.
Chapter 9: On Furlough: Knowing When Not to Negotiate
When negotiation may actually serve as avoidance of feelings. The Three Classes of non-negotiable issues: there are some things that are just NOT negotiable. Common violations of Relationship Laws. Getting past the overt fight content to the root of your feelings.
Chapter 10: The Peace Treaty: How to Negotiate a Contract
Self-Work required before bringing your problem to your mate: identifying Old Scars, recognizing your Fight Traps, Draining Off Raw Rage, and Digging Up Love. How to initiate a discussion: the Ice-Breaker and the Lead-In. Forming your Problem Statement without being confrontational. How to head off a fight before it’s too late. How to keep the discussion on track and how to handle negotiation impasses and maintain mutuality. The elements and techniques of creating a fair, positive, and winning contract. Three hypothetical negotiation situations and examples.


Now, to some people that may seem like a lot of stuff. But because it’s written from years of experience and not just from theory, I’ve managed to boil it all down to as few words as possible.

It’s a practical hands-on manual written to help everyday people, not to impress professors. However, speaking of professors, here’s what some of my professional peers have to say about this book:

“If anger and fighting are ruining your dream of a happy marriage, Dr.Turndorf’s conflict resolution program is for you.”

–John Gray.  Author of  #1 bestseller Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.

“This book is mandatory reading for every couple that wants to build lasting love.”

– John Bradshaw. Author of NY Times #1 bestseller Homecoming.

“This well-researched book offers a thorough, step-by-step program that provides tools for couples to heal even the most troubled relationships.”

– Dr. John Mack. Pulitzer Prize winning author and Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School


While we’re at it, check out a few unsolicited testimonials from my Web site:


This Website saved my marriage! Thanks a billion!

-Dr. Lowski

Thanks for all the advice. You help me lots through everything that I have been through, from love to life. It is really great to have you to turn to when I need the advice. THANKS!!!

–Paige Ellis

This site helped me to understand a great deal about past patterns and why I do continue them. Thanks!

–Diana Sheldrick

Hey Dr. Love, I love your website–it’s great. Please keep up the great work and stay true. I have really learned a lot from your website and I will keep reading it every day to find out more things about love. Thanks a lot.

–Brittany Campbell

Thank you so much for the advice. My boyfriend and I are finally making it! Thanks again, Dr. Love! You’re my hero!



And some Amazon.com reviews of Till Death Do Us Part:


I just finished devouring this book. Absolutely great stuff. This is the help I needed twenty years ago. Duh! Now I get it! My marriage of 30 years is over BUT maybe this can help me save a one year old relationship that has foundered due to my lack of “conflict resolution” skills. I’m going to re-read this book then do my best to apply what I’ve learned. (Then I’ll read it again).

–Scott Sandow

This self-help book centers on Dr. Turndorf’s proven method for resolving relationship conflict before it gets ugly, abusive, and over… [it] provides ways to end or at least reduce the cycle of relationship warfare that spirals into divorce, hatred, and oftentimes leads to physical and mental abuse. Her conflict-resolution steps are simple to follow. Sometimes we all can use an arbitrator like Dr. T. Her writing style is so personal that it feels like she’s in your living room guiding you to end the conflict and reconnect. This book is for anyone who wants a better relationship with a partner, a friend, a sister, brother, mother, father, daughter or son.

–Debbie Berk

Love this book! Even though it’s written for couples, I am living proof that Dr. Turndorf’s conflict resolution techniques improve any kind of relationship. Now I get along with my daughter! This book is packed with humorous anecdotes and case examples. It’s a fun read even if you don’t have relationship conflict.

–Emilie Krueger

The testimonials and reviews from both professionals and everyday people just like you are unanimous: my conflict resolution methods work!

If you are in the middle of relationship difficulties now, ask yourself this: how can you afford NOT to get Make Up, Don’t Break Up and Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First)?

But wait! Even if you’re convinced I can help you, I’m going to make this a no-brainer offer for you with even more value. In addition to these two e-Books, I’ve prepared 8 more Free bonuses to complete this package!

These bonuses are the result of my many years answering questions for people on my Web site. They come to me during all phases of their relationship, and I see all the different kinds of issues facing people at each turn, and all the mistakes they make.

If only they had the proper knowledge at that time, and if only they’d asked themselves or their partner the right questions. If only they understood themselves better and the type of partner that’s best for them. They could have saved themselves a lot pain. But instead, they get caught up in the emotion of the moment and don’t stop to think clearly. And they either continue to chase an unhealthy relationship that’s no good for them, or they destroy one that could have been right.

These bonuses are designed to set your head straight concerning what’s good for you. They will help you put your priorities in order before, during, and after a relationship. They will help you understand yourself, your partner’s psychology, determine compatibility, profile who and what’s right for you, and even where a relationship went wrong.

Most of these mini e-Books take the form of self-tests or questionnaires with an introduction and, depending on the topic, a simple “grading” system with explanation and analysis of the answers you gave. They are fun and informative and will help you understand yourself, your partner, and this crazy little thing called love a lot better!

Bonus #1

Your Personality Profile. Dr. Love’s 32 Personality Keys for Deeper Self-Awareness  & Happier Relationships.

Do you find yourself falling for the same kind of wrong person over and over again? Do you fear commitment? Are you afraid of being alone? How do you deal with jealousy, trust, decision making?

Through a series of True/False questions related to 32 of these personality keys, I will lead you discover the issues that are blocking your path to successful relationships and happiness in general. The source of these blocks is usually Old Scars, and I help you identify these scars and show you how to heal them.

Bonus #2

Is Your Partner Ready For Love? Dr. Love’s 66 Keys For Measuring Your Partner’s Relationship Readiness.

When a relationship is rocky, it’s important to understand how each of you contributes to the problem. Sometimes it’s as simple as the fact that your partner just isn’t ready for a relationship. But how can you tell?

With this test I will help you determine if your partner has what it takes to create a lasting relationship and what unfinished business, childhood issues, or Old Scars are preventing him/her from fulling connecting with you.

Bonus #3

Create-A-Mate: Dr. Love’s Blueprint for Discovering Your Ideal Partner & Avoiding Incompatibility.

Can You Tell Mr. or Ms. Right from Mr. or Ms. Totally Wrong?

After poor relationship skills, unfinished business, and Old Scars, the number one cause of failed relationships is simply incompatibility.

One of the greatest obstacles to choosing your ideal mate is not knowing what type of person is right for you! This guide will help you create the profile of your ideal mate, the partner of your dreams.

Knowing who is right for you is your first step on the path to lasting love. Stop wasting your time and energy on the wrong partners!

Bonus #4

What’s Your Relationship IQ? Dr. Love’s 25 Keys for Learning About Your Relationship Intelligence

Here we look at how you function in relationships through a series of multiple choice options for how you would react or respond in a given situation.

Preferred answers for the more healthy response are given, and further analysis provided depending on your final score, and suggestions how to do things differently and why you might react the way you do. Works in tandem with your Personality Profile to help you understand what makes you tick.

This kind of self-analysis is vital to achieving a happy and lasting relationship. And I make it easy — and guilt, pain, and blame free!

Bonus #5

Critical Questions to Ask Before You Get Too Close: Dr. Love’s Guide to Getting to Know Someone Before You’re in Too Deep.

Look before you leap!

Making the right choice of partner to start with can save you weeks, months, years, even a lifetime of pain and disappointment. Discover how much you have in common in 22 areas such as life goals, religion, friends, career, and more, with over 100 questions to consider as you get to know someone to determine your basic compatibility.

With the right questions, you’ll be empowered to steer clear of people who may be right for someone else but not right for you.

Bonus #6

Are We Compatible? Dr. Love’s 118 Factors for Measuring Compatibility With Your Partner.

While it’s true that opposites attract, research proves that homogamy–or similarity–is the key to compatibility.

This is because couples who are too dissimilar find themselves fighting over every issue big and small. The truth is, the more similar you and your partner are, the more compatible you will be.

With this test, Dr. Love assesses your level of homogamy in the all the areas that matter.

Bonus #7

Were We Compatible? Dr. Love’s Post-RelationshipTest: Why Blame Yourself If You Just Weren’t Compatible?

A compatibility test similar to Are We Compatible?, but from the point of view of a relationship that’s over.

Determining the compatibility of past relationship can be vital in alleviating self-blame, guilt, and heartache, and help steer you in the right direction next time.

Bonus #8

Why Didn’t It Work Out With YourEx? Dr. Love Helps You Diagnose Your Ex’s Issues So You Can Choose a Better Partner Next Time.

This is not another compatibility test. Instead this one zeroes in strictly on your ex’s psychology.

This series of questions helps you determine what baggage your ex might have been carrying which prevented him or her from being able to establish a real relationship with you –or anyone for that matter.

Again, this not only helps you get a healthy perspective on the past, but also in making more discerning choices in the future.

Now, you may be asking, what’s all this going to cost? Surely I must be building up to some final big price, right?

Well, no. That’s not how I do things.

In fact, you may have noticed that I have rarely mentioned price on this page so far.

Instead, what I’ve been trying to get across to you is real value, not hyped up claims and exaggerated dollar values that are just cover-ups for the lack of substance.

This information can radically change your entire understanding of human nature and of your own potential for growth, change, and fulfillment in all areas of you life. This is not some quick fix you use once and then it’s over.

In fact, this is the part where I tell you what all of this is worth, and then give you a better deal. What follows are realistic e-Books prices. In fact the smaller books and bonuses I’ve even given a lesser value which is, in fact, not that common to do. Instead of exaggerating their value to make it look better, these numbers are already nearly discount.

Till Death Do Us Part (Unless I Kill You First): $27

Make Up Don’t Break Up: $17

All 8 bonus books @ $13 each = $104

Total $148

However, your price today for this entire Relationship Rescue Kit is $37!

That’s all. And I’m not going to try to convince you any more except with one last thought: can you afford NOT to invest a mere $37 in learning how to create and keep the relationship you’ve always dreamed of having?

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All e-Books are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.

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