Excerpt from product page

Gold Dealers Are Ripping You Off...
And You’re Thanking Them For It!

You’re Paying For “Big Gold Dealers” To Live High On The Hog,
Every Time You Buy. But, Due To Upcoming “Backwardation”
You Can Take That Money - Plus Interest - And Put It Back In
Your Pocket Where It Belongs.

From: Paul Kruger
Wednesday, 4:58 P.M.  

Dear Fellow American,

You’ve been lied to.

Gold dealers don't want you to know the
  true price for gold, or that you should
  acquire as much of one special type as

You and every other American who doesn’t have faith in the government to protect his rights, liberty and especially not his property.

With the state our economy is in now (thanks liberals), pretty soon there isn’t going to much other than “change” left. The days of the prosperous American dream are alive to just a select few...

And the big gold dealers know it.

Sure, you’ve tried to speak out.  Tried to keep a handle on the property that is by all worldly rights yours.  Maybe even rally with some of the patriots attempting to save our great nation (thank you Tea Party members!), but the truth of the matter is...

America is past the point of no return.  Just like our financial system.  

A system that used to open doors for honest, hard-working Americans to prosper.

Now, this is old news to you.  You know what’s coming.  You’ve already bought some gold to protect you during the big crash.  But here’s the thing gold dealers know:

Everyone Needs Gold. And The
Big Gold Dealers Know It!

So, they’ve been cashing in on unsuspecting patriots.  

Let me tell you something you may not have thought of before:

There’s only one way gold holds it value: by the ounce.  

Big Gold Dealers will inflate the
  price anyway they can with
  their "perceived value"
  nonsense. Stop them dead in
  their tracks when they know
  you're an experienced buyer.

It sounds like common sense, but you and I both know common sense is very uncommon.  So, let me say it again:

There’s only one way gold holds it value: by the ounce.  

Which is exactly how Big Gold Dealers have been ripping you off.  Bear with me and I’ll explain.

You’re paying $100 for $20 worth of gold.  And that’s a low-ball estimate.  Let’s take a look at some actual numbers.  

The American Eagle for sale by Goldline (a company endorsed by major conservatives) is a prime example:  

At the time of writing, gold sits at $1,318.93 per ounce.  Goldline sells a 1 ounce American Eagle for $2600 + shipping & handling.  

That’s a whopping 197% mark-up.  Nearly double the price.

Let’s look at an even more radical example.  Gold dealers try to tell you that “collectible” or “numismatic” coins are extremely valuable.  Mainly because they get their value from gold content and “historic value”.

The 1933 St Gaudens Double Eagle was sold for $7.59 million in 2002.  The coin is about 0.9675 ounces of actual gold.  Today that’s approximately $1,275 worth of gold.  

In other words, the “historic value” makes 595,294% mark-up OK.

How much “historic value” is that coin going to hold when the bottom falls out of the economy?

First off no one is going to have $8 million worth of goods to trade you.  Second off, you’re going to want things that you can taste, touch and smell - not dream about.  

Bottom line is, when gold is about survival, nobody cares how much “collectible” value it has.  They want real value.

Now, that’s not to say that if an uncle gives you an ultra rare, ultra collectible coin you should throw it away.  

You should sell it and buy as much real gold as you can.  That’s the only way to guarantee you can live comfortably, no matter what the economy does.

So why aren’t more people telling you about this?  

I’ll bet that you’ve heard more than a few Tea Party leaders, libertarians and conservative forerunners talk about what a “smart investment” gold is.  

The sad truth is, many of the “Government Reform” leaders support Big Gold!

Unfortunately, money makes the world go round.  And Big Gold Dealers have deep pockets.  They’re willing to spread that wealth around to whoever will help them sell more gold.  

Whether it’s because of blatant dishonesty, or more likely because they just don’t know any better, big names (Glenn Beck being one) frequently recommend big gold dealers.  

That recommendation is costing honest patriots like you thousands.

But that’s not the only danger.  

Here’s the question:

Are You Going To Get Scammed
Into Buying ‘Phantom Gold’?

Phantom gold is what I like to call any gold that supposedly exists, until you call for delivery.  Then it suddenly disappears/is stolen/lost in a fire/etc.

How much is a piece of paper
  insured by a bank going to be worth
  if all the banks go under? You must
  learn to the safest ways to "take
  delivery" on your gold.

Bottom line is, if you don’t have the gold in your hand, you don’t know it exists.  

Some people don’t want to believe that cold-hard truth.  But think about it: you’re saying that you actually trust these multinational corporations to deliver the goods, no matter what.  

You’re saying that they value the little piece of paper in your hand more than the big piece of gold in theirs.

Here’s a real world example:

There’s approximately 16,000 tonnes of gold sold in the commodities and futures market.  London alone sells well over 2,000 tonnes per day.  

That means, every 7 days 100% of the world’s entire traded gold supply changes hands.

All without anyone ever seeing an ounce of it.  In fact, what’s actually sold is a contract, paid for in cash.
Which in turn is sold again, for cash.

Now the big question.  Who knows the gold is actually there?

No one.

In fact, recently there has been evidence leaked that says there isn’t any gold there.  Major banks have been forced to use ultra-high interest cash deals to keep from delivering the gold.  

How does that make any sense? 

Why would you pay someone not to pick-up their purchase?  Because you don’t have it.

The real question here is:

Are You Willing To Risk Losing Everything You Worked For On A Potential Scam?

We both know that gold is the best option for building wealth.  Not to mention preserving the wealth you’ve already got.  

But, should you really have to risk losing everything to find a way to buy gold that isn’t a scam?

Not in my book.

As Americans, we have a few inalienable rights.  Something along the lines of life, liberty, and property, which can’t be taken away (even if our government is crooked).

That being said, I realized a long time ago, that if I really wanted my rights, I was going to have to take matters into my own hands.

Best decision I ever made.

For years, I’ve been experimenting and researching the best ways to buy gold and I’ve found...

A Little-Known Method To Buy Gold That
Forces You To Prosper & Protects
Your Financial Future!

Just like you, I’ve watched the financial crisis unfold.  Luckily, I started buying gold years ago.  That gave me plenty of time to learn the “tricks of the trade”.  

Here are some of the techniques I use to buy gold:

Instantly see when a gold dealer is trying to charge you $100 for $20 worth of gold with the “perceived value” trick!  (This will save you 80-90% the first time you use it to buy gold!) The major group of coins dealers try to sell you.  These will instantly be worth less than a bag of corn if there is ever civil unrest - Hint: these are also the most expensive.   3 Rules you must follow if you’re serious about buying gold (all major dealers live by this).  Without these you are still a ‘newbie’ gold buyer. (Strong words, but it’s true!) How to buy gold and secure it, before it’s delivered, so you never have to worry about Uncle Sam confiscating it.  This “under the radar” method also cuts way down on theft! The only three coins you should buy to prepare for the US economic collapse, and why every other coin will be worth less than a loaf of bread! A direct line to my personal gold dealers (the only two I recommend - and they don’t pay me a cent!) so you can begin safely buying gold in the next five days! How to use the “2 Question Litmus Test” to find a dealer who wants you to save the most money, by the end of a phone call - this is worth at least twelve months of gold buying experience! 30 second method to “lock-in” the lowest possible gold price, so you’re guaranteed to get gold cheaper, even if it jumps 20-25% in a day! The ultra-secure ‘pirate’ gold storage method.   Spend $16.50 to protect $1.8 million of gold. You can build it in half a day using nothing but tools in your garage and some elbow grease! The fastest (if most daring) method to buy $50,000 worth of gold for $10,000, and move it in 29 days for a substantial profit.
You see, these are the kinds of techniques I’ve used for years to secure myself and my family’s future.  I don’t believe in boasting, but they are successful to say the least.

Nothing secret, fancy, or exclusive.  Techniques you can easily learn on your own if you have enough time.

Unfortunately, you don’t have the kind of time I did.

Our economy is precariously perched right now, and could fall any day.

But, that’s not what this is about.  I’m not telling you this to make you jealous, scared, or impressed.  I’m writing this because:

I Want To Help Fellow Patriots Protect
Themselves Financially, From Liars Who
Want To Destroy Our Great Nation!

You and I both know what hard work means, and I respect that.  Sadly enough, not everyone in our government does.  

Some of them are where they are because of who they knew, who their Dad is, or where they went to school.  Where would Hilary be if she wasn’t married to a former president?

My reason for working hard on financial
  security. You & I both know how worth
  it they are!

Is there a way to out of this rat race?  A way to get back to the core values the founding fathers had in mind?  A way to safely buy gold, without having to worry about dealing with dishonest people?

You better believe there is.  

The answer is going to surprise you.  

The best way to build more wealth and make a safe financial future for you and your family is almost exactly what you’re doing now.  

Buying gold.

“Duh!” You’re probably saying to yourself.  There are some big changes you’ve got to make if you want to be safe no matter what happens to the dollar though.

See, if you know how to pick-up the phone and place an order for gold you’re almost there.  With a microscopic mentality shift, you can put yourself in the elite 1% of gold buyers.  It takes about 30 seconds to do this.   Afterwards the way you buy gold will never be the same.

Other things you can do are:

Use the “dealer matrix” to buy gold with as close to zero risk is humanely possible - and increase your financial security at the same time! The big danger of buying low-priced gold, and how to protect yourself from unscrupulous gold dealers.  Unfortunately, this is one of the toughest secrets to get. How to cash in on this little-known gold US phenomenon before the rest of the world runs in and snatches up that profits! (It’s only occurred three times in the past 40 years.) How India & China are trying to seize gold and shoot prices through the roof, and what that means to us as Americans.  Hint: If their stockpiles get much larger, buying gold will be much harder (they are attempting to get their hands on as much gold as possible). Know how to spot a “coin scam” a mile off, and the two sly ways they try to fool you (they almost sound like they’re helping you without this information!) The fastest way to get gold in your hands immediately after purchase. One big problem with gold vault services that could end up costing you every ounce of gold you own. Learn why only 9.5% of the world’s actual gold supply is traded, and how to get it safely in your hands before the big gold dealers beat you to it.  You can even sell it to them for 3-4 times profit! Why you need to spend at least $1,000 on a safe, along with the 3 factors you need to make sure your gold doesn’t end up melted, lost, or stolen by a petty thief! Two reasons why insurance companies can lead to your gold being lost with only a fraction regained - all while you’re blowing money every month for their service!
Here’s the honest truth about all of this:

To Buy Gold Without Getting Scammed
You Need To Do Almost Exactly
What You’re Doing Now!

You’ve figured out all the basics buying gold on your own.  You’re quite obviously not stupid.  

So, I’m not going to pretend that you can’t buy gold without this course.  You can.

But, to stop throwing away money there are some dramatic changes you need to make.

Large scale corporations make their
  living exploiting the market. You can
  beat them at their own game, and
  secure your financial future if you
  follow the same 3 rules they do.

To help, I’ve put together a course that many gold dealers are not happy about.  

With all the “investment advice”, gold purchasing guides and financial advisers floating around it’s tough not to get caught up in the lies.

But, before we go any further, I want to be clear on one thing.  This information is not free.

Some people believe that if I was a “true” patriot I would simply give this information away.  But, let me ask you a question: Are you willing to work for free?  Me neither.  And I love my nation.

However, that’s not the biggest reason.  

This information can literally save you and your family during any major disaster.  And, I’m not interested in giving it to anyone who isn’t serious about taking the steps.

Let me explain:  Have you ever had anyone give you free advice you didn’t ask for (father in-law, brother, friend)?  

What did you do with it?  

You’ve got to make the decision and say this advice and your family’s future is important enough that you want to protect them no matter what the economy is like.

You’ve got to be serious about never being scammed again by a big gold dealer.

If that’s the case, I’m willing to work with you. 

Here’s what I’d like to show you:

What’s Covered In
Gold Scams Exposed?

Gold Scams Exposed Guide

You know the basics of investing in gold.  But, to get serious you need an inside look at how gold buying truly works.  I’ve interviewed experts, dealers, and analysts. And on top of that personally bought gold for years.  


You can save thousands of dollars and:

Instantly see when a gold dealer is trying to charge you $100 for $20 worth of gold with the “perceived value” trick!  (This will save you 80-90% the first time you use it to buy gold!) 3 Rules you must follow if you’re serious about buying gold (all major dealers live by this).  Without these you are still a ‘newbie’ gold buyer. (Strong words, but it’s true!) Know how to spot a “coin scam” a mile off, and the two sly ways they try to fool you (they almost sound like they’re helping you without this information!) The only three coins you should buy to prepare for the US economic collapse, and why every other coin will be worth less than a loaf of bread! The fastest (if most daring) method to buy $50,000 worth of gold for $10,000, and move it in 29 days for a substantial profit. 30 second method to “lock-in” the lowest possible gold price, so you’re guaranteed to get gold cheaper, even if it jumps 20-25% in a day! The ultra-secure ‘pirate’ gold storage method.   Spend $16.50 to protect $1.8 million of gold. You can build it in half a day using nothing but tools in your garage and some elbow grease!

Bonus Guides!

Act today to protect yourself and your family and I will also include these
"must have" bonuses. But you need to act today! I can't guarantee these
bonuses will be available tomorrow.

Gold Confiscation:
Fact & Fiction

Every gold buyer has heard of the infamous 1933 Gold Confiscation by Roosevelt.  Needless to say, if the government tried to take gold by force again, it’d be a rough day for us gold buyers, unless...  You know exactly what to look for and how to avoid it.
How President Gerald Ford removed all protection for numismatic coins (gold dealers don’t want you to know about this!) What constitutional rights Federal Judge John Munro Woolsey says the government has over gold. The big restriction put on the president to confiscate gold and other property, and the one condition he needs to do whatever he wants!  (If it gets to that point, you will want to know) What the real definition of numismatic is (I had the wrong idea at first) - and how different it is from gold dealers’ definition!

Reasons For Investing In
Gold... Now!

Sometimes you need to readjust and look at why you are doing what you’re doing.  Reasons For Investing In Gold... Now! is perfect to get you recalibrated and on track for serious gold buying.
The 4 Big reasons to invest in gold now - without any of propaganda gold dealers try to feed you. What is happening to gold in the international community, and where it is headed! Hear gold buying advice straight from the horse’s mouth - GoldMoney’s CEO James Turk speaks on when the next spike in gold prices will hit – and where you want to be.

Gold Parties For Profit

Even if you don’t know it, you’ve got friends with gold lying around.  Not perfect gold coins or bullions, but gold you can use.  

In fact, jewelers everywhere are offering a fraction of what that gold is really worth, and people are ecstatic to get the cash!

You could help your friends financially, while giving yourself the opportunity to finance buying more safe gold!  As well as:
How to pay your friends and family $455 each, and bank $3,500 yourself!  All it takes is one night, and a simple system to do this over and over again. Learn how to test karat rating and authenticity so you never have to worry about being caught off guard!  This is a brain-dead simple method that a fifth grader could handle. How to cut out the middle-man and deal directly with refiners who are willing to pay 90%-98% of the total value for the gold (Cash4Gold pays a measly 30%-45%). Easily use your email and the Internet to find people hungry to come to a gold party, and host one of their own!

This Course Is Not For Freeloaders Or Liberals

I’ve dedicated a substantial portion of my life to developing gold buying strategies, and I’m not going to give them away to liberals or freeloaders trying to make a quick buck!

Anyone can see, this is a safe way to protect yourself from scammers while making a substantial amount of money (gold vs. inflation - it’s a nobrainer), and I refuse to help people I believe are hurting the nation I love.

But for my fellow patriots...

You Can Safely Buy Gold As Soon As
You Get Your Hands On This Course!

The whole course is an easy read.  You’ll devour it as soon as you get it.  Plus, I cut out all the fluff, advertorials and dumb advice so you can get started immediately.  In fact, as soon as you order, the course will be shipped ASAP so you can get your gold while the getting’ is good!

Remember, if you’re not interested in the best financial safety you can get in this unstable economy, Gold Scams Exposed isn’t for you.  This is only for Americans serious about protecting their wealth and family.  As well as:
Instantly see when a gold dealer is trying to charge you $100 for $20 worth of gold with the “perceived value” trick!  (This will save you 80-90% the first time you use it to buy gold!) 3 Rules you must follow if you’re serious about buying gold (all major dealers live by this).  Without these you are still a ‘newbie’ gold buyer. (Strong words, but it’s true!) Know how to spot a “coin scam” a mile off, and the two sly ways they try to fool you (they almost sound like they’re helping you without this information!) The only three coins you should buy to prepare for the US economic collapse, and why every other coin will be worth less than a loaf of bread! The fastest (if most daring) method to buy $50,000 worth of gold for $10,000, and move it in 29 days for a substantial profit. 30 second method to “lock-in” the lowest possible gold price, so you’re guaranteed to get gold cheaper, even if it jumps 20-25% in a day! The ultra-secure ‘pirate’ gold storage method.   Spend $16.50 to protect $1.8 million of gold. You can build it in half a day using nothing but tools in your garage and some elbow grease!

To be honest, the time to prepare is now; procrastinating is not an option. Buying gold, especially in large amounts, doesn’t happen quickly. Waiting even one more month could mean the difference between being prepared or finding yourself helpless and dependent upon others for your financial survival.

Don't rely on the government to take care of you. You are the only one that can properly protect the ones you love. Take action and get the Gold Scams Exposed Course now.

Paul Kurguer


P.S.        You already know gold is important, don’t give away any more money to gold dealers trying to rip you off!

P.P.S.    I have spent years of my life buying gold, interviewing experts, reading in depth analyses and scoping out dealers so you don’t have to!  Unfortunately, you don’t have the time to do the same.  Take action now.  Click the “Add to Cart” button to get started today.

P.P.P.S  By the way, if you have any questions after reading the course feel free to contact me directly at [paul@nomoregoldscams.com.](mailto:paul@nomoregoldscams.com)

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