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Major benefits of S.M.S.

Get out of low back pain safely

Fix posture that causes back pain

Increase strength and stability

Increase functional mobility

Addresses ALL main postural types

Reduces your risk of future injury

Anyone can do it

Simple... just minutes a day

The Breakthrough System that gets Serious Results
Did you know that low back pain is the 5th most common reason for
physician visits? About 9 out of 10 people will experience back pain
at some point in their life! And 5 out of 10 working adults have back
pain every year.* That is 50% of our work force. Since, the odds are
at 90% that you will experience back pain, if you do not already, it
is critical to learn how to deal with this chronic problem. There are
two issues... one, how can you get out of pain and fix the underlying
issues. And two, how can you protect yourself from a future injury
and/or chronic pain?

The S.M.S. lower back rehab program addresses both of these issues
head on. For the first time, S.M.S. combines all the best stretches,
exercises and healing techniques to transform your body back to a
natural pain-free state. S.M.S. is a complete lower back system with
specific programs for the 2 kinds of postural distortions (lordotic -
forward tilted hips and kyphotic - backward tilted hips) seen with low
back pain. This way, you can do the exercises that are right for you.
Not only that, S.M.S. also includes a complete hybrid program for
anyone who does not fall into these two types of posture. So, anyone
can do the program and get ALL the benefits.

The S.M.S. program requires little to no equipment, takes a few
minutes a day, and is extremely simple to understand and follow. What
makes S.M.S. so unique is that anyone can do it. There are 3 distinct
groups of exercises. The first group is meant for those who can barely
move. In fact, the whole set of powerful exercises can be done
entirely in bed! Then, group two will be done once you are getting out
of pain and are more mobile. It will continue to build on the
foundational exercises you did in group one. Group three exercises
will be done as you are almost fully healed and pain free. These
exercises will enable you to keep your back strong and pain free for

How Long Until I am out of Pain?
This is a very tough question to answer, because everyone has very
different degrees of injury and pain. What we can promise you is that
once you begin doing the S.M.S program, you will see and feel results.
In the first 1-2 weeks, you should notice a difference in your
strength and stability. For some people, it is very dramatic. In other
words, some people are out of pain and feeling fantastic in those
first 1-2 weeks.

For others, it will take longer. Remember, it took decades to get
your posture and muscle imbalances to the point they are at today. And
that means it will take a little time to undo it. Fortunately, it will
not take decades or even years. But, it could take 1-2 months to
really get yourself out of pain and feeling mobile and strong again.
This program is NOT a quick fix or gimmick. It will set you up for a
lifetime of better posture, more functional movement that will protect
your back and keep it pain free.

How does Poor Posture Cause Back Pain?
Let's keep it very simple... most of us sit all day long and almost
never stretch or workout. And those of us that do stretch and workout
are (unknowingly doing stretches and exercises that are not right for
our bodies). In other words, most people strengthen muscles that are
already too strong and stretch muscles that are weak and
over-stretched. The tighter the strong muscles get and the weaker the
flexible muscles get, the more out of whack your posture will become.
And as that happens, the body has to compensate in a lot of dangerous

For example, poor posture puts tremendous strain on the lower back.
If your hips are tilted too far forward or too far back, your lower
back is thrown out of balance. Some muscles get too tight and others
become very weak. And that means that nothing can work like it is
supposed to when you move, sit and stand. Over time, the vertebrae in
your spine start to crush the discs in your back which will generate
chronic back pain that you may experience almost all the time.

S.M.S. will work to undo all that damage by correcting the muscle
imbalances that cause this poor posture. And as your posture gets
better and all the muscles start working properly again, it will take
all the pressure off your lower back. And that will not only protect
you from future injury, it will get you out of pain. The S.M.S.
program will get you back into balance and transform your body the
natural and safest way possible.

There are three main components to the S.M.S. back rehab system...
strength, mobility and stability. Each component will work different
areas of the body and for very specific reasons. They are equally
important and combined together, they produce phenomenal results.

Strength is absolutely critical for a healthy back. It also happens to
be critical for a healthy body. This does not mean that you need to be
muscular looking like a body builder. In fact most body builders lack
functional movement and flexibility. Instead of that, I am talking
about enough strength to move in a natural range of motion without
straining yourself. In other words, strength refers to the muscles
around your back that support it and keeps it safe.

But it is not just about your back. There are other critical areas
that have to be strengthened. For example, the gluteus muscles
literally support your lower back. If you glutes are too weak or too
tight, your posture is guaranteed to be off. Your butt will either
tuck under you or stick out too much. Either way, your low back is in

Strong glutes will go a very long way to correcting your posture and
protecting you from injury. For example, when most people bend over to
pick something up, they use their back. Actually, you should be using
your glutes. Your glutes are much stronger than your low back and are
meant to be the supporting force for that movement. It is the same
when you run. Your hamstrings and quads should be secondary to the
driving force of your glutes. But, since your glutes are too weak, the
quads and hamstrings do all the work. The S.M.S. program works to
strengthen all these areas and more from the ground up in very easy to
do, but powerful exercises that really work!

In addition to having the necessary strength to move correctly, the
other side of the coin is having the flexibility to move safely and
properly. A strong person may have plenty of strength, but if they are
too tight in certain areas, they will have poor posture and many of
your muscles and joints will be under constant strain, like your lower
back. Strength and flexibility work hand in hand with ensuring you
have healthy posture. And this is absolutely critical for making sure
you have a healthy pain free back.

For example, mostly people have extremely tight hips. It's not really
surprising considering most of us sit all day. When you sit for long
periods of time, your hips tend to get tight and your glutes tend to
get weak. As the hips get tighter, the pelvis gets out of whack. And
guess what compensates? Yep, your lower back.

We cannot stop sitting, but we can counter act all that damage from
exercising and stretching. And that is what S.M.S. is all about... for
example, fixing the mobility in the hips not only allows you to move
naturally without putting the low back at risk, it also helps fix your
posture. And that means putting the low back into a natural position
so that the discs are not crushed. And that means getting out of pain!

Here is another very important piece of information... You have to
learn which areas to stretch and which areas to strengthen. And
usually, they are NOT the same muscles. For example, most people with
back pain will stretch their lower backs. Even though it may feel good
for a minute, you are actually making your low back condition MUCH
WORSE! Why? Well, it is one of the areas in the body that is NOT meant
to be stretched. It is meant to keep you stable. Your low back is only
meant to have about 12-13 degrees of motion in it. Your core (of which
your low back is an integral part) is meant to keep you safe when
something else causes you to twist or bend. But, if you keep
stretching your low back, then it will move too much. And that will
absolutely cause a back injury eventually. And once you have the pain,
what do people do? They stretch their low backs even more!!

That is the reason why the S.M.S. lower back program is so unique. It
draws on all the latest and most effective exercises and stretches so
that you get the best results possible. S.M.S. will very simply and
clearly show you what to stretch and what to NOT stretch. And that
will get your body back in balance and help you dramatically transform
your posture back to a healthy, pain free body.

Stability is the third critical part of the S.M.S. lower back program.
Stability refers to the strength and stability we will be building in
the core. Notice, their is no mention of mobility in your core.
Everything around your core should move (like your hips and upper
back), but not the core itself. If you have to twist, it needs to come
from your hips and upper/middle back, NOT your low back. Your low back
should remain stable and protected.

Let’s just move up the body starting from the bottom. Your ankles
are a mobile joint. Go ahead and wiggle them all around. You want them
to be mobile with a healthy range of motion. The next joint as you
move up the body is the knee. Now, the knees are not meant to be
mobile. They are a stable joint. Try and move your knees around.
Pretty hard, right? he next area to focus on is the hips. And they are
mobile. Observe how you can swing them all around? Then, right above
that is the low back and core. This is a stable area. Noticing a
pattern? Mobile, stable, mobile, stable, etc... And finally, the upper
back is a mobile area. So, like a swivel, you want the mobile areas to
be flexible and the stable areas to be strong and secure. Ignoring
what the body intends for safe and functional movement is a recipe for

So, as I said earlier, you definitely do not want to make the low
back more mobile with stretching. But, there is more. What about
exercises? Exercises can also force the core to move which can cause
problems. For example, crunches are not only wasting their time (they
will NOT get you a 6 pack), they are actually setting themselves up
for a low back injury? Why?

Well, they are forcing the core to move and even twist in some cases.
That is not how the body is designed to move. As I said before, you
only get about 12-13 degrees of motion in your lower back, so forcing
it to twist and move is a bad idea. Remember, whenever you go against
the natural movement of the body, injury and pain are not far behind.
So, yes, I would say crunches and any other exercise that forces the
core to twist and move in a unnatural way is a poor exercise choice.

But, do not worry, because the S.M.S. program will show you exercises
that will get your core incredibly strong and stable. You will
probably feel your stomach muscles way more than you ever did doing
crunches, but now you will actually be training your body in the right
way. And the more stable your core gets, the more your back will be
protected. And the stronger your core gets, the less pain you will
feel. Put together with the other two parts of this program, you will
be correcting your posture and taking the strain off your low back.

Guaranteed to Work or Your Money Back
The S.M.S. program has helped so many thousands of people recover
quickly and fully from back pain that we are completely confident you
will have the same amazing experience. In fact, we are so confident in
the S.M.S. low back program, if you are unhappy for ANY reason at all,
we will give you a 100% refund of your money. It is a risk free
guarantee to try S.M.S., so download the Ebook now and begin the
healing process today.

A.T. Patel, A.A. Ogle. "". . Retrieved March 12, 2007.

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