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[50 Interviews with Entrepreneurs Thriving in Uncertain Times](http://entrepreneurs.50interviews.com)

Successful entrepreneurs reveal unwritten rules, expose new truths, and explode the myths!

Want to learn how to thrive in uncertain times? Learn from those who already are!

Click the book cover to buy! ($24.95 plus shipping)

New expanded edition of [50 Entrepreneurs: Thriving in Uncertain Times](http://1.50wise3.pay.clickbank.net/) is a whopping 300 pages and includes exclusive one-on-one interviews with over 50 successful entrepreneurs including Michael Gerber, Christine Comaford, Allen Fishman (TAB), Bob Parsons (GoDaddy), Kim Jordan (New Belgium Brewing), and Jake Jabs (American Furniture Warehouse).  View the entire list of those interviewed below.

“Very few books these days combine short vignettes with powerful direct impacts that can be used immediately. The ROI for 50 Interviews is two minutes tops. Brian’s formulaic approach enables the reader to extract the collective insight and experience of 50 divergent entrepreneurs. His dialogue throughout the book allows us to vicariously ask the questions we would have wanted to ask any successful entrepreneur and learn succinctly what worked for them.” -Michael R. Webb, Co-Founder, Aubice LLC

There are two types of people in this world; those who ponder, and those who act.  [50 Interviews: Entrepreneurs](http://5.50wise.pay.clickbank.net/) showcases the latter, offering a rare and honest glimpse into the true mindset of what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur in an increasingly uncertain world. Their answers offer real life wisdom, insight, and practical advice you can put to use right now. They are simply living proof that you can create something from nothing and that without risk, there can be no reward. They teach us that failure is the pathway to success, a burning desire the essential fuel, and why having a purpose greater than ourselves leads to ultimate fulfillment.

Learn the truth about entrepreneurship directly from those succeeding today including:
Jake Jabs of American Furniture Warehouse

John Comeau of Horsetooth Hot Sauce

Ken Munsch of Cattleman's Loomix

Doug Odell of Odell Brewing Company

In an easy to digest format, each interview is condensed down to only the key insights, averaging  five pages per interview. Consider that each can be read in 15 minutes to start your day or before you go to bed each night.  Each interview provides new insights and is guaranteed to give you a shot inspiration when you may need it the most.

Grab your free preview of my interview with Bob Parsons [here](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=612077&cl=46706&ejc=2).

Insights directly from over 50 entrepreneurs are provided including:
Bob Parsons of The Go Daddy Group, Inc.

Kim Jordan of New Belgium Brewing

Michael Gerber of E-Myth Worldwide

David Wood of Solution Box

Not sure what kind of business you might want to start? Consider this a great starting block.  For the author, who eventually went on to build a fast growing publishing business, it served as a catalyst to discover exactly the kind of business that would have the greatest chances of success and be most fulfilling.  Ultimately, the most successful business you can start is the one  that doesn’t feel like work at all. There’s no reason why this book can’t do the same for you.
David Lamb of Good Day Pharmacy

Larry Nelson of w3w3

Thomas Frey of The DaVinci Institute

Rob McNealy of Startup Story

List of Entrepreneurs featured in 50 Interviews: Entrepreneurs Thriving in Uncertain Times
Paul Anderson of [Paul L. Anderson Productions Inc.](http://www.paulanderson.com/) Fred Blesch of Family and Sports Chiropractic Michael Burns of [Burns Marketing](http://www.burnsmarketing.com/) Greg Clinard of Spinnato, Kropatsch, Clinard and Associates Christine Comaford of [Mighty Ventures LLC](http://www.mightyventures.com/) John Comeau of [Horsetooth Hot Sauce](http://www.horsetoothhotsauce.com/) Rick Donley of Peak Technical Services Leah Elsbernd, Massage Therapist John Fischer of [Sticker Giant](http://www.stickergiant.com/) Thomas Frey, [The DaVinci Institute](http://www.davinciinstitute.com/) Ernest Fuller, [Ernest Fuller Fine Art](http://www.ernestfullerfineart.com/) Dan Ganousis, Accelchip Michael Gerber, [E-Myth Worldwide](http://www.e-myth.com/) Gail Lynne Goodwin, [Inspire Me Today](http://www.inspiremetoday.com/) Miles Grant, [Genesis Homes](http://www.genesishomes.com/) The Pond Guy Thomas Harvey, Thomas Harvey, DDS Bill Hibbler, [Gigtime Media](http://ecommerceconfidential.com/) Michael Hills, [Hampden Warehouse Liquor Mart](http://www.hampdenwarehouseliquormart.com/) Trina Hoefling, [GroupONE solutions](http://www.grouponesolutions.com/) Diane Hughes, [Earth Friendly Coffee](http://www.earthfriendlycoffee.com/) Brian Ibbott, [Coverville](http://coverville.com/) Michele Isernia, Interclients Jake Jabs, [American Furniture Warehouse](http://www.afwonline.com) Mike Jensen, Fort Collins Real Estate Bill Johnson, Bill Johnson Enterprises Kim Jordan, [New Belgium Brewing Company](http://www.newbelgium.com/) Rich Kopcho, Holonyx David Lamb, [Good Day Pharmacy](http://www.gooddaypharmacy.com/) Julie Lewis, Fossil Creek Gas Mart Joe Livengood, [Livengood Engineering Inc.](http://www.livengoodmed.com/) Rob McNealy, [Contrived Media, Ltd.](http://www.contrivedmedia.com/) Braun Mincher, [Braun Media](http://www.braunmincher.com/) Jim Mofhitz, [Humorous Clocks](http://www.humorousclocks.com/) Jen, [Millionaire Mommy Next Door](http://millionairemommynextdoor.com/) Ken Munsch, [Cattlemen’s Choice Loomix](http://www.loomix.com/) Larry Nelson, Institute for Change Research International and [w3w3](http://www.w3w3.com/) Jeff Nuttall, [Northern Colorado Business Report Inc.](http://www.ncbr.com) Doug Odell, [Odell Brewing Company](http://www.odellbrewing.com/) Melanie Parks, [Blooming Property Management](http://www.bloomingpc.com/) Bob Parsons, [The GoDaddy Group Inc.](http://www.godaddy.com) Jon Payne, [Western Air Enterprises](http://www.westernairflightacademy.com/) Lynne Pittard, [Visual Arts Network](http://www.visualartsnetwork.tv/) Gary Rogers, Realtor and Productivity Coach Chris Roth, JobSite Tools, Inc. David Samuels, [Esposito’s Finest Quality Sausage](http://www.espositosausage.com/) Ben Sawyer, [OOKKII](http://www.ookkii.com/) David Schwaab, [ReBIT](http://www.rebit.com/) Henry Schwartz, [Trade Alert](http://www.trade-alert.com) Greg Shields, [Concentrated Technology](http://concentratedtech.com/) Greg Stroh, [Mix1](http://www.mix1life.com) Jon Susa, Susa Insurance Agency April Thayer, [Hubbuzz.com](http://www.hubbuzz.com/) Donna Visocky, [BellaSpark Productions](http://www.bellaspark.com/) David Wood, [Solution Box](http://www.solutionbox.com/)
Bonus appendices and additional contributors:
A Life Driven by Values by [Ken Munsch](http://www.loomix.com/About.html) Ten rules for bootstrapping your business by [Thomas Frey](http://www.davinciinstitute.com/speakers/futurist-speaker-thomas-frey/) 12 Essential Elements for Entrepreneurial Success by [David Block](http://www.make-it-fly.com/) Business Networking Tips by Larry Nelson 35 Keys to Business Success by [Jake Jabs](http://www.jakejabs.com) Sixteen Rules by [Bob Parsons](http://www.bobparsons.me) The 5 Essential Skills Needed to Create a Great Business by Erin Duckhorn of [E-Myth Worldwide](http://www.e-myth.com/)

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This title is currently only available for purchase within the USA.

[50 Interviews: Entrepreneurs thriving in uncertain times](http://www.slideshare.net/50interviews/50-interviews-entrepreneurs-thriving-in-uncertain-times)

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