Excerpt from product page

If you've suffered a recent heartbreak, or you just know you were meant to be with your ex, this page has the power to turn your life around... yes, you can get them back

“New System Helps You Get Your Ex Back In Almost Any Situation, And In Record Time... Even If They Won't Return Your Calls Or Speak To You Right Now...”


What's revealed in this page - that you probably don't know yet - is the difference between a life of loneliness, always pining for the one who left you, and the pure joy that comes from being with the partner you know you were meant to be with...

And it will work for you even if you cheated, or if your partner is already dating someone new...

Right now, it's important you understand your situation is not hopeless... and I want to prove that to you right now - here's some undeniable evidence from people who were once where you are:

"We're Back And Getting Married!"

"Not long ago my girlfriend broke up with me because of something very stupid I did, which I shouldn’t have even thought of doing.

I was certain that I would never see her again, she didn’t return my phone calls or emails, she didn’t want to have anything with me.

I even tried bringing flowers to her workplace, when I walked in, she emptied a glass on water on me, and said some very nasty things out loud in front of her coworkers.

I was humiliated and was pretty sure that we'll never be back again.

I got different advice from family and friends of what I should do or try, but none of it seemed to work. In my desperation I found your web site and decided to give it a try.

To be honest that was the best choice I made In a long time. Because of you Ken we are back together now, and we are engaged. After I did what you told me, we started talking again. Everything worked out smoothly like there was nothing bad between us, so finally I popped the question and to my great joy, she replied positively.

Thanks for everything Ken, I feel like I owe you a lot."

Ocala, FL
Couples Cupid User

From:  Ken Pemberton                                                                                   
Location:  Redding, CA - USA

Dear Lovesick friend...

Let's face it...

It hurts. You're missing your ex so much it's like physical pain.

Everything reminds you of them...

... every song you hear, every movie you see, every happy couple holding hands.


Actually, it hurts so bad it's beyond physical pain isn't it? Almost like your soul is crying.

Yes, it's traumatic, but the fact is, breakups are a part of life.

While it may be true that almost any relationship can be saved if you know how (and don't worry, I'll tell you in a second), the simple truth is that people suffer through ugly, upsetting breakups all the time...

... and if you're going through one now, maybe some of these feelings are familiar?

You can't eat... food has no taste and your appetite is just gone You can't sleep... and when you do, waking up hurts because reality comes crashing back...  You constantly hope to run into them so you can just say what you want to say... Obsessing about calling them, texting them, just making some kind of contact ... and then actually doing it so often they're asking you to stop Constantly thinking "if only"... if only you said this, or if only you said that... Believing that if you could just say one thing to them you can make it all go away... Going to places you know they'll be, just in case you can engineer a "random" meeting Being reduced to tears when you hear certain songs on the radio or see emotional stuff on TV

If any of that is at all familiar, I have a newsflash for you...

It Really, Honestly, Doesn't
Have To Be That Way...

Here's what this is all about:

I'm going to show you exactly how you can go about getting your ex back.

And it doesn't matter why your broke up, how bad the situation was, or how nasty things may have become between you.

No joke. It's a simple, easy process that anybody could follow...

... and if you do it right, you'll be cuddling up together on the couch before you know it.

Don't believe me?

Well, I know from firsthand experience how well it works - and before I get into that, I should probably introduce myself...

Hi. I'm Ken Pemberton...

Five years ago I lived with Linda, my fiance, who really was the girl of my dreams. All the time we were together, I honestly couldn't believe she picked me out of all the other guys she could have ended up with.

But not everything was roses... my job kept me at the office until late almost every night. I was trying to get ahead and maybe a promotion, but I neglected Linda terribly, without even realizing.

I mean, even when I was home, I wasn't REALLY home, you know? I'd always be working on something, or preparing things for some meeting or another..

But one day I stayed just a little too late at work, and missed a dinner date.

That's me with my fiance Linda...
And that was it for Linda, so she threw me out the house, and broke the whole thing off.

My life fell apart without her.

I guess I was kind of "in mourning" for a while... but the whole time I KNEW she was the girl for me. There was never a doubt in my mind...

... it just felt like we were destined to be together.

So I decided we would be together - or at least I was going to do everything I could to make it happen.

I wanted to be smart about it though. Instead of just sending her a whole mess of emails and texts and voicemails, I planned out a precise attack...

... Almost Like I Was Sneaking In Under The Radar

And you know what?

It worked. 3 weeks to the day after she asked me to leave, she told me she'd reconsidered and would like to start dating again. We took it slow at first, but we've been together ever since.

My little strategy worked... and I was so happy - it was literally like a dream coming true.

I was amazed that it was successful, to be honest, I thought it was just wild luck... but then something else happened-

A close friend of mine (he asked me not to reveal his name) got dumped by his girlfriend. Probably with good reason, to be honest he wasn't a great boyfriend.

But I gave him some tips and advice, and he was able to use same system I created to get her back. Only next time around, he appreciated what he had and treated her a whole lot better.

And it didn't stop there...

Since then I've helped a lot of my friends -  both male and female - get their partners back... and it's worked in almost every case.

Slowly, I've started to realize that this little "system" I put together could really help other people too...

And Hey, I Know What You're Thinking...

You're thinking that some relationships can't be saved right?

You're thinking that for some people, things are just too far gone.

Well, here's a little secret that most people have no idea about - the truth is...

... almost every relationship can be saved...

... but only if you know exactly what to do, what to say, and how to say it.

Seriously, think about the worst breakup you ever had - now imagine being able to turn the clock back and say the exact thing that will make the other person change their mind.

That would be life-changing wouldn't it?

Well, to be honest, you don't have to imagine any longer. I've finally decided to make my secret system available to the public, for a strictly limited time.


Couples Cupid - Your No-Holds-Barred Manual For Getting Your Ex Back As Fast As Possible...
If you've ever lost the person you loved and were desperate to get them back, this may be the most powerful page you ever come across.

It's easy to say that I know, but I mean it very seriously.

Can you picture what it feels like to be able to stop all the heartache and pain, and switch things back to how they used to be? Actually, if you think about it, it will be even better than it used to be, because you'll know exactly what you were missing.

But I don't expect you to take my word for any of that. Here's what just one happy user had to say:

"You Saved Our Marriage!"

"Everything seemed to be over between me and my husband, we were living apart for almost 3 months. The divorce papers were in place, it was only a matter of time before it was officially over.

But I didn’t want us to end like this, actually I didn’t want it to end at all, it was not my choice but his.

With your help Ken we started talking again, and after a few weeks we moved back together.

Divorce is now out of the question, we are planning our second honey moon instead.

Thanks for everything Ken."

Bathurst, NSW, Australia
Couples Cupid User

Sabrina's story is just one of the positive outcomes you're going to read about today... there really is plenty more.

Just now, we talked about the fact that almost any relationship can be saved... and that's totally true. Think for just a second about all the people you know who have broken up with a partner, only to fix things a little later?

Quite a few right?

And sometimes you've probably seen people get back together when you really didn't think they should too... I mean situations where there's abuse, misery, just general bad relationships.

So doesn't it make sense that even if people with crazy problems can work it out, maybe you could to?

Trouble is, most people have no idea how to go about fixing a relationship.

Their idea of fixing things is to constantly text or call the other person... and if you think about that seriously, you'll understand that all you're most likely to do is make them feel bad.

In the worst cases, you're just reinforcing their idea that they made the right decision about you.

But hey, it's not our fault. After all, humans don't come with instruction manuals, and neither do relationships.

But That's Not Anything You'll Need To Worry
About Ever Again...

... because Couples Cupid is an in-depth video guide revealing exactly what to do.

I'll explain how to interact with your ex once you've broken up, and I'll show you how to do it in exactly the right way to bring them back into your life, on your terms.

Think about it... imagine being broken up with the person you love, and having a step-by-step instruction manual on how to get them back.

Believe me, it makes a huge difference.

Seriously think about it... imagine breaking up with someone today, or last week, and to know that tomorrow, there's one thing you MUST do. And then something else the day after. And so on...

... until before you know it, you've got your ex back, and you're free to continue with life as it was.

"Back Together!"

"That's all I can say, we're back together, and got engaged! The stuff you got here is priceless!"

Denise Dantzler
Couples Cupid User

That would be great wouldn't it? Especially when you think that it's all there on video... all you need to do is watch it, and repeat what you see me explaining.

Very simple, very straightforward, and VERY effective, as you're starting to realize.

Here's just an idea of the things you'll learn as soon as you watch the videos...

How to get your ex back in almost any situation, including if you cheated, if THEY cheated, or even if you know everything was totally your fault and they have serious doubts about you as a person The single biggest problem you face when you're trying to get your ex back... how to completely neutralize it and overcome it once and for all, leaving you free and clear to pick things up with your ex whenever you want to, it will be completely your call... What causes the extreme emotions you experience during a breakup... and how to defuse them - I'll break down the whole situation so you can act like a regular, rational human instead of being the crazy, lovesick person your ex is so afraid of... How to keep in total control of the breakup situation... think they're in control because they broke up with you? Wrong. Follow this and you'll know not only how to take charge, but how to use it to make what you want to happen, happen... this is INCREDIBLY powerful Why the interpersonal harmony is the thing that will keep you together for good, or force you apart forever... and once you know what it is and how it works, you'll instantly understand why every relationship before this went bad, and how to stop it happening again... How to build the right tone and environment, so that when you do get back together it seems like the most natural thing in the world... if you don't follow this, you run serious risk of just breaking up again in a few weeks time... Why keeping a big simple secret can be all you need to survive a breakup and actually get your ex back as smoothly and painlessly as possible... it's very simple once you understand it, but most people just have no idea about this... The "sabotage" emotion that's going to do its best to get to grips with you and force you to ruin everything in the early stages of a breakup... this is super hard not to do as it feels completely natural, but I'll show you exactly how to avoid it, and how to counter it for good One secret, downright sneaky move that you can use to instantly make your ex put you back into the "partner" box in their life... do this right and they'll be struggling to remember why they left you in the first place, and you'll be getting things back on track in no time at all...
And Here's What All That Means To You:

... it means you can download these videos right now, and immediately start to get some relief from the pain you're feeling.

Because let's face it, when your significant other tells you they don't want you in their life anymore, it hurts.

It hurts so bad it can be hard to go on with your own life can't it?

And that's what Couples Cupid is for...

... to take you from this fragile state you're in right now, and guide you back to the life you want with your ex partner.

Here's another success story...

"You Brought My Life Back!"

"Today I want to thank you for the magnificent material in the "Couples Cupids" book.

I followed the steps one by one and the outcome is a nice family get-together for thanksgiving with my wife and kids.

After the divorce I was broken, luckily I was fortunate enough to stumble upon your material which has brought my life back!

Thanks for everything Ken"

Colchester, England
Couples Cupid User

Let's be honest with each other... right now, things aren't going so well are they?

It doesn't matter who you are, seeing a relationship come crashing to a halt can leave a lasting mark.

The idea alone of realizing you don't have what it takes to stay with them can take months or even years to recover from...

And That's If They're Nice About It...

If you're cut down by someone... I mean seriously, dumped in the worst possible way, sometimes you won't ever get over it.

It may sound dramatic, but if you've been through it, you know it's the truth.

So let's imagine something... imagine if I could tell you to pick up the phone and call your ex right now... and tell you exactly what to do - what to say, how to say it, and WHY.

That would be pretty effective wouldn't it?

Then think about knowing exactly what to do after you speak to them... and how to capitalize on it and really get things rolling. If you know this stuff, even the most painful breakup can be halted and reversed, and it happens surprisingly quickly...

"We Are Back!"

"Thanks to your advice, I got a phone call from her telling me that the breakup was a big mistake. I cant believe how effective it was"

Walter Pray
Couples Cupid User

Here are just a few of the other things I'm going to reveal to help you get your ex back:

The 4 things you absolutely must do when someone breaks up with you... without these, in 99% of cases you're going to ruin everything, even if you're only trying to fix the situation and get back to normal... How to make sure your ex TOTALLY changes the way they treat you, even if it's just a day or two since the breakup... if they keep treating you the same way, the same things will happen, but I'll show you how to shake it off and force them to look on you with new eyes Why you're probably proving to your ex that they were right to leave you, without even realizing it... and you're doing it day in, day out, and every time they breathe a little sigh of relief, knowing they were right to live you behind... The 4 main reasons women leave... what to do about it, how to get them back, and how to make sure it never, ever happens again... PLUS... ... I'll also reveal the 4 main reasons MEN leave... how to deal with it, get them back, and how to make sure they're totally happy with you and not thinking about leaving again... Why your partner left you... I'll break down the most common causes for breakups... and then later, I'll show you why it happens, and how to get them back quickly and with as little fuss as possible Find out the 2 big, ugly reasons that most partners cheat... it really can be broken down to these 2 things in most cases, and knowing them is the key to REALLY finding out what was wrong with the relationship, and how you can fix it and be stronger than ever. How to get over the emotional impact of the breakup... you probably don't need me to tell you how heartbreaking this period can be, so I'll show you how you can come through the other side and still feel human... and ready to go to work getting your ex back... How to find out when you're ready to start getting your partner back... if you move too soon, you'll only make things worse – but move too late, you'll miss the boat completely. Don't worry though, I'll show you exactly WHEN it's safe to strike... The 4 stages of getting your ex back... this is a simple, easy to follow process, and when you break it down into these 4 areas, you'll easily multiply your chances of saving your relationship How to work your way back into their life, and make sure that it's the most positive thing happening for them... and how to do it without seeming like some crazy stalker who won't leave them alone... What to do if your ex refuses your requests to meet for coffee, or just to catch up – these refusals are heartbreaking and cruel, and you'll see how to flip them on their head
And even all those things really are just a hint at the other stuff inside...

Wouldn't it be great if you could just call up your ex and say the exact things you need to say to make them suddenly want to talk to you? Just to be able to say the right things and DO the right things, so you could finally reverse all this craziness and put it behind you...

... and now imagine doing that just an hour from now?

Well, you're going to get instant access to this video guide, so it really could be happening that fast...

... And I'm Not Kidding, I Really Do Mean
Less Than An Hour...

That's how effective Couples Cupid is.

You see, I can completely relate to where you are in your life right now. I've been there, and it isn't fun.

I've had the long nights of no sleep, the constantly checking of your cellphone, just in case they called... I know exactly what it's like to wake from a dream about your love only to find that it really was just a dream...

... they haven't come back to you, and you have to get through another day without them.

And that's why I designed this video course.
"He's Sorry!"

"He returned in one piece. I tried the exact tactics you told me and to my surprise he called me asking for forgiveness for all
the harsh words he had said."

Vanessa Pipkin
Couples Cupid User

I didn't want anyone else to suffer the way I had. After all, if it's possible to fix almost every relationship, why don't we all learn to fix these things?

The whole point of it was to lay down everything I've learned about healing relationships, and to put it all into one place. All you need to do is watch it, then do what you see on the screen.

And don't worry, this is seriously simple stuff... I worked hard to make sure everybody could follow it, as I know all kinds of people have problems sometimes...

Here's How To Make It Work For You...

Actually, before we get into that there's a couple of other things I want to let you know about...

... you see, I've really covered a lot of stuff in this guide... you'll literally find no stone left unturned, so whatever your situation, no matter how bad the breakup, you'll know EXACTLY what to do as soon as you've watched the videos... (oh and when I said it's available as an instant download, I wasn't kidding... you could be watching it 30 seconds from now)

Here are a few of the other ways you're going to be benefiting...

How to be confident and do the right thing even when you know they are already dating someone else... and I'll give you the important information which will let you make this situation into a big advantage for you... When the phone becomes your secret weapon... the right phone call at the right time can almost instantly turn you into a completely different person in your ex-partner's eyes... and you'll see how and when you can do this to turn the situation to your favor... How to behave if you run into your ex after the break up... say and do the right thing here, and not only will they wonder why you ever broke up, they'll also identify you as a fun, positive person in their life and start to crave more of that... How much time to spend with your ex the next time you see them after a breakup... too short will ruin everything, and too long will be even worse, but when you get it right, you'll instantly boost your chances of getting back together What to do if you meet up with your ex after a breakup and things go horribly wrong... my simple steps will guide you onto the right track How to smooth things over and take it from an innocent meeting to a full on date... you'll need to know exactly the right time to escalate and take things to the next level how to mention the idea of getting back together – WITHOUT them throwing it back in your face and without feeling like you've made a huge mistake... with these tips they'll probably be waiting for you to ask... Why sex can be the ultimate weapon in getting your ex back to being serious with you... men and women use it differently, so you'll see exactly how to behave, whichever side you're on... Find out the real nuts and bolts of getting your partner back... what to do, what to say, and how to say it... and most important of all, you'll know the reasons behind all this stuff, putting you into a position where you can salvage just about any relationship that's salvageable
Here's what happens now-
You need to grab your credit card, and get ready to hit the order button below... you'll be seeing how to get your ex back in almost no time at all...

Before that though, we need to talk briefly about price - you see, I want to promise you here and now that this is way cheaper than you're probably thinking.

My main aim is to help as many people as possible, so I've worked to slash the cost down to the lowest I can bear and keep it on the market.

"She Called Back!"

"After trying what you suggested, I got a phone call from her telling me that the breakup was a big mistake."

Rodney Salami
Couples Cupid User

So let me just ask you for a second... how much would you give for your ex to be with you here and now, holding your hand while you read this letter?

Actually, let's face it, if they were with you now, you wouldn't need to read this letter would you?

So how much would you give to have them there with you while you watched TV or did something fun?

It's worth quite a bit I know, so let's take a stab at it...



Heck, let's be honest... if you it, you'd probably pay way more than that to get them back right?

After all, you can't put a price on love can you? It's probably wrong to even try.

And that's why I worked hard to make this the bargain of a lifetime... so move fast, and order right now, you'll get access to the whole thing for less than $100...
(read on below to see the truly silly price I'm offering this for today)

Stop Press!

8 Week, No Question Guarantee...

If You Don't Get Your Ex Back Within 8 Weeks, I'll Refund Every Red Cent With No Questions...

Listen... I have every faith that Couples Cupid is all you need to fully repair your relationship in the shortest time possible...

... in fact, I'm so confident, I'm prepared to back it up by taking all the risk.

If it doesn't work for you, or you're unhappy with it for any other reason, you have a full 8 weeks to get your money back. 56 whole days.

So you can download it now, try it out, and see what happens.

If my techniques don't get your ex back, or you're unhappy for any other reason, you get  your money back, no question.

And I promise I won't make any excuses, I won't ask you to prove that it doesn't work, or anything shady like that...

... I'll just give you a prompt refund of every red cent, no hard feelings.

You see, your satisfaction is way more important to me than money, so offering a completely transparent and honest guarantee like this helps me sleep better at night.

We both know that you don't find unconditional guarantees like this too often, so you should probably go ahead and give it a shot.

After all, I've made sure it's completely no risk, so you've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain...

Ken Pemberton
[Ken, I've seen enough... let me in now

I wasn't kidding before when I said I'd arranged a crazy price today... so if you take action on this now, I'll give you complete access for just $67 $37...

... and you're still covered by that cast iron 56 day guarantee.

So go ahead and hit the order button below, and you could be making up with your ex today...


Here's what needs to happen right now - it's time to get your credit card (don't close this page) and come back here and hit the order button.

You'll be taken to the completely secure order page to make a payment, and once you've done it, you get instant access to the video guide...

... then you're free to begin your quest to get your ex back.

So go on, and do it right now.

After all, right now you're standing at a crossroads... and the route your choose, will define your life from this point forward.

One the one side is life as it is now... without your partner, without the love of your life.

All those lonely nights, coming back to an empty home every day.

Not to mention eventually trying to find someone new, letting someone else into your heart knowing you may get hurt again.


... there's the other option.

The one where you download my guide now, and use my techniques to get your partner back right away.

And then you go on and live the life you originally planned. No more lonely nights, just days and days of fun times, just like before, but even better... better because this time around you'll know what you were missing.

So do it... grab that card and hit the button just below... I'm ready to show you exactly what to do...


Look, I'd like to level with you... the simple fact is, right now this is just a test for me. I reserve the right to take it off the market at any time, or raise the price with NO notice at all.

So you need to get in while you can.

To be blunt, you may already be too late. The only way to know is to hit the order button below,  and order right now.

Think of it this way- what else are you going to do with $37?

In today's economy, it really doesn't get you very much does it?

Maybe dinner for 2, or a few drinks. Trouble is, who are you going to share those things with?

Make the decision to get your ex back right now, then you can carry on with your life, and share so many more things with the person you love...

[Yes Ken, I need this, please let me in right now...](http://1.cplcupid.pay.clickbank.net/)

All you need to do is click the link above - I'm waiting on the other side to help you fix your life and put things back to how they should be.

To fixing your relationship,

Ken Pemberton

P.S.- Think about it rationally for a second - what do you have to lose? I've got you covered with my watertight guarantee, so if you're in any way satisfied, you get an instant refund, no questions, no excuses. There really is no risk for you here, and you've got so much to gain haven't you?

P.P.S.- Let's get one thing straight - Relationships are like everything else in life - they need work sometimes. I mean, if a new car gets some kind of engine problem, you don't just junk it and buy another do you? Of course not, you get it worked on, or fix it yourself. Why should your relationship be different?

P.P.P.S.- Don't worry, all the techniques and advice I give you are totally discreet. Your ex won't ever know you used a program like this to help win them back. To them it will just seem like they made a crazy mistake and now they can't wait to get back with you...

"He Gave Me A Second Chance!"

"I tried everything my girlfriends told me, and after weeks of persuasion and disappointment I gave Couples Cupid a chance.

After the last SMS I sent, composed with Couples Cupid help, my boyfriend called me right away. The advice you gave me was unconventional but it worked!

Thanks for giving love a second chance!"

VICKIE Calderon
Jamestown, NY
Couples Cupid User

"We Are Back Together!"

"I thought everything was over between me and my girlfriend, I was afraid to try anything! You gave me the courage and knowledge to get my ex back.

Thanks to you we are back together!"

GREG Sparrow
Springfield, MA
Couples Cupid User

"We're Meeting Up Again!"

"I was having a very hard time. My ex wouldn't even talk to me and told me we would never get back.

I was very desperate so I decided to give this a shot. I started applying the techniques as you described them.

Well.. a week later.. she started texting me, after a few days of texting.. We're meeting up tomorrow for the first time after the breakup.

So far so good, I'm shocked at how this has worked out!"

Hartford, CT
Couples Cupid User




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