Excerpt from product page

Attention: Don't buy another Forex course, system, or robot until you read this page. You'll just be throwing your money away. Don't worry, I'm NOT trying to sell you my own trading method at all.

"Finally, discover the truth about why 95% of Forex traders lose money while the other 5% grow rich, and how you can be one of them"

Find out what the Forex "gurus" aren't telling you and why some of them actually want you to fail.

Learn to Trade with ease, free of anxiety, fear, and emotional trading mistakes.

Read on to discover:

How to avoid crippling losses than can wipe out 30%, 50%, or even 100% of your account.

Why even the best trading method in the world won't help you to make money on Forex.

How to make money on Forex with ease, avoid anxiety, and enjoy the good life all the way to the bank.

The two worse Enemies of any Forex trader and how you can defeat them.

How to minimize your losses and never allow them to affect your mood, confidence, or future success as a trader.










Silence your phone, turn off the TV, close all other internet windows, and read this open letter through if you ever want to be a successful Forex trader.


From: John J. Drummond
Subject: Missing Forex success Ingredient

Dear trader,

It's time for the truth!

For too long you've been led to believe that all you need to become a successful trader is to buy the latest course, system, signal service, or robot.

For too long you've been made to believe that the way to get rich in Forex is as easy as paying $97 to $197 for the latest product and watch the money pile up in your account.


No more!


The truth is that you've been misinformed (and often lied to) by the very people you've been led to trust.

You've always thought you were getting all you needed to win the game of Forex and make money easily, but you've been deprived of a crucial ingredient without which no success is possible.


How do I know?

For one thing, I've seen too many traders fall for the "next best thing" only to find themselves poorer, more depressed, angry, and sick to death of Forex.

For another, I just use common sense: if all you needed to succeed was to get a certain trading method or a course, then why do the vast majority of traders, 95% or so, end up losing? Why don't they just get one of these methods?

Time for a reality-check: you can get the next dozen "hot" methods or courses, but I bet that you'd still end up a loser.

It's not because you're not smart, it's not because you don't deserve to win, it's not your fault at all. It's because you don’t have the full picture.


I want to fill in the blanks.

You can buy all the courses and tools you want but you'd only be 10% closer to your goal of being a consistently successful trader.

The truth is that Forex trading is only 10% knowledge. The other 90% is your mental fitness. Educating yourself is important but it pales in comparison to how you do "mentally".


Because of your two big enemies: FEAR and GREED.


Say Hello To Fear

Fear exists in every trader. It's part of putting your money on the line and

risking it on each and every trade. And don't believe anyone who tells you that risk does not exist.

Risk does exist and so does Fear.

The problem is that Fear can cause you to abandon the right way of trading, the one you know in your Brain, and push you to make all sorts of stupid decisions that will cost you money.


Here's a common scenario...

You're in a trade and it's going your way. You're already 30 pips in profit but your trading system instructed you to place a Take Profit price at a 100 pips profit.

You're waiting to cash out with the full 100 pips but suddenly the market turns against you. You watch in dismay as your profit shrinks to 25 pips, to 20, to 15…

…When it reaches 10, you can't handle it anymore. You're scared s**tless. You can't stand the fear that this profit is going to be wiped out. Heavens Forbid, you might even end up with a loss!!!

You close the trade and pocket the measly 10 pips profit (minus the spread for your broker) even though this decision went against your trading method, the one you paid good money for. You breathe a sign of relief, congratulating yourself on getting at least some money out of this trade...

...But then the trade rebounds. It begins to go the way it was supposed to once again. You watch the way the chart goes, this time from the sidelines because you've already left the field.

Finally, the market crosses that 100 pips point, the price your trading method told you to set, the one you knew in your BRAIN, before fear set in, that you had to take.

The result: you ended up with 10 pips, leaving 90% of the profit for another trader to take.


Should this have happened?

Hell no, but it did, and it was all because you couldn't handle the fear. Even though you had all the knowledge you ever needed.

10% of trading is knowledge, 90% is mental fitness. The mental fitness that lets you handle fear without allowing it to affect your decision making.


Say Hello to Greed

It's OK to want to make money. That's the reason why anyone joins the

Forex market in the first place. But Greed has a dark side. Because you want money, you may try to do crazy things to get it or avoid losing it.

Greed can drive you to take too many risks, get into trades you had no business being in, and do silly things that can cost you thousands of dollars. Greed is just as nasty as Fear.


Common scenario #2

You enter a trade and dutifully place a Stop Loss. You don't believe this trade will be a loser so you think of your Stop loss as a worse case scenario, but your trading method instructed you to place it, so you did.

The trade immediately turns sour: you go into a loss. You watch as the market draws closer and closer to your Stop Loss. Any moment now you're going to be pulled out of the market with a 50 pip loss.

How could this have happened? You've analyzed everything and the market was supposed to go your way. It has to go your way.

This must be a momentary setback, you think. The market will turn around. You change your Stop Loss, giving your trade more room to play itself out.

You know you shouldn't have done it according to your method, but you did.



GREED. You couldn't handle making your loss official. As long as the trade is at play, your loss is "theoretical". Once you're out, it's over.


What happens?

The market doesn't care what you think and it continues to go against you. Finally, you close the trade in desperation with a 100 pip loss, twice as much as you should have suffered.

All because of Greed.


It didn't matter that you mastered your trading method, it didn't matter that you took the latest course, or know how to read a chart in seconds.

Your own human nature defeated you. You did not have the mental fitness to deal with Greed.


Bottom Line

This is why so many traders lose money. It's easy to acquire knowledge. All you need to do is buy it. What separate the winners from the losers are their mental fitness and their trading discipline.

This is my point: you can continue to buy trading products all day long. If you don't handle your emotions, if you don't control GREED and FEAR, if you don't have the right mindset, you're not going to succeed. Better save your money and stick to your day job.

Imagine a world in which…

You can make more money on Forex each and every month than you ever did on your day job You're able to trade without anxiety, tension, or fear.
You Become the sort of trader who has unlimited confidence and who's makes the right decision time after time. You can cut your losses to a bear minimum both in size and frequency.
You can actually learn a new trading method and have it work for you. You're able to spend less time on trading while making more money.
You have a real edge over other traders in the market You can boost your profit potential by more than 100% and make thousands of dollars each year on Forex.











This is no dream. It can be your reality. A better world is at your fingertips.

 The time to get it is now!


The real way to get an edge in the market

The sad thing is that most traders don't realize that they can easily get an edge over more than 90% of other traders in the market.

Since Forex success is based 90% on your mental fitness, once you have a solid control over your emotions, you will have the advantage over nearly all traders in the market. And in Forex an advantage quickly turns into more money in your account. It's as simple as that.

Once I realized this, I decided that enough was enough. No more going after the next big thing, no more trying to find a "Holy Grail" of trading. No more wasting my time or money on 10% of what real and consistent Forex success is made of.

I decided to take action and use my brain to find the answer. I knew there was some way I could train myself and others to improve their mental fitness and become disciplined traders, the kind that don't make emotional mistakes due to Fear, Greed, or any other emotion.

I studied various mental techniques, anything from visualization and subconscious education, through affirmations, to EFT, confidence boosting methods, anything to harness the mind's awesome power to work for you as a trader, instead of sabotaging your efforts.

I consulted veteran Forex traders, psychology experts, read and researched, knowing that by doing this I will not only be helping myself, but thousands of traders worldwide.

When I finally finished writing, recording, and perfecting this package of knowledge, I knew that what I had created can make a real change in the lives of traders from all corners of the earth. People desperate to succeed.

I call this Forex Mental Fitness, the 90% Hidden Factor For Forex Success…


Why I made this site

I've been in contact with thousands of traders over the past few years, a lot of them new or intermediate, still trying to find their way through the market. People like YOU.

I bet that you don't want to be a millionaire tomorrow. You probably came into Forex trying to find a way to make a little something extra for you and your family.

Sure, you'd like to retire young and let Forex pay the bills and one day this can be the reality for you, but for now, I bet you'd be happy just to make a consistent profit month after month.

I created this site for you because I know that you will never achieve this success until you learn to master trading psychology, no matter how many courses you buy and how many hours you spend in front of the charts.


Who I am and Who I'm Not
I am not a Forex GURU like so many scammers claim I don't make millions of dollars each year I don't have a yacht, a fancy sport car, or a big house with a huge swimming pool. I don't spend my time hanging out on a sunny beach on an exotic island. I don't have fancy account balances or a trading account sheet with a 99.999% accuracy rate in my trades. I am not a scammer








I do make enough money to not have to work at a 9-5 job anymore. I know how You can train your mind for Forex success (and success in other fields as well). I know the kind of emotional turmoil a trader goes through. I am someone who studied how the mind really works. I do know how to make the mind your friend instead of your enemy. I am someone who can show you how to use your mind's power to cut your losses and boost your profits.
I want to help YOU stop wasting money on more and more Forex products when they really can't help you succeed as you should.











Why some Forex 'Gurus' Will Not Like What I'm telling you today

While there are some honest Forex experts that really want to help people, the vast majority of products are created by unscrupulous marketers who care very little about how traders really do.

There's nothing these people would like more than to see you continue to fail. Why? Because they know it will get you to buy more and more of their products. They know that the average Forex trader is always looking for the next big thing, the "Holy Grail".

They know that until you develop a steel-power Forex Mental Fitness, you'd never be able to achieve long lasting success, that sooner or later you will fail and come rushing back to buy their next product, and the next one after that.

I'm willing to make myself a target on your behalf, to take all the heat, threats, anger, and curses Forex marketers will fling at me. I believe it will be worth it if I can reach out to even just a single trader and help him or her achieve real and lasting success. I hope this trader is YOU.

I want to show you how to turn Forex into a fun activity, not something stressful, how to be able to execute trade after trade without hesitation, how to develop a winning mindset that only a handful of traders possess.


"The reasons why you need Forex Mental Fitness right now…"
Finally join the exclusive "club" of the top 5% traders who actually make money on Forex. Stop wasting money on one trading system after the other without hope of success. Enjoy trading the Forex market without worry, stress, or tension. Get the key to cut losses to a minimum and boost earning potential dramatically. Spend less time on actual trading and chart analysis while improving your bottom line. Become a disciplined trader, capable of making objective, logical, decisions time and time again. Turn your mind into a powerful force leading you to ever growing success. Harness your own mental abilities to turn you into a power-trader, someone who simply cannot fail in the long run. No more nail-biting, tension filled trading… face any kind of volatile market with the discipline of a Commando soldier. Cut your risk factor to a measly 2%... leave the crippling losses to other traders and laugh all the way to the bank.















Forex Mental Fitness is a multi-media, groundbreaking course that will show you how to eliminate trading anxiety, cut losses to a minimum, erase emotional mistakes, make Forex a low-stress activity, and increase your profit potential.

This isn't some New-Age mumbo-jumbo. This isn't some psycho-babble. This is real life mental fitness training especially made for Forex traders who want to succeed.

These videos and the official Forex Mental Fitness manual are the tools you need in order to be mentally prepared for the battle that goes on each and every day in the Forex market. Without it, you don't stand a chance of ever succeeding long term in Forex. Sure, you may have a winning streak now and then, but it won't last. This is why 95% of traders lose money on Forex. Simple as that.

I've been getting a ton of questions about this course so I decided to answer the important and common ones here:

Q: Why aren't you keeping all this knowledge to yourself?

A: First of all, I want to help people do better in Forex, especially in this economy. Second, there are so many traders in this global market, that even if 10,000 traders learn these techniques they will all have a tremendous edge.

Q: How much money do I need to get started on Forex?

A: You can start with as little as $100. However, it's important to train yourself on a demo account, learn the ropes, start slow, and only when you become good at it begin trading large sums.

Q: Is this course difficult to follow?

A: The answer is NO. The ebook and tutorials are not long or hard to follow. There is no filler in this course. However, you will need to do a bit of work on yourself to really achieve the kind of Forex mental fitness that will help you succeed long term.

Q: Do you offer support?

A: Yes. This is why I'm limiting the number of students for this course, to be able to offer support. I am always available for support via email. I do my best to answer all emails within 24-48 hours.

Q: The Forex Mental Fitness course was Sold Out before I managed to get a copy. How do I get one right now?

A: Sorry. If you see the sign "Sold Out" on the site, it means that I have stopped accepting new students at the moment. Fill out your name and email in the early notification list and I'll let you know when I reopen it in a few months.



Take a look at what the Forex Mental Fitness system includes:


Forex Mental Fitness Manual

Unlike so many Forex courses out there that try to impress you with sheer number of pages, I know that traders need to be able to quickly implement what they learn and get on with the important task of making money.

This is why I kept the Forex Mental Fitness manual short and sweet. My in depth knowledge of Forex psychology and correct trading principles has gone into making this a complete manual for disciplined traders, focused on success.

Here's what you can expect to learn from the Forex Mental Fitness manual:
How to develop the mindset of a successful trader, focused and driven to success.  How to control and reduce your risk to a bear minimum. How to overcome trading anxiety. No more sleepless night, nail-biting, and tension full trading. How to control fear and greed and eliminate emotional trading mistakes. Why Forex robots are not the ultimate answer to your Forex problems and what you really need… Why most traders use demo trading completely wrong and how you can make sure to do it right. How to manage your money so that you're able to boost your profit and trading potential. How to not let pressure, fear, greed, or tension make you deviate from your trading method. How to develop the mindset of a successful trader, focused and driven to success. How to test a new Forex system the right way to ensure success and ease of mind. Master a volatile market without exposing yourself to huge risks. How to design your own trading system if you so choose How to master the psychology of Forex trading and make it a powerful advantage over other traders in the market.


Forex Mental Fitness Videos

While the manual pretty much guarantees that you'll develop the kind of mental fitness and mindset of successful traders, I know that you may be more visually oriented.

This is why I recorded these short but instructive video tutorials to help you master the entire spectrum of trading psychology and make you into a focused and razor-sharp trader, the kind that controls his emotions, not the other way around.

Here's what's included in these video tutorials:
Erase misconceptions about the market that will cost you money. Powerful mind tricks to boost your confidence and attract success. Goal setting to a new and realistic levels. Make your goals serve you. Secret mental techniques to become the kind of trader that pulls the trigger every time. Visualization tricks to create the foundation of long term profits. The 1 secret about losing that separates long term profitable traders from the losers. Step by step guidelines for continual self-improvement. A whole new perspective on the market for tension-free trading. Bad trading decisions and how to avoid them from blowing holes in your account. 3 simple tricks to help you "pull the trigger" on any trade, anytime. How to develop the right trading rules for long term profit Develop a killer Forex Mental Fitness that will help you become a more consistent trader and make more money.



Dedicated Support

I know how it sucks when someone sells you a product and vanishes into thin air the moment you have a question.

This is not going to happen with Forex Mental Fitness. Included in your purchase is my dedicated support. You'll be given a special support email to send me questions to.

Usually, I'll respond withint 24 - 48 hours. I'll do my best to answer all your questions as fast as I can. I know how important they can be.

Here's what you can expect from my support:
Free future updates to the course. Fast answers to your Forex related questions Additional trading material I will release.


Ok, John, but how much is Forex Mental FItness going to cost?

Such a mind-changing, destiny sculpting system such as Forex Mental Fitness could easily sell for $700. Easy. And you'd save more than that on losses you'll avoid in a single year because of it.

I know of online mental training in other fields that cost upward of $1,000, not to mention all sorts of courses that cost much much more.

Think about it, the average Forex trader makes so many senseless mistakes that you can probably estimate your unwarranted losses at thousands of dollars each and every year. In addition, until you're mentally fit, you won't be able to fulfill your profit potential.

So, let's say that having a perfect Forex Mental Fitness will help you save $5,000 in losses each year, and earn $15,000 more in profits. This would be $20,000 each and every year in money that you're missing out on right now.

See why I'm saying that this course could cost $1,000 and still be very much worth it?

Let's say you only do half as well and get an extra $10,000 in your account each and every year!

Still worth it, right?

But don't worry, I'm not going to ask for $1,000 for this course. No way. This is not some exclusive club, but something I want to be affordable for new traders as well as experienced ones.

I believe that if I were to charge $200 as some friends suggested I'd do it would be a steal on your part to get it. However, I know that times are rough and that you may not want to spend even $200 on this course or any other.


I'm Looking out for you

I want this to get into the hands of any trader who is serious enough to put in the time to study this material and retrain their minds. I just want to make sure I cover what it cost me to research this material, put it together, get it online and so on.

This is why I'm slashing the price down to $77, one time fee. That's less than 10% of what this system could be sold for.

In addition, Forex Mental Fitness is backed by my unconditional, no questions asked, money back guarantee.

I have the utmost confidence that the Forex Mental Fitness course will make you into a better trader, period.

In fact, I am so sure you're going to be blown away by this content that I'm willing to take the all the risk by giving 60 days to change your mind and ask for a refund.

There's no risk getting this system. Get it, go through the material, apply what I teach, and if you don't become a better trader, I'll give you your money back. It's as simple as that.


Risk Free Guarantee

Within 60 days you can expect to experience
a real and fundamental change in the way you trade Forex.

If you're not satisfied with your purchase, your money will be returned to you.

Just email me at      and I will refund your purchase, no questions asked.


There is one thing I can't guarantee…

… and that is that the next time you'll visit this webpage there won't be a huge Sold Out sign instead of the order button.

I want to make sure I'm able to support all the serious traders who really want to change the way they trade Forex and make a better future for themselves. The moment I feel this isn't the case, I'll be shutting this down, perhaps permanently.

Once the SOLD OUT sign is up, I will NOT accept new students, I don't care how much people beg. I owe it to existing students to be able to provide real and honest support.

Therefore, better get in while there's still room…


Time to change your destiny

It's time for you to make a decision: will you continue jumping from one Forex product to another, wasting time and money? Or will you finally build the right mental foundation for Forex success.

The choice is yours. No one can make it for you.


Special Limited-Time Price

  Price Due To Increase To $197 Soon!

Only $197  $ 77


Yes John, I'm ready to take action and get your Forex Mental Fitness program.

Yes, I'm ready to finally become a disciplined Forex trader, one who's not affected by Fear or Greed.

Yes, I'm ready to become a low risk, high profit Forex trader, who can't be fooled by anyone every again.

I understand that I am acting now before the price increases or the course is Sold Out.

I understand that once I order I'll be able to download the entire Forex Mental Fitness course within minutes to my PC, laptop, or Mac.



Your order is safe through Clickbank's state of the art secure server. You'll receive your download in minutes even if it's 3 A.M.


>> [Get your R](order.html)[isk Free Forex Mental Fitness Course Right Now](order.html) <<

Special limited-time price Price will increase soon to $200
Only $77.

Note: Once you order you'll be able to download and access the course at any time, day or night, in minutes.

Your purchase is safe, as my order server is fully encrypted and secure.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at 

However, if the SOLD OUT sign appears, don't email me because I will NOT be accepting new students no matter what.


p.s. remember, 90% of your success depends on your mental fitness. If you care about your future, don't trade another day without this knowledge.

[Yes, I want to get Forex Mental Fitness today and become a successful trader who doesn't make emotional trading mistakes](order.html)

p.p.s. Remember, when you get this course you are full protected by my no questions asked money back guarantee.

[I want to become a better trader for just $77. Teach me how, John](order.html)



U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures and Options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. 



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