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Should you write a town history? This e-book can help you decide.


Here's a simple plan to tell the history of your town to current and future residents...and get the project sponsored, too!

I’m guessing you and I share several interests. We believe the written word can motivate, invigorate, and inspire.

And I’m guessing we both enjoy reading about significant others who share life’s road with us.

Why not tell readers, family, friends and advertisers your town's story?

Your book could build publicity for your newspaper...and help the community attract new residents to the region.

This short, powerful e-book -- from an experienced editor and magazine publisher -- will help you decide if you should undertake this project. Its publication could have both local and national sales.


Should you become a book publisher?How to publish your book for (almost) nothing. That means: how to get advertisers to sponsor your book!Possible chapters to include in your book.How to write better (almost) instantly.How many books will you sell?How to get local groups to help you sell the book.Common questions about book publishing.A list of publishing formats to follow. Example: Should your book be a chronology, or highlight leading citizens and organizations within the town?
RIX QUINN is a former magazine editor and publisher who developed several techniques for writing company histories during 15-plus years in the magazine business.

He holds a B.A. in journalism from Texas Christian University and a M.A. from California State University, and conducts frequent writing workshops for school districts and education service centers.

He has written three full-length non-fiction books...one on writing instruction and two on historical periods and their implications.

One of his books -- "Baby Boomers Speak!" -- has been used by several newspapers to create special advertising sections for the generation born between 1946-1964.

Special Offer: This e-book also includes an e-mail consultation with the author.

Writing a book of your town history may be a great idea for your paper...or it may not. That's why I include MY E-MAIL ADDRESS with your order.

Just e-mail your questions to me, tell me about your newspaper's CIRCULATION and the COMMUNITY'S SIZE...and I'll get back to you with more ideas based on this data.

[Click Here to Order Now](#buynow)

"How to write the history of your town in 30 days!"

Only $29

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If you need any help, please contact us at rixquinn@charter.net [rixquinn@charter.net](mailto:rixquinn@charter.net)
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