Excerpt from product page

* How to Successfully Become a Vegetarian or Vegan


_TEMPTATION!_ - 19,344 interviewees said they failed at becoming
vegetarian because of temptation !

BBQ, nice, juicy meat... and you can give in to temptation.These new
veggies would still feel hungry after eating a vegetarian meal.

They were all DESTINED to failure!

HERE'S WHY: After interviewing and helping thousands of people
(3,917 to be exact!) switch to a vegetarian lifestyle

_HERE'S WHAT I'VE DISCOVERED_ about those who have adopted my

1) They understand the reasons and motivations for vegetarianism.
2) Their vegetarian meals are balanced and nutritious enough that
they don't feel hunger, and don't feel the craving for meat. * They
have EASY-TO-PREPARE, TASTY RECIPES at their disposal, so the
"vegetarian thing" becomes fun to do.
* They have made a conscious decision to help SAVE ALL THOSE POOR,
DEFENCELESS ANIMALS who are bred just to be killed and cooked.
* THEY WANT TO BE HEALTHY, and have realized that consuming
healthy, well-balanced foods is the key to vitality, energy and

I am Rudy Hadisentosa, and to date I have helped 3,917 people switch
to a vegetarian lifestyle. Here's what some of them have to say about
my passionate, unique method:

Hi Rudy,

I have been away and just got back from a meditation retreat in
India. I have attached my photo. I am a fifty year old soul who has
now been a vegan close to a year. The Veggie123.com has proved a great
help. I feel wonderful with my new eating habits and would recommend
it to whoever dares take the plunge!



The world owes a debt of gratitude to Rudy Hadisentosa for his
excellent work, How to Successfully Become a Vegetarian. He has kindly
has provided this work in and maintains an excellent web site
www.veggie123.com. This web site provides a useful and insightful
description of the "why to" and "way to" transition to a vegetarian
diet. This step by step guide clearly shows how animal agriculture is
the primary human activity destroying earth's ecological balance and
creating many lifestyle diseases plaguing modem society. The
membership area provides a step-by-step guide to making the personal
transition from the standard omnivorous human diet, to vegetarian. It
goes on to show why it is important both for personal and planetary
health to ultimately adopt a purely vegan diet. I highly recommend
this membership to everyone who cares about their own health and
well-being and the future of mankind.


Rudy Hadisentosa, from Veggie123.com, is a generous man who is
genuinely concerned with helping people to convert to vegetarianism
for the benefit of the planet. Through his mailing list he has
constantly encouraged and motivated me as a vegetarian, with practical
tips and sage advice. He is so positive and upbeat that it's hard to
believe that being a vegetarian could be hard at all. Thanks Rudy!


While I was pregnant, I found that I was changing my diet and eating
in a way that was healthier than I had ever eaten before. I also
started reading more about taking care of the environment so that the
planet will not suffer at my hand. I want to teach my daughter the
importance of taking care of our Earth and lead through example. I
looked into diapers that wouldn't hurt the environment, how I could
cease using harsh chemicals in my house, etc. Since having my
daughter, I sadly went back to my poor eating habits. Then I had a
conversation with my aunt who mentioned that if I don't eat properly,
I may not be here long enough to enjoy my daughter into adulthood.
This sent me on a quest that included a much needed diet that would be
beneficial to the environment as well. Now, I knew that eliminating my
meat consumption would help the Earth and so I searched for help with
how to become a vegetarian. Veggie123.com, How to Successfully Become
a Vegetarian, and the personalized attention from Rudy Hadisentosa has
been essential in my transition. I have learned so much and know that
the information provided will help me to become the healthy woman that
I need to be. I look forward to the positive changes that I have
learned through this excellent website and being a healthy role model
for my baby girl. Thank you!


"They say, 'you are what you eat!' I have been a vegetarian for
almost 3 years now and ever since, I have felt lighter, healthier, and
happier because my brain was not numb from that drug called meat. If
you want to make a positive and conscious choice like becoming a
vegetarian then you have got to be informed. And that's where I have
found Rudy's ebook to be helpful." –


For many becoming a vegetarian is a very challenging decision to
apply to their daily lives. To live we need to eat (unless you have
become enlightened like Ram Bahadure Banjan :-) ) For me becoming a
vegetarian was beyond challenging. I have a beautiful family of 4, and
my fiancé is an outstanding chef. He makes delicious chicken, beef,
turkey and pork meals.

I have been wanting to be a vegetarian for the past two years but I
never found that inner strength. When I finally decided (over a month
ago) I started to research the web for information on living a
vegetarian lifestyle. I came across veggie123.com and there it was:
"Even if You Have Tried & Failed Before". The e-book helped me
understand not only the meaning of being a vegetarian, but the
different types. The history of vegetarianism helped support my
decision because I am the type of person who really appreciates
knowledge. My daughter is 6 years old and she has also decided to
become a vegetarian. I encourage her and share the information that
I've learned on veggie123.com.

I am thankful and grateful for Rudy's passion to help others.



I have been a vegetarian for almost ten years. I was into my eighth
year when I discovered Rudy Hadisentosa and his website:
www.veggie123.com. He is a wonderful resource for vegetarians and
those considering becoming vegetarians (or, at least, reducing their
consumption of animals).

Rudy is a comprehensive resource who, in a judgment free manner,
describes and informs on the various issues leading many to adopt a
vegetarian diet: health, ecology, economy, world poverty, concern for
other non-human sentient beings, etc.

His recommendations are always well considered and he provides
credible references for his assertions. Rudy recognizes that few of us
can live vegan lifestyles (I continue to eat dairy products), but most
of us can make wiser food choices for the better health of ourselves
and others. Rudy is a warm, wise, and, at times, humorous guide on
that journey.

Let his site help you and the planet.

Pittsburgh, PA USA
Lawyer and college instructor

" A WEALTH of HEALTH! I knew other people could do it, but I just
didn't know how! I am almost 37 years old now, shhhhh, and I still get
ID'd for 18+ movies, believe it or not!"


Hey my name is Brittany J. Branch I'm 19 years old I live in houston
TX. I was a meat eater all my life till I ran across PETA ads and
looked around and I liked how it was about the animals and it actually
told was happened behind the scenes. So I keep watching videos and
thinking all this time I had a choice. so I choosed. I choosed to be
vegetarian. I even had high blood pressure and becoming vegetarian
really helped that. But my only problem was I needed someone to turn
to. I was the only and still is the only vegetarian in my family so I
looked around and found Veggie123. It helped me with nutrition
learning to love veggies and the proper things I needed to do to stay
healthy. And it had really great tips on other things u could to
improve lots of other things. And I was most please with my emails on
important thing I should know that's happening in the vegetarian world
or just up coming events till this day I still rush to my computer
with a big smile :) waiting for my Veggie123 newsletter to come. I
want to thank everyone there for showing me the way and not feeling
like an outcast or unhealthy vegetarian. Thanks again

P.S I also plan on raising my kids in the future to be vegetarian as
well. Its the only healthy thing to do.


I am one of the Veggie123.com member. I am so proud of this site. I
was overweight and my cholesterol was high specially the bad
cholesterol. After joining this site and having advice to be
vegetarian I strictly followed the advice and become healthier and
happier person than ever before. Now I lose weight and can do my
exercise without any obstacle.

I would like to thank Rudy who is working hardly on this site to
help people. This is what world need to help each other in any form
whatever you have. If she accept my request I would like him to be my

Thank U Rudy so much. I love U. God bless you.


Wow!! What a comprehensive ebook! It has really helped me to become
and stay a vegetarian, and it's so full advice and encouragement. This
is one of the best books I have ever read. Rudy has put his/her heart
and soul into it, and he is truly a genuine and committed expert in
this field. I would recommend this book to anyone - the quality is


Brisbane, Australia

My experience with the website veggie123 was the best experience of
my life. I downloaded the vegetarian123 internet ebook immediately and
started reading it. Their was many interesting facts that I really did
not know or understand until I read this book about eating meat and
what it could do to your system. I was intrigued to become a
vegetarian so that is what I did. I enjoy reading and learning about
the fact that meat has unnecessary hormones that humans eat but don't
need and that by eating meat you have a higher risk of your body not
being balanced. I used to eat pork and steak almost every night and I
decided to not do that anymore but becoming a vegetarian was difficult
for me because I was living with my parents at the time who ate meat
every night. Also because of my disability it was hard for me to
become a vegetarian at first because they were the ones fixing my
meals. I never regret the decision I made because not only had it
helped me over all hormonally, but it has helped my health in other
ways and I am losing weight which I believe has to do with my
vegetarian diet. I want to thank this website and book for giving me
an insight into what it is really like to be a vegetarian.


Thank for the words of encouragement! Its been 3 days only but I am
loving every minute of my decision to change my lifestyle! This isn't
an over night change, I took some time to think about it and did loads
of research before hand. I know this is right for me! And I am proud
to say that my mom is joining me on this new journey. So I have a
solid support group and a strong will.

Like you said, nothing is impossible!

Again Thank you!


No doubts about the positive impact of my vegetarian lifestyle. This
book is really amazing and wonderful. I have never known about the
carbon dioxide emissions from cattle greenhouse.

Thank you,


Hi Rudy!

I dunno if you'll get this message, but I just wanna say thank you!!
I stopped eating meat on June 9th after reading your book and I love
the emails you send out!

I get so excited to see a new one and can't wait to see what tips
and information you've sent!

I've tried to go vegetarian before reading your book, but never
could find the will power. I always went like a week and then quit.

But while reading your book something just finally clicked. It
helped put me in the right mindset and gave me all the information to
finally give up meat for good.

I don't even miss it! I often forward your emails to my other
vegetarian friends, and friends who aren't vegetarian because they
have so much information!

So anyways, I just wanna thank you for all your hard work! If
there's anything I can do to help out the cause let me know and I'll
do my best!



Hi, Rudy!

Thank you for the eggplant recipe. I loved the movie " Ratatouille",
now i have the recipe that made the little chef famous! I think I am
going to like eggplant. I am going to try this recipe very soon, and
some more that are similar. From what I hear, Italians use eggplant in
a lot of their recipes. I don't know why I have never tried it
before....It sounds like a good substitute for meat.

Before I started my vegetarian diet, I had very weak muscles in my
upper back, which became painful with very little exertion. I had
learned to deal with it, because things need to get done, no matter
how you are feeling. I was working the other day, and suddenly
realized that my back was not bothering me at all. A very pleasant
surprise! It must be my new diet, because I haven't done anything else

I am beginning to think that most of the diseases and problems that
we have with our health are caused by vitamin and mineral
deficiencies, rather than germs and viruses.

I really think that our bodies could fight off these invaders, if we
had a healthy immune system, and the only way to achieve that is by
eating the right foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle. I know it
certainly has made a difference in my life.

So.....Thank you for putting me on the right track, Rudy. Thank you
very much!

Have a blessed day!


Thank you so much for putting this letter and ebook together. It has
so far been a great help to me. I have tried this before and always
went back, just like you did. I hope this time I can stick with it.
Your analogy of the aliens coming was helpful, as well. I will keep at


Hello Rudy! I have enjoyed your informative emails. I am really glad
to read the one about soy - I have been suspicious of many soy
products for about 15 years. It seemed when I ate them I had some
allergic reactions. I was only able to trace it to the products (milk,
some kinds of tofu) after a lengthy process of eliminating certain
foods. Without any real scientific studies, I decided soy was the
problem and quit eating it - and those allergies ended. It is great to
know someone else has done some studies to confirm my suspicions!

Thank you for your help with my continuing quest to be as healthy as
possible! :)

Be well,

Peace Corps Volunteer, Chernivtsi, Ukraine (native of California,

Hi :)

I haven't finished reading yet...but i did cover chapter 4...I can
never look at a meat store the same way again...

I had my issues with meat and eating meat for a while now...but now
i am really trying to keep my decision and not give up, no matter
what. I am pretty stubborn :P

It's only been 2 days, but I already feel better. Before that I
tried a diet that recommended mostly meat and I felt so sick and
fatigued all the time I gave it up, and decided it is time to make a
change for the better.

P.S. i am certain that i am not actually supposed to reply :)) but
hell, why not :P


You see, I live my preachings. I have dedicated my life to finding
the easiest, the healthiest and the most satisfying way to become

During my research I discovered these questions that are frequently
asked by want-to-be vegetarians:

* Will I get enough protein?
* How do I start?
* Will my teenager grow properly?
* How do I get enough nutrients?
* What are the best substitutes for milk?
* What should I say to people when they ask me why I don't eat
* Is soy safe to eat ?
* How do I get enough protein and vitamin B12 (I've heard some
rumours about this!)
* Is it easier to do it all at once or gradually?
* How do I get rid of that "meat" craving?

That's when I decided to write my first book: _How To Successfully
Become a Vegetarian._ This book has helped thousands of people switch
to the vegetarian lifestyle (and answers the above questions).

Thank you sooo much Rudy for this book. I am still reading it. I
spent all of yesterday putting together your awesome veg recipes. My
immediate family really likes the food. And my kids and I watched some
of the PETA videos online...we were grossed out!

So I loving the thought of "not" killing in order to eat. Thanks
again sooo much for your support.

Many blessings!


GIG PR & Management

Thank you, Rudy! I have read much of the book so far and it is very
informative and really interesting. I have many vegetarian friends and
have told them about my decision. Today was Day One. They are very
supportive and offering to teach me how to cook various things - tofu,
tempeh, recipes to share. I am very excited about turning over this
new leaf. Thank you for all of your support and information.

All the best,


Hya Rudy...

Thank you for your encouragement. I am still reading the e book and
find it helpful.

I am sure this will be the way of eating that suits me for taste and
ethical reasons and although I am sure it will grow easier as I go on
have been eating quorn and meat substitutes or fish for purely weight
and taste reasons. I also adore animals and want to support their


Thank you so much for the e-book. It was a source of great
I really appreciate it.
I have been meat free since 4-20-09 and loving it.
I have eaten foods that I never thought I would like turnips and
parsnips, tofu, eggplant and so many others that I won't bore you
with, but flavor was the one thing that worried me when I decided I
could no longer eat animal flesh, but to my big surprise I am
more flavors then I thought possible!

My family has even decided to eat vegetarian at dinner with me. I am
vegetarian all the time but my daughter and husband are eating less
meat by choosing to eat one meal that is meat free per day.



Rudy, i just wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to give
me all these tips and information because i need it so much. You are
definitly helping me and i appreciate it. :)


I've been in your shoes and I realize that this may not be enough
for you to change. I remember when I used to eat only meat … I had
no compassion for our Mother Earth and I was really, really unhappy
with my body. In that state … no book in the world could have
changed my reality.

So I've decided to take it one step further …


It took three years and over 5,000 hours for my team and I to
conduct what is probably the most extensive research into
vegetarianism in history, with one goal only: slashing the
"adaptation" time for new Veggies and making the whole experience
enjoyable, easy and healthy.

It's written in plain English, so easy to understand that even your
kids can apply it. Even the tricky medical terms and problems are
spelled out as clear as a bell ...

Here's a "taste" of what you're about to learn ... quickly and

– our meat processing practices are so cruel, that after reading
what I know, you'll despise yourself for eating meat.
simple formula reduces heart and kidney risks while giving you a boost
of physical and mental power.
to stop medication right now (this particular diet is so effective
that it has been recommended by the American Diabetes Association).
* DINING OUT? The little-known creative secrets of eating with
style without compromising (even when the restaurant doesn't have a
vegetarian menu)
INFECTION – these "household wisdom" tips, even though
life-sustaining, are ignored by 97% of all Americans.

Thank you so much for the information. I have been meat free for 3
days and I am feeling quite at peace with my decision. I do not
personally know any other vegetarians, so I have a feeling things may
be a little weird at family get togethers. Also, my fiance is a meat
eater and I have not shared that I am becoming a vegetarian with him
yet. I don't know how he will react. If he is not supportive it won't
affect my decision at his point in my life. The reason I have not said
anything is because I don't feel I should have to explain why I don't
want to eat an innocent animal. Luckily, I have not had any cravings
for meat at all. I am going to work as hard as possible not to slip
back into my old thought processes.

Again, thank you for the information it will be a good reference and
support tool for me as I start my journey.

Many thanks,


all you need to know if you participate in an intensive sport.
but overlooked method will "force" your body to eat "like there is no
tomorrow" ... with no side effects whatsoever (... it's not what you
* A 10 STEP, EASY-TO-FOLLOW PLAN which will transform even the
biggest McDonald's addict into a healthy and nature-supportive person
(even your children)
LIFE ... even if you've tried (and failed) countless times in the past

Thanks for all of the great emails. I read some of your e-book again
last night. I read it very quickly the first time and now that I've
been vegetarian for a few weeks, I am finding it even more helpful. My
son just started dating a vegetarian and now he wants to try it too.
How exciting! Thanks for the recipes. I like to cook and part of the
fun of becoming vegetarian is that I am exploring all sorts of
different foods. Last night I made a vegetarian curry which I served
on sweet potatoes and a bed of raw spinach and today I will try making
some vegetarian pot stickers. Yummy! I never used Portobello mushrooms
very much because they are more expensive than creminis, but now that
I don't have to buy meat, I can afford them! I am still eating eggs &
dairy products but I am making an honest effort to use them sparingly,
mostly to avoid gaining weight. I live in an area where I can get
really good fresh raw milk and organic eggs, so I feel pretty happy
about that. Also, I have seven free-range & organically fed chickens
in my back yard but they haven't started laying yet. I can't wait for
those eggs! My chickens are very happy birds, no rooster, just

Thank you so much for all that you are doing to promote
vegetarianism! I was wondering how you manage to write to everyone
personally - I was actually quite surprised that you responded to my
question about eating shellfish - You really are doing something very
special and I thank you very much!

Have a wonderful day,


serious about a healthier and better life ... then run to the closest
store and buy them right now!
MOOD UP – structured especially for a well-rounded day.
* ARE DAIRY PRODUCTS GOOD FOR YOU? While not as dangerous as meat
... you'll be horrified at what havoc they can produce in your body.
* HOW TO GET ALONG WITH \"MEAT LOVERS\" ... without alienating
yourself or creating awkward situations (if you fear what people will
think of your new lifestyle, then this will end the problem ... once
and for all).

Hi there, i took the step to become a vegetarian strictly due to the
suffering of animals. just one day the switch flipped and i couldn't
contribute to that type of suffering any longer. I've always loved and
connected with animals... so i could no longer justify eating some and
loving others. I do not miss eating meat at all. There are so many
meat substitutes to add to your meals if you want or need that. I also
do everything in my power not to use products tested on animals. I
have become painfully aware of how animals suffer due to greed and
ignorance... Its really enough to take your breath away. My next step
is vegan. I am 'almost there'... I try hard to educate friends and
family... I have opened many peoples eyes and they too have made
changes... For me, it was the hard hitting graphic videos and
pictures... The details of the suffering... The facts that most of the
public just do not know and are never exposed to. I think so many more
people would choose a vegetarian lifestyle if they KNEW. But its a
very well hidden secret, the suffering and torture of animals. Anyway,
thats a little bit about my story. Good luck with your book...

Chris Murphy

You'll get everything you need to know – nothing will be held back
from you. More, in the Bonus "Green Living Book" you'll learn how to
save money , preserve your health and implement the previous advices
with ease.

Here's a sample with what I'm going to share with you:

* Why almost no modern oral care product can keep your teeth white
and healthy! (You'll be surprised on how much damage mouthwash and
floss can do … fact ignored by almost everyone)
* How to avoid the 8 common toxic ingredients found right now in
your beauty products ... ingredients that will lead to irritation,
allergies or even cancer.
* Proven ways to take care of your pets health and wellbeing ...
without spending any money or making a mess around the house.
* The one logo you should always search for when buying house
appliances (these regulated products consume only 1/3 compared to
their non-efficient counterparts)
* Seven household ingredients far more efficient than comercial
cleaning solutions ... that won't atack your hands or health (and will
even smell better)

First, I'd like to say that your book and advice have helped me
immensely! A couple weeks ago I was talking to a friend who is a
vegetarian. I had never once considered becoming one, and I thought
most vegetarians were a little crazy to be honest :) ... and to be
honest again, I couldn't care less about the "humane treatment of
animals"... I think God put them on this earth for us to eat! Anyway,
as she began explaining to me the nutritional value of becoming a
vegetarian, something within me sparked and I decided to check it out.
Over the next couple days I researched her claims, and it turns out
she was right! I decided essentially right away to commit at least a
year of my life to changing my lifestyle. I quit meat cold turkey, and
it's been exactly two weeks now! So far I've had no regrets or second
thoughts! I've heard quite the array of comments from friends and
family, but my best friend and boyfriend are supportive which is very


* HOW TO MAKE EXERCISING FUN … without spending a fortune on
equipment or consumables (you'll actually enjoy it after you'll read
my advice)
WISE? This answer will suprise you ... no matter what side are you on.
them forget about video games while helping them learn about nature
and life.
save you more than $150 each month.


I must thank you for all the tips that you have given me. I'm still
learning a lot and finding out what products to use but I am enjoying
it. I have decided to go vegan and its the best thing I could have
done. I feel good about myself and supporting animal rights. I don't
know other vegans so it's great that I found your website and your


Isobella Jansen Van Rensburg
South Africa

Besides the book, _How To Successfully Become a Vegetarian,_ I
created a membership site where you can get into the Veggie123 system.

The famous _How to Become a Healthy Vegetarian_ ebook that helped
3,917 people transform their body into a temple ... improving their
energy, health and overall quality of life

An audio version of _How to Become a Healthy Vegetarian,_ so you can
listen on the move on your iPod, mp3 player or mobile phone

Green Living ebook that will change how you see your life, you will
realize that most products is toxic, and its best to stay away from
them so your body is always in prime condition, and not weakened by
the chemicals.

An audio version of the Green Living Guide so you can listen to it
wherever you want, in your gym or while driving to work and home every
day. ( And learn something really useful )

Tasty and balanced recipes created by our expert cooks, with which
you can easily prepare delicious meals (some take under 15 minutes for
an entire meal!) – get ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner and

7-days-a-week support to encourage you in your decision to become
healthy and earth-conscious.

HERE'S THE DEAL: Click the order now button and take advantage of
this guide, risk-free for the next 60 days.

What does that means?

For the next two months (more than enough time to check it out),
treat it as your own. Cook its mouth-watering recipes... share it with
your family and friends ... learn everything you want to know and take
action into changing your life to the better.

If after 2 entire months you hadn't got any value from it ... or
you've decided that the veggie life isn't for you, then please write
me an fast email and I'll rush your money back ASAP.

This lifestyle is suitable for everybody so I won't ask you any
questions ... or hassle you about a second thought. I trust that after
two months ... you've made your own mind about this topic.

I've helped 3,917 people leave the "fast-food" lifestyle behind and
embrace a more healthy diet. That's why I guard my reputation with my
life ... and I won't risk it for anything in the world.

The final word is that you must be either blown away from its
content or I insist you get your money back.

HOW MUCH WILL THIS COST ME? The value of all these products to your
life could easily be worth over $1,000. The price of your happiness,
increased energy, saving the planet, and maybe 10-15 more years to
your life is _priceless_. But this doesn't mean that this will cost
you an arm and a leg.

Not by far.

Instead, it will cost you ONLY $127 $97 $67 ... and that's if you
are 100% satisfied. Remember, if this doesn't work out for you as you
wanted ... you'll not only get the most comprehensive insight into the
vegetarian life ever published but also your money back as soon as

That's how confident I am about my stuff. I really think that it
will change your life ... maybe not overnight, but soon enough to
thank me.


If you order your access to Veggie123 system now, you are entitled
release a volume 2 of my ebooks & audio books, it will be yours FREE.

Moreover, a portion of this money will go to environmental charities
that support our philosophy, and another portion to our wonderful
affiliates who are helping us making this a better and healthier world
... one person at a time.

Think about it. You are already spending a small fortune each month
on food for yourself and your family. Most of it its delicious ... but
it's causing an havoc inside your body.

But no matter how delicious your current diet is, no meat based food
in the world will make you feel as good and powerful as a vegetarian

Don't wait anymore. Order now and start taking control of your body
right now.

For nature,

P.S. Remember, you have Nothing to risk to discover the easiest,
most practical solution to become a vegetarian, which has directly
helped thousands of people (and if you send me an email saying it
isn't worth it, I'll even refund your money, no questions asked!). So
go ahead and take the final step to becoming a healthy vegetarian.

P.P.S. If you miss out on this habit-changing offer, you are only
cheating yourself. After all, our health is the most important thing
we have in this life, and this easy and affordable solution, tested by
thousands of people, is within easy reach. So go ahead and .Thank you!

Again, thank you, Rudy.

This last e-mail of yours says much about your integrity and sincere
desire to help ALL of us develop healthier diets.

It also reminds me of warnings from someone else that I read a few
years ago which pointed out that in the orient, where soya originated,
humans do NOT eat soy beans, except in various fermented forms such as
Soy Sauce. The soy beans were never intended for human consumption.


Dear Rudy,

Thanks for the updates. I am reasonably pleased with my progress,
tonight was the first night in a week and a half that I had a very
tiny piece of chicken breast, but you know, I did not enjoy it that
much. I have been worried a bit about getting enough protein as I have
been feeling a bit tired, but maybe its the heat - Cape Town is very
hot at the moment. I have been having a small handful of nuts every
day, and I eat a few dairy products, like cheese, yoghurt etc. , so it
is probably in the mind.

The reason why I have gone veggie is I have always enjoyed them more
than meat and the growing price of meat. There are other reasons too,
but the thing that really got to me was watching a video on animal
farming, which showed the extremely sad side of humans in their
treatment and attitude towards animals, those images are still fresh
in my mind and will be for some time. I intend on handing this video
around to people who are interested and hopefully they will also see a
reason to cut it out or at least to cut down.

Thank you again for your information, keep up the good work.



Hi Rudy

Thanks for the welcome. Yes I have read the whole book and I think
it's brilliant. It echoes all my feelings on the subject. I am now 99%
veggie and recently saw some really distressing pics (and stories) on
the PETA website and it was totally the last straw for me and my
decision became SO easy. My husband and I have lived with 10 cats (4
at the moment) over our 19 year marriage and I keep looking at them
and thinking how would I feel if someone decided to eat them! I am
sure that in some cultures they do and find it as acceptable as our
society does eating cows etc well I don't!

Turning Veggie is not such a huge transition for me really. I think
I have always been a vegetarian living in an occasional meat-eaters
body lol. I can remember asking my mum when I was very young and one
of my rabbit friends had died if I could stop eating meat. She said it
was a choice I had to make as an adult. I have never liked meat and I
hardly ever ate any. I did eat chicken but wont miss it . I shall miss
salmon but it's a sacrifice I am more than prepared to make.

I get my eggs from a friend who has free-range (very pampered!)
chickens living next door to me so, for the time being, I am ok to
carry on eating eggs.

My family,(husband 2 teenage daughters), are really supportive of me
which is fantastic and thank you so much for your support I appreciate
it greatly. So far so good !


Hi Rudy,

I am half way through your ebook and am more than pleased. I have
found it to be the perfect aid in my journey of becoming a vegetarian.
Thank you for the support.



Thank you for your kind encouragements. I've been tempted to become
a vegetarian for the last 10 years. Actually, it feels a lot like I've
been a "closet" vegetarian in the past two years, eating meat and
poultry only when visiting, simply so as to not upset my hostess.

As a single female with no children, I find it easy to eat
vegetarian at home and at work. Chicken is what I still find tempting
at times, though I can resist. But it is difficult during family
gatherings to refuse meat. The further north you live, the more people
are meat-eaters. I am from native origins, my ancesters were hunters
and survived on eating the flesh of animals, in a land when you had
about 4 months out of 12 to grow anything edible. Though today, with
technology, trade and fast transportation, it is possible to get a
carrot anytime anywhere, we still follow a diet traditionally centered
on meat. Many of my family members still believe meat is a necessary
food source. It is difficult for them to feel tolerant when they are
faced with what they believe is their duty to accommodate a guest.
They would never believe it decent to let a guest simply have a baked
potatoe, some green salad, green peas and a bun, no matter how much
that guest said to be quite happy that way. They think they'll have to
serve tofu or special exotic dishes for that guest only, thus their
irritation. But I suppose I'll have to face the heat at first and
then, if I do not give in, they'll simply learn to accept it...

My sister in law went "pollo-vegetarian" over 15 years ago. Although
she does not eat meat or fish, she eats chicken. Believe it or not,
some members of my family are still a bit grumpy about that when a
family dinner is organised! They feel they MUST serve chicken, of
course, while my sister-in-law never required that! She'd be willing
to have whatever is on the table that she could eat. So, I just shrink
when I think of their reaction when I say "no thanks" to the beef stew
or the chicken tournedos! At least, my sister-in-law would have the
chicken tournedos! But it will have to be faced if I am to "come out
of the closet"! Let us have "Vegetarian pride!"

Thank you for the support.


I don't know if I mentioned it (I know I did not) but thank you for
all of this information. I dropped the meat from my meals in October
as part of a "meatless fast" and I just never went back. I truly
enjoyed reading the ebook and I gleaned a lot of needed information.
Thank you again.


Oh thank you so much for your help. I will definetely take the
advice because I am most certainly feeling the side effects of the
dietary change.

Thanks again,


Thank you so much for your website! They are really helping me &
myeight year old son get on track. I am fortunate enough to have a
child that loves his veggies so we are really enjoying the lifestyle


I would just like to thank you for these e-mails about eating
vegetarian, I really didn't think that I could do it, but it's
becoming me & I'm going to stick w/ it... This weekend I am going to a
health food store that I discovered in my neighborhood & see what kind
of goodies I can find.

Thanks Again,



I've been "clean" for three days!!!! I must say, thanks to your
book!!!. I've read it and let me tell you, it is so helpful. I found
so many reasons not to eat meat that I did not even know about it.
I've always love animals and I was "weird" when it came to eating. I
wouldn't eat any seafood except for tuna and fried calamary (once in a
blue moon) but I never went fishing with my friends (completely
against it), not too much chicken either and couldn't cook with it
(can't even watch it raw) but I would eat beef like there's no
tomorrow, but there was always a part of me that was trying not to
think about the poor animals I was about to enjoy. I'm argentinean
therefore I was raise eating meat in our four meals and steak it's
like eating rice for some cultures. I've tried before but I would
always go back to eat some milanesas or give up at any of the regular
sunday argentinean BBQ's.

I've always knew it was wrong but also it was something hard to deal
with. I'm not saying is easy to do it know, but your book has
definetely helped me in "keeping my memory fresh" about the atrocities
mankind are doing to these beautiful animals. Along with more
informationg about these conditions and I came to learn how healthy
can it be for my body too.

I hope I can keep going without eating meat beacause I really don't
want to eat it!!!

So far, I must admit I started as an ovo-lacto vegetarian diet. Not
the ideal, but it's a start. I'm not too much of a cook so I struggled
a couple of times to figure what to eat ( and I wasn't a veggie lover
person either) but I found a website with a lot of recipes with
familiar dishes from my country but without meat, so that's helping me
a lot.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your incredible book and
your words of encouragement!!!



(c) 2010 How to Successfully Become a Vegetarian or Vegan


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