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Automate PPV and PPC campaign creation. Increase your ROI , cut research times.

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[Url Scraper](scraperexp.php) : This is by far the most powerful scraper around. It gets the urls by scraping both organic and paid search results of Google/Yahoo/MSN. In addition you can sort these urls by their alexa or quantcast rank. So out of the thousands of results you can focus on the top ranked , that will bring the 80% of the traffic to your campaign [Related Domains Finder](domaindiggerexp.php) : With this tool you can get related domains to a given one. The data are fetched from alexa and quantcast. So if you know an url that might convert , using this you will get around 30 of them! [Domain Expander](expanderexp.php) : It will get the indexed urls for a given domain. It's used when the bids for the root domain are too high and you want to get more "long tail" urls [Url Query Generator](querygenexp.php): This is a very useful tools when bid prices for certain keywords (not urls!!) are too high. So instead of bidding on keywords , it will generate search engine urls that contain the keywords , so you can bid on and pay less! [Top 1 Million Domain Explorer](top1mexp.php) : Get all the domains from the top million websites of the web by using powerful filtering rules. [and much more...](tools.php)

Why Affexpert.com?
We have the best CPV/PPC tools out there. We constantly update the existing tools and add new ones regularly You get self hosted tools that you can download and keep them We listen to you! No really , we can add new tools on your demand so you get always the best
Full 5 day trial for only $4.95 and $39/month after

© 2009 Affiliate Expert

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