Excerpt from product page

Private & Confidential: 7 Days Only Open to the First 70 37 People

“Instant Candles: Announcing All NEW Breakthrough Secrets To Simple Candle Making… Guaranteed Results!”

Yes, it's simple. This solution comes as close as anything I know to Instant Candles, very easy to plunge right in, easy to absorb, easy from hobby to happiness...but alwfully hard to stop doing once you have started, (like eating popcorn).

And I warn you, it's habit forming. You make INSTANT candles...decorative and unique. In fact, highly sought after displays adding "WOW" factor to your home decor.

Wouldn't it be incredible enjoying more of your time adding value to your life by actually making candles? Well, it's time to share the consistent results with you...

Seriously, this secret simple system doesn’t require any candle making equipment

In fact, this is the most important report you'll ever read…

See, in the world of candle making, there is another side to this hobby that few candle makers if any are revealing, (hint: costly mistakes...they only make it seem easy!)

Thank goodness this fascinating lovely system works time and time again. The best part is the amazing simplicity, (no guesswork to uncover the mystery).

You need to "bridge the gap" with a good solid solution that's simple. It's why everyone else are all looking at doing EXACTLY what you're about to learn.

You skipped the learning curve and make candles in no time flat or...it's FREE!

Discover The Same Secret Candle Enhancement System That’s Actually So Simple You’ll Want To Satisfy Your Making Candle Dreams… Now!


Saturday 10am, 2009

RE: Secrets of Simple Candle Making

John Mignano

Dear Friend,

As impressive as it sounds, why am I telling you this? Confused? Frustrated? Are you wasting time trying to figure out all the different kinds of candles to make first?

So you might say it can be tough and often it is easy to drown in a pool of "wax preserver" unless you have exactly the right kind and know how to make it, right?

If you've ever thought "something's missing" then certainty is exactly what you have been waiting for...

You do not want to miss out on this...it is NOT another "nice" ebook or make candle ecourse that sits on your hardrive collecting cyber dust.

Last night, I couldn't sleep as I was reading through all your questions in the survey. You know what? I realised why so many people are overwhelmed and stuck!

Here's why, everyday you don't have this info and you still chase basic clues is another day wasted as you could be making candles feeling much happier.

Get your first success under your belt, others come easier! This exclusive offer is now available, (unlike any lifestyle reward you'll find anywhere...for 7 days only).

Yes, I know from current research many people get hung up on a bunch of candle maker ideas and theories.

Let's Not Kid Ourselves, There's The Usual Abundance Of Technical Bits and Pieces In Making Candles To Learn and Tackle, Which You Know Is Confusing...

At last! You get ONLY real infomation completely obligation free with proven-effective techniques that do work, many of which make you unstoppable as you gain confidence.

That’s right! Yet the most important part is you’re moving ahead and taking a step towards a better life by making fashionable candles without equipment and experience.

What would it mean to you if you had a shortcut with bullet proof system?

Hang on, I know what your thinking...

Your time is valuable. Get yourself a drink, sit down, and read on. I have been right where you are...you're busy and don't have time to chase around for what you need.

How do you make high quality candles on a shoestring budget? You will not need a lot of time or to buy a bunch of expensive equipment or need any prior experience:

No gimmicks or fluff, you'll see this is truly a results driven solution

You get valuable info that's straight to the point, you set-up and run with consistent results

You avoid those tricky situations and costly mistakes, step-by-step make professional looking candles easily...

Do you want to make candles that is pleasing to the eye, scented and decorative candles from the comfort of your home?

I want to invite YOU as our personal V.I.P guest for a genuine rewarding lifestyle offer!

In just a moment I'll prove how all of the above is easy. Let's begin by chatting about your dreams of making candles because it’s part of the key to unlocking your passion.

Yes! That's why we share the same connection here...pure and simple.

Let me ask you a question...

Why are most people just starting out in candle making struggling?

I want to personally guide you with this complimentary report so you’ll reach your dream of making candles with less work and less time.

Here's why? Making candles is all about your security, warmth, love and YOU feeling good about yourself and being happier (or what's most important to you?)

Allow me to explain...

Many people just like you would absolutely love to make a candle. They'd love to do candle making crafts and wax art in their spare time, holidays or vacations, etc...

Are you one of them? Today you can reserve your front row seat to get instant access.

If you’re thinking about making candles, read every word and see how this actually benefits you by transforming your life through secrets to simple candle making.

Let's Focus On Your Hobby, Can You Afford Not To...

Once upon a time there was a 33-year old mom called Kathy who lived in the northern suburbs of Sydney in Australia with her husband and two adorably beautiful little girls.

Kathy felt she wanted to learn the essential skills, but would get overwhelmed with all the information. She'd get bits and pieces of the puzzle, feel confused and frustrated.

She'd failed miserably! Naturally everyday she'd feel insecure, unhappy, dissapointed and desperate not being able to make candles with her family.

You know the story, right? You're trying everything and not getting anywhere…

In other words you feel like it’s a waste of your time and your money with nothing left to show apart from empty purse and sinking empty feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Fast Forward To The Future...Are YOU Making Any of these BIG Mistakes in Your Candle Making?

What problems are you struggling with right now and what is holding you back?

YOU face 3 BIG problems that are stopping you from making candles you want:

Problem 1: You initially start out excited that it is possible for you to make candles.

But that early anticipation and excitement soon dies down into the dread of having to work away at piecing together the huge puzzle of what really works

You stare for hours just wondering...you worry maybe it's your fault you're not making candles and you're the only person who's not managed to find the answers

And that's just it, you are NOT alone. You see, there are countless people in your shoes and I should know as I used to be one of them...

Problem 2: You know what the biggest problem is about candle making?

There's literally too much information. Tons and tons and tons of it...

Information is great but when it becomes so much that it overwhelms you and you feel suffocated by it all...what's the point?

You can be blinded by too much info and you can't see the woods for the trees

You have many options open to you that it's impossible for you to know which way to turn

If only you had someone to show or stop you from making those dreaded mistakes

Problem 3: Have you ever felt confused?

You dig deeper and discover in order to make any type of candle you need a whole bunch of expensive equipment set-up costs in advance and need some experience

Let's cut to the chase here because this story has a happy ending...

This is not magic, just step-by-step how to make candles that is easy, enjoyable and fun for you with “zero based” experience and literally no equipment needed

What if making stunning holiday candles together with your kids that's colorful, beautiful and attractive was extremely safe and easy, how special would that be?

What if you could make wonderful gifts like Christmas candles, how satisfying and personal is a gift like that? What's the feeling you get giving from your heart?

What if you could make trendy decorative candles competently in 3 days or less without having all of the above BIG problems? Would that help you SAVE money?

Would you find being in control of your creativity extremely valuable to you?

Yes, you can make candles...

Thanks to the simplicity of this breakthrough, there's no stressful info overload

You don't even need years of experience to make your first candle

Why this system is so much easier? You will know the tried and tested method that will set you apart from 99% of other people struggling to make candles...

Let's face it, you want the most direct path with shortcut that's actually so simple and by far the quickest and easiest way to make candles...attractive, stylish and beautiful.

This priceless info is your key to lifestyle rewards. If you take action now you get to enjoy the whole experience, having fun while continuing to successfully make candles.

But is that what you really want?

Back To Basics...Are You Ready To Make Candles?

Great! So far so good...YOU can start in literally minutes.

Can it really be as easy as this?

Yes, it absolutely can and it is...no more pressure and fear of failure or risk!

See how to transform your life for the better in 4 inspirational ways:

Exciting, no expensive equipment needed

Fun, it works quick and easy for beginners

Secure, literally requires little or no experience

Safe, set-up is also well suited for working with children

But wait a minute...isn't this all sounding a bit to good to be true?

It's understandable you might thinking that way, you may think I'm full of B.S or hype!

Let me confess something to you...

I want to level with you. Most candle making books or ebooks promise you the world.

Once you buy into their promise and get behind their glossy cover, there's no real plan with step-by-step help to get you making candles, much less reaching your dream.

And what happens next?

You may be try it out for a while, only to confirm it won’t work for you and you hide your book or ebook away in a remote folder on your hard drive to collect digital dust.

You might want to believe me but you might also be thinking can YOU actually make a candle without the guesswork, waste, confusion, embarrassment and frustration?

Why You Shouldn't Listen To Me?

The reality is most people do struggle. Are you one of them? Right about now you'd be questioning how is this at all possible? See, I don't have to remind you how tough it is.

The accepted candle making wisdom tells you that:

You need to painstakingly read a ton of candle making books

You need to slave away buying lots of candle making equipment

You need to feverishly search for wholesale candle making supplies

You need to sweat blood and tears to make your first candle…

Hang in there with me and I'll prove how all of the above is DEAD WRONG.

What if you can get all that done without the problems and losing sleep?

What would it feel like for YOU to quickly and easily be able to make candles?

What would it mean to YOU to enjoy the experience of making candles, be who you are without even having to try a little harder?

What if YOU could do it without breaking a sweat while still having lots of fun?

Yes, you can turn your life around for the better and achieve the success you want just like I did because it's simple and no longer a case of if.

You can make it happen for you today, you just need to know that as a result of your awareness, you take the steps with ingredients or recipe and repeat the process.

And basically you're getting it all right from this page. Did I just say that? I sure did...

Want to know the BIG secret?

Introducing All New Breakthrough
"Secrets To Simple Candle Making™"

You owe it to yourself to try Secrets to Simple Candle Making™. The success of our research shows there's no reason why you should feel overwhelmed and apprehension.

Or why anything for that matter could get in your way to hold you back...

What's Included In Your 3 Special Reports?

Revealed are 3 absolutely simple and exciting non-poured candle projects:

Wax ______ Candles: (a picnic in the park)

Rolled _______ Candles: (a piece of cake)

Layered _______ Candles: (like taking candy from a baby)

This huge breakthrough is the essentials with step-by-step easy to follow instructions.

Anyone, even a total beginner needs NO experience in melting wax and NO equipment.

If You Can Read This You Are Over Qualified...

Do you want to keep struggling trying to learn how to make many different types of complicated candles that don't work?

Do you want to start with one simple candle that definitely works?

Please pay close attention here because what I am about to share with you is the non technical info on candle making that simply isn't available anywhere else:

You don't need to read a ton of books or ebooks

You don't need to buy lots of expensive equipment

You don't need to agonize over what supplies to buy

You don't need to freak out making your first candle

Yes, you read that correctly...

You've seen how easy this works at a FRACTION of the set-up time and money needed.

The fact that you can easily apply it to make a whole bunch of candles on your own is also...guaranteed.

But you want to know something even more exciting?

Anybody can use "Secrets To Simple Candle Making" to get amazing results.

Not just good results, amazing results. After all, the Secrets To Simple Candle Making is going to work for you too…or it’s FREE!

You can be absolutely sure the nagging answer to that question in the back of your mind about whether or not this really works for you is finally put to rest.

You know it doesn't matter what your experience level or where in the world you are because confidently without a doubt you know exactly what to do.

How Many Candle Makers Does It Take To Make A Simple Candle?

You must be sick to death of hearing from other candle makers about how many different types of candles you supposedly can make in 3 minutes flat?

Okay. I know you are...and of course, you're probably not a GURU candle maker superstar are you? I mean technically speaking that just doesn't make sense, right?

And if you're still hiding out because you're in candle making diapers (brand-new) you might have no clue whatsoever.

You want a step-by-step guide that makes it a cakewalk to start, right?

Great! You'll absolutely fall in love with the simple candle projects you can make… 

You know you can use this system again and again.

And in order to demonstarte just how incredible and amazing this sysem is, you don't even need to buy expensive equipment to get stunning results. How cool is that?

The list of exciting benefits continue to stack up in your favor. "Secrets To Simple Candle Making™" is for real people, of all ages and different gender all over the world.

Seriously, it's like the “holy grail” of elegance and serenity in candle making.

You no longer have to second guess, and here comes the truly coolest part...or burn a BIG hole in your purse or pocket.

Let’s face it, candle making might not be your hobby?

Look, I'm definitely not here to sell you on something you don't want or push into making candles...how do you know whether you want to stick with this hobby or not?

STOP: You Need To Think About This…

You are at a crossroads (and yes, there's more to come).

Of course, you can do whatever it is you want. You can totally ignore my well meaning insights and wisdom...go off and create your own candles from scratch.

While this isn't impossible by any means, you know it will take time, be more difficult and painful...it might even be a very long journey for you.

Sure, you could buy a candle making kit...

What if the "Secrets To Simple Candle Making™" proves to be wonderfully supportive because it is your sure-fire recipe for confidence and continued success?

Let me show you why you’re going to love this unique guide I've created just for you…

Why The "Secrets To Simple Candle Making™ " Is Unlike Anything Else You Have Ever Seen Before?

You know as well as I do new products are coming out in this make candle hobby all the time. It can be very confusing with so many enticing offers piling up on the table.

Let's get serious here. Real serious because time is running out and you have NEVER seen anything like this before and you NEVER will again...

Here's what YOU don't need to do because this solution is made easy for you:

You don't need to read a ton of books or ebooks

You don't need to buy lots of expensive equipment

You don't need to agonize over what supplies to buy

You don't need to freak out making your first candle

The "Secrets To Simple Candle Making™" was created in a moment of joy, excitement and inspiration having lots of fun experimenting with wax art decorative techniques.

In fact, go ahead and follow the 3 easy steps...

Can you think of which other type of candle making techniques you can compare to this totally inexpensive system for elegance, serenity and simplicity of making candles?

You want to make a candle today...with the least amount of time spend reading and without needing a degree in chemistry, right?

And initially you want the encouragemnet with reassurance in knowing you don't need to spend hundreds of dollars to buy all your supplies and equipment, right?

All without the pain and anguish of having to spend the next 170 hours or more in front of your computer screen learning how to make a simple candle. That's just ridiculous!

Like as you know life goes on and before you know it passes you by…

Then suddenly it struck me like a thunder bolt of lightning…because this is such a no-brainer time saving technique it provides REAL VALUE for almost everyone.

Yes, it is simply plug and play.

Now, plug and play is exactly what you get (as you'll see in a moment).

Are You Sick of People Telling YOU That All the Learning And Painful Technical Stuff Is the Easy Part?

This is a proud moment because honestly you'll find it a breath of fresh air in a sea of selfishness. This is easy to understand, super-easy to put into practice.

This is a must have for anyone serious about making candles.

Yet it goes a lot deeper, I know in my heart of hearts this is going to dramatically transform your life for the better:

No hands on experience? … No problem

No candle molds? … No problem

No double boiler? … No problem

No thermometer? … No problem

No additives? … No problem

No wax to melt? ... No problem

No equipment? … No problem

Okay. Are you ready to secure my entire refreshing all-in-one ready-made solution to make candles, more than you can shake a stick at with your results?

Welcome to the non-technical world that helps you truly make top-quality candles the easy way, I'm so excited I can barely wait to finish (even I resisted doing it for ages.)

Now, you know why this is called "Secrets To Simple Candle Making™ " and why you want the most practical, plug and play system for real people just like you.

Love it or leave it...it's a personal gift, if you want the rewarding lifestyle that allows you to go off...easily and quickly make countless candle projects in your spare time.

You can create YOUR OWN professional looking elegant candles...it's your choice.

All you do is put _____ (which I show you how to do step-by-step). You really cannot fail or be sorely dissappointed.

7 Reasons Why You Need To Take Action and Claim Your Own Special Report Now!

#1: You're struggling to make candles you want

#2: You're sick of not getting support with your candle making

#3: You want quick, easy candle making techniques without re-mortgaging your home

#4: You finally want to discover the key secrets that are being kept from you

#5: You just want a helping hand to start seeing better results

#6: You just need someone to point you in the right direction of what works

#7: You're sick of going round in circles and just want the insider info on how to make candles

Discover your creative passion, start making your own trendy candles in 3 days or less!

Yes, I want to show you what I can teach YOU will help you make a candle and lots of candles.

Now, I take you behind-the-scenes and SHOW you exactly why I put this product where my mouth is with essential Iron-Clad 2 Months Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

Here’s Your Essential Iron-Clad 60 Days Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee

Yes! You get an Iron-Clad 2 Full Months Risk-Free 100% Money-Back Guarantee. You get my Secrets To Simple Candle Making to test-drive completely without any risk for 60 days. You get immediate access to 3 special reports you can start using right away.

No need to worry. If for any reason you are not delighted with the results, simply email us and you will receive a prompt and courteous refund in full. You want peace-of-mind and risk-free, that’s exactly what you get, I’m sure it blows you away how simple it is.

It's gonna be fun and I am so exicited to share with you the exact non-complicated methods tried and tested and continued to be enjoyed each and every month, all from simply making candles from the convenience of your kitchen table!

With this never-before-offered info you're going to discover how to successfully avoid the pain of those costly mistakes made by most people getting started or its FREE!

You shine confidently and successfully with knowledge to make your own expert quality candles in 3 days or less. Plus you get it all Guaranteed 100% and Risk-Free!

Your Five Fast Action BONUSES:

#1 - FREE Lifetime Updates ($35 of Value)

Yes, I'm going to include this $35 free bonus because for you that's worth 2 times as much as the original $17 - 3 special reports already included in this exclusive package.

Whenever I update the Secrets To Simple Candle Making™ because you're an existing customer, you'll receive a brand new copy of the very latest version absolutely FREE.


Want extra amazing value to make sure this is the most outstanding investment you'll ever make when it comes to candle making?

#2 - How To Effectively Use Wax ______

($10 of Value)

#3 - How To Make Pillar Candle From _____

($10 of Value)

#4 - How To Make Love Heart _____ Candle

($10 of Value)

#5 How To Seal Top Of Your ______ Candle

($10 of Value)

Of course, each bonus is obviously valued at $10 or more increasing the overall value to well over $75.00. This new price truly represents just a tiny fraction of the actual VALUE you’ll receive, yet it will be all yours for FREE!

[Better secure you copy now...I'm not sure how quick this sells out or how long I'll keep these extra bonuses available!](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)

Finally -Secrets To Simple Candle Making™ The Amazing Solution You Want To Get Started Today... Revealed!

Best of all its plain English, easy and fun, dead-easy to understand (you'll find no over-complicated technical jargon), you'll easily find what you want time and time again.

* Keep In Mind this 7 Day Offer is Only Open to the First 70 37 People *

Let's clarify because this is a special introductory no-brainer deal for Only $7.

$7 is absolutely not an expensive investment because you'll find all the content, insights, wisdom and BONUSES easy to digest, easy to absorb and valuable to you.

I reserve the right to increase investment at anytime back up to regular price of $17 or $27, $37, 57 or even high as $75 without warning or prior notice.

Here's the truth: If you're not willing to invest [just $7](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/) to know exactly how to make candles the easy way, you're probably better off doing some other hobby or craft. That may not be what you want to hear, but at least I am up front and honest with you...


[It's YOUR Choice, Get Ready To SAVE! Register Here To Claim Your Own Secrets To Simple Candle Making Lifestyle Rewards For 7 Days at Only $7 ](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)

If you want to compare just one tiny piece of equipment to your $7 investment, you'll see why this exclusive info saves and pays for itself dozens of times over!

Which Of These Would You Prefer...


Making candles can be easy with help from me and the "Simple Secrets To Candle Making™ "... [This 7 Day Offer Is Going Away, Don't Miss Out](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)


As you already know without help...what usually happens?
[You owe it to yourself to test-drive Secrets to Simple Candle Making™ Now!](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)


Here's Your Risk-Free Acceptance Form

Yes John! I am definitely not going to miss my one time only chance. I want to take advantage of this amazing limited time offer right now!

Yes, I'm sick of struggling to make candles. I understand by acting now I'm SAVING $75.00 with this limited time offer for [only $7](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/) before it's gone forever!

Yes, I realize that my investment is 100% Risk Free. If for ANY reason I don't get results in 60 days, my $7 will be refunded to me in full, no questions, no hassles or hard feelings and I get to keep everything as my Thank You Gift!

Yes, I understand I get 5 BONUSES with NO expensive shipping charges. I get digital PDF format to conveniently download by claiming my copy now as it will be my own plug and play instant access lifestyle rewards system for [only $7](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)  

No shipping ... No problem

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Plus, you're also supporting the green initiative which is healing our planet.

Act now and [just $7](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/) gives you 3 more powerful environmentally friendly reasons to keep your life elegant and serene with a home full of YOUR OWN warm, lovely romantic and beautiful handmade candles...all year round.

Regular Price $17.00


7 Days Special Offer
Lock-In Now For [Only $7](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)

[Register Here To Start Moving In The Right Candle Making Direction. Confirm Your SAVINGS and Get Instant Access Now...even if it's 3am! ](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)


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Yours in continued success,

John Mignano
Artisan Candle Maker

P.S. You'll know how to make a candle, as many elegant candles as you possibly can for you, your family and friends with the least amount of effort possible. I'm not going to give you a bunch of theory. You get exactly what works for you to see results.

P.P.S. Your investment is risk-free. If for ANY reason you're not delighted with the results, simply email for a full refund within 60 days to get 100% of your money-back, you keep it all as my Thank You Gift for giving your making candle dream a fair go.

[Bottom line what are you waiting for? It's time for you to take action, enjoy, have fun with your elegance and serenity lifestyle rewards](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)[...](http://1.candles333.pay.clickbank.net/)

© 2009 http://candlemakingsecrets.org - Secrets of Simple Candle Making™ and Simple Candle Making Lifestyle Rewards™ All rights reserved NLE Publishing.

Disclaimer: user comments are the opinions of the author and are not in any way endorsed or approved by NLE Publishing or its employees. The company has not investigated or substantiated any of the user comments or claims.

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