Excerpt from product page

"How to Meet the Woman of your Dreams!"

"Does your Fear of Rejection Stop you from Meeting Women, Leaving you Cold and Lonely
at Night?"

Read on to discover the solution to your problem…

ou know the feeling. There she is… her hair flowing in glorious beauty... a face from the heavens… gorgeous and alive. You look at that sexy body as you feel your primal manly instincts… and then you look at those shining eyes as you decide to make your move… and then it happens….

The fear hits you right in the gut, your chest tightens, your breathing constricts, and you feel a state of panic come over you as terror overwhelms you… You so want to make your move, but you can't. You feel so frustrated and yet so terrified.

You're paralyzed…

And then it's all over. She walks away, and you know that you will never see her again. Your heart breaks with disappointment. You feel so inadequate… yet again… like such a wimp who can't even get a woman.

You see your future, alone on Saturday night again. Your buddies have girlfriends. Why don't you? You hate to see them kissing and holding hands in front of you. You secretly resent them because they have what you can't have.

It eats at you day and night… and late at night your manly lust consumes you, demanding satisfaction, but there is no warm, soft sensuous woman by your side. You are cold and alone, and you want to cry, but your manly pride won't let you. You suffer in silence.

If I could Show you a Way to Solve this Problem, would you Want to Know How?

The story does not end there.

The problem continues for days, months, years. You find yourself becoming bitter, resentful, and mean.

Your friends around you are getting married, and you're still the same, alone and getting no action.

One day you look at yourself in the mirror, and you realize how many years you've been alone, how life is passing you by, how you're getting older and still have no one.

You ask yourself, "How many more years will I have to suffer like this?"… 5 years, 10 years, 20 years! You see your whole future flash before your eyes, and it is miserable and desperate… with no hope for a happy tomorrow.

You imagine this unfriendly prospect and start to feel desperate… determined to do something different this time.

So you go out and try to meet women again… and every time you try, there it is… that ugly menace… that fear of rejection.

You feel the frustration, again and again, and yet again… yet no matter how hard you try… the fear stops you cold… everything you try fails miserably. You go home in hopeless disappointment.

You begin to realize you can't get past your fear of rejection on your own. You want help right now... today, and you will do anything, pay any price, and make any sacrifice to find a solution.

You will do whatever it takes because the alternative is so painful, so hopeless, and so miserable that life would be unbearable.

You realize you can't continue living like this…

If I could Show you How to Prevent a Life of Hopeless Loneliness and Desperation, would you want to Know the Secret?

You are not alone. There are thousands of men who have felt just like you and have learned how to solve this problem. There is a way to end the pain, today.

So how do you Overcome your Fear of Rejection?

The answer is simple really. You use the advances of modern science. Did you know just 20 years ago you had no hope of overcoming your fear of rejection. The only thing you could try was to visit an ineffective psychotherapist… You could spend years, watching your life waste away… and still no solution.

Then along came Richard Bandler and John Grinder, wacky geniuses who decided to study the world's most effective therapies. What they discovered became world-famous and is known today as Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP for short.

Now you may have heard of NLP on all the Speed Seduction sites. They use NLP hypnosis to seduce women.

But that isn't much use, if you can't open even your mouth in front of a woman, and make a coherent sentence.

How does NLP help you?

NLP has a secret weapon in its arsenal, a weapon that can set you free - it is called the Phobia Cure.

Yes, the terror you feel when you see that hot babe is a phobia. Plain and simple. And if you can cure that phobia, you will be able to easily and spontaneously meet women.

Imagine being able to walk, talk, smile, and flirt with the chicks. Getting them to laugh and finally feeling confident around them. That would be great, wouldn't it?

And this is only the beginning…

Let's now fast forward to the 21st century.

Yes, it's hard to believe how time flies... and how quickly your life can go by if you don't act now to cure your fear of rejection.

Your Fear of Approaching Women - It's all in your Brain


Scientists have recently discovered something incredible. They have found the Holy Grail for dealing with emotional challenges.

This discovery is so new that it is still an underground secret that the big-bucks psychologists don't want you to know about.

What is the Underground Secret to Curing your Fear?

Let's take a moment to uncover a bit of background information, which will make you very excited about the secret's potential.

The secret has to do with how the brain processes beliefs. I'm sure you've noticed that it can be very difficult to change a negative belief such as "I'm not good enough for a gorgeous woman."

The reason for this difficulty has to do with how your brain is wired.

So how does it work? Take a moment to recall how it felt when you first started driving. Remember how awkward it felt? Can you re-experience that memory in your mind now?

Remember how difficult it was to coordinate going, stopping, indicating lane changes, all while making sure that you don't hit the guy in front of you! Yet after a little practice, this complicated process magically became easier, and now you can drive while listening to the radio, talking on your cell phone, and changing lanes in heavy rush-hour traffic!

How did this Happen?

You'll find the answer fascinating...

What modern brain science tells us is that a new network of nerve cell connections was formed in your brain that enables you to automatically drive without even thinking about it.

The skill became literally ingrained in your brain through repetition and practice. The network is similar to a bush path cut by wild horses taking the same route to the river every day.

Your fear of rejection is created in a similar way. Every time you see a desirable woman, you imagine her rejecting you in a painful way. Or you tell yourself you are out of her league. You picture yourself being publicly humiliated by her rejection. Maybe you even see other people making fun of you in your mind's eye, as you hear their mocking laughs making you feel small and worthless.

You do this over and over again, so many times that it becomes a habit deeply ingrained in your brain. You literally build a new brain network for NOT meeting women.

And what will really worry you is the fact that once such a brain network is created, it stays in place! It is so frustrating and annoying knowing that there is nothing you can do to change your negative beliefs about women once they have become ingrained in your brain. Absolutely nothing!

Which unfortunately means you have to live with your fears, frustrations, and loneliness for the rest of your life.

Well, that's how things used to be...

The Secret to Changing your Destructive Mental Habits

Brain scientists have now found a way to unlock inflexible limiting beliefs, making them as pliable as a hot yoga instructor's body.

The method uses a brain process called brain plasticity. Basically, it is your brain's ability to rewire itself.

Here's what they discovered.

When your brain plasticity is low, you are unable to change limiting beliefs or destructive mental habits. Your brain networks simply cannot be rewired. Your thoughts become fixed and inflexible, like a giant mountain in the Rockies.

When your brain plasticity is increased you are suddenly able to adapt to new ideas, and old limiting patterns, like fearing hot chicks, can be instantly changed.

So how do you Increase your Brain Plasticity?

I will spare you the technical details, except to say that it is done using a technology called IsoChronic Brainwave Entrainment, or IBE for short.

IBE is a cutting-edge technology that uses sound waves to directly alter destructive brainwave patterns.

There's nothing tricky or dangerous here. In fact, it actually works somewhat like responding to music. Have you ever noticed how some types of music, such as rock or rap, make you feel excited while classical or new age music makes you feel relaxed?

This happens because of the tempo or speed of the music.

When you listen to music, the sound waves create electrical pulses in your brain. These pulses repeat in time to the music.

The speed of the pulses determines the emotions you feel while you listen to the music. That is why music influences your emotions and why movie directors use music to scare you or inspire you.

There is a little more to the story…

Fast pulses stimulate what scientists call Beta or excited brainwave patterns, and slow pulses create Theta or relaxed brainwave patterns. The way you feel can be literally influenced by the speed of these pulses.

(For more information on brainwaves, click here.)

IBE allows us to stimulate brainwaves in a more precise way than music does. In fact, you can use it to stimulate any brainwave frequency you desire, even a very specific frequency such as 10.2Hz.

Why is this important?

Because scientists have recently discovered the precise brainwave frequency necessary to stimulate brain plasticity... and IBE allows us to stimulate that brain frequency directly!

Therefore, you can use IBE to rewire your negative beliefs and go from feeling inadequate around beautiful women to seeing yourself as a babe magnet -today!

Now, that would be cool, wouldn't it?

Hypnosis & Subliminal Affirmations - The Final Piece of the Puzzle

Now that you understand the secret to doing away with stubborn beliefs like "I'm not good enough for a smoking hot chick," there is just one more thing to do, and that is to actually change your negative beliefs into positive affirmations.

It is time to finally believe in yourself and to change the way you think about approaching a woman.

This is best accomplished using hypnosis. It is a little known fact that hypnosis actually comes from the ancient meditation practices of the Eastern Masters.

It was a secret technique they used to heal their emotional pain and to attain perfect emotional freedom. The value of these techniques has now been proven by modern science.

How and Why does Hypnosis Work?

The answer will fascinate you…

It all has to do with brainwaves. Remember the Theta or relaxing brainwaves we were talking about earlier? Well, science has made another discovery. Changing beliefs happens when your brain is in a Theta or relaxed state. The same mental state you are in during hypnosis.

In contrast to what many people think, hypnosis does not work by bypassing your conscious mind. It works by reprogramming your brain at its core.

This means that you can use hypnosis to easily change humiliating beliefs about yourself like "Hot women will reject me."

And there's more…

It doesn't help you much if you change your beliefs about women without also changing the way you act around them.

Believing you are a babe magnet and then acting in a way that irritates women just makes you delusional and leaves you all alone at night.

The Technology Behind Attraction

Imagine there was a way to reprogram your mind with the habits of guys who naturally get so many chicks that they turn some of them away!

That would be something you would want, wouldn't it?

And that is exactly what you can do using NLP Hypnosis. This is a system you can use to reprogram your mind.

You can use NLP Hypnosis to change your old limiting habits and ways of acting around women into new powerful pick-up behaviors.

These behaviors will be so deeply ingrained in your unconscious mind that they make getting dates as natural as a hot gymnast doing the splits.

Imagine being able to flirt with a woman in a way she absolutely loves, making her want to be around you.

That would be cool, wouldn't it?

And what would be even cooler is knowing that if she says "No," you have a way of saving face and even making her regret saying no.

That would be even cooler, wouldn't it?

There's even more good news…

Hypnosis can be even more effective when it is combined with Subliminal Affirmations.

Subliminal Affirmations directly talk to your unconscious mind, influencing you in a positive way. Imagine a beautiful woman telling you how hot you are every day - eventually you will believe her.

Subliminal Affirmations give you the same beneficial effect, only they're more powerful.

Using Hypnosis and Subliminal Affirmations, you will dramatically increase your confidence around women … as you steadily master the art of flirting … drastically increasing the number of hot dates you get and the number of enjoyable experiences you have on those dates.

A tempting thought, isn't it?

The Ultimate Tool for Overcoming Your Fear of Rejection

I know that as you've been reading all this, you've been recalling your frustration at being all alone, the secret jealousy you feel when you see another guy with a hot chick, and that gut-level fear that stops you from doing something about it.

I also know you are worried that if things don't change, you could be all alone, getting no action for the rest of your life, and this makes you feel desperate to do almost anything to solve the problem.

That's why you keep intently reading what we have to say, wondering how you can actually apply techniques such as the NLP Phobia Cure, Hypnosis, Subliminal Affirmations, and IBE, to change your love life.

I'm sure you also realize that it's not so easy to do all this by yourself. It takes specialized skills and a long time to learn all of the techniques.

Besides, how do you know what to put in the hypnosis scripts and which Subliminal Affirmations to use?

We agree that it is not so easy to use these techniques by yourself...

That's why we created a tool to help you get the benefits without all the hard work.

We have packaged everything you need into a simple audio recording you can just listen to every day, to get real results and a real girlfriend.

Introducing NLP Attraction Accelerator™

The NLP Attraction Accelerator™ package was developed by Destin Lucas and Mike Pilinski.

Destin Lucas is a world leader in personal development and an NLP Master Practitioner. He is a specialist in hypnosis and Subliminal Affirmations and an expert in profound emotional healing. For more information on Destin, click here.

Mike Pilinski is a world leader in helping men to meet beautiful women. He is the bestselling author of Without Embarrassment and She's Yours for The Taking. He's helped thousands of men, just like you, to overcome their fear of rejection.

And what is more important is that both Destin and Mike once had the same problem you have. Both of them experienced tremendous fear of rejection and the loneliness and frustration that comes from it.

And both of them have overcome this problem, making them well able to advise you on how to overcome your own fear of rejection.

NLP Attraction Accelerator™ was expertly put together by Destin and Mike to help you easily cope with the challenges of meeting women in the real world.

It contains everything you need to deal with your fear of rejection today, and to become an expert flirt, capable of getting your own beautiful girlfriend.

So how does NLP Attraction Accelerator™ work?

The Package is put together like this:

NLP Attraction Accelerator™ - Audio

Change destructive mental habits and limiting beliefs about meeting women.

A complete audio recording that rewires your brain and automatically reprograms your mind - magically transforming you into the guy that women want.
Increase your confidence around hot chicks. Teach your unconscious mind how to flirt and get dates with gorgeous girls. Learn to effectively approach women in a way they enjoy. Reprogram your mind with new beliefs and behaviors that make you attractive to hot women. Break stubborn negative beliefs about approaching women and replace them with new positive, empowering beliefs.
Here are some of the Subliminal Affirmations in the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ audio:
Women are looking for men, as much as men are looking for women. Women want to be approached by men - especially in a classy way. Women crave the attention of men. They can't help themselves. Women secretly want to be approached by men, even if they appear distant or aloof. There is no such thing as rejection, there is only a mismatch of personalities, interests, or personal values. Your classy flirt is a gift to women and always welcomed by them. You are a gift to a beautiful desirable woman. You can compete with the best men and win!
Believing powerful affirmations like these, on a deeply unconscious level, will make a massive difference in your personal confidence.

And remember, confidence is the "x-factor" that makes you irresistible to women…

Technologies used:
NLP Hypnosis Subliminal Affirmations IsoChronic Brainwave Entrainment (IBE)
Format: MP3

$67 Value

Curing Your Phobia of Hot Women


This audio uses the NLP Phobia Cure to help you overcome your fear of approaching beautiful, desirable women.
Deal with past negative experiences with women. Clear out that fear you feel every time you approach a hot girl. Feel happy and confident while flirting. Increase your confidence around that sexy babe. Can be used multiple times to clear out deep-seated feelings of rejection.
Technologies used:
NLP Phobia Cure Subliminal Affirmations IsoChronic Brainwave Entrainment (IBE) Eye Movement Emotional Healing
Format: MP3

$67 Value

Dealing With Your Fear of Rejection™

Learn how to approach and talk to women with ease!

Follow along as Mike Pilinski takes you step-by-step through a practical, "real world" process that helps you discover how to make your own luck with women and stop depending on friends, co-workers, or online dating sites to feed you good opportunities.
Learn Mike Pilinski's Pull Tabbing pick-up technique for flirting with women in a way that makes them respond. Discover actual dialogs that will soon have you walking up to and charming women on the street, in grocery stores, the mall, and other locations where you least expect interactions. Discover a tightly structured plan of action, so you know what to do at every stage of the encounter, from the introduction to getting the date. You'll soon find yourself with more opportunities to hook up with real women than you'll know what to do with!
Comes with:
2.5 hours of comprehensive audio instruction. Actual dialogs that you can start using tonight. A "pick-up" flowchart to help you memorize everything.
Format: MP3 & PDF

$37 Value

No other program contains this combination of mind reprogramming firepower; no other program will work as fast to get you meeting and dating real women that your friends envy.

There's no comparison.

Product Review: William Hutchison

"Just last Friday, I was at a costume party and I was able to strike up conversations with multiple (at least three) women without feeling awkward or nervous."

1. How did you feel about meeting women before using NLP Attraction Accelerator™?

Honestly, I totally lacked confidence which was reflected in nervousness and extreme shyness.

I am a quiet, reserved gentleman by nature which makes approaching women romantically very challenging. Additional complications was a dearth of practical experiences due to being raised in a very conservative fundamentalist religion that frowned on casual dating and discouraged interaction between the sexes (especially teenage boys and girls but including adult men and women).

2. What has NLP Attraction Accelerator™ done for you?

First thing, I felt understood by the program.

I truly resonated with and was encouraged by the background information as well as the rationale/explanation for why I may be in the state that I find myself in today.

More importantly, I found that I was comfortable with performing the exercises and steps recommended by the program. I need to keep working at it but I find that I am able to gradually put the various steps into practice.

Just last Friday, I was at a costume party and I was able to strike up conversations with multiple (at least three) women without feeling awkward or nervous.

3. What makes NLP Attraction Accelerator™ a great tool for overcoming your fear of rejection?

For me, it is the ability to listen to the program again and again.

I love audio books and I enjoy being able to re-listen (or re-read in the case of a written document/book) to motivational material that gives me encouragement. I usually transfer audio programs to my MP3 player so that I can listen if I am stuck in traffic and I am otherwise tied up waiting for something (such as a meeting).

Interestingly, I think my primary sense is visual, by a close secondary sense is audio so I enjoy the program. I don't know but I just draw a lot of comfort from being able to listen to a motivational program.

4. Why should another guy buy a copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™?

There's a lot of practical information contained in the program. It's encouraging.

The program seems to understand the situation some of us guys find ourselves in but it presents the material in a informative and encouraging manner without browbeating or belittling the person who finds dating challenging.

Surprisingly, some programs belittle and demean guys who find dating women challenging - I have a couple of other programs (one is very demeaning to men, the other one is not so bad but it does have a line or two that are really discouraging) that I have listened to only once (the really demeaning one) or only occasionally.

If someone has a problem approaching women and is looking for practical suggestions and tips presented in a motivating uplifting manner, the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ is the program!

I haven't found anything else comparable to it!

The NLP Attraction Accelerator™ was the first audio book/program that I thought about restoring after I lost my laptop/PC.

William Hutchison in Washington State (United States of America)

** Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, effort, and motivation.

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

As if this weren't enough...

We have decided to include some exciting bonuses in the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ package. Why? Because, for us, this is a deeply personal issue. Both Mike and I really suffered from our fear of rejection, and the loneliness caused us so much pain, the kind of pain you know and feel right now, the pain you will do anything to end.

We want to help as many guys as possible to end their suffering and to finally get a woman who loves them and whom they love to be with. Oh, and, of course, we want you to enjoy the benefits of dating a beautiful woman that your friends envy.

That's why we could leave nothing to chance, and we had to ensure that you get everything you need to succeed.

So we included 3 powerful bonuses with NLP Attraction Accelerator™, each of them focusing on a key area of successfully flirting with women.

BONUS 1: "Meeting a Beautiful Woman in 28 Days" - eBook

Read this eBook today, and start meeting beautiful women within 28 days. One of the biggest obstacles you will ever face when meeting women is inaction. Unless you actually go out there and meet women, you will still be alone. It is sort of like planning to drive your car to the mall but never actually getting in it and driving it. You will still be at home.

This step-by-step eBook has been designed to take you by the hand through every step you need to know, to successfully meet a women.

Over a period of 4 weeks, you are taken through 4 stages:
Week 1: Approaching Women Week 2: Small Talk Week 3: Getting the Date Week 4: Skill Building
These simple stages will get you going in no time. Meeting beautiful women is easier than you think. I know because I'm married to one.

This bonus series will get you to take the action that gets you the woman you want to be a part of your life!
Discover how to approach women in an elegant, effective way Discover how to make meeting women become second nature to you Learn how to make small talk with a girl you have just met Discover the powerful opening line that gives you a 40% chance of getting a date! Master the art of meeting many new women and getting dates with them
Technologies used:
NLP Phobia Desensitization
Format: PDF

$37 Value

BONUS 2: Anxiety Reliever™ - Audio

Anxiety occurs when you fear that something bad or negative will happen to you no matter what you do... like a woman rejecting you! This fear isn't always rational, but it can drive you crazy with frustration.

What's worse, the more you try to stop feeling anxious, the stronger the feeling seems to get - especially when you feel afraid of being humiliated, rejected, or disappointed.

That's why I created an audio tool that specifically targets feelings of anxiety, fear, and worry. All you have to do is play the recording, and you'll immediately feel your anxiety start to melt away.
Master your anxiety Combine Anxiety Reliever™ with the breathing techniques of the Eastern masters to master anxiety in all situations—even while talking to a hot woman Deal with the dangerous effects of Stress Feel calmer and more together Just listen and feel more relaxed in minutes Put Anxiety Reliever on your cell phone or MP3 player and take it with you wherever you go
Technologies used:
Subliminal Affirmations IsoChronic Brainwave Entrainment (IBE)
Format: MP3

$37 Value

BONUS 3: How to Deal with Challenging Emotions - 2 Part Downloadable Video Series

We originally created this set of videos for one of our elite personal development programs. Research indicates that negative emotions are one of the greatest impediments to your success, which is why your life will progress to the next level only after you rid yourself of the emotional issues that hold you back, issues such as feeling inferior and not good enough for a hot girl.

These emotional-issue elimination techniques are very powerful. In fact, it took more than 10 years to completely develop them. They combine a number of underground emotional healing techniques that take money out of expensive psychotherapists' pockets.
Get rid of limiting beliefs about women Eliminate deep-seated emotional issues Feel more confident about yourself Develop a positive attitude toward life Learn from past negative situations, and create a more positive outlook for your future Easy to use step-by-step instructions
Technologies used:
NLP Energy Psychology Limiting Belief Unlocker
Format: Windows Media Player for PC or Mac

$47 Value

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

How much would you be Prepared to Invest to End your Loneliness and to Finally have a Gorgeous Woman on your Arm?

Let's think about this for a moment. You are currently feeling some or all of the following emotions:
Fear of rejection Frustration Loneliness Envy Longing Misery Fear of being alone Shame Sexual Frustration
What does it Feel like Feeling Frustration and Loneliness right now?

What will it feel like feeling even more frustrated and lonely tomorrow?

What about next year?

Would you still want to feel frustrated, lonely and inadequate next year?

And what if what happened to me happened to you?

Imagine feeling frustrated, lonely, and desperate for 9 years! How would that feel?

It could happen to you, unless you do something about your fear of rejection today.

What would you be Willing to Invest to Prevent years of Frustration, Loneliness and Sexual Desperation?

What would you be willing to invest to avoid 9 years of agony?

In fact what would you be willing to invest to end your suffering right now?

Perhaps you'd pay $1,000 to end the suffering? I would have paid 5 times that without flinching. Money becomes irrelevant when you have no one to share it with.

What about other ways of trying to solve the problem? What would they cost?

Well, if you went to a gold-digging psychologist, you'd face at least 20 sessions at $200 per session, and that equals $4,000.

If you were to gain the NLP knowledge required to cure phobias by taking a course, you'd pay $2,000 or more.

So as you can see, alternative ways of solving this problem can be very expensive.

Why Suffer when you don't have to?

Why look at another guys girlfriend... feeling longing and envy... wishing she was yours... when you don't have to?

Wouldn't it be nice to finally get your own hot girlfriend? To finally be the guy other guys envy...

It can happen to you... when you use the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ package today!

The NLP Attraction Accelerator™ Package, includes:

[](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

The NLP Attraction Accelerator™ package normally retails for $292. But because I meet so many men who really struggle to overcome their fear of rejection, I have decided to make a limited number of packages available at a substantial discount.

If you are one of the next 500 guys who purchases NLP Attraction Accelerator™ - you won't pay $292, you'll pay just $67!

Even at full price the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ package is a bargain compared to the thousands of dollars an alternative solution to your problem would cost.

At $67 it is a steal!

A price any guy can easily afford.

The NLP Attraction Accelerator™ Package delivers the greatest firepower available for overcoming your fear of rejection. There's no comparison.

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

Satisfaction Guarantee

I guarantee that if you apply the principles outlined in this program as instructed, you will dramatically transform your confidence and success with meeting women.

If you are not satisfied that I have kept my part of the bargain — giving you the secrets I have personally used to transform my own life and to meet the woman of my dreams — just send me a note within 60 days of your purchase, and I'll promptly refund your money.

You Can Date a Woman Out of Your League!

ou look at her, and her smile takes your breath away! You can't believe your good luck. There she is right in front of you… happy to be… with you.

You still can't believe it. Those beautiful eyes, staring at you with intense interest. That gorgeous hair, flowing and glorious. That angelic face… sweet and beautiful.

And the body… oooh the body... so nice and luscious.

"Wow!" you say to yourself.

You think back and remember the days when you were so alone. No one to keep you warm at night. How desperate you felt… how the frustration overwhelmed you… and how you had to do anything to change things! So you did.

You bought a copy of the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ Package:
You listened to the program everyday. You used the phobia cure to overcome your fear of rejection and became more confident in yourself. You reprogrammed your mind to make attracting women easy and natural for you. You applied the practical advice and went out and met women.
And you had a great time meeting them. You had a great time flirting with them, and your skill levels grew every day.

And then you saw her...

It was like she was out of your Dreams… except there she was, right in front of you. You had been using the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ Package, so you were ready for the opportunity.

You felt confident that you could get her. So you went up to her, approached her in an elegant way, and you hooked her in. You had a great time chatting with her, and she had a great time chatting with you. You hit it off, and she agreed to go on a date with you.

You were so excited that you jumped over the moon… you danced to the sky… you felt so high!

And now you have her. She's yours… she has changed your life!

It's a dream come true… a moment of destiny. Wow!

And now, as you return to this moment in time, you can think about the beautiful future that could be yours.

And how wonderful it could feel… to finally have a dream girl in your life every day.

How wonderful it could feel to finally have a dream girl in your bed every night, too!

And as you think about this, you begin to realize that it really is up to you to make this future a reality. And that you now have a way to get there, to end the loneliness once and for all time.

All you need to do is get yourself a copy of the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ package today. And use it to:
Overcome your fear of rejection. Reprogram your mind to make getting women natural and easy for you. Apply the advice to become a master flirt, a master charmer of the female race.
And then you will have your dream, and a wonderful life with a woman who takes your breath away.

That would be amazing, wouldn't it?

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

Can you Imagine yourself with the Woman of your Dreams on your Arm?

Your Dream could become a Reality with NLP Attraction Accelerator™!

Imagine no longer feeling the loneliness, frustration, envy and sexual desperation you feel now.

Having a hot, sexy woman who is crazy about you on your arm. Being the envy of your friends and the guy other men respect and admire. Feeling like a man again, worthwhile and desirable to gorgeous women.
Having a woman with whom you can share your soul… and your body… relieving your animal desires the way nature intended. Having a woman you can relate to, someone who is your friend and lover, someone who wants to share her life with you. Feeling confident around women, knowing how to approach them and being able to still feel good about yourself… even if they say no.
No more regrets about the one that got away, no more beating yourself up over missed opportunity… because you have a date with her tonight. Having a hot woman in your life. No more waiting for some imaginary day that never comes. Ending the misery of being alone. Finally having someone special in your life. No longer having a fear of being alone because your hot girlfriend is by your side.
What would you be willing to do to feel positive and comfortable around beautiful women today?

It would change your life!

"Five Reasons You Better Not Wait"
Why wait to end your loneliness, frustration, envy and sexual desperation? If you don't make a change today, your pain will get worse. You could be dating within 28 days, why wait? You do want a Beautiful Girlfriend, don't you? There are only 500 packages available at the discount price.

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

You've got Nothing to Lose Except your Fear of Meeting Beautiful Women!

This is a personal message from Destin Lucas…

Now is the time to decide whether your life will be the same or whether you want it to change for the better.

Having a woman in your life can really change things for the better. You will have someone to share both your heart and your libido with. You will be able to show off the hot new babe on your arm... and feel great walking through the mall while other men look on enviously!

You can really change your life for the better today by getting a copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ today. I know it works because I was once a guy just like you... and now this is my beautiful wife!

She dressed me, she healed my soul, and she made me believe in myself!

I want you to have the same experience in your life, too.

That's really why Mike and I created NLP Attraction Accelerator™ - to give guys like you the chance to have the woman of your dreams, too!

Get your copy now! You'll be glad you did!

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin%20Lucas%27%20NLP%20Attraction%20Accelerator%20(Note:%20EU%20residents%20will%20have%20VAT%20added.))

YES Destin, I want in! Please let me have one of the 500 available copies of the "NLP Attraction Accelerator™ Package" for just $292 $67.

Or if you Only Want the Audio Training
(No Phobia Cure)

In Everything Truth, Faith and Love,

Destin Lucas

PS: Why stare at that beautiful woman longingly when you can [discover the secret](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin%20Lucas%27%20NLP%20Attraction%20Accelerator%20(Note:%20EU%20residents%20will%20have%20VAT%20added.)) that will help you meet her and feel her warm, loving arms wrapped around you?

PPS: Do you really enjoy taking yourself to the movies while your buddies have a hot woman with them? Get this program today and [become the envy of all your friends!](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

PPPS: You're never too old to meet a good woman! So get back in the dating game today and [find that romantic partner that you've been longing for!](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))


Product Review: William Hutchison

"Just last Friday, I was at a costume party and I was able to strike up conversations with multiple (at least three) women without feeling awkward or nervous."

If someone has a problem approaching women and is looking for practical suggestions and tips presented in a motivating uplifting manner, the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ is the program!

I haven't found anything else comparable to it!

The NLP Attraction Accelerator™ was the first audio book/program that I thought about restoring after I lost my laptop/PC.

William Hutchison in Washington State (United States of America)

[Claim Your Copy of NLP Attraction Accelerator™ by Clicking Here Now ](http://1.hsmale.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator (Note: EU residents will have VAT added.))

The use of this website is subject to our standard [terms and conditions and privacy policy](legal_terms.php).

Dawning Truth, PO Box 166634, Brackendowns, Alberton, Gauteng, South Africa, 1454. Tel: +2782 407 3075

* An audio player software such as Windows Media Player and a soundcard with a headphone output are required to play the NLP Attraction Accelerator™ Package and the Audio Training Series on a PC or Laptop.

** Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. Please remember that each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, effort, and motivation. Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator™ is unsuitable for people who experience epilepsy or any form of Brain seizure. If you have a history of ill-mental health, first contact a registered mental health professional before commencing use of this product. Never listen to this product whilst driving or operating heavy machinery or in situations where you need to concentrate on your external environment. To protect your ears always listen to this product at low volume levels. Always use Destin Lucas' NLP Attraction Accelerator™ responsibly.

*** The recordings can be played on a Cell Phone or MP3 Player. The device requires at least 40MB of free Storage and must be able to play MP3's.

Destin Lucas

  Destin Lucas is a speaker, author and co-founder along with his wife Trei of Dawning Truth, a human potential research company.

  Author of "The Inner Secrets of Greatness", his engaging book unearths 42 of the most powerful success secrets in history -- revealing a simple, practical road map to personal power that has proven effective in the lives of individuals such as Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Mahatma Gandhi, and Albert Einstein.

  Destin is a certified NLP Master Practitioner specializing in Excellence Modeling.  He has read more than 6,000 books covering themes as diverse as psychology, engineering, history, big-ticket sales and account management.   Mr. Lucas is also versed in electrical engineering and computer science... a true "Renaissance Man"!

  Destin and Trei live in South Africa, which is known for its spectacular natural beauty.


Scientific Information on Brainwaves

For many years scientists have been using electroencephalogram (EEG) machines to measure brainwave activity. From this research scientists have determined that our mental states are directly related to the brainwave frequencies we experience.

These brainwave frequencies have been divided into five major groupings, namely:

Delta (0.1 Hz to 4 Hz)

Delta brainwave frequencies are typically present in our brains when we are in deep sleep. Delta frequencies are also crucial for rejuvenating our physical body, and for physical healing.

Theta (4 Hz to 7 Hz)

Theta brainwave frequencies typically occur when first waking up in the morning and during daydreaming. Theta frequencies are useful for processing mental information, inspiring creativity, and developing intuition.

Alpha (7 Hz to 12 Hz)

Alpha brainwaves typically occur when we are alert but relaxed. Alpha frequencies are very good for mental processing, and increasing intelligence. They are heavily used in the accelerated learning process for this reason. Some people have successfully raised their IQs using certain alpha frequencies.

Beta (12 Hz to 30 Hz)

Beta brainwave frequencies, typically occur when we are awake and alert. They are stimulated by drugs such as caffeine, which is why sports people often use caffeine as a supplement to increase physical energy. When beta frequencies exceed 18Hz we can start to feel jumpy and edgy. As the frequencies increase, we can start to become angry or panicky. Stress typically increases beta brainwave frequencies.

Gamma (30+ Hz)

Gamma brainwave frequencies typically occur under conditions of extreme duress, such as shock or serious physical injury. A highly stressed person may have gamma brainwaves present if he or she isin a state of “freaking out” or is experiencing a breakdown. Strangely though, certain Gamma frequencies have been linked with enhanced concentration and memory improvement.

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