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playTRACKz | Web Analytics by playTRACKz | Visitor Movies,
Heatmaps, Form Analytics, Email

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>> Overview >> Start now Contact Us PlayTRACKz instant
replay tool captures your visitors mouse motions, mouse clicks, mouse
paths, link clicks, form inserting, scroll position, time on page.

All the data is captured in real time and is presented to you by
PlayTRACKz player!

You will learn what portions of your website receive more attention!

Analyze visitor behavior, increase revenues and improve site

Watch your visitors entire browsing sessions, see the progressions
they made.

Analyze Attention Heatmaps.

With PlayTRACKz heatmaps tool you will be able to see where
visitors is clicking, what they are looking and how far down they are

All your visitors browsing sessions are combined into heatmaps that
give you a sense of what visitors are doing as a group.

You will learn:

* Where visitors stop paying attention?
* What parts of the page they skip?
* How far down they scroll?
* How many visitors reach the bottom of your page?

Analyze Click Sprays

Sometimes the visitors are clicking the parts of the page that
aren't even links, but perhaps should be.

Perhaps you should move your ads there.

All clicks are gathered into click map sprays.

Custom click dot size mode supported.

Discover the most clickable parts on the page font-size: 14px;'>
Capture all rejected/uncompleted online forms data.

Analyze how visitors interact with your online forms & increase form

Analyze the submit through rates.

Analyze Statistics With 3d Graphs

Analyze the data with beautiful 3d graphs.

Group Webpages In Chains font-size: 14px;'> Chain your selling
process & analyze the progressions.

Add net values to your chains & track your customers by value.

See exactly who your best customers are.

See in what step they have failed progressing.

Progressions are presented graphically font-size: 14px;'> PlayTRACKz
Filters analyze tool shows you all the data gathered from visitors
through multiple kinds of filters.

Some Of The Supported filters:

* By Browser
* By OS
* By Geo location
* By Language
* By Screen Size
* By Referrer (top 20 referrers + customs)
* By Form Inserting
* By Scrolling Down (how far the visitor goes.)
* Time Period

Track All In-Page Links

PlayTRACKz Links tracking tool, automatically tracks all the links
on the webpage.

You have the option to name the links for easy recognition.

ex: http://mydomain.com/something/?params=params named to "my bottom
left order link".

Create Custom Referrers

PlayTRACKz referrer tracking tool will filter top 20 referrers such
as (google, yahoo, ask, bing, facebook, twiter, wiki ...).

Create your custom referrers and name them whatever you like.

Parse your own referrers to keyword level.

If you're marketing your product in different sources, create your
own referrer and see who comes from the particular source.

Capture errors on your pages

When you detect an error in your web server log, you can identify
particular sessions that led to the specific pages, or sessions that
originated from a particular IP address at a certain time.

You can then search for those specific sessions and watch movies of
what happened to understand the source of the error.

Client side JavaScript errors are linked inside the visitor.

Short tracking url's

playTRACKz makes link tracking amazingly simple.

Shorten the link, put it somewhere, and watch the clicks roll in.

See clicks referrers.

Hide your affiliate link from others.

Hide your keywords from the merchants!

Keyword level reports

Analyze your visitors keywords and see which keywords were used to
find you.

Analyze all webpages keywords or choose the webpage you want.

Short Url PPC Supported

PPC (google,yahoo,bing) networks supported by ppc tracking url

Track your PPC link to the keyword level!

See referrers.

Short Url's Linked With Movies

All short url's are linked into movies when possible. (must be
website owner.)

Watch movies of your specialty link targeted visitors.

Understand the difference between them.

Visits Fraud Detection

Protect yourself from the automating processes of loading your
webpage through a software programs or scripts. Protect yourself from
paying for the traffic that were generated through the script.

Our detection presents your visitors in three different states.
good visitor
no mouse presents (can be mobile, touch screen)
browser width font-size: 14px;'> Hide your marketing traffic
sources from the competition.

Connect multiple tracking pixels into the playTRACKz tracking pixel.

PlayTRACKz allows you to add multiple tracking pixels into your
pixel holder.
From the pixel holder you can then attach each pixel to any of your
"thank you pages".

PlayTRACKz pixel security will trigger all the pixels attached to a
webpage after the customer lands to your "thank you page".
Incase same customer lands to your "thank you page" more times,
pixel security will trigger only itself and will track refresh rate
Your tracking pixels will not be triggered to many times.

Ban Unwanted Visitors

If you want you can block the certain user to access your webpage.

You can set ban rules by IP or by geo Location.

Specify where the visitors will be redirected to.

Approve Visits By Geo Location

Approves are the opposite to the bans.

If you want only US font-size: 26px;'> Exclusive Sweeties ...

Sweeties are dynamic stand alone advertising ads. Create dynamic
advertising strategy, specify the intervals between appearances and
disappearances. Track click-through rates...

- Hot Corner Peal Sweetie

* Specify Webpage or Url
* Set Landing Page Url
* Upload Two Images.
* Set Intervals And Sweetie Is Ready

- Urging Slide Sweetie

* Specify Webpage or Url
* Set Landing Page Url
* Upload Image.
* Write Ad Text
* Set Intervals And Sweetie Is Ready

- Urging Slide Banner Sweetie

* Specify Webpage or Url
* Set Landing Page Url
* Upload A Banner.
* Set Intervals And Sweetie Is Ready

- Urging BOX Sweetie

* Specify Webpage or Url
* Set Landing Page Url
* Upload An Image.
* Write Ad Text
* Set Intervals And Sweetie Is Ready

- Urging BOX Banner Sweetie

* Specify Webpage or Url
* Set Landing Page Url
* Upload A Banner.
* Set Intervals And Sweetie Is Ready

How will visitors privacy be affected?

Website visitors remain anonymous. However, if a visitor decides to
identify themselves to a website by logging in, and the specific login
page is being recorded, then PlayTRACKz will capture the visible
information. Masked passwords are not recorded. PlayTRACKz can not
record any activity outside of the specific web page or outside of the
browser: no personal files are recorded, no internet history, and no
interactions with locally installed software.

Can I use PlayTRACKz to find bugs in my website?

Yes, when a website owner detects an error in their web server log,
they can identify particular sessions that led to the specific pages,
or sessions that originated from a particular IP address at a certain
time. The website owner can then search for those specific sessions
and watch movies of what happened to understand the source of the

Can PlayTRACKz record member-only areas and secure pages?

Yes, PlayTRACKz can record pages protected by a log-in, as well as
https pages such as shopping carts.

What are the system requirements?

PlayTRACKz operates as a Service. All you need is a computer and an
internet connection – we take care of the rest.
What this means to you is:

* no software to download
* no updates to install
* no data losses
* accessible from any computer with internet connection
* PlayTRACKz provides you with one line of embedded tracking code.

Why PlayTRACKz is better than other Tracking tools in the market?

We are more than just a tracking tool. We are the end to end
solution for all your marketing & tracking needs!

1. Unique Features:

* Records every click, mouse movement, and every interaction on
forms!... -- in one seamless application.
* Automatically track all your in-page links.
* Chain multiple chains & See what progressions visitors made. Name
your pinpoints ("ex: normal user, power user, ...")
* See and analyze data in attention heatmaps!
* Hide your tracking pixels from competition, so they won't see on
which networks you are marketing your product.

2. Ban & Redirect your visitors via IP, GEO location & Referrer.

3. Name your referrer's color: #ffffff;'> Monthly Subscription


8.000 Records


20.000 Records

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Playtrackz Lite Playtrackz Medium

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Copyright (c) 2009 PlayTrackz.com. All Rights Reserved. |

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