Excerpt from product page

Easy Natural Weight Loss

Are You Fed Up With "Gimmick" Diets That Just Don't Work?



Dear Frustrated Dieter,

If you're like most people, you've tried an endless number of
diets out there with very lacklustre results. You've probably even
gained weight over the years despite almost constantly being on a

This isn't fair, is it? You deserve to lose the weight that's been
holding you back for so long. You deserve to be comfortable in your
own skin. You deserve to have the body you've always dreamed of. You
deserve to live a happy and healthy lifestyle.


Well, let me ask you a few questions

What exactly are you EATING?

Are you still EATING a lot of fast food?

Do you only EAT lunch and dinner?

Do you EAT potato chips or other junk food while sitting in front
of the TV?

Do you get the recommended 20 minutes a day of EXERCISE?

Do you see a pattern here? Four out of the five questions I asked
above relate to eating, while only one out of the five had to do with

This is such a common misconception. Most people believe they have
to "live" at the gym in order to shed the fat. When, in reality, 80%
of weight loss has to do with what you eat and not how much you

It's the food you consume that will determine whether you gain or
lose weight.

Most people think they should only eat breakfast, lunch and
dinner3 square meals a day. Then to lose weight, they assume they
should cut out one of those meals, usually breakfast.

However, this is just not the case. Only eating 2 or 3 times a day
can actually cause you to gain weight.

Well, what I'm about to tell you may shock you! Eating more like 5
or 6 smaller meals a day can actually increase your metabolism and
cause you to lose weight! All without adding any exercise!

You Can Lose Fat From Your Thighs, Hips, Stomach, AND BUTT!

Sure, these are trouble spots for most anyone but fat is fat! With
Easy Natural Weight Loss I'm going to show you how to lose 2 pounds
of fat per week, every week. I'm not talking about 2 pounds of water
weight but 2 pounds of that stubborn butt, hip, thigh, and stomach fat
every week.

You won't believe your eyes as you watch your body transform,
almost overnight.

And, it's so simple, literally anyone can do it and see amazing

Obesity Is Taking Over Our Planet and Destroying Our Lives!

Did you know that obesity is the fastest growing epidemic today?
That's because we live increasingly sedentary lifestyles while we
continue to gorge ourselves on 1500-calorie fast food lunches and
2000-calorie pizza delivery dinners.

We are eating the wrong foods and eating a whole lot more of them.
And, even if we do happen to find the time to exercise, we're not
working the proper "fat burning" muscles.

What if I told you that you could drop pounds and pounds of fat
simply by eating more of the right foods? And even better, what if I
told you that you could exercise less and lose more weight?

This is exactly what I want to show you in Easy Natural Weight

How Come I Can't Do This With Other Diets?

Most of us have tried all kinds of diets where we initially lose a
large chunk of weight, maybe 10 pounds in the first week. But most of
this initial "burst" of weight loss is actually just water weight -
not fat!

And, most people find that after they see the scale go down so
dramatically the first week, they actually see it go up after that! I
know, it's ridiculous, isn't it?

This type of weight loss is simply not sustainable and is the
reason why I created Easy Natural Weight Loss. It is a tried and true
solution that helps you shed fat, not water.

If you are serious about losing weight then you need to debunk the
most common weight loss myths out there, and there are a lot of them.

For example... Do you still believe that carbohydrates make you
gain weight? If so, you're falling victim to one of the most common
diet myths.

Patricia Groziak, M.S., R.D., and weight loss expert, says that
there are many common weight loss myths that are undermining your
attempts to drop pounds and offers tips on the right way to diet.

Fact: All diets work if you follow them correctly.

Most people fail to maintain their weight loss because they return
to their old eating habits and don't adjust to consuming fewer
calories. But not all diets are created equal: Fad diets that strictly
limit calories or forbid certain food groups are not only hard to
stick with but also unhealthy.

You should choose a healthy weight loss plan that provides balanced
nutrition and fits your lifestyle. Don't follow a fad or try something
you can't live with. Your diet should be scientifically proven to
work, flexible and easy to follow. And remember, a safe, sustainable
weight loss pace should be one to two pounds per week.

Fact: Eating breakfast is essential in a weight loss plan.

Studies have shown that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than
breakfast skippers. Breakfast helps to kick-start your metabolism,
satisfies your hunger first thing in the morning and prevents
overeating later in the day.

A healthy breakfast should include a source of complex
carbohydrates, fiber and lean protein to help keep you satisfied.
Don't have time for breakfast? Start your day with a Slim*Fast

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