Excerpt from product page

Purple Cow ProductionZ Can't Have The
Success You _Deserve_... That You Can't
Have It _All_... You Are So _Wrong_!

You _Should_ Have It All... You _Can_ Have It All!

Maybe your music career is really just getting started and the
future is a big _unknown_ for you. Or maybe you're already a
well-established, successful Artist.

But wherever your current level of _career success_ may be, is it
what you know you _deserve_? Is it really _enough_?

After all, aren't you really searching for true and lasting _
Stardom_? Don't you see yourself under the bright lights, center
stage, with thousands of eyes and ears riveted to your every move? Or
maybe you want millions of _views_ for each and every music video
that you post on the Internet.

Either way, you want to sell your CDs by the truckload so you have
the money to control your _music_, your _life_, and your _future_.

But are you working as hard as you do so you'll have the _power_
that gives you that control_, o_r does all of your hard work just nver
seem to pay off?

There are so many _ Musician-support_ websites across the
Internet screaming at you about how they have the one-and-only, top
secret, magic formula that will turn you into a success with no
work... overnight... yeah, right!

But of course, they want money for this and money for that and
money for the other thing, too. And they make a _promise_ to get you a
contract, or a _promise_ that your music will be heard by an Industry
Expert (whatever that means), or even a _promise_ to turn your CD into
a million seller!

And actually, it's all just empty _promises_... and _hype_... and
that proverbial load of _smoke and mirrors_. How pathetic!

But what you need to survive in this world of both _web_ and
_live_ performance venues are the actual _tools_ to get the job
done... not emails, phone calls, nor any more empty _promises_. You
need real _help_!


Yes, _Marketing_. But certainly not the gruesome image that just
materialized in your mind of a pushy salesclerk, a used car salesman,
or a telemarketer because the _Purple Cow_ is not that way and isn't
suggesting for a moment that _you_ should be that way either.

Marketing does _not_ refer to hustling, peddling, or badgering.
Marketing is just the technique of demonstrating to people how great
your music is so they can decide for themselves that they simply can't
live without your CD. See how it works? Marketing isn't _abusive_...
it's _friendly_.

Marketing is simply proven techniques of taking a _product_ (you,
your music, your magical performance), packaging it in such an
appealing way that it just irresistable, and then promoting it to the
world (which simply means that you let people know it exists and is
available). It's just that easy.

And the _benefits_ of Marketing are extreme: (a) _respect_, (b)
the power of total _control_ over your music and your life, (c) being
a _celebrity_, and (d) even the dreaded curse of _financial_

So whatever you do, please don't waste all the hard work it took to
get your music right by unknowingly committing the most common

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