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www.Heshane.com - Solve All Problems From the Point where it all
begins "YOUR MIND". Eliminate Everything Bottled Up Inside, & Start A
Brandnew Day


A Guide Guaranteed to Help the Young and the Old to Solve All
Problems From the Point where it all begins "OUR MIND". Eliminate
Everything Bottled Up Inside, Start the Next Day with No Anger ,
Jealousy, Regrets and Thoughtlessness, New Day as a Completely New
Person, Much Happier and More Energetic

Take Full Control of Your Mind, Use Your Mind Power to Your
Advantage. A System to Completely Turn Around Your Life In Ways You
Never Thought Possible.

It's not only a system that can help you but the Inner Calmness
system will be extra beneficial for your young kids. Make use of the
most powerful weapon "Your Mind" and archive your full potential is by
having full control of your mind. It can help you in 100's of ways,
from improving the way you look to archiving full potential in your
job and even to cure cancers. It's all about having full control of
your mind and not letting your thoughts control you. And that's
exactly what "The Inner Calmness" will show you.

"The mind is the place where all illnesses and other problems
begin and it is the point from where you can put an end to all these

Below we have shown just a few benefits of the Inner Calmness

Meditation has helped some patients to Cure cancer that even some
of the top surgeons have been unable to cure and read real stories of
cancer patients who were able to cure themselves with meditation.
(There is scientific evidence that the mind, in meditation, can effect
physiological changes in the human body).

Helps in deep restful sleeping (very helpful for people with
sleeping disorders). Most of the time when we sleep we are half awake
so our mind does not get enough rest even after 8 - 9 hours of sleep
and not getting enough sleep can effect you. Meditation will help you
fall into deep restful sleep.

Helps to Cure 100's of other illnesses with the power of your

Meditation provides significant improvements in respiratory
functions, cardiovascular parameters and lipid profile.

Resolves the problems of a Restless mind (a mind that does not
let you concentrate or focus and thinks constantly - one major symptom
of Hypomania).

Quick meditation techniques to lower stress and improve focus.

Meditation balances the body's systems to helping you ease
chronic pain, anxiety, stress, improve heart health, boost mood and
immunity, and resolve pregnancy problems and so many other physical

Helps you relax and get rid of stress and anxiety.

More importantly meditation is the only way to self

Learn the 108 different types of meditation techniques.

Meditation increases confidence, creativity, and concentration.

The only way to get your spirit out of your body for astral
projections is through meditation.

Has helped a lot of people quite bad habits such as smoking,
drinking, jealousy, laziness, gambling, drugs, sleeping pills and

Improves breathing and supply of oxygen to the system and inurn
improves the skin and beauty.

The most effective way to archive telepathy is through

The true meaning of "Inner Calmness" and how to cultivate your
inner calmness.

The number of benefits of meditation is enormous and these are just
a few to be mentioned. There is growing evidence that positive
emotions such as happiness are linked to good health and increased
longevity" Dr Angelos Ziegler

Today there are thousands of people worldwide enjoying the benefits
of the revolutionary guide "Inner Calmness" by taking full control of
their mind and not allowing the mind to control them.

Locate All Top Meditation Societies and Groups to Help You
Achieve Your Goals

Through the Inner Calmness Guide you will also get all detailed
information about Meditation Societies in US, Britain, Spain, India,
Sri Lanka and many other countries from around the world. So the users
of the Inner Calmness will be able to get help on any mediation
related problem in the future to unleash their full potential at work,
college, business or any other area that requires a high level of

Another Important Part that We will Look into In the Inner
Calmness Guide is OBE (Out of Body Experiances)

The key to archiving success to do astral projections, telepathy,
Out of Body Experience (OBE) is by having full control of your mind.
The name says it all "Inner Calmness" it will show you how to tackle a
problem almost everyone faces "A Restless Mind" or "A Mind That Can
Not Be Controlled". The mind is the place where all problems begin and
the only place from where it will end and with The Inner Calmness will
show you exactly how to make use of this powerful "WEAPON" to your
advantage. The only way to make full use your mind and archive your
full potential is by having full control of your mind. Some people who
have done meditation to such an extent have been able to develop
psychic powers that allowed them to float their bodies above the
shows what meditation can do to you.

" The mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of
Hell, and a hell of Heaven. " John Milton


Power of telepathy and how people read other peoples minds like a

Learn about the Out of Body Experience (OBE) and how people leave
their body and travel in places 1000's of miles away and communicate
with the dead.

Near death experience and reincarnation. The truth about heaven
and hell, all facts and real stories from the witnesses of heaven and

Learn the science behind Brainwaves (Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta).

Learn the benefits Out of Body Experience (OBE) and how to do
astral projection and feel the real out of body experience. Through
Astral Projection You will be able to

Fly like a bird in any direction without moving your body and
travel to places you never thought possible.

Walk through walls.

Meet loved ones that left this world.

Travel through time.

Have spiritual growth.

Have inner calmness.

Increase your intelligence, concentration power, memory recall.

Heal your self.

The benefits of astral projection may sound funny to some people
but astral projection is something that many people do everyday. It
can either be used for personal pleasure, to help others as well as
your self and can even be used to harm others.

Learn how people use psychic powers to their advantage.

Locate the top meditation societies, groups and forums in the
world. The Inner Calmness provides a comprehensive list of the best
meditation societies and groups from around the world. Places from
where you can ask for help in case of a doubt.

Learn the truth about reincarnation and life after death.

Traveling in the astral plane might sound funny to most people
but it is something thousands of people are doing. At some point in a
person's life they do travel in Astral Planes but with no control, the
Inner Calmness Shows exactly how to take control of your body when
traveling in an Astral Plane and Travel where ever you want, even meet
the people who have passed away.

The Inner Calmness has simplified all the advanced meditation
techniques so that even someone with absolutely no knowledge on
meditation will be able to use these techniques to archive their full
potential in what ever they do and more. A system made by Dr Angelos
Ziegler that is guaranteed to help you get over all your mind related
problems and show you how to archive your full potential. If your mind
is not in a good state then you will begin to experience problems in
many areas of your life. They can be both physical as well as mental
problems. It's your mind that controls your body and the Inner
Calmness will help you control your self through meditation

" The Inner Calmness is a result of my personal experience. It
is my belief that the ideas contained herein can be beneficial to
anyone who desires to purify ones own mind irrespective of ones
religious persuasion " Dr Angelos Ziegler

The Inner Calmness is a guide that only deals with subjects
related to your mind, like what we discussed earlier about how
meditation can help you in ways you never thought possible. But we are
about to talk about one important point that we can not leave out is
"Stress". Number one reason that leads to 100's of health problems
both mental and physical like Schizophrenia, Severe Depression,
Insomnia (Sleeping Disorder), Hypertension (High Blood Pressure),
Heart Problems, Continues Headache and Many other health problems that
can lead to disaster.

Lets Have a Look at a Few Physical Changes that Happen In Your
Body Due to Severe Stress

The Inner Calmness is divided into 2 main sections, like we
discussed earlier in the first section you will get clear detailed
information on how you can use you mind power to your advantage in
ways you never thought possible. Such as doing astral projection,
improving your telepathatic power etc. The Inner calmness is a guide
that deals with the human mind, and an area that we can not leave out
is Stress. This is one of the main reasons for some of the most common
mental and physical problems.

Fact That Almost Everyone Knows is That Nothing Can be Proved
Without the Use of Numbers, Lets Have a Look at Some Statistics that
You Will Be Shocked to Hear. The Number One Reason For Stress Related
Illnesses is Not Taking Precautions at the Right time. Dr Angelos
Ziegler's Inner Calmness Guide will Show Exactly How the Problem of
Stress Should be Handled.

Two thirds of Americans say they are likely to seek help for stress.
(APA Survey 2004)
Fifty-four percent of Americans are concerned about the level of
stress in their everyday lives. (APA Survey 2004)

62% of Americans say work has a significant impact on stress
levels. (APA Survey 2004)

A majority of workers (52%) are more stressed because of work
than home. (APA Survey 2004)

54% of workers are concerned about health problems caused by
stress. (APA Survey 2004)

45% of workers list job insecurity has a significant impact on
work stress levels. (APA Survey 2004)

61% of workers list heavy workloads as a significant impact on
work stress levels. (APA Survey 2004)

73% of Americans name money as the number one factor that affects
their stress level. (APA Survey 2004)

What about the relationship between stress and depression?

More than 19 million American adults have an anxiety disorder.
(National Institutes of Mental Health)

About one in three people with panic disorder develop agoraphobia
(type of anxiety disorder). (National Institutes of Mental Health)

Approximately 2.4 million American adults have panic disorder.
(National Institutes of Mental Health)

Only 1 out of 4 people with panic disorder receive treatment.
(National Institutes of Mental Health)

Roughly 10% of healthy people experience an isolated panic attack
in a given year. (U.S. Surgeon General's Report, 1999)


First, that Stress is a genuine health issue that affects a lot
of people of all ages.

Second, that stress is the root cause of anxiety and depression, as
indicated by the fact that suffering from one makes it

far more likely that you will suffer from the other.

Unlike 50 or 60 years ago the work load for people in their jobs
has doubled and even tripled in some cases, So many people all over
the world are suffering from severe stress without their knowledge,
but by the time they do find out, in most cases it is too late either
they will suffer from devastating mental or physical problems.

You too can be suffering from severe stress without your knowledge.
Proper steps at the right time can prevent your life from turning into
a total nightmare. We all know that "Prevention is better than Cure"
the theory can be applied when dealing with stress.

Lets have a look at what is covered in 60 Second Stress Management

Section I

What it is and What it Does
The Stress Response, Stress Response as a habit, Stress and
Immunity, Stress Related Illnesses and Diseases.

Stress Signs, Symptoms and 60 Second Solutions
Recognizing Stress Symptoms, Linking Stress Sources, 60 Second
Stress Management for Anger, 60 Second Stress Behavior Exercises.

Good Vs Bad Stress
Stress Tolerance, Positive and Negative Perceptions, 60 Second
Stress Tolerance Managements.

Job Stress and Burnout
Sources of Job Stress, Expectation vs. Reality, Eleven 60 Second
Burnout "Extinguishes".

Time Management
Time Management Diary, Fifteen 60 Second Time Management

Stress and Mental Health
Depression, Four 60 Second Stress Management Techniques for
Depression, Schizophrenia, Sexual Dysfunction, Premenstrual Syndrome
(PMS), Loneliness.

Childhood and Adolescent Stress
Identify Stressful Life Events for Children, 60 Second Stress
Management for Children, 60 Second Stress Management for Helping
Children Cope With School, 60 Second Stress Management For Pre Teens,
Signs and Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior, Stress and Adolescents, 60
Second Stress Management for Parents, 60 Second Stress Management For

Stress and Ageing
A Life Satisfaction Quiz, Coping With Mid Life Crisis, Coping
With Death and Dying, 60 Second Stress Management For Coping With Your
Own Grief, 60 Second Stress Management For The Elderly.

Section II

Relaxation Techniques and Exercises
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).


Meditative Techniques for Relieving Stress.

Imaging Techniques and Self Healing
Imaging Exercises Used For Relaxation, Imaging and Self Healing.

Section III

Testing Your Stress Knowledge
Facts About Stress, Coping With Stress, Responses To Stress,
Stress Source and Resistance Survey, Stress Management Survey.

Together Your Life Can Be Turned Around In No Time

Taking Full Control of Your Mind and Using Your Mind the Way You
Want and Not Letting Your Feelings Control Your Life and Managing
Stress Your Life Will Turn Around in No Time, You Will Be Happier,
Energetic Joyful With Less Health Problems.

Whether Your Young or Old These Three Steps that Can Change Your
Life Forever, The People Around You Will Notice The Sudden Change
Almost Immediately.

**Act now and see the Immediate Difference , A Decision You Will
Always Be Proud of**

The Inner Calmness a Guide By Dr Angelos Ziegler has Proved it
Self Over and Over Again by Helping Thousands of People to Realize
What HAPPINESS Really Means, a Guide That Has Even Helped People With
Completely Miserable Lives to Achieve Great Success and Now For the
First Time It's Ready to Prove Prove the Same Fact to The Online

After you order you will get instant access to download The Inner
Calmness. There is no need to wait for shipping and you can get the
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Invest in the Inner Calmness Guide and the 60 Second Stress
Management Guides for Only $89.95, Two Guides for the Price of One.


The Inner Calmness and 60 Second Stress Management Guides have
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Dr Angelos Ziegler

P.S - The Inner Calmness and 60 Second Stress Management have
fast become guides that has helped thousands of people achieve their
goals. I have to tell you now that the sale price of $89.95 will not
last forever. So If you are looking for the quickest and the easiest
way to still be happy, energetic and joyful while having a stressful
Life My Inner Calmness and 60 Second Stress Guides Guaranteed to Give
You the Answer You Need.

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