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Available courses:

The first three exercises in each training package are the basis for the success of the other exercises. You first need to stop the dragging, pulling or walking in any direction they want by getting the attention of your dog. The first three exercises available in each training package will show you excacly how to achieve that.

Package 1 - US$29.50
[Buy now](index.php?bodyType=order&package=1)
L01 - Getting the dog's attention
L02 - The walk and speed exercise
L03 - Correction if your dog walks in front of you
L04 - The right about turn
L05 - The left about turn
L06 - The sit exercise
L07 - The walk away without a command
L08 - The stay on command
L09 - Placing the dog to your left side
L10 - What to do when your dog jumps on you
L11 - How to climb stairs the correct way
L12 - The correct method when approaching a lamppost or tree
L13 - Not to go in our out before you, when opening a door or gate
L14 - To jump over obstacles

Package 2 - US$19.95
[Buy now](index.php?bodyType=order&package=2)
L01 - Getting the dog's attention
L02 - The walk and speed exercise
L03 - Correction if your dog walks in front of you
L05 - The left about turn
L06 - The sit exercise
L07 - The walk away without a command
L10 - What to do when your dog jumps on you
L11 - How to climb stairs the correct way
L12 - The correct method when approaching a lamppost or tree

Package 3 - US$19.95
[Buy now](index.php?bodyType=order&package=3)
L01 - Getting the dog's attention
L02 - The walk and speed exercise
L03 - Correction if your dog walks in front of you
L04 - The right about turn
L06 - The sit exercise
L08 - The stay on command
L09 - Placing the dog to your left side
L13 - Not to go in our out before you, when opening a door or gate
L14 - To jump over obstacles



First Aid [[DOWNLOAD]](ebooks/firstaid.pdf)
An extensive e-book on first aid for dogs and cats.


Use your right hand as the hand of authority to control the dog and the left hand as the hand to praise or pacify the dog. Your left arm should swing in a relaxed manner at your side while you are walking and the dog will also be relaxed.

Copyright © Online Dog Training Academy 2009. All rights reserved.

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