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Speech language programs designed to stimulate your students' oral and written language skills



Speech Language Programs

The speech language programs on this page have been play-tested on school-aged students in a variety of settings. The programs can be used one-to-one or in group and classroom activities.

The programs have been refined over time and are highly useful in engaging your students. The aim is to foster, stimulate and ultimately improve your students' language skills.


In a Mind's Eye
(Story starters and narrative triggers)

In a Mind's Eye was created specifically to enable your students to visualize a fantastical or real life situation and react to it. Over 100 scenarios place your students in a setting or circumstance that calls for action.

The different points of view on offer include a bull challenging trespassers, a fighter pilot in a difficult spot, a princess with a tricky choice to make, and a crafty mouse who has to outwit and evade the family cat.

Each scenario comes complete with a question that either prompts your students to imagine how it would feel to be that character, to make a choice between two possible outcomes, or to describe what happens next.

The program can be used with both boys and girls.

[Right-click to download this PDF file here](http://www.speechlanguage-resources.com/support-files/inamindseyesample.pdf).

You'll also receive these two bonus resources!

Bonus No. 1

In a Mind's Eye Worksheets

The worksheets are in the form of graphic organizers. They feature how would that feel, which do you choose and why, and what happens next worksheets. The worksheets can be photocopied.

The graphic organizers allow your students to better structure their responses (written and verbal) to the scenarios, which will work to improve their comprehension. The worksheets are blackline masters, which are printable and photocopiable. Each worksheet has a completed example. (See below)

Worksheet 1 example: Which do you choose and why?

Bonus No. 2
Adjectives List

A highly useful list of adjectives that can be used to improve your students' written work.

Ten different categories featured: Condition, Appearance, Emotions (Upbeat), Emotions (Downbeat), Time, Taste, Touch, Sound, Shapes, and Size.


Engage your students with highly stimuable speech language programs and story starters

...for 9.95$ AUD

Downloadable and printable format (Adobe PDF file)
9.95$ AUD

Once you have purchased the program you can begin using the product with your students without delay.

This program is in the Adobe PDF file format. If you don't have Adobe you can download it for free [here.](http://adobe9.0-pdf.com/?s=goau&a=pdf&gclid=CJyT_fDw35kCFcQtpAod830vVg)

The language intervention eBook comes with a 60 days money back guarantee.

If you're not satisfied with this product you will receive a full refund.

Your eBook purchase is 100% safe and risk free.

You can buy the In a Mind's Eye Program with either PayPal or Credit Card

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.davidslp.pay.clickbank.net)

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