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By [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) on March 26, 2009  |  [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-training-in-10-minutes-3-effective-ways/#comments)
[Cat Training in 10 Minutes - 3 Effective Ways](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-training-in-10-minutes-3-effective-ways/)

If you want to train your cat to become like a dog in which you can ask your cat to sit, stay and heel at your command then [cat training](http://acemarkbiz.cattrain.hop.clickbank.net) is definitely not your way. A cat is a cat. You can only train it to become better-behaved that’s all. But if you are looking at cat training in ten minutes then you will be good to stay on to read.

Cats have a unique characteristic. That is they will only do what is exceedingly rewarding and pleasurable or they will never do what is really unpleasant.

Reprimands do not work when you are training your cat. A cat misbehaves because it seeks attention so no matter if you are around or not, the cat will continue to misbehave just so that the attention given to the cat is already enough of a reward to him.

So what do we do if we really want cat training in ten minutes? Well, I cannot promise it will be over in ten minutes but every of the training methods will last around ten minutes.

1. No More Reprimands

Stop all kinds of reprimands. Just concentrate on making your relationship with your cat fun, rewarding, playful and interesting. Cats have a tendency to become destructive when bored. So undivided attention from you regularly will help calm the cat and solve most of the problems, if not all. A short play session can be as short as ten minutes and that is what I call of cat training in ten minutes.

2. Rewards

Rewarding is another most effective method. But you will need to set up the environment so that it will give you the opportunity to reward and praise him for the good behavior.

Take the litter box training as an example. In reality, regular feeding schedules will ensure that your cat has a regular output session too. Therefore, it will be easier for you to check on him. Just make sure that whenever it is the output schedule, you will have to be around. Ten minutes before that output schedule, take him to his litter box room. Because you are with him, he does not have anywhere to go except that litter box. When he uses it, compliment him like crazy and reward him with a big treat like a nice, chunky salmon. Until you are sure that this training is successful, do not give him free access to the rest of your house when you know he is ready to let loose anytime.

3. Set Up Undesirable Environment

Next is to set up your environment so that his misbehavior is not a rewarding experience. Take furniture scratching for an example. All you need to is to make that furniture tell your cat it is not attractive to be scratched at and your cat will have regrets scratching it. Each cat have different dislikes when scratching. Find out about those and try to apply it to the furniture. For example, some cat do not like the feel of aluminum foil so just drape some on your furniture or even a whiff of menthol is enough. Once your cat realizes that the scratching post is much more enjoyable, that destructive scratching will be disappear. Thus, this is absolutely so fast that it can be a cat training in ten minutes when you prepare the items for making your furniture undesirable.

So these are just some methods for your cat training in 10 minutes routine. All it takes is just ten minutes using the right way, and you can set your cat to becoming better-behaved.

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By [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) on February 19, 2009  |  [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-toilet-train-tips/#comments)
[Cat Toilet Train Tips](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-toilet-train-tips/)

Cat [toilet train](http://acemarkbiz.traincat.hop.clickbank.net) tips are important if you want to have a clean cat. Cat pet care involves training them in the bathroom. You may wonder how to train a kitten to litter properly. Here are some tips and tricks to make sure that your cat litter training goes as planned.

The first tip among cat toilet train tips is to toilet train yourself. You should always keep the lid up and the seat down in your own bathroom. You should also leave the bathroom door open so that your cat can access the toilet. It is nearly impossible to teach a cat how to open a door.

The next cat toilet train tip is to start moving the litter box closer and closer to the toilet. You should make sure that your cat known where the litter box is. If your cat starts to look for the litter box and is not able to find it, return it to the normal position and then start all over again.

After moving the cat litter box closer and closer to the toilet, the next cat toilet train tip is to start putting cardboard, newspapers, and anything that could raise the litter box higher. You start getting the idea from here. It is more of a classical conditioning concept. As you increase the height of the litter box, it will get closer and closer to the level of the toilet itself. Make sure the litter box is secure by taping it so that it does not slide around and become messy.

The next cat toilet train tip is to put the litter box in the toilet. By this time, your cat should already be accustomed to jumping on to the toilet. The cat should be used to navigating around the toilet. Your cat will start littering into the toilet.

The final cat toilet train tip is the coolest of all. When your cat is already accustomed to littering in the toilet, you can already remove the litter box entirely. Some cat owners put a metal net with a little bit of litter prior to completely removing the litter box so that the cat can get used to the idea.

These cat toilet train tips will certainly come in handy when you train your cat. Always be optimistic and patient with your cat. Your cat will eventually learn and your cat will eventually become the intelligent cat you’ve always wanted it to be.


[Discover These Great Cat Toilet Training Tips That Over 1,045 Cat Owners Have Been Using to Have a Happy, Healthy and Obedient cat In No Time](../../ebook.php).

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By [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) on February 07, 2009  |  [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-pet-training-effective-positive-reinforcement-techniques/#comments)
[Cat Pet Training - Effective Positive Reinforcement Techniques](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-pet-training-effective-positive-reinforcement-techniques/)

Timing is absolutely critical in cat pet training in terms of using positive reinforcement.

The reward for your cat good behavior must occur almost immediately, if possible within seconds. Otherwise your cat may not associate the reward to that particular action.

For instance, you can throw a piece of dry cat food for her to chase as a reward for any good actions such as using the scratching post. Many cats enjoy chasing (hunting) for their food and it’s definitely good exercise for them.

Consistency is the key in cat pet training. Everyone in your family should try to reward the same desired behavior. Any inconsistency such as rewarding when she is done with her scratching post and is walking towards you will only reinforce that there’s reward for walking towards you.

Using Positive Reinforcement in Cat Pet Training

Food treats, praise, petting or even a favorite toy or game are just some positive reinforcement you can use. You should reward your cat for every time you catches her performing the desired behavior such as scratching the scratching post. Instead of taking your cat to the post and holding her paws and demonstrating to her what she’s supposed to do will most likely frighten her and have the opposite effects of encouraging her to use it. Rather, you should try to entice her by placing a toy dangling on the post or spraying catnip (if she react positively to it). In this way, she will be more likely to perform the behavior again since it’s more comfortable to her. It’s important to always keep in mind to view her world from her point of view.

Once your cat starts on this desired behavior, you may want to reward her with treats constantly. For instance, reward for every three out of four times performed. As times goes by, start rewarding her lesser from about half the time to one-third of the time and so on, until you’re only rewarding her with praises and an occasional treat. But keep in mind that you will still have to carry on praising her every time. In this way, you won’t need to carry with you a pocketful of treats, but it’s definitely worth it to surprise your cat once in a while.

[Discover how you can properly conduct a cat pet training to have a happy, healthy and obedient cat in no time](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/ebook.php).

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Featured Articles [Cat Training in 10 Minutes - 3 Effective Ways](#section77) [Cat Toilet Train Tips](#section28) [Cat Pet Training - Effective Positive Reinforcement Techniques](#section21)


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[Pet Cat Training Tips](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/pet-cat-training-tips/)

Pet [cat training](http://acemarkbiz.cattrain.hop.clickbank.net) is one thing you should enjoy as a cat owner. You should enjoy each and every moment with your cat. You cat will adore you and love you in return. You may wonder how to train a kitten or how to train cats in general and the reality is it is fairly simple. Here are some tips and tricks to train your cat.

Pet cat training should not be a boot camp for your cat. You should not hit your cat or force your cat to do something. If you hit your cat or if you try to harm your cat then the cat will simply become confused. Instead of loving and adoring you, your cat will become afraid of you. Cats learn by experience and not when you hit them.

Pet cat training starts when you first introduce them to their home. When you get home, the first thing that you should do is put them in their litter box. They will wander around their surroundings and try to get them accustomed to the place. The reason for putting them in the litter box is so that they understand where they should litter. They will eventually learn this in time.

One trick in pet cat training is that when you notice that your cat wants to litter, simply put them in their litter pan. They will eventually get the idea that the litter box is where they should excrete their waste.

It is important to understand that when you feed a cat, you are praising your cat for what they do. If a cat wakes you up by meowing in the middle of the night and then you feed it then your cat will think that it is doing the right thing. You should not feed a cat after negative behaviour because this will simply make them continue what they are doing.

Disciplining your cat is important. You can not always give in to what your cat wants. If you keep on giving in to what your cat wants then they will not know what is right and what is wrong. You should know how to set boundaries, when to punish them, and when not to mind them.

Pet cat training should not be difficult. If you want to learn more tips on training your cat then you can consult with your veterinarian, read some books, ask some fellow cat owners, or simply read more information over the internet.

[](../../ebook.php)[Finally, Everything You Need to Know About Buying & Caring for a Happy, Healthy … & Yes Even Obedient…Cat is Revealed!](../../ebook.php)

April 05, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/pet-cat-training-tips/#comments)
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[How to Train Cats to Litter Properly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/how-to-train-cats-to-litter-properly/)

It is important to learn how to train cats to litter in the right place. It can be absolutely devastating to your household if your cat litters all over the place. Cat litter can stink up your house, it can ruin furniture, and it can drive all your guests away. You certainly don’t want this happening to you and that is why cat potty training is important. What you want is a loving cat who will adore you and your guests whenever they’re around.

Your cat must have a litter box. In order to learn how to train cats to litter, they need a place to litter in. You can purchase a litter box at your local pet store. There will certainly be a lot of choices there. If you are on a budget then you can make a litter box yourself. You can make one out of plastic and use recycled material in your household.

Knowing how to train cats to litter is the start of everything. You must know that cats learn from experience. If you want to teach them how to litter in the proper place then you will have to condition them to do so. When you introduce your litter box to your kitten or cat, make sure you make them familiar with it early on. When you see signs that your cat wants to litter, bring them to the litter box as soon as possible. Sooner or later, they will get the idea that they should be in the litter box when they have to litter. You will not even have to bring them to the litter box anymore.

A more complicated task is to learn how to train cats to use toilet in the bathroom. If you want to do this then you will need to bring the litter box closer and closer to the bathroom and then eventually to the toilet bowl. You can elevate the litter box using newspapers and yellow pages. Just make sure that the litter box is properly fastened and secure. Eventually, you will put the litter box into the toilet and remove it when your cat litters there regularly.

If you think that learning and knowing how to train cats to litter properly is difficult then be prepared to actually do it. You will need a lot of patience and love for your cat during cat potty training. Good luck and may you and your cat live harmoniously together.

[](../../ebook.php)[Finally, Everything You Need to Know About Buying & Caring for a Happy, Healthy … & Yes Even Obedient…Cat is Revealed!](../../ebook.php)

March 23, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/how-to-train-cats-to-litter-properly/#comments)
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[Cat Litter Training - Simple and Effective Guidelines](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-litter-training-simple-and-effective-guidelines/)

Cat litter training will be one of the topics in [cat training](http://acemarkbiz.cattrain.hop.clickbank.net) that you will certainly come across. Cat potty training is important for the simple reason that you do not want cat litter all over the place. How to train a kitten to litter properly is the best start. Teaching your cat where to litter at an early stage is much better than worrying about training later on in their lives. Here are some guidelines which will aid you in your training goal.

Everything starts with you. Cat litter training will start when you can discipline yourself first. The first thing that you have to do is to always keep the toilet seat down and the toilet lid up. You should also keep the bathroom door open at all times. Of course, you will have to close it when you are using it.

The next step is to position the cat litter box beside the toilet bowl. When your cat shows sign that it has to potty then you situate them near or on the litter box. They will eventually get the idea as time passes. Cats learn from experience. When they are always in the litter area when they have to potty then they will simply go there themselves later on.

Cat litter training involves conditioning your cat to do certain actions. When you cat is used to littering in their box, you can start raising the box gradually until it reaches the level of the toilet bowl. You can increase the height of the litter box using yellow pages, old newspapers, and such. Make sure that the litter box is secure. You can use duct tape, scotch tape, or any type of medium to keep the litter box in place.

When the litter box is already at the same height as the toilet bowl, you can already put the litter box inside the toilet. If it does not fit then remove the litter sand and put it in a smaller box. The training will kick in when the cat starts to litter in the toilet bowl already. Since they are used to going up the toilet bowl already, they will not have any problems when they potty there. Cat litter training is very fulfilling when you see your cat actually littering in the toilet bowl already. It is one sight to behold.

[](../../ebook.php)[Finally, Everything You Need to Know About Buying & Caring for a Happy, Healthy … & Yes Even Obedient…Cat is Revealed!](../../ebook.php)

March 19, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-litter-training-simple-and-effective-guidelines/#comments)
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[Coughing Cat - Mysterious Causes You Must Know](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/learns-cat-care-cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/coughing-cat-mysterious-causes-you-must-know/)

A coughing cat demands cat pet care. The cat does not necessarily mean that the cat is sick or ill. Maybe the cat has diarrhea or maybe there are simply cat hairballs. There are several causes for a coughing cat. They are enumerated here.

Asthma and bronchitis may be a cause for a coughing cat. If asthma is causing the coughing then your cat will be given an x-ray. Your cat will have an inhaler, some asthma medication, and some steroids. Your cat may have bronchitis as shown by the x-ray. This is normally treated with steroids. Some cats may also have allergic reactions to airborne elements which may cause their asthma.

Cat hairballs may be one of the causes. If your cat has long hair then it is very likely that their coughing is caused by falling hair. This is one thing that you can treat at the comfort of your own home. You can purchase one of several over-the-counter remedies for hairballs at your vet’s office, pet shop, or pharmacy. If you want to use a natural treatment for your cat’s hairballs then you can use papaya treatments instead.

The coughing may be caused by cardiomyopathy. When your cat has this kind of illness, their heart will not pump blood properly. As a result, there will be a build up of pressure. This will cause the fluid in the lungs to be come congested and thus, cause the cat to cough.

Heartworms can also cause your cat to cough. In order to avoid a case of heartworms with your cat, you should purchase a heartworm preventive. There are a lot of them available in the market today. If your cat already has heartworm then you should go the veterinarian already. Before you purchase a heartworm treatment, you should check whether your cat has heartworm in the first place.

Parasites can cause cat coughing. Usually, a wormer will be prescribed by your cat’s veterinarian if parasites are discovered. These parasites cause coughing when they migrate from the lungs and into the cat’s stomach.

Cat coughing can be caused by several factors. If you are worried about your cat when they cough then you should do something about it already. If you allow your cat to cough without doing anything then their illness may get worse. If it is the first time for your cat to cough then do not panic. Just bring your cat to the vet if you can.

[](../../ebook.php)[Finally, Everything You Need to Know About Buying & Caring for a Happy, Healthy … & Yes Even Obedient…Cat is Revealed!](../../ebook.php)

March 15, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/learns-cat-care-cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/coughing-cat-mysterious-causes-you-must-know/#comments)
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[Cat Sneezing Causes – Is It You Who Causes It?](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-sneezing-causes-%e2%80%93-is-it-you-who-causes-it/)

Are you worried about your cat sneezing? If you have heard or seen your cat sneezing recently then you should not be alarmed. It is normal for a cat to sneeze. This is a natural reaction of a cat to some irritant and it is a sign that your cat’s respiratory system is actually functioning. Usually this is a sign of some sort of an upper respiratory infection. It can also be due to some foreign object blocking the nasal passages of the cat.

Cat sneezing does not mean that the cat is sick. If you notice other things about your cat aside from the cat sneezing then you may have to visit the veterinarian. You should check if the cat has swollen eyes or glands. This could be a sign of some sort of cat sickness already.

Cat sneezing is commonly caused by the bacteria called Bordatella. These bacteria not only make cats sneeze but humans as well. Sometimes cat sneezing may be caused by chemicals in the environment. Just like human beings, when there are irritants in the air, it is a natural reaction to sneeze.

Cats that are more prone to cat sneezing are the Persian cats or generally the cats that have flat faces. They are more sensitive to irritants, smoke, and infection. Their nasal passages are easily irritated. Cats can be very similar to human beings so if there is smoke or some chemicals in the air then you should not be surprised if you see and hear your cat sneezing.

If your cat always sneezes at a particular time of the year then this may be due to a seasonal change. Some cats sneeze a lot during the spring season because of pollen in the air. Just like human beings, cats also have their own allergies.

If your cat is sneezing blood then you must bring your cat to the veterinarian already. This may be a symptom of some sort of cat sickness. If you want your cat to be treated and cured right away then bring your cat to the veterinarian right at the moment you see your cat sneezing blood.

Cat sneezing is generally irritating for the cat and its owner. If you want to stop your cat from sneezing then make sure both of you live in a clean environment. Consult your veterinarian for any cat sickness signs or particular questions on cat sneezing.

[](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/ebook.php)[Finally, Everything You Need to Know About Buying & Caring for a Happy, Healthy … & Yes Even Obedient…Cat is Revealed!](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/ebook.php)

February 26, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-sneezing-causes-%e2%80%93-is-it-you-who-causes-it/#comments)
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[Funny Cats Videos - Hilarious](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-lovers/funny-cats-videos-hilarious/)

Just went over to YouTube to find some entertaining videos, happened to find this one. Really great! Had a good laugh out from it. =)

February 22, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-lovers/funny-cats-videos-hilarious/#comments)
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[Cats Illness Diagnosis - The Proper Way Your Cat Loves It](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cats-illness-diagnosis-the-proper-way-your-cat-loves-it/)

Cats Illness is very bothering for the owner. Here are some tips for cats illness and how to spot them. When you discover cats illness then you should bring your cat to the veterinarian already. You don’t want your cats illness to get worse.

Ear infections are one type of cats illness. In order to spot this, you should look out for foul odour, head shaking, head rubbing, inflammation, swollen ear flaps, itching, and scratching. When you spot an ear infection in a cat, bring them to the veterinarian immediately.

Ear mites are a common type of cats illness. Some symptoms to look out for are inflammation, excess ear wax, itching, head shaking, rubbing, coffee ground-like discharges from the ear, and scratching. There are some over-the-counter cures for ear mites. If you are unsure on the medication to give to your cat then you can contact your veterinarian.

Fatty liver disease is an internal type of cats illness. Some of the symptoms you should look out for are loss of appetite, excess salivating, vomiting, refusal to eat, yellowing of the skin, depression, whiteness of eyes, reduction of muscle mass, and seizures. When you spot fatty liver disease in your cat, you should bring them to the veterinarian right away.

Feline diabetes is also another internal type of cats illness. Some of the signs of diabetes in a cat are excessive thirst, lethargy, weight loss, increased urination, overall run-down condition, and rear leg weakness. When your cat has diabetes, it is cause for alarm. Bring your cat to the veterinarian and find out the next steps of action for curing your cat.

Hairballs are common problems faced by cats. It is considered one of the cats illness. If you notice your cat cough or cats vomiting wads of fur and food then your cat may have hairballs. If you notice intestinal blockage and constipation then this is reason to bring your cat to the veterinarian.

Cats illness can not be completely avoided. Just like human beings, cats are subject to illness and disease. No matter how well you take care of your cat, they can get sick and ill anytime. The best you can do to prevent your cat from getting sick is to have a safe and clean environment. If your cat does get sick then the best thing to do is bring them to the veterinarian as soon as possible.[](../../ebook.php)


[Discover These Great Cat Pet Training Tips That Over 1,045 Cat Owners Have Been Using to Have a Happy, Healthy and Obedient cat In No Time](../../ebook.php).

February 20, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cats-illness-diagnosis-the-proper-way-your-cat-loves-it/#comments)
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[Cat Pet Training - The Plus and Minus of Punishment](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-pet-training-the-plus-and-minus-of-punishment/)

Punishment can take different forms. It can be verbal, postural, or physical and is meant to make your cat immediately associate something unpleasant when she does something you don’t want her to do. To make your punishment effective in any cat pet training, it must be delivered when your cat is engaging in the undesirable behavior – caught red-handed. Even if the punishment is delivered a few seconds later, your cat will not associate that punishment to that behavior. Instead, the punishments seem to be random for her.

Remember, cats are still animals. They do not have a sense of morals and definitely do not act out of spite or revenge.

Never use physical punishment that involves discomfort or pain as this may cause her to bite, defend her or resort to more undesirable behaviors. Hold your cat’s neck skin and shaking her are just some forms of undesirable punishments. Punishments that might associate with other stimuli is also not very good. For example, a cat that is punished for getting too close to a new baby might even become more aggressive towards babies in the future.

That’s why physical punishments are not advisable in cat pet training as it may erode your cat’s trust and frighten her. Instead, the most effective punishments are those that do not come directly from you.

For example, you may apply double-sided tape on your couch when your cat enjoys scratching it. Cats rarely like sticky paws and they will perceive the couch as delivering the punishment. In this way, your cat will not even have any undesirable behaviors when you are not around.

Another important key element to take note is that you will need to help your cat understand what you want her to do and provide appropriate outlets for her normal cat behaviors.

One of the reasons why cats are such fun companions is when they’re not sleeping. Many enjoy playing. Playing actually will help your cat develop physically as well as behaviorally. Having sufficient play outlets can reduce undesirable behaviors. You can also build great bonds with your cats by using the power of playing and eventually enhancing the quality of life for both of you during a cat pet training session.


[Discover These Great Cat Pet Training Tips That Over 1,045 Cat Owners Have Been Using to Have a Happy, Healthy and Obedient cat In No Time](../../ebook.php).

February 08, 2009 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-pet-training-the-plus-and-minus-of-punishment/#comments)
[Read More](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-pet-training-the-plus-and-minus-of-punishment/)

[Caring For Your Older Cat](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/caring-for-your-older-cat/)

I just saw this article which I want to share with you. It’s talking about caring for your older cat and it is especially good if you have any older cats now.

It shares with you how you can tell when your cat is getting old. Plus, it also gives you indications on what are the behavioral changes to look out for.

The best thing you can do is watch for signs and, if you spot anything amiss, visit your veterinarian.

You can check out the [article](http://www.purina.com/cats/health/OlderCats.aspx) here.

November 30, 2008 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 1](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/caring-for-your-older-cat/#comments)
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[Any idea on cat videos?](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-care-information-cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-care-tips-cat-videos-upload/)

July 19, 2008 | [Kelvin Westly](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/author/Henry/) | [Comments 0](http://www.catcaresecretsrevealed.com/cat-care-information-cat-pet-care-cat-pet-training-cat-illness/cat-care-tips-cat-videos-upload/#comments)
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