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“They didn’t think my ad ideas
were going to work… Until the ad  
generated over $960,000 in NEW revenues
in less than 6 months”


When you learn the secret strategies I reveal in my book, “ULTIMATE MONEYMAKING NEWSPAPER ADS”, you too can generate more leads and sales—and make more money from your ads—than you’ve ever seen before.


by David Fowler


  The truth is, I can’t deny it.    

Before I ever learned how to create ads that generated amazing response…I created so many bad and mediocre newspaper ads in my early career it’s embarrassing to think about.

And when I say bad, I mean my ads couldn’t sell “free money!”. Yeah, my early ads looked cool, but they didn’t generate leads or revenues for my clients. 

What’s worse is, now that I think about it, I won awards for some of those ad “losers” because they “looked good” to other “creative” types. 

And not only that, I was invited to judge some of the nation’s largest ad award shows because I was considered “an expert” on the subject.

Some “ad expert” I was…

Then it happened. 

One client after another started to “fire” me and my ad agency.

The reason was always the same. My clients would call me into their offices and say some version of: “Our business has spent a lot of money with your agency to create ads that are supposed to generate leads and sales—and yours don’t!”

I remember how painful those meetings were. Hearing the words, “YOU’RE FIRED!” wasn’t nearly as bad as the”crushed”  expectations and the disappointment I created.

Looking back, I can say those clients did me (and themselves) a favor.

Because the pain of losing so many clients so quickly (beside giving me lots of “time off” to ponder), instilled in me a desire to learn EXACTLY what strategies make newspaper ads work.


Who am I and Why You Should Listen to Me

The most important thing you should know about me is this: I’ve been an agency Creative Director and Marketing and Advertising Consultant for more than 26 years. In that time I’ve created more newspaper and print ads than you have. And I’ve FAILED hundreds of times more than you have too.

And yes, those are pretty good credentials.

Because rather than give up on newspaper advertising or sulk over my ad “screw-ups”, I used those failures to motivate me to learn just about every strategy, trick, solution, shortcut and idea there is to make newspaper ads effective.

From what I know now I can, with pretty good accuracy, look at your newspaper ad before it’s ever printed and tell you if it’s going to work or not, and why.

Not because I have a crystal ball.

I just have years of trial and error and a lot of very successful ads—that have made a lot of businesses a lot of money—under my belt.

Just like my headline says, I recently created an ad that generated more than $960,000 in brand new revenues for one of the largest Lasik eye surgery centers in Southern California.

I also created an ad for a local casino in my area that generated a whopping $500,000 of new revenues in only 3 days!

Knowing what I know makes it easy to create ad winners almost every time I sit down to write an ad. 

And now I’m sharing EVERY successful strategy I’ve learned with you.  I’ve taken my 26 years of experience as a newspaper ad copywriter and designer and poured every last drop of know-how into my new book, “Ultimate Moneymaking Newspaper Ads”. 

The word “Ultimate” was deliberately chosen because the methods I teach you are “proven” and definitive. I’ll show you everything you need to know to create effective, moneymaking ads—and only what you need to know. 


Why a Book on Newspaper Advertising Now?

The newspapers industry in the U.S. is hurting bad.

They’re losing advertisers—and precious ad revenues—at alarming rates.

But guess what? If there ever was a time to use newspaper ads to grow your business it’s right now!

This advice may run counter to what you THINK.   

But here’s the fact: newspapers have millions of loyal readers. And those readers are hungry to buy what you sell IF your target audience reads a newspaper and… if your ad contains STRATEGIES THAT WORK!

I’ve heard people say the newspaper doesn’t produce results anymore.  Honestly, that’s dumb!  I have overwhelming proof the newspaper not only works, it works like gangbusters! 

But you want to know what doesn’t work? It’s those old lame, weak-kneed, ineffective. tired and out-of-gas ad strategies…still used by most advertisers. That’s what doesn’t work.

The people who claim the newspaper doesn’t drive business are the same ones who have no clue what goes into a powerful, moneymaking ad.

I know. I used to be one of them.

There are businesses right now whose ads make the phone ring off the hook. Whose ads cause lines of eager-to-buy customers.  I recently saw an ad in a San Diego newspaper that produced a line that extended well over a block!

The point is, highly effective newspaper ads require very specific offers to work. They require very specific headlines. Very specific layouts.

My new book, “Ultimate Moneymaking Newspaper Ads” will tell you exactly, specifically what to do to make your newspaper ads generate more leads than you’ve seen before.

You’ll be amazed at the money you can actually make!

Especially if your ads have never made any real money before. 

My book gives you instant access to my years of experience and knowledge that will let you by-pass the mistakes most advertisers make. 

Imagine having access to the ad-winners circle…consistently.

There’s a right way and a wrong way to create newspaper ads. Doing it my way is like having a money machine at your disposal.

In my book Ultimate Moneymaking Newspaper Ads, I show you step by step how your next ad can begin generating 100%, 200% even 500% more response than your previous ad. 


Three Major Newspaper Advertising Myths

Back in 1998 I wrote, “Newspaper Ads That Make Sales Jump!” It became a best seller because, for one thing, then there were no books about creating effective newspaper ads anywhere to be found.

And since writing my first book, the world of newspaper advertising has turned upside down. What worked in 1998 most likely won’t work now. 

In the interim, I’ve created and testing thousands of print ads in just about every business category you can think of. And I learned that what most people (including ad professionals), believe about advertising is just plain WRONG. There are so many myths, it’s astonishing. The three most prevalent are:


Myth #1: The best ads are clever, witty, amusing and entertaining . This is completely false! Clever or entertaining ads can grab attention or win ad awards, that’s true. But they are far from being the most effective ads. The fact is, the ads that consistently generate the most money don’t even look like traditional ads!

Ads that work to generate leads and sales “lure” readers to respond by using key words and phrases to form effective “mental pictures”.  Effective ads aren’t “cute”. They’re not “clever”. And they don’t trivialize or sacrifice important information for the sake of brevity or design. Effective ads are strategic. And I’ll show you how to advertise (just about any business) with offers that work like crazy. For example, I’ll show you how a unique headline and call to action phrase helped a small restaurant generate 78 new leads in just a few days with a very simple ad.  


Myth #2: You have to be a great copy writer or designer to create successful ads. Again, this is false. Advertising is not so much about good writing or design as it is about having a good idea to advertise in the first place. Most people miss this key point. 

Some of the greatest ads I’ve ever seen; some of the best moneymaking ads were actually written and designed by people who had little training in the field of advertising. Most were business owners, probably like you. Advertising is about ideas, not polished skills.

I’ve seen great moneymaking  ideas, nearly get trashed because the business owner thought his or her own ideas weren’t good enough to be “ads”. Believe me when I say this: you’ve got what it takes to create effective ads.  You’ll be amazed when you see how easy it can be to create ads on the strength of a good idea…and in my new book, I’ll show you how to tap into those good ideas to make a lot more money from your ads.


Myth #3: A good ad has a lot of clean, white spaces. You probably guessed it: this is also completely false. And this myth has unfortunately caused more ads to go off track and lose more money for the advertiser than most of the ad myths combined!

For some reason, most notably in the 1960’s, the advertising industry decided that ads needed to look like “ads”. And in so doing, advertising as “salesmanship in print” took a backseat to advertising as “entertainment”. Of course entertaining ads are fun to read. You may chuckle and show the ad to a friend.  But sales statistics point out that entertaining ads DO NOT SELL.

That’s good news for those of you who don’t consider yourself “creative”. Because in my book you’ll see how easy it is to design an ad—even if you have no formal advertising or design experience. In fact, it’s even better if you don’t! 


No “Secret” is Withheld - What I’ll Reveal in my Book
Most people don’t know that the newspaper is the ultimate “direct response” medium. Find out why. And find out what direct response ad principles you can use immediately to produce far greater response than you’re presently getting. Newspaper readers don’t “read”; they “scan”. Find out how to make your ad instantly “scan-able” so that more people will be attracted to your ads.  Find out what “type” of ad outperforms all other ads by a mile—and find out which types of ads don’t work; (this knowledge is worth its weight in gold!) Most ads fail because ad creators have no idea what the ad’s real “purpose” is. The answer will make all the difference to the success of your business.   There are 2 kinds of “lead generating” ads. You’ll find out the strategies for both and how to use these killer ads to skyrocket response.  Find out what really “motivates” people to respond to ads…and no, it’s not your products or services either. Convert more first time customers to long term customers who spend more. Certain words stop readers cold and arouse their interest. You need to learn what they are and use them in your ads.  Learn how to use headlines to “qualify” only those prospects who will spend more money with you, more often. There are certain words, that when used in headlines, turn people off? Find out what they are. Step-by-step tips to creating an irresistible offer. Discover the most powerful and magnetic words and phrases to use in your headlines. In your subheads. In your copy. Find out what “psychological triggers” work best in headlines.  The million dollar question is answered: learn the single most effective offer you can present in your ads to cause massive response. Headlines can be long or short. Do you know how many words your headline needs to pull the right readers?  What type faces work best in headlines? Subheads? Which don’t?
Learn if your business needs a short copy or a long copy ad. The answer makes all the difference to response. How to use price bundles to improve response.  Find out why an “unexplained” offer turns people off—no matter how enticing the offer may look on paper. Learn how to prepare effective “short copy” ads.  Find out how to prepare “long-copy” ads and learn why long copy ads, more often than not, bring in more sales than short copy ads. There are hundreds of typefaces you could use. But which typefaces do readers prefer? Which ones cause readers to “exit” ads fast? Why ads that look like editorials work far better than ads that look like “ads”. How to use customer testimonials in your headlines and body copy to soar response rates! The niche of your business determines your success. You’ll see exactly how to fine-tune or create a niche that “hypnotically attracts” the right customers to your business. Why use an 800#? Easily get readers to use your coupons to explode your sales. Shortcuts to writing a headlines even if you’re not a good writer!  Prepare layouts using simple “eye tricks” that make sales soar. Why using percentages off can, and often do, confuse prospects. Ideal number of words per ad. Sizing your ad. Should it be a small space ad? A large ad? What shape? What factors to consider when choosing pictures or graphics for your ad. Big pictures? Small pictures? Photos? Illustrations? What? Where to place pictures in ads for maximum impact. Where not to. How to increase sales by 30% using inexpensive gifts, premiums or bonuses. Why you’re an ad away from making a LOT of money! Did you know that a “logo” in most ads will kill response? Find out why. Find out how to inexpensively “pre-test” your ads to see what works and what doesn’t work—before you spend money in the newspaper.
My book reveals EVERYTHING  you need to know to start creating ads that make money—consistently right from the start.


What a Small Sampling of People are Saying About My Book:

“Your ad ideas gave us our most effective ads ever. Not only did we get over 200% more response with our very first ad, the customers that the ad brought actually purchased 25% more than other customers.”
- Matt Brennan, Marketing Director, South Sun Products

“Not since the much-acclaimed Ogilvy on Advertising have I found such a helpful tool for creating newspaper advertising that sells. This easy-to-read guide provides advertisers with proven techniques that will help their ads break through the clutter. It’s a must read for any business that wants to improve the pulling power of their newspaper advertising…and their bottom line.”
- Archie Thornton, Formerly, Managing Director, Ogilvy & Mather 


“Buy this book because it will show you conclusively why everything you thought you knew about effective newspaper advertising was, and is, dead WRONG. Read and absorb this book if you want your ads to make money—a LOT of MONEY–for your newspaper and your advertisers!”
- Tony Allegretti CEO, Mainstreet Media, President, California Newspaper Publishers Assn.

“David, this book is a gem. Great read. I honestly hope none of my competitors ever sees it .”
- Stuart Gaiber, Business Owner, Former IT Director, Jenny Craig

“In the rush to be ‘digital’, the grand old art of newspaper advertising seems to have been partially forgotten. But there is still good money to be made in advertising products in newspapers and magazines. In fact,
very good money. I have seen ads for the same product created by different people pull six, seven or even eight times as many sales. This book tells you how to be the guy who pulls in the eight times as many”
- Bill Fryer, MA Oxon, Creative Director


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You truly have everything to gain and nothing to lose by ordering “[Ultimate Moneymaking Newspaper Ads](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=1&c=cb&cl=48315)”, right now!


[Click here](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=1&c=cb&cl=48315) for an instant download of the ebook. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the ebook.

[Click here](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=1&c=cb&cl=48315) NOW to download your copy!
It doesn’t matter if it’s 3:00 a.m. in the morning! 

You will be downloading and reading the ebook within just a few minutes… 

Don’t create another ad without the moneymaking benefit of this book.


David Fowler


Click the button or the book below to [Buy Now](https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=1&c=cb&cl=48315) ! 

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