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[The Linden Method](http://www.panic-anxiety.com/)
"I never thought my stress and worry could be erased in just 30 days. This program is amazing!"
   Bella Carver, Boston, USA
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Charles Linden's 30 Day Stress Reduction Program

Discover the proven secrets of over 35,000 recovered stress sufferers


Do you suffer from stress, elevated anxiety, worry or fear?
Do you feel tired, depressed and trapped by life?
Do you suffer with aches, pains and lethargy?

How can I eliminate stress and worry from my life?

Charles Linden with his Family

In order for you to be physically and mentally equipped to eliminate stress and worry from your life, there are two factors which must be aligned. Without these two factors, you will be ill-equipped to face life's challenges head on - and win!

So, what are these two factors?

Let me explain. There are two elements to the human body, the psyche (the brain) and the physiology (the body) and these two elements work together, perfectly synchronized, perfectly balanced and in rhythm. Without this 'synergy', the body and mind become unbalanced like a wheel with a badly-fitted hubcap.

This can impact on our wellbeing in two ways. Physical imbalance causes symptoms which can lead to worry and mental imbalance, which in turn causes poor or inappropriate thought processes, that create physical and mental symptoms and worry.

"I felt dreadful. Not only did I suffer from recurring colds, fungal infections and aches and pains but I had a constant headache. I decided to give Charles' 30 day program a go, hoping that something in it would offer me some respite from the symptoms I had. I was sceptical at first but that was short lived. Once I had implemented the dietary changes and started to implement a few of the others, I was shocked at how quickly I felt better. I think that spurred me on to make more and more changes. Thank you Charles. I could have gone out and hired a life coach but this was so much easier."

Belinda, Cologne

You see, if the balance isn't maintained, the impact can be quite severe - not necessarily dangerous - but certainly quite disturbing, uncomfortable and sometimes frightening.

There are many conditions which can be caused by these imbalances; here are a handful of examples:
Bad back or neck pains Muscle or soft-tissue pains Low immune responses and allergies Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias or obsessions Dietary or digestive disorders Depression
And the list goes on.

Nampa, Idaho, USA
Thursday, August 24, 2006 3:21:35 AM (MDT)

Dear friend,

Most of my clients have been diagnosed with stress, regardless of how that manifests itself. Some get anxiety and panic attacks, some recurring infections, some get digestive problems, others, headaches but, regardless of the symptoms you experience, one thing is true, you don't have to suffer that way... your life choices are causing it.

Please understand that the program I am about to present to you is not my anxiety, panic attacks, OCD or phobias program, The Linden Method; it is a separate program which provides a new found sense of 'wellbeing' and a foundation on which to build a new you.

If anxiety elimination is your goal, you will need to subsidise this program with our Linden Method program. More information is available at any of our international websites, which you can reach via [www.stopworry.com](http://www.stopworry.com/).

It might be that, like me and most other sufferers, you are feeling a little lost. Most people tell me that they understand what they have to do most of the time, it's just that they don't know how or when to do it. Most people feel as if they are standing in an amphitheatre having people throw stones from all directions - there seems to be no escape.

At this point, everything seems so much worse than it really is. Your perception of your troubles is 'bundled' into a whole, massive ball of problems, like a huge knot of string that needs to be unravelled. What most people miss is that the 'ball of string' is actually many pieces of string, bundled together. By separately, calmly and intelligently addressing each item in isolation, you can methodically unravel that mess and restart stronger than before.

I am going to show you exactly how to do that methodically, simply and with permanent results.

This website is quite long, but that is completely necessary in order for you to completely understand what I am presenting to you. I have helped tens of thousands of people over the last ten years to become free of anxiety and panic attacks (anxiety attacks) even when they, and their doctors, had given up hope.

This 30 day program, called "30 Day Stress Away" (my wife came up with the name and it stuck) was vital to those recoveries. OK, it was integrated into the Method discretely, but the contents were the same.

This 30 day program isn't designed to rid you of panic attacks or phobias, OCD or any other anxiety condition, that's what The Linden Method is for. This program is designed to give you a set of scientific principles, pointers and tips for you to build a sound foundation on which to rebuild a healthier and happier you.

Regardless of how long you have suffered from stress or how severe, or mild, your symptoms are, this website is the last place you will have to look for a solution!

Okay, let's get started.

I always say:

"Instead of slaving over a problem, stand on the shoulder of giants"

In other words, if you want to achieve what others have achieved, emulate what they have done. I am not advocating cheating; I would never do that. However, why re-invent the wheel? If someone has done something well, follow their lead and then, possibly, overtake them. That's common sense, not copying!

If you follow the same path followed by each and every recovered sufferer, you will overcome this;
that is a fact.

How do I know this?

Because I am party to these success stories each and every day!

Let's start to create that balance in you RIGHT NOW.


"When I first found Charles' 30 Day Stress Away website I was amazed that something like that existed. I had been visiting my doctor regularly for a long time with a variety of ailments that were uncomfortable and sometimes frightening. I had IBS, fungal infections including thrush and athlete's foot, regular kidney infections and eczema; I was actually a bit of a mess, even my hair had been falling out more than it used to. I didn't equate any of that with the way I led my life really; sure I was a bit stressed but then most of my friends are too but they don't appear to be unwell at all. After a week of implementing some of Charles' suggestions, the difference was really noticeable. It's so simple but sometimes you just need a third party to spell it out to you..."

T Blunt. Mount Vernon

You need the ability to:
Bring balance to your work/life ratios! Rebalance the bodily systems which are creating fluctuations and symptoms Provide your mind with the 'fuel' it requires to 'choreograph' your mind and body in synergy STOP the constant nagging symptoms and ailments that undermine your enjoyment of life STOP waking up every morning worrying more about how you feel physically and mentally START looking forward to the challenges you face with excitement Reverse how you feel - feel revived and create a solid foundation on which to build a better life experience Make up for lost time and live life 10 times more fully Become the 'instigator of fun', rather than a 'damp sponge' Become physically fit and feel good in your body again Feel as if you are 10 years younger (like you've been in a time machine) Feel like you've been given a second chance in life Forget about daily stress. Enjoy your daily life and feel fulfilled Stop living life defensively and simply 'coping'; start being a conqueror and live on the offensive Feel the rich flow of time from now on, as opposed to the long dull years you've passed through like a zombie, with your senses numbed Become the inspiration of the ones close to you, and become a helper instead of a burden Become a fully functioning and able person again
And all of this is 100% achievable at a speed that will shock you!

I am so glad that you have found my web site...
...because it is only a matter of time and knowledge before you feel substantially better!

Impossible? Science Fiction?

Science, yes, Fiction, no. By rebalancing the elements of your life that drain energy out of you, that undermine everything you do, that tell you what to do rather than you taking control, you will enjoy a stress free, challenging and rewarding life. FACT!

You might be interested to know that these are not the results of just a few people. What I've just outlined is the predominant profile of a long-term participant in this program.

Whatever your personal experience of that tangled ball of 'stress string' might be, no matter how long you have suffered or what your individual ailments might be, without regaining balance, poise and strength, you will be ill-equipped to overcome these deficits and become healthy and successful once again.

My '30 Day Stress Away' Program will do just that, simply and effectively. All you have to do is listen, read and implement. It's that simple. No writing, no diaries, no conference calls - no effort.

So, who are we?

This website is simply a 'shop window' for my anxiety disorders and stress treatment centers which cure people when other therapies and treatments fail. We have helped tens of thousands of people from most countries around the world to make full and lasting recoveries from a wide range of stress and anxiety disorder-based conditions.

I've been teaching sufferers these principals for years!

We have treatment centers in the USA, UK, Germany and Spain and offices in South America, Australia and Canada, and employ a team of dedicated, highly trained and personable counsellors, therapists and psychologists.

Doctors will prescribe you pills or send you to lengthy therapy sessions, dieticians, immunologists and other specialists. Before you go down that route, try to create the balance you need in order to recover efficiently and simply observe the results... you'll be shocked at how well you can feel.

"I had ME and it just wouldn't go away. Mine was perhaps as severe as some cases, but I have since met others who were very severe. I started the '30 Day' program under duress, my wife MADE me do it, but my, am I glad she did. I do feel so much better, it just felt like something had clicked into place. Perhaps I had been damaging myself for years without knowing it."

Pip Martine, France

Try the '30 Day Stress Away' Program for 30 days, that's all you'll need to prove to yourself that this works. In fact, you'll get results much quicker than that, but if it doesn't work for you, contact us and we will cheerfully refund your money!

If you are wondering whether this program will take too much time, interfere with your daily routines or be boring, stop worrying. The course is delivered to you daily by email with a link to any required audio that is relevant on that day. The email will take no more than 3 minutes to read, the audio is never longer than 8 minutes, so in total, I will be asking you to put aside just 11 minutes a day (or less) to implement this program. If you feel you haven't even got time to do that, then you really do need to do this program!

Honestly, if you feel that you have so little time that doing this program will interfere with your schedule, you seriously need to start this program today to invest in your future!

The only way that other people will know that you have started this program will be through the dramatic changes they will see in you! Positive changes that will empower and thrill you.

You WILL be well, strong and fulfilled again, that I PROMISE you!


Let me give you a 'real life' example - my story

When I experienced my anxiety, stress, panic attacks and phobias, I was living a life that I now understand to be that of someone heading down a very short road to the end of their life. Stress, eating problems, digestive disorders, anxiety, lack of exercise and so on... it was a recipe for disaster.

So what exactly can you do to reverse this, as I did?

Charles Today

"This photo was taken by my wife whilst on vacation. That's my little boy on my back!

My mother commented that she would never have thought 7 years ago that I would ever go on vacation again (having flown there!) with a wife and child, looking and feeling so well.

My anxiety disorder and panic attacks are gone, the phobias are a thing of the past. Let me show you how you can achieve this too!"

The human body works very much like a car... in fact any vehicle. You have the heart - the engine; the air filters - the lungs; the brain - the in-car computer system; the limbs - the wing mirrors; the lights etc.; the stomach - the fuel tank; the colon - the exhaust system; circulation - engine oil and water, etc.

There are a number of simple rules that apply to keeping your car running correctly. Feed it - buy fuel, give it fluids - add oil and water, make sure the emissions are correct in order to ascertain whether the fuel/oil mix is correct, keep the engine cool, don't over rev it, never try to start it in sub zero temperatures etc. THE SAME rules apply to the body. If you have a mini-van, you aren't ever going to compete in the Mexican Grand Prix... common sense must prevail.

If you try to get a road car to act like a Formula 1 car, it'll explode... if you try to run on all cylinders, take on the wrong fuel, race about in life, overload your computer-like mind... what do you expect to happen? We aren't built for that kind of abuse.

There has to come a time when you sit down and re-think your existence. If you don't, your existence will be miserable, marred by illness and fatigue and completely unfulfilling.

Is it becoming obvious to you now what the solution is?

As I said at the start of this letter, all you do is take each element individually and untangle the mess.

I am certain that many of you will be saying "But, But, But..." and coming up with every excuse you can find as to WHY this couldn't possibly work for you - how this is only designed for 'lonely, bored, uncomplicated people, with nothing better to do with their lives.' Trust me, those people don't need this program... YOU DO!

You are the coiled spring, just waiting to be set free. You are the person suffering in this way and YOU are the most important thing in your world, because without you in this world, no one will benefit from you being you. Your partner, kids, your extended family - if you aren't being the best you can be, the fittest you can be, the most enlightened and successful person you can be, in any sense, you will be compromising, not only your own life, but your families' lives too!

You might wish to blame other people for your condition. You might blame life circumstances but the truth is that these are simply the triggers or catalysts - the real cause is the way that you CHOOSE to handle it and that's a personal, conscious choice!

So... if you had the ability to change the way you handle your stress, the way you react to it and the way you used it to your advantage, you'd be cured, right?


That is exactly what the '30 Day Stress Away' Prgram does, quickly and permanently, with immediate results!

How exactly does this change happen?

We are what we do. We are also what we eat and think. We are the product of our environments. But, there is a scientific and proven way to change all that and it's called [ Operant Conditioning](http://www.stress-and-worry.com/operant-conditioning/). It is the same process that enables you to learn new activities, like driving a car or playing a musical instrument. You learn through repetition.

The most famous scientific study of this kind of learning (or 'conditioning') is that of Pavlov's dogs.

Pavlov would ring a bell shortly before feeding his dogs. After a time, Pavlov could make the dogs produce saliva simply by ringing the bell! The dogs had become conditioned that: Bell means Food. The sound of the bell ringing was able to communicate with the dog's subconscious mind directly.

The same thing happens with every single thing we experience in life. We have conditioned ourselves through our behaviour to be, and react, in the ways that we do - that's what makes us, US!

What if you could change that by doing the things that create new patterns of behaviour; positive, creative and productive ones?

"Charles Linden has hit the nail on the head with this program. Anyone wishing to create an environment of change, positivity and stability would be well advised to do this 30 day program. I have recommended it to a few of my clients and the changes are quite obvious. Without exception, every person has gotten something positive from this advice. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking to create positive changes in their experience of life."

Barry Lewis. BSc, MSc Life Coach

Why is this program the solution to your stress and worry?

I believe that it is the solution because it simply outlines, on a daily basis, what you need to be doing on that day and on every day, to bring harmony, balance and control back into your life. It's really that simple. It works!

Instead of trying to juggle every ball, freeze-frame for a moment. Imagine you could freeze-frame life and step out from under all those balls you are juggling... look back at yourself... analyze your situation from every angle... make decisions unhindered by the constant juggling.

Imagine if you could then reach out and re-order those balls, prioritize them or even remove one or two. Imagine if you could be sure that all the balls were correctly aligned, in order, prioritized, considered, manageable and productive. And then, whilst still freeze framed, you could step back under them and start them up again... fewer balls, fewer stresses, carefully choreographed and perfectly timed and balanced.

Well, you can't do that, so here's the alternative - the ball of string 'un-raveller', the juggling ball 'freeze-framer'.

Are you beginning to see how exciting this is?

Life coaches and psychologists use these very same devices in their daily practice to produce similar results, it's just I have short-circuited that long process and present you with the conclusive, condensed and fermented formula that works.

It couldn't be simpler!
There are no exercises to do or diaries to keep You don't need to write anything down or practice a thing You don't have to listen to dozens of CDs or watch DVDs
All you need to do is read a little and listen a little.
Understanding and implementing the program is simple.

All the changes will happen naturally!
How to create work/life balance to minimize your stress and worry What you can do to nourish your body to eliminate stress and worry What or who stresses you, what causes stress and how to stop it! How to manage your finances more effectively to prevent stress or worry Simple visualizations to combat stress on the spot How to improve sleep patterns without medication How to prioritize for efficient work and life practices How to have more YOU time to spend with your family or doing things you enjoy What to do about people who 'sap' your energy, irritate or stress you How to stop worrying about things that you shouldn't worry about How to overcome trauma and use it to your advantage
and much, much more!

Read a few of the [latest email testimonials](http://www.stress-and-worry.com/testimonials/) I have received from '30 Day Stress Away' users.

Is your age a key factor in the success of this program?
Or the extent or duration of your suffering?

No! It makes absolutely no difference how long you have experienced any of your symptoms. It doesn't matter what your symptoms are, if you have a stress issue, if you feel worried, anxious, panicky or just tired all the time, this program is designed to help you to re-evaluate, redress and reduce the stressors that are causing you all of this discomfort and heart ache.

The '30 Day Stress Away' Program...
Is written by an ex-anxiety, stress and worry sufferer who understands completely how you feel and knows EXACTLY what to do about it Is sympathetic to the things that make sufferers feel worse, worry, panic or feel fearful. The program only offers support, understanding and definite solutions Doesn't smother you with many techniques... it just offers one course of action that works! Is written in simple, easy to understand language Can be completed from the comfort of your own armchair Doesn't require hours of listening to CDs or doing exercises Offers a comprehensive 'holistic' solution, addressing the ROOT of the problem Uses a unique alternative to other 'life coaching style programs' which take hours of practice and making notes. This program is read once and implemented. That is, in essence, IT!
I have been exactly where you are now and would never deceive a fellow sufferer. I have helped people that were consumed with stress and worry... people who had tried everything they could and nothing had worked.

Showing others my stress and worry program and watching so many people recover from these terrible ailments is an amazing privilege for me and I want you to feel reassured that from now on your condition will be dealt with PERMANENTLY!

Understand this: This program DOES NOT include self-hypnosis, religious content or subliminal messages.

Try My '30 Day Stress Away' Program Today
for just $97 for 30 days!

[Join today](/join/) to start receiving your thirty day program immediately.
Your stress will naturally drain away You will regain poise and balance in your life The symptoms will disappear and your thoughts will become positive and productive You will have renewed confidence and excitement over challenges
Think deeply...

...about what you can start doing today that will make you feel better in just one month. I absolutely promise you that in 1 month, your stress and worry will be minimized!

If you give me the opportunity to help you to change your life - you will see how success can permeate into your life as the stress and worry flow away. [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program is available to you, right now, in a simple 30 day email course structure.

Don't spend one more day muddling through your life, fire-fighting the worry and stress, troubleshooting problems as they arise. This program will provide you with a structured plan to eliminate the stress, restructure your routines and create balance in your body and mind; I assure you that you will experience the changes you need and never regret your decision.

Please don't ignore this opportunity!
The [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program will truly change your life.

In each of us, there are a number of bodily systems working together in synergy to allow us to lead our lives free from physical upset... when these become imbalanced, the affect can be profound. This program redresses that imbalance!

Here is an example of some of the written and audio material that you can find in the [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program:
How, with simple and enjoyable dietary changes, you can feel better in just a few days! Rules to regain structure and ultimate excitement about everyday tasks and work. Practical tips about such things as posture and exercise. Sleep and rest - how to achieve it and how to make the most of it! How to stop anxiety and worry in its tracks Alcohol and smoking - how to stop smoking or drinking, or how to continue without ill affects
You will also receive a powerful Visualization Exercise to assist you in your journey to wellness. This audio visualization exercise will teach you how to relax quickly, allowing your body to recharge in a very short time indeed.

The '30 Day Stress Away' Email Program

Normal Price - $122
Your Price - $97

You will receive:

Charles' daily Email program session containing all of the written and audio material you will require to undermine and remove your stress and worry... permanently!

Plus - 4 FREE Bonuses Worth $75!
Links to downloadable audio files of Charles' tips and advice and inspiration Charles' own visualization exercises 10 supportive and reassuring resources to assist you now and keep for later Links to other amazing resources
My 56 day 'better than risk-free' guarantee!

Please try [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) for up to 56 days and, if at any time you aren't totally convinced that the program hasn't helped you to stop worry, ease your stress and regain balance in your physical or mental self, I will gladly refund your money.

I won't even ask why you want a refund, And all the information you provide when ordering will be kept secure and in complete confidence. Your trust and safety are our primary concerns.

In conclusion, let me summarize some of the many real advantages
of participating in [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program:
STOP worry that plagues your existence STOP anxieties about things you can't control Eliminate stress and its associated symptoms Improve your physical self from the ground up Become a leader instead of someone led by their stress Regain physical and mental poise and balance Get structure where there is currently confusion Sleep better and awake more refreshed Become happier and more fulfilled Love being you again Achieve your goals with refreshed excitement Impress others with the 'new found' you Prolong your life and your enjoyment of every second of it Stop analyzing yourself and everything around you Become the person YOU want to be and rekindle old relationships!
If it doesn't do all this for you, any time within 56 days, I will give you a full refund!


Start on your journey to wellbeing right NOW!

As soon as your order is placed, you will start to receive your daily program tutorial. You will receive the first email in the series immediately. You can then start to access the audio files and all the associated bonus material and resources.

I promise you that this program, which was designed for my clients as a foundation on which to build a better life experience, will be an invaluable tool in your journey to regain the excitement and fulfilment you deserve.

I've made everything so simple but, if you do have any problems, we're always here to help!

Warm regards,

Charles Linden
Author of [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program and Director of The Linden Centers Worldwide

[Contact Us](mailto:contact@stress-and-worry.com)

Order [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program Now!

P.S. If you have any questions or queries now or whilst following [The 30 Day Stress Away](http://1.30daystres.pay.clickbank.net/) Program, please remember to email us at [contact@stress-and-worry.com](mailto:contact@stress-and-worry.com)

Remember, you'll receive $122 worth of materials for only $97. If you're not 100% impressed by the results within 56 days, we'll cheerfully refund your money!

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© 2007 Charles Linden. All Rights Reserved.

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