Excerpt from product page

Save Your Marriage - Have an Outrageously Happy Marriage

50% of Christian Couples are Leading a Secret Life of Misery that
Will Eventually Lead to Divorce. You CAN Change Your Relationship --
Starting Today.




You feel "alone" or "abandoned" in your current relationship with
your husband.
Your wife simply doesn't appreciate all the good you do for your
family -- and instead focuses on what you don't do, or what you do

You're convinced the only time your husband is truly interested in
you is when he's looking for sex.
Your wife doesn't understand the massive pressure you're under to
not only provide a better life for you both financially, but to also
help in raising your kids and looking out for her emotional needs as

You've lost the special connection you and your husband once had
-- you're just not friends anymore.
You're tired of all the criticism and the nagging -- sometimes you
think you just might be better off as a bachelor.

Your husband just doesn't show the same caring, concern and love
for you that he once did.
You're convinced you can never become the kind of husband your
wife wants you to be.

Did you know...

* Every Symptom Above is Caused by One Glaringly Simple Mistake
Most Christian Marriage "Gurus" Teach...
* This One Piece of Dangerous Advice -- that We Can Almost
Guarantee YOU Follow -- is Actually Responsible For Pushing You and
Your Spouse Farther and Farther Apart...Every Single Day...
* But if You Fix Only This One Simple Thing, an Outrageously Happy
Marriage is Waiting for You Just on the Other Side!

"...Puts into a nutshell the answer to every problem in every
-- Charles and Frances Hunter, internationally known authors of more
than 50 books

"A MUST for all my marriage counseling clients."

-- Gary C. Lange, PhD, LMFT, LCPC, MS, LPC


Get Your FREE "Marriage Miracle" Mini-Course and Start to
Transform Your Relationship in Just 45 Minutes!

Instantly Download...

* The "45-Minute Marriage Miracle" Video Series (Recorded LIVE at
Our Recent Florida Seminar)!

* A 120-Page FREE Excerpt from our Amazon.com Bestselling Book!

* And More!


* The first step you MUST take immediately if you're concerned your
marriage might be headed for divorce.
* Why nearly all Christian marriage advice actually winds up
hurting -- or even destroying -- most relationships.
* Why expecting a Christian wife to "submit" to her husband is one
of the quickest ways to drive a couple to divorce.
* What to do if you suspect your partner is committing adultery.

Receive your FREE "Marriage Miracle" Crash Course Immediately!

Just fill in your information so we know where to send it.



Dear Friend:

Are constant thoughts and fears about how you're going to save your
marriage ruining your life?

Do you suspect your spouse might be having an affair?

Have you allowed the thought that maybe the "grass is greener" into
your own mind?

Are you thinking that maybe the struggle just isn't worth it?

I know how you feel -- all too well as it turns out.

Between me and my wife, Kathy, we've been through every single one
of those thoughts and emotions...many of them on pretty much a daily
basis for a full nine years in fact.

We both know how a bad or failing marriage can completely overwhelm
your life.

We're here together today because you want to turn your marriage

And that's what we want to help you do. To turn it around

Not just get to a point where you can co-exist without constantly
bringing each other down.

That's not what I'm talking about at all.

I'm talking about the kind of marriage where you forget how long
you've been together -- not because you're bored (sorry, I mean
"comfortable") -- but because EVERY DAY seems better than the last.
And you know tomorrow is going to be even better.

This is the kind of relationship where time seems to stand still. No


But first let me back up and introduce myself. (Plus, I don't want
all this to sound "touchy feely" or "metaphysical." It's not about
that at all. And you'll see why.) But first things first...

My name is Joel Davisson.

My wife Kathy will join us in a second, but I wanted to give you a
bit of an introduction myself first.

To do that, I want to share an amazing story of redemption and
rescue. Like many, it all starts with the cautionary tale of a
marriage gone horribly wrong.

It's the story of our marriage, but in working with so many couples
in distress over the years, I've found that it's not all that unique.

I'll bet that you share some of the exact same challenges Kathy and
I have faced in our 24 years of marriage.

In fact, it may just be the story of your marriage as well.

But our purpose in writing this letter to you is to let you know
that you can overcome anything.

Kathy and I know because we did it.

And not only that, we've helped over 10,000 other couples do it as
well. (You can read a few hundred of their testimonials .)

Today, Kathy and I have one of the most blissful relationships any
couple could hope for. But as I said, it wasn't always this way.

In fact, as I alluded to above, after our first "honeymoon" year,
the next nine years were TERRIBLE.


That's right. Although I was a pastor, although I was "on fire for
Jesus," my marriage was falling apart. In fact, my wife Kathy was
advised by a trusted friend to start saving money and have her bags
packed. Because at any point, she was going to have to take our kids
and leave.

And I'm not ashamed to admit that it was pretty much all my fault.

Here's my story...

In my late teens I got into drugs. And not just "harmless" stuff
like a little pot here and there. We're talking serious stuff.

And lots of it.

Eventually just doing the drugs wasn't enough, so I started selling
them as well.

Big mistake. I even spent time in jail -- in solitary confinement --
for aiding and abetting in an armed robbery.

Talk about being a "catch," huh?

When I came out on the other side -- or at least when I thought I
had gotten through the "issues" that caused me to sabotage my life --
I met and fell in love with Kathy.

Through some sort of miracle, Kathy actually said "Yes" when I
proposed and we were married a short time later.

And that's when the problems really started...

You see, not only had I not worked through all the baggage that made
me make such horrible decisions and that landed me in solitary -- but
I brought all that baggage right into my marriage.

And I dumped it all on Kathy.

The result?

After that first easy year, the next nine years of our marriage were
the worst years of our lives (and remember, I had spent time in jail
-- and just wait until you hear about Kathy's childhood -- so that's
saying something).

Without even realizing it, I put my wife through the worst kind of
emotional, psychological and spiritual abuse a husband can dole out.

And then, as if all that wasn't enough, as if I hadn't done enough
to completely destroy my relationship with the one woman in the world
I truly loved, I did something really, really, really stupid.


Just about the only form of torture I didn't subject Kathy to was
physical abuse. But hey, I'm not going to win any medals for that, now
am I?

"My wife and I have been married for over 20 years. Neither of us
has been happy for a long time. I can now see the root cause of her
unhappiness and my unhappiness...I've been given what I need to bring
happiness back into our marriage."

-- (Now)Happily married couple, Sam and Nancy


Now, your marriage probably isn't as bad now as ours was then. God,
I hope it isn't.

But even if it is, here's the best news you've probably heard in a
long time...

No matter how bad your relationship is, you can change it seemingly

How do I know?

Because even with the complete train wreck of a marriage Kathy and I
had, WE did it!

And I have to say, we have NEVER been happier. Bliss isn't a word
that's used all that often, and for good reason. Bliss is complete
joy, a total absence of pain, fear, doubt, or negativity of any kind.

Kathy and I now enjoy a BLISSFUL relationship.

But more importantly, so do thousands of other couples that we've
helped over the years.

After living an outrageously happy marriage in our own lives for
more than a decade, we took what we learned and started showing other
couples the EXACT, step by step process for how to bring this magic
into their own relationships.

(Actually I have to admit, it's not really magic. It's deep healing.
But it works so well that some of the couples we've helped over the
years refer to it that way.)

We've been doing this full time for over four years. Remember, we
had to LIVE IT ourselves for 10 years before we could show others how
it could work for ANYONE, REGARDLESS of their issues.

To date, over 10,000 couples have read our books, listened to our
audio courses, watched our DVDs, or attended our Weekend Marriage

Want to see what they've been able to accomplish?

And more importantly, would you like to see EXACTLY how you can get
there, too?

Then read on, because that's what the rest of this letter is all

"Joel and Kathy,

I want you to know your book is changing lives!

My husband has changed his attitude and is treating me like I'm his
bride. We've been married 15 years. I hooked him on the book by
reading him chapter 20 first! Hee hee hee!

One of my brothers is reading it and can't put it down. After 20
years of marriage, his wife says he is now making changes and is even
getting up in the middle of the night to read it."

-- Allyssa Monroe, Alabama


Hi everyone. It's Kathy here, and I thought I'd give Joel a break
for a second so I could talk to all the women out there who are
desperately longing for the kind of husband they've always dreamed

Before we get into what I want to share with you today, please take
a few minutes and watch this video.

It's from one of our recent seminars we held in Florida. It's all
about the "baggage" we bring into our relationships, oftentimes
without even knowing it.

It's important to watch because, in our experience of working with
so many couples day in and day out, we've found that the hidden past
we bring into our current relationships can often cause a whole host
of problems that you wind up blaming on something else.

When this is dealt with, it's not unusual for other problems to


(Click the Video Player Below to Watch)

It makes sense, doesn't it?

I know that when we gave that presentation, and when we talk about
this subject with couples, we always see heads nodding in agreement.
This concept of baggage is something we all understand, but almost no
one knows how to do anything about.

You've already read Joel's story, so by now you're probably


Good question. In fact, I wonder about that myself sometimes.

Maybe you're wondering that same thing about your own marriage.

Maybe you're contemplating divorce. Or at the very least, "taking a
break from each other" to see if you'd be happier away from him.

Let me tell you, I've been there. Believe me.

In fact, when Joel admitted his adultery to me, I was actually,
well, "committed" for a short time.

I was prescribed antidepressants (and I NEEDED them!) just so I
could think straight long enough to contemplate what had happened to
my marriage, and to my life.

The answers weren't pretty.

God knows I had been through enough in my life up to that point
already, including years of sexual abuse as a child. (Talk about

But I'll honestly admit that everything paled in comparison to the
thought that now, too, my marriage was going to collapse.


I felt like no one understood me, like no one was listening. I felt
like things would never, COULD NEVER, change. Like I could never love
him again. Like he would never love me again.

And then?

A miracle happened.

"Hi Joel and Kathy!

Tina and I are doing great!

It is amazing how much progress we've made in our marriage in the
past few months after 15 years of dysfunction.

I gave the book to my father (my dad and I are much alike). He is
now working the program and attending our men's support group with Tom
and Jim.

Your book is really changing lives!"

-- Adam ">


Sometimes, for whatever reason, God simply smiles on you and gives
you the one gift you need to set everything right with your life.

Have you ever had that feeling?

I hope you've experienced it, because it truly is remarkable.

In talking with thousand of couples in distress over the years, one
thing I've noticed time and time again is that the opportunity to
solve whatever problems you're having, no matter how serious, is
ALWAYS there.

The only difference between the couples who make long-lasting
transformations and the ones who don't is this...

The couples who "magically" transform their relationships -- who
bring miracles into their lives -- are the ones who act on the
opportunity to do so when it comes to them.

Whenever I tell people this, I'm reminded of this great parable
about seizing opportunity. Can you see yourself in this man who is
constantly "waiting for a miracle?"

A man is on top of his roof during one of the worst floods in the
history of his county. A rescuer comes by in a boat and screams to
him. "Get in! Quick! The waters are rising!"

The man, believing strongly in God and His power to save him,

"No. I have faith in God. He will grant me a miracle and rescue me."

The rescuer departs, leaving the man to wait for his miracle.

A short while later, the water has risen still higher and is now
nearly up to the man's waist.

At this point a second boat comes by, and the rescuer screams to the
man, pleading with him: "Get in! Fast! There's no time to waste!"

But again, the man on the roof turns down the offer, saying...

"No. I have faith in God. He will grant me a miracle and rescue me."

The boat speeds off, and the water continues rising.

When it is chin high, a helicopter appears over the horizon. It
speeds towards the stranded man and drops a ladder.

Over a megaphone from an open door in the helicopter, a rescuer
yells out "Grab the ladder! Hurry! This is your last chance to be

But again, the man turns down the request.

"No," he yells back. "I have faith in God. He will grant me a
miracle and rescue me."

Not five minutes later, the water has risen over the man's head.
Unable to swim, he quickly drowns.

In dismay, he arrives at the gates of Heaven and meets St. Peter.
"What happened?" the man asks. "I put my faith in God and He let me

St. Peter responds, "We sent you two boats and a helicopter, what
more did you want?"

What's the point of this story?

Don't overlook the simple miracles that are given to you every day.

Right now, you're learning about something that has the power to
solve every problem that exists in your marriage.

It's here. This is it. You need look no further.

I say a miracle happened in our relationship, and believe me, that's
not a word I use lightly.

Our miracle came in the form of a week-long marriage therapy session
that, thankfully, we were able to "sneak" into. I had confided in the
Pastor of our church that I was afraid my marriage was completely
falling apart. In fact, I didn't give Joel and I more than two more
weeks together before I knew I'd have to leave him.

He was the one who got us into that session.

He knew, as I did, that this was most likely our last chance. And
thank God it worked.


After just one week, EVERYTHING started to change. That was in 1994.

It's now 14 years later and we have the most amazing relationship a
married couple could ever possibly want.

That was our miracle.

Your miracle may be this letter that you're reading right now.

What are you going to do about it?

Are you ready to accept it, or are you going to continue waiting for
things to change?

Are you ignoring the boats that are being sent to rescue you from
the raging flood?

"Dear Joel and Kathy,

This book has changed my life! Before reading it I felt like my
12-year marriage to Christine was at a dead end; there was no place to
turn for help.

As I applied [your] principles, our relationship immediately changed
for the better. I have gotten my act together; Christine's problems
have magically disappeared! I never would have believed this to be
possible until I experienced it myself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Joel and Kathy, for showing
me how to be "The Man of Her Dreams". Christine surely is "The Woman
of Mine!"

If not for [you] I would have missed out on all of the beautiful
years that God has in store for my future as a husband to Christine.
My three precious children would have missed out on having me as
resident "daddy" and I would have missed out on being resident "daddy"
to them. How blessed we as a family are.

May God bless you both."

-- Kenneth Robinson, Tulsa, Oklahoma


Now, we want you to keep in mind that what we're talking about here
is not just "saving your marriage." It isn't just doing the absolute
minimum so that you can "put up with each other."

Insanely low standards for that kind of marriage have no place in
what we show you how to accomplish. That's not a life filled with joy.
It's an "existence." If that's what you're after, this isn't for you.


(Click the Video Player Below to Watch)

Where we're going to get you is to the point where your marriage
thrives, not just where it survives.

So, now let's talk about how we're going to get you moving in that
direction starting RIGHT NOW.

We've spent the last four plus years healing relationships and
putting couples on track for the best experiences they've ever shared
as a couple.

That's the "20,000 foot view" of what we do.

Now I want to take it down to ground level -- to show you some of
the specific things you're going to learn when you decide to invest in
our program today.

You'll finally see...

Why men always think their marriages are more successful than they
really are, and how women can help them realize the truth -- without
"nagging." (Page 64)

How to use the "60 Second Davisson Bomb" to open your eyes to what
truly needs to be changed in your marriage. (Page 66)

The one question every man must answer if he ever wants to have a
fulfilling marriage with ANY woman. (Page 13)

The one rule of overcoming adultery that must be obeyed 99.9% of
the time (skip this and most affairs will lead to divorce within
months, if not weeks). (Page 19)

The single secret every man must realize that will miraculously
turn a bad marriage around in as little as 24 hours (Page 33)

Why women are hardwired to want a fabulous marriage -- and what
men need to do to satisfy that craving (Page 48)

Why adultery only contributes to about 5% of the problems with
your marriage. The other 95% have nothing to do with boredom, a
"wandering soul," or a "routine" sex life. (Page 56)

The single biggest mistake most women make that actually
encourages their husbands to treat them poorly (Page 71)

The one question every husband fears his wife will ask her best
girlfriends (husbands in great marriages NEVER fear this question)
(Page 67)

Why following traditional marriage advice virtually guarantees at
least a 50% chance of divorce (Page 80)

Why only 10% of marriages are TRULY happy -- and how to defy the
odds to make sure you're one of the lucky ones (Page 81)

The ONLY correct response a man should have for a woman who points
out his "flaws." (Page 118)

Why "that time of the month" should be a man's best friend. (Page

Why it's important for a husband to treat his wife in a way that
causes her to "shine" multiple times a day. (Page 148)

Why many women attempt to love their husbands in the exact
opposite way they need to in order for a marriage to work. (Page 208)

7 questions every man needs to ask his wife it there's any hope of
restoring their marriage to anything even resembling happy (Page 19)

Why past baggage NEVER matters in a healthy relationship or
marriage (Page 59)

3 ways any man can earn a woman's respect -- and none of them have
anything to do with how much money you make or what you do for a
living. (Page 101)

And that's just for starters.

In fact, you'll learn everything above (and MORE) just by reading
our books alone. (We've even included the page numbers above so you
can quickly jump to the section that addresses exactly where your
biggest challenges lie.)

But that doesn't even touch on all the life-changing benefits you'll
get from everything else in your package.

Things like...

What men are really after when they flirt, "take a second look,"
or spend time with Internet pornography.

The secret to ensuring a wife will always be sexuallly available
for her husband.

The dangers popular social networking sites like Facebook and
Myspace pose for any relationship.

The very first thing you MUST do during a separation if you want
any hope of reconciling.

Easy tricks for dealing with meddlesome in-laws who put stress on
your marriage.

Surviving and overcoming an affair -- 4 steps you MUST take
immediately or you can kiss your marriage goodbye.

How to save your marriage even if you're the only one who wants to
keep the relationship.

The one thing a husband can do the ensure his wife NEVER winds up
in the arms of another man.

Let's take a look at everything you're going to download and start
putting to use today to totally change your relationship:

1. Our Two Bestselling Books - NOW Available for Immediate Download

Our flagship product, the Amazon.com bestseller "The Man of Her
Dreams/The Woman of His!" was our original guide to helping couples
experience true joy in their marriage.

Combined with our acclaimed follow-up, "Livin' It and Lovin' It,"
you're getting a complete roadmap to healing a marriage scarred by
even the worst of betrayals, emotional abandonment, physical
abandonment, or any other issue that affects millions of couples

Regular Price: $32 + shipping

Your Price Today: $32 + shipping Included!


2. And The Complete Audiobook Versions in Convenient MP3 Format!

Now you can listen to the complete unabridged version of BOTH books
in a convenient audio format.

Perfect for the wife or husband who prefers to learn the secrets to
a perfect marriage wherever and whenever they have just a few minutes
to spare.

Regular Price for the Set of 13 CDs: $90 + shipping

Your Price Today: $90 + shipping Included!


3. The Complete Downloadable Version of Our Top-Selling 8-DVD LIVE

A full 8-hour seminar that delves even deeper into the principles
you'll learn in the two books. This is for couples who want to have a
truly perfect marriage, no matter what hardships or challenges you may
have experienced up until now.

Recorded live in Bradenton, Florida, these videos will teach you
"how to unlock the secrets of an outrageously happy marriage and break
the chains of marital frustration."

Regular Price for the 8-DVD Set: $50 + shipping

Your Price Today: $50 + shipping Included!


4. The Complete Downloadable Version of Our One-Minute Teachings DVD

Want quick tips on putting your relationship into true "overdrive?"
This is the package that will do it.

These videos include 40 one-minute bite-sized nuggets of wisdom that
any couple can start using right away to see noticeable changes in
their relationship.

Regular Price for the DVD Set: $20 + shipping

Your Price Today: $20 + shipping Included!

= Total Value of $216 with Shipping

Your Price Today:

Also included today, four priceless bonuses that are yours to keep
no matter what...

1. Priceless Bonus #1
A full month of access to our live weekly conference calls hosted by
Joel and Kathy or one of our personally trained coaches.

This is truly worth its weight in gold. If, even after the books,
the videos and the audios you still have unanswered questions or
unresolved issues, simply hop on one of our weekly conference calls
(we have three every week, so there will definitely be one to fit your
schedule) and ask your questions live!

Your Price Today: FREE!


2. Priceless Bonus #2
24/7 Access to Our Full Couples Coaching Online Forum

Get personal access to Joel and Kathy via our online message boards
and forum. To date, our forum has thousands of questions and answers
covering nearly every topic you can think of.

And if you can't find the advice that you need, not a problem. Just
ask your question and someone will be there to help.

Your Price Today: FREE!


3. Priceless Bonus #3
Immediate Download of Over 15 HOURS of live one-on-one coaching
calls with couples in distress.

Listen as we coach couples going through exactly the same issues as
you are...and discover how to apply the same solutions to your own

Your Price Today: FREE!


4. Priceless Bonus #4
The full audio portion of our 8-hour Bradenton Seminar

Now you can take all the content from the seminar and listen to it
at your leisure -- in your car, at the gym, while cleaning the house,
doing the dishes, driving the kids to school or activities, wherever
you want!

Your Price Today: FREE!

Order the INSTANT DOWNLOAD for just $216.00 $97

You're getting immediate access to our Private Member's Area where
you can download everything mentioned above, access our member
marriage forums immediately, receive the access codes for your free
phone calls, and more.

Couples routinely invest $595 plus airfare, plus hotel, plus rental
car to attend one of our Weekend Intensive Marriage Seminars, and
we're constantly sold out.

In fact, those private weekends, which we strictly limit to seven
couples and seven couples ONLY, have generated more than 200 LETTERS
OF THANKS from people who have completely changed their marriages 100%
after just one weekend of working with us.

Taken together, everything we're offering today represents a huge
portion of the secrets that couples learn at our Weekend Marriage

In fact, there's so much in this package alone that 90% of couples
will completely transform their relationships from this material

(The really, really, really hardcore "worst of the worst" marriages
may need a little extra push, and that is what our Weekend Marriage
Intensives are here for.)

If you were to spend the hundreds of dollars it would normally take
to get all of this material, AND come to a Weekend Marriage Intensive,
it would cost you an average of $2,000 once travel and accommodations
are figured in.

Would it be worth it?

You tell me.


What's the cost to your children's future? What's the "cost" of
living in a marriage that is mediocre at best? What's the cost of a
life unfulfilled?

These are your secret keys that will lead you to an outrageously
happy marriage that few ever will experience.

Can you put a price tag on that?

Earlier I asked you if you had ever experienced a moment in your
life when you just felt absolutely positive that you were MEANT TO DO

Maybe you felt God's hand at work. Maybe it was just an overwhelming
emotion that this "thing," or this "action," or this leap of faith was
something you HAD to do.

Everyone has had that feeling at some point in their lives.

Think back to that moment in your life. How did it feel?

Thankfully, we get to experience that feeling every day as we're
working with couples who are desperately grasping at anything to save
their failing marriages.

We want you to experience that because you know your marriage is
worth it.

Think about it this way...

If someone came to you and said, "I can solve every problem in your
marriage and make you happier than you've ever been before in your
life," would that be worth $200 to you? How about $800? How about

Of course it would.

But you're not going to spend anywhere CLOSE to that amount to get
our full package today.

(plus NO shipping fees and NO waiting because everything is ready
for you to download and start using IMMEDIATELY!)


"Dear Joel ">

Order the INSTANT DOWNLOAD for just $216.00 $97

You're getting immediate access to our Private Member's Area where
you can download everything mentioned above, access our member
marriage forums immediately, receive the access codes for your free
phone calls, and more.

To Your Blissful Marriage,

Joel ">
P.S. A Final Note from Joel About Our Philosophy and What it Takes
to Transform a Marriage

Kathy and I just wanted to leave you with one last message from us,
just so you understand where we're coming from.

We want you to make a good choice about who you choose to work with
to save, repair and improve your marriage, so we want to make sure you
know absolutely everything about our methods and why they work, just
so there are no surprises later on.

Kathy and I are committed Christians. We believe that Christ has
laid out a complete blueprint for both husbands and wives for how
they're supposed to act and treat each other in order to be blissfully
happy in their life together.

HOWEVER, we do NOT believe in nor teach the innefective, traditional
marriage teachings that have been routinely taught in Christian
churches for years. Christians as a group have a 50% divorce rate.
Obviously, the marriage teachings that have been taught in most
Christian circles for years DO NOT WORK! (Re: The husband is "the
boss" and the wife is to simply follow his "leadership.")

We aren't what many people would consider "fire and brimstone"
types, but we are committed in our faith.

If this bothers you, perhaps what we're going to share isn't for
you. My recommendation is that it's still worthwhile to check out our
material. Many couples who did not consider themselves "Christian"
have had the same transformation in their marriages that we had. These
are universal principles that work for every couple who wants to live
happily ever after.

Remember, everything comes with a 60-day no questions asked
money-back guarantee.

So if you find we're not your style, that's fine. No harm done. At
least you tried us out.

We've found that most people, even those who don't consider
themselves particularly "religious," have still realized amazing
transformations using our program.

I hope you decide to check it out. If you do and decide it's not for
you, no hard feelings.

P.P.S. Yes, the $97 price DOES include BOTH books in digital
version, BOTH audiobooks, the ENTIRE digital version of the DVD set
(ALL 8 HOURS of the LIVE SEMINAR), the content from the complete
One-Minute Teachings DVD and ALL of the FREE bonuses as well.

And yes, we know 60 days is a LONG time to offer a complete refund
if the package isn't right for you, but that's simply how we prefer to
do business. We insist you try it completely at our risk. We want you
to have plenty of time to utilize ALL of the material and see the
changes in your marriage and your life for yourself. This is the best
way we know of to prove that what we do works.

Thanks again for reading, and God Bless!


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