Excerpt from product page

How to Pay Off Every Stink'n Dollar

Of Demoralizing Debt.

Cash In On What You Already Know!

STOP Serving a Life Sentence in a 9 to 5,

Soul-Sucking, Daily Meat-Grinder of a J.O.B!

Convert Existing Knowledge Into NEW MONEY!

A special message from
Author, Richard Gorham.
Regardless of how much debt you have, you CAN overcome it. You may be stunned to learn that "financial crisis" is not necessarily the result of having too much debt.

Most people mistakenly believe they're in a "debt crisis". In truth, they are actually suffering from an "income crisis"; a basic lack of income.

Don't get me wrong - debt is dumb, and I despise it. As a result of carrying too much debt, millions of households are only one missed paycheck away from a spirit-crushing financial tail-spin

Hi, I'm Richard Gorham, financial expert and "former" debt-ridden consumer. I understand firsthand what it's like to feel scared and out-of-control with my money. But I found a way to overcome my money problems, and I explain it step-by-step in "10 Days to New Income" - an Audio/Ebook course that can SET YOU FREE!

But first, I want to address something head on... While you are certainly entitled to express feelings of fear, panic and even stupidity (Yes, I felt that way too.) - YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO LET THOSE DESTRUCTIVE EMOTIONS HOLD YOU BACK! It's time to move forward and "CHOOSE" your financial destiny.

"This past August I was able to quit that stinkin' 9 to 5 job - and it would NOT have been possible without my online revenue streams. When I was working and gas prices were through the roof, I was spending $45 USD every 6 days to fill my car with gas. Now I save on that and all the other business expenses (clothes, lunches out, etc.). Now I can volunteer at my son's school and I have much more time to develop my business. This system has truly created a win-win situation for my family, especially in this difficult economy!"

--Tracy, Business Owner

Will you choose to continue the life you've been living - a victim of circumstance, feelings as if you're continually falling on "hard times"? Truth be told, aren't you tired of being sick and tired, living paycheck to paycheck, just getting by? Are you finally ready to stand up and stake your claim to the debt-free life you were born to lead?

If you are 100% ready to improve your personal and financial life, then Hang On!

I'm going to show you how to conquer your debt using a proven systematic means of making unlimited streams of new income - even in your spare time.

You don't have to take my word for it - I'll provide proof-positive results that are 100% verifiable!

Discover how you can grant yourself immunity from financial disaster. THAT is exactly what I did, and there's no reason why you can't do the same.

So Stop Cursing Yourself.... MOST FOLKS ARE BROKE
It's a sad (no, despicable) fact that America, more than any civilized country on the planet, has foolishly lived beyond it's means to the point that we have weighed our country down with a gigantic albatross of debt - to the tune of over 10 trillion dollars!

It's true - America's most destructive drug of choice.... is DEBT.

Everyone wonders, "What the hell are our politicians doing?" I firmly believe that our elected officials are doing exactly what most American households are doing - THEY'RE SPENDING MORE THAN THEY MAKE.
(It's as if EVERYONE has forgotton how to add or subtract!)

Let's face it - "Normal" is not something you want to aspire to. It's time to do something different, dare I say.. something BOLD.

Immunize your household from financial crisis. CASH - is the one-and-only, all-natural "remedy". MORE MONEY is the one thing that is guaranteed to seek out and destroy the "disease" known as Debt.

Shock all your broke neighbors by actually owning your "toys" free and clear. Create a life full of joy and prosperity - free from monthly payments.

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