Excerpt from product page


“ADD / ADHD Adults and Children STOP NOW...
Get a positive and bullet proof approach that will HELP
you embrace and UNLEASH THE GENIUS WITHIN...Today

…Achieve the same level of Mind-Blowing Success
with this adult and child ADHD treatment as so
many famous and ordinary individuals
have… Without mind or personality altering MEDICATION!!!”*

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you've been struggling with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) or know someone that is, this may be the most important letter you will ever read.
DO you have a hard time fitting in? DO you feel like an outcast? DO you get the respect you deserve at work? DO you find it hard to stay focused on the task at hand? DO you have trouble completing homework assignments or paying attention in class? DO you have difficulty maintaining relationships or friendships?
….Or are you a parent living with an easily distracted, impulsive, active, and disorganized child that you can no longer manage or control?

**Then You Have Come To The Right Place**

From the Desk of Delmarie Alvarez
Tuesday -- 11:42 a.m.

Dear Friend,

Have we met? Probably not, but I guarantee you that I know what you or a loved one is going through.

…Are you an ADD ADHD Adult or have an ADD ADHD Child? Are you being labeled for something that is not a disease?

Individuals with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) have allowed society to place a label on their backs and have lived up to the idea that they are handicapped or disabled as a result of their ADD/ADHD.

You see…ADD/ADHD is always seen as a disability or a defect and not as the creative, brilliant, and remarkable gene it has the potential to be.

I know you want to succeed or want the best for your child or loved one…Well, here is your opportunity to make this the turning point of your life .

It’s TRUE… Professionals have thought up the word “disorder” to describe the ADD ADHD gene. You are forced to medicate and sedate yourselves or loved ones into a more submissive and controlled state forcing you to behave like the average Dick or Jane.

Do you see the problem with that?

Controlling the person you are meant to be through Unsafe Medication will only bring you depression, anxiety, and an unfilled life. We can assume that along with ADD/ADHD come difficulties with attention, focus, time management, relationships, organization, following directions, and listening.

But here’s the thing… all these characteristics can be altered and transformed by using the Safe Alternatives and ADD ADHD treatment options I will provide for you.

…Once these unmatched techniques are put into action, you can unmask all the true qualities (Passionate, Fun-Loving, Non-Conformist, Thrill Seeker, Creative, Fearless, Energetic, Inquisitive, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Determined, Resilient) that comes with having the ADD ADHD gift.

**"You can start today with these SAFE and SIMPLE ADD ADHD Treatment Alternatives and Begin the Passage to FREEDOM .”**

("But before we get any further you may be wondering
who am I to help YOU!")

I know this can be of concern...

Simply stated -- who am I to be giving you revolutionary information about how you can alter your life, for the better, while living with ADD/ADHD?

This is an important question and I respect you for having it.

To begin with, I have been studying and practicing social work since 1997 and have been an evaluator of children with disabilities for five years.

I have been approached by a tremendous amount of teachers, parents, and other professionals who needless to say, spoke negatively and frustratingly about children they believed had ADD/ADHD.

People were so quick and eager to give up on these children, who to me appeared lost and confused, that I immediately wanted to find out more about this diagnosis and see what I, as a professional, could do to help.

So what does this mean for you… As a professional looking in, I can provide you with an honest and dependable way to get remarkable and successful results in your life by simply transforming the way you view ADD ADHD and implementing the effortless techniques I will give you.

But much MORE important...

I, myself, know what its like to have sleepless nights worrying about my child’s health, education, and well being. In short, it is not easy raising a child or living in today’s world while struggling to conform to what society expects of us.

I feel overwhelmingly passionate about what I do and have come to the conclusion that my number one goal is to help children, adults, parents, loved ones, and professionals peel away at the label of disability and begin a rebirth of their self being.

I realize there is a great need for hope within individuals who have ADD/ADHD and I trust that your search for the success and independence that you have been painfully trying to find will finally end here.

**What Real People throughout the web are saying and asking...

Why does it seem like school systems and peers look down on me because I have ADHD?

Why are ADD/HD children and adults so often socially inept?

Is ADHD just a label that doctors give children with behavioral problems?

Why the hell is this happening to my son?

Should I put my child on Meds?

I have a 3 year old little boy who I believe has ADHD!  I’m not sure how to tell or what the heck to do to get him help. 

Looking for help with diet therapy Does it work and if so which ones do you recommend?

Need someone’s advice please. I am so concerned and torn over this, I just really don't know what to do. But want the best for my son.

Why do ADD ADHD Kids and ADD ADHD Adults have such trouble?

It's like I read this stuff and start to think, "Uh oh, I'm doomed to a life of this," but then I realize that it's not always the ADD. Why assume that everything under the sun that happens in your life, happens because of the ADD.

I can't seem to remember anything, its extremely hard for me to hold an intelligent conversation.

I’m 17 and I just recently realized I have ADD and have had it for as long as I can remember…Is ADD something that you are born with?

Causes of ADHD?

What are some ADHD treatment options?

Do I have an ADHD child?

What adult ADHD treatment is available?

Sounds Familiar…

…Today, more than ever, people with ADD/ADHD are struggling with the demands of school, work, family, and personal life as well as issues of self-worth, self-expression, and self-confidence.

As if this wasn’t enough...

Raising a child or living with an individual who has ADD/ADHD may bring many challenges to your daily life. It can affect you from the time you wake up in the morning to the time you sit down for dinner. It can affect your family outings, movie nights, and quiet times.

….But with the powerful and straight forward techniques that I will give you, your family will find new found happiness, confidence, and a gratifying connection they never experienced before.

Parents Beware!!!

You cannot assume your child’s school system knows exactly what works for your ADD ADHD child and what he/she needs. To put it simply, you cannot put the responsibility of your child’s success in school solely on the teacher.

In today’s day and age, where our classrooms are filled with 30+ children, your child may be left to deal with their issues single-handedly. I am by no means trying to put down America’s school system or the qualified professionals that work with our children everyday.

But lets be honest here…. overcrowded classrooms, lack of funding, etc. have led our children to fail. America's formal educational system was implemented in the late 1800s and realistically speaking…not much has changed.

Let’s face it…. America's school kids are lagging behind their peers in almost every industrialized nation.

…Fortunately I can help you.

My effortless and unparalleled techniqueswill help you discover age appropriate ways to helping your ADD ADHD child accomplish goals, complete assignments, perform better in school, and build satisfying relationships. All with the collaboration of your child’s teacher and his/her school.

Adults - - Listen Closely on what I have to say.

Most adults with ADD/ADHD are undiagnosed, untreated, and misinformed of the success they can achieve in their lives with the proper help. Think about all the successful and famous people with ADHD who have contributed enormously to our lives and what our world would be like without them:

Leonardo DaVinci

Albert Einstein

Walt Disney

Thomas Edison

Steven Spielberg

Magic Johnson

John Lennon

Robin Williams

Michael Jordan


…And the list goes on and on.

It is estimated that between 30-70% of children with ADHD will exhibit some and in many instances, full symptoms into adulthood. While hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors may decrease a bit, the inability to focus, organize, and attend to day to day events will remain a part of your life.

So what does this mean for Adult ADHD?

Many undiagnosed and untreated adults with ADD/ADHD may be at risk for depression, substance abuse and anxiety disorders which can later lead to a poor personal life, unproductive performance at work and constant battles with your family or loved ones.

Good News….

ADHD adults will discover, with my step-by-step techniques how to manage your time at work and home and how to implement organizational strategies that will help you reach your goals, stop procrastination, and complete assignments.

…Most importantly, you will gain the confidence to overcome obstacles that may have shot you down from reaching your ultimate success.


Your Life or a Love One’s May be in DANGER

If you or your child are taking Ritalin or any other Psychostimulant Medication , or are considering medication, please PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to the following information.

ADD/ADHD was selected by the American Psychiatric Association and included in the DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, in 1987. Following that year it is reported that 500,000 children in the United Sates were diagnosed with ADD ADHD.

The National institutes of Health Consensus later stated in 1998 “We do not have an independent, valid test for ADHD, and there is no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction.”

According to Dr. David Satcher, “There is no definitive lesion, laboratory test or abnormality in brain tissue that can identify ADD/ADHD.” If no chemical imbalance has ever been proven, then why should we continue prescribing psychostimulant medication (e.g. Ritalin, Strattera, Adderall) to treat this so called “chemical imbalance.”

Is Psychostimulant Medication Really WORTH IT!!!!

Parents and individuals should be aware that pshychostimulants are classified as schedule two drugs, comparable to Cocaine. The state or federal government will not hire an individual seeking a job involving state secrets or national security, because that individual is a Class two drug user. The armed forces (Army, Navy, Coast Guard etc.) will not permit an individual who has taken any type of psychostimulant medication after the age of 12, to join without medical reports that show that individual has been clean of medication for four years.


The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) clearly states in their report on Methylphenidate (Generic Name for Ritalin) : "However, contrary to popular belief, stimulants like methylphenidate will affect normal children and adults in the same manner that they affect adhd children. Behavioral or attentional improvements with methylphenidate treatment therefore is not diagnostic of ADHD." (p.11)

The DEA has noted serious complications associated with Ritalin, including suicide, psychotic episodes, and violent behavior.

The DEA further states that: "Of particular concern is that most of the ADHD literature prepared for public consumption by CHADD and other groups and available to parents, does not address the abuse potential or actual abuse of methylphenidate. Instead, methylphenidate (usually referred to as Ritalin by these groups) is routinely portrayed as a benign, mild substance that is not associated with abuse or serious side effects. In reality, however, there is an abundance of scientific literature which indicates that methylphenidate shares the same abuse potential as other Schedule II stimulants." (p.4)

Ritalin and other pshychostimulan t medications can have serious side affects including depression, irritability, anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, and even DEATH.

FDA warns about hyperactivity drug risks. Link to child deaths prompts Canada to ban Adderall. “ Canadian regulators on Thursday suspended sales of Adderall XR, a drug for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) made by Britain’s Shire Pharmaceuticals Group Plc, after the company said 20 people taking the drug, including 12 children, had suddenly died between 1999 and 2003.”

How many more individuals have to die before we begin to take action against the pharmaceutical companies and the overwhelming pressures of society to medicate our problems.

…While these mind altering drugs repress and “control” characteristics of ADD/ADHD, they also murder the creative and joyful spirit that lies within and anchors the inner and personal drive to discover genuine answers and solutions to our troubles.

Forget everything you’ve heard about ADD/ADHD

…And say to yourself “Today I will begin to accept who I am, I will break away from the label that has been placed on me, I will embrace my differences and aim to transform the world.”

Look, isn’t it time you begin doing something to drastically change your life for the better?

Wouldn’t you like to make sure your child is getting all the real help he/she may need to move ahead in school and home?

Wouldn’t you like to increase you performance at work or strengthen your relationships and personal life?

Well, then you’ve come to the right place. The book, “Passage to Freedom: The Key To Unlocking The Gifts Behind ADD/ADHD” is filled with not only valuable and refreshing information, but with many forms of practical, fast acting, and step-by-step techniques that you can apply TODAY at school, work, and home to immediately bring you high powered results.

Here are some examples of what you or a loved one will accomplish:

You will realize that it is not a disorder , but a different way of thinking and learn to manage and live with your ADD/ADHD and achieve great success.

Your self esteem will increase and you will have a more fulfilled life.

You will discover the love and joy of raising a child or living with an adult who has ADD/ADHD, instead of the negativity and struggles that are associated with it.

You will learn how to void an incorrect diagnosis and become more confident and educated.

You will discover how to understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and assist in providing support and help.

ADD ADHD Adults will have better comprehension and become more aware of their talents as well as characteristics of their personality they may need to improve. Leading to better success at work, school, and their home life.

You will discover more confidence to go for and achieve your goals with the freedom to make the choices you want and live the way you have always wanted to live.

You will discover alternative to mind altering drugs and learn to manage and control your own impulses and energy level through the use of meditation, natural remedies etc. without the dangerous side effects.

You will have a safer and healthier approach to living with ADD/ADHD and become the wonderful and creative person you are and not the dull and suppressed person you can become with medication.

Parents with an ADD ADHD will discover ways to increase their child’s self esteem , have less arguments and disagreements and more appreciation of one another’s talents and differences.

You will discover more laughter and happiness in your home and less depression and anxiety via communication and understanding of one another’s feelings.

You will learn how parents and teachers can work together to help their ADD/ADHD child reach success through completion of assignments, Increase in class participation and performance, better grades, improvement in your child’s behavior and an increase in friendships.

... plus much more!

Click here to take a look at the chapter descriptions for [Passage to Freedom: The Key To Unlocking The Gifts Behind ADD/ADHD](http://www.hope-for-adhd.com/Passage-to-Freedom-ADHD-ebook-Chapters.pdf)

Finally... the Secrets to Unleashing The Genius Within and giving yourself or a loved one a new lease on life… Guaranteed!

As you keep reading, you are feeling more and more compelled to experience all the benefits of this product.

The “Passage to Freedom” book will lead you to view, manage, and live with ADD/ADHD in a more positive and fulfilling way. It will open the doors to happiness, success, laughter, and acceptance. It will help you embrace your true talents and work on your weaknesses.

“Passage to Freedom” will help find what you have been so desperately looking for…the opportunity to live and dream without judgment.

So you might be wondering what this incredible product is going to cost you?

Nothing, if you look at it as the best investment you will ever make in your life. The truth is, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Let me ask you a few questions:

Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to enhance and improve your life or the life of someone you love without the use of mind-altering and dangerous medication?

Wouldn’t you do whatever necessary to inform and educate yourself about ADD/ADHD before you decide what path you want to steer your life on?

Don’t you or your loved one deserve to break free of the individual society has made them become, and shine as the person they truly are?

If so….

You are going to jump at the surprisingly affordable price of $54.97 $34.97

However, please be cautioned----

I’m only offering this deal until the “launch celebration” is complete. Once the lauch celebration for “Passage to Freedom” is complete, I do expect to raise the price to $54.97.

The more you understand just how valuable this product could be to your life, the less you will think about delaying this important purchase.

But Wait! There’s More!

Two Super Bonuses (Valued at $53.89):
"Yours FREE To Keep, No Matter WHAT! "

You will be overwhelmed with the killer new information that you'll receive in the NEWLY RELEASED VERSION of the "Passage to Freedom" book...

... But you are going to be astonished by what I'm about to do next.

As I have mentioned before, my goal is to ensure that you have every technique, and tip that you will need to guarantee your success or that of a loved one -- so I've agreed to give away Two SUPER BONUSES -- absolutely free:

*** Bonus #1 ***

This is a $27.92 value, but it's yours FREE!

Master the management of Aggressive Behavior in children and teens through effortless and straightforward strategies that leaves no stone unturned.

Have you ever asked yourself, why does my child have to act so aggressively or express his frustration in such a negative way?

Why is my child so oppositional and confrontational?

This special report will give you the insight to better understand the root of your child’s aggression and did you know that understanding the root of the problem is the first step to changing your child’s behavior?

Next, if you apply the information found here, you will see you child’s life as well as yours start to change.

*** Bonus #2 ***

This is a $25.97 value, but it's yours FREE!

An honest to goodness variety of dietary tips and natural remedies to help control your disorganization and extremely inattentive and impulsive behaviors.

Several studies show that children and adults with ADD/ADHD demonstrate lower levels of essential fatty acids. Numerous studies also show that lower levels of essential fatty acids can lead to difficulties with learning, attention, temper, sleep and behavior.

Did you know our body does not make essential fatty acids? It is only available through diets and supplements.

In this bonus you will learn, through ideas, how you can begin fueling your brain and help it reach its optimal performance with diets rich in fatty acids and amino acids.

*** WAIT!***

Because of the speical launch celebration of the Newly Released Version of the “Passage to Freedom” book, I’ve decided to give you another valuable bonus.

If you're one of the first 150 people to purchase " Passage to Freedom", You will also receive an ADDITIONAL BONUS-- valued at $33.67, yours absolutely FREE.

... All together, you actually get THREE SUPER BONUSES -- a total value of $87.56, yours to keep, absolutely FREE, no matter what you decide!

*** Bonus #3 ***

This is a $33.67 value, but it's yours FREE!

Safe and simple ways to increase your attention, self awareness and focus while decreasing your stress, anxiety and distractibility through the compelling powers of meditation, no matter your age.

Meditation can be difficult for even the most focused and relaxed individual…so how can it work for someone with ADD/ADHD? For those individuals who don’t give up and are committed, the results can be drastic.

Meditation is well known for decreasing stress, strengthening the ability to concentrate, and increasing the ability to focus.

Parents, meditation is not only catered to adults, but can help your child learn to control their impulses, activity levels and increase their attention.

This bonus will help you discover the RIGHT meditation strategy that works for you and will guide you, step by step, into a peaceful and more relaxing state.

This information will save you hours of painful research and can also save you the frustration of trying to decide which mediation technique is right for you.

*Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.

"Change Your Life or that of
A Loved One in 60 Days
-- or you pay absolutely NOTHING!"

Yes, you have heard correctly…

I am so sure you are going to start living a more productive and fulfilling life by using the techniques, strategies, and information provided for you in “Passage to Freedom” that I am offering a RISK FREE 60 days (8 Full Weeks) Trial.

If you don't find within its pages a positive, uplifting, and practical way to changing your life, without the use of medication, that works for you or your child, send me an e-mail, and I'll promptly return your money, no questions asked.

I stand behind my work 100%, and I want you to be a loyal and satisfied customer.

I personally guarantee that this book will change your life or that of a loved one. Otherwise…
You can keep the $87.56 in bonuses and... You get a 100% refund of your purchase price.
That's right! Not only will you get all the bonuses FREE but you’ll get a 100% of your money back on the spot.  I'll simply refund your $34.97 investment…..No questions asked, no harm done.

...With this ironclad guarantee you can return the book at any time within the next 60 days (8 Full Weeks) for a 100% refund.

When you invest in the "Passage to Freedom" book, I take all of the risk.

If it doesn't deliver as promised, I'm the one who takes the loss -- not you.

Now imagine this:

Your ADD ADHD child, who months ago was failing several classes and was acting out in school and home, is smiling again and has drastically improved his or her grades and behavior.

You as an ADD ADHD Adult are finally completing tasks at work and people are interested in being around you.

Better yet, you are laughing again and are feeling fulfilled and accomplished.

Now stop and consider what price would you place on those mind blowing results?

Imperative Information: As I mentioned above, do to the magnitude of invaluable strategies and techniques that I've compiled together into this version, and given that I need to recover the investment of time and resources, after the “launch celebration” is complete I expect to raise the price shortly, to the updated price of $54.97.

Remember… this special price of $34.97 and bonus package is being offered for a limited time only. So if after three days you decide to purchase “Passage to Freedom” and the special price is not being offered, there's nothing I can do...

Claim Your Copy of "Passage to Freedom: The Key To Unlocking The Gifts Behind ADD/ADHD "
In The Next 3 Minutes...

You can purchase “PASSAGE to FREEDOM” by clicking on the order button below.

Order now and you can start learning how to get yourself, your child, and/or your family on their way to a new and empowering life, drug free, in a matter of minutes.

Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about what you could do to help yourself or loved one succeed in life? Well you can spend months thinking about what you could do, or you can begin to start seeing results today.

* Do you want to perform better at school and work?

* Do you want long lasting relationships and friendships?

* Do you want the constant arguments and   fights at home to end?

* Do you want to laugh again?

* Do you want to begin feeling like yourself   and not a person with a disability?

If you answered “YES” and want to begin changing your life or the life of a loved one for the better than click on the order button below. A special price of $34.97 if ordered today.


Click above to order right now with our Secure Server. Remember: If you're not thrilled with our strategies and techniques, just say so in the next 60 days (8 Full Weeks), pay nothing, and keep the $87.56 Super Bonus Package -- that's a guaranteed gain no matter what you decide!

The Book and the Super Bonuses are on a dedicated web page where you will be able to download them within seconds of placing your order.  All files are in PDF format for ease of read and can be viewed using Adobe Reader. 


Delmarie Alvarez – President
Young Growing Minds, LLC

P.S. FEAR often spells the difference between failure and success. And FEAR will continue holding you back from all the success you can achieve if you do not grab complete control of it and realize this could be the best investment you ever make. Isn’t it time you did something to make a difference in your life or the life of your loved one? If you don’t claim “Passage to Freedom”,when will you start taking the necessary steps to ensure a better future for yourself or loved one? OR—How will you begin to unleash the negativity about ADD ADHD, that is deeply rooted in many, and begin your renewed you?

If you continue on your same path and using the same strategies that you have been implementing, will the kind of success that I can offer you be within your reach? Or will you continue living an isolated, dismal and frustrating life?

I can’t promise you this book will change your life or the life of your loved. The reality is, I don’t know how motivated and committed you really are.

But I can promise you if you are really motivated to changing your life forever, have a true desire to succeed, and are willing to invest a mere $34.97 in your future…Then I’m willing to take the risk with my 100% guarantee and let you try this program RISK FREE FOR 8 FULL weeks (60 days).

Plus if you order now during this special launch celebration I will throw in THREE SUPER BONUSES, valued at $87.56, absolutely FREE!

Unmasking the gifts and special person behind the ADD/ADHD label is easier than you think. If you’re willing to commit to living and fulfilling your dream, and supporting and helping your loved one in any way, I encourage you to start taking action NOW.

Will you be regretful and angry if you did not do your best to achieve happiness, long lasting relationships, and success in your life or the life of your child or loved one? Absolutely!

So now the choice is completely up to you.


* Each individual's success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.

Young Growing Minds, LLC
215B Rutgers Street, Suite 111A
Maplewood NJ, 07040
Phone: 1-201-839-0127
eMail: info[AT]hope-for-adhd.com (Replace [AT] with @)
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