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Best Tinnitus Cure


Tinnitus is a condition that makes people hear a constant buzzing,
hissing or ringing sound in the ears. This noise does not originate
from the outside environment, but rather from within the ear itself.

People who suffer from tinnitus may also experience loss of hearing,
sleeplessness, stress, and anxiety.

Problems like complete and partial hearing loss, ear infections,
Meniere's disease, head and neck trauma, ear tumors, and a punctured
eardrum are among the common causes of tinnitus or a ringing in the


There is not a single, one cause of tinnitus, but rather tinnitus is
the resulting symptom of possibly many other underlying causes.

Rarely is tinnitus caused by organic brain tumors or inner ear
defects. It is more commonly caused by lifestyle choices and personal
habits. Typically, these underlying causes may include:

* Exposure to louds sounds or loud environments
* Hypertension (constricted blood vessels)
* Stress and anxiety
* Poor diets
* Use of tobacco and alcohol
* Obesity
* Poor blood circulation and lack of exercise
* Partial hearing loss
* Ear infections
* Meniere's disease
* Punctured eardrum


Unfortunately, there is no single magic pill that can make tinnitus
go away. However there are tinnitus treatments that can greatly
lessen, and in many cases even eliminate, the symptoms of tinnitus.
Some treatments work on improving and eliminating the underlying
causes, and some treatments affect the tinnitus symptoms. Typically,
tinnitus treatments are categorized:

* Vitamin B3 therapy
* Homeopathic and herbal relief formulas
* Lifestyle changes to quit smoking, excessive alcocol, and change
* Exercise and lose weight
* Lessen high blood pressure
* Reduce stress and anxiety
* Acupuncture,
* Mask out tinnitus sound with more pleasant sounds
* Focus attention away from tinnitus sounds

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