Excerpt from product page

NukeThatFat | Extreme Weight Loss | Rapid Weight Loss | Fat Weight


"Former Fat-kid Turned 'Warrior-geek' Releases WEAPONS OF FAT
For You To Easily Blast Away Unwanted Fat And
Keep It Off Forever..."

If your current weight loss strategy is not delivering the results
you want, then STOP torturing yourself and read on

"Picture Yourself 5, 10, 30, 100, Or More Pounds Lighter..."

That image could be YOU in the very near future...

Regardless of what you have been told, it is possible to lose a LOT
of weight quickly and safely. Certainly much faster than what the
'weightloss gurus' say is possible. I'm talking about that silly
'rule' of theirs that says you should "only lose 1-2 pounds a week to
prevent losing muscle and ruining your metabolism".

There is no biological law that says that you have to lose weight
that slowly.

The more fat you have to lose, the faster you can very safely drop a
lot of weight quickly...

Hell, Losing 20 Pounds Or More In A Month Is Possible,
Even Easy!

Yes, EASY, if you:

* Throw away all those 'plans' that are not working

* Remove (or work around) what's causing you to be overweight in
the first place

* Use a completely new plan that works in the real world

A REAL Plan That's Simple And Easy-To-Follow

Keep reading to discover how you can lose weight faster than ever -
and keep it off...

It's really easy to get going and to start seeing quick results...

NO pills!
NO starving yourself!
NO weight rebound!
NO chance of failure!

I know that you've heard those kinds of claims before, and then the
'solution' failed to deliver. And that is exactly why using the same
old methods will not work. You need some very different weapons.


Dear Frustrated Dieter,

I've been there...

I've tried many weight loss methods hoping to find some 'magic'
solution that would actually help me lose fat faster than the "1-2
pounds maximum per week" that the 'gurus' recite as gospel. I get very
frustrated after reading through a 100+ page book or ebook only to be
left wishing that I hadn't bothered.

I'm tired of seeing the same old information rewritten in new ways
over and over again. And I have found that many of the so-called
'rules' about weight loss are not true at all, and they place
unnecessary limitations in the minds of those of us that are serious
about losing weight.

Think about this for a second, and be honest: can you really get
motivated to even start a weight loss program if it restricts you to
losing only 1-2 pounds per week?!!! Sure, maybe if you have only 10
pounds to lose, then probably. But I haven't met anyone who had 20
pounds or more to lose (how about 100 pounds?) that would get excited
about the idea of losing so little weight per week.

Oh, and if the maximum that a weight loss program offers is 1-2
pounds, then you can be sure that there will be weeks where you lose
only one, or NONE!

What if you have 20, 50, 100 or more pounds to lose?

Would the promise of losing only 1-2 pounds in a week even motivate
you in the slightest then?

And what if your physician were to tell you tomorrow that you have
to to lose a lot of weight fast because you're at risk of serious
illness? Would 1-2 pounds per week be enough then? Does that even make
sense for anyone that needs to lose weight quickly for any reason?
Whether we want to lose weight fast because of health reasons, or an
upcoming high-school reunion, or a prom, or summer, or whatever...

We just want the weight to come off FAST!
That's the one thing that the 'experts' don't get. They don't
realise that deep down inside you and I don't believe those theories
about having to lose weight slowly anyway. As an example, we see
Hollywood celebrities lose tons of weight seemingly at will. And if
they can do it, then why can't everyone? We know that liposuction and
'nips ">know that they must have been on some sort of weight loss

A plan that does not adhere to the silly
'1-2 pounds a week' rule.

And since our instincts tell us that there has to be a way that we
can do it too, we try all kinds of fad diets. Hoping to find the ONE
plan that does the 'magic'.

In the end, we just make the problem much worse by further ruining
our already SLOW metabolisms...

All because the experts either don't want to accept that fast weight
loss is possible (or they just don't want us to know how to do it).

Which brings me to another point...

A complaint that I hear all too often from people looking for weight
loss advice is:

"How do these guys expect me to even survive these 'beginner'
workouts? I don't even think that I'd be this overweight if I was fit
enough to make it through that routine!"

That is a very valid point that I hear made all too often. Do those
weight loss gurus have their heads stuck so far into the theoretical
world that they cannot identify with what real people like you and I
need? Maybe they've just become too used to working with high-level
athletes or already fit people to be able to even relate?

Now imagine that you find yourself in a situation (and there are
people that do) where you must lose weight fast, but are not able to
do any strenuous exercise until you've lost some weight first? How
well would all those programs that call for long and frequent bouts of
exercise (or fewer and shorter but very intense exercise sessions)
work then?

I'm betting that you can even kiss the measly 1-2 pounds goodbye if
you cannot do the exercise that those weight loss systems call for!
And believe me when I say that many overweight persons should just not
be exercising hard when they first start a weight loss plan.

In any case...

The truth is that you cannot out-exercise a bad diet.

You can, however, lose a LOT of weight with a smart diet...

Exercise + Bad Diet = Poor Visible Results

Good Diet + No Exercise = OK Results

SMART Diet + No Exercise = Good Results

SMART Diet + Good Exercise Program = GREAT RESULTS!

So you can lose weight without exercise, as long as you follow a
good nutritional plan. However,

It's not only a case of figuring out
how many calories to lose weight...

Yes, you must create a calorie deficit if you want to lose weight.
Don't trust anyone that says otherwise. Fat loss must adhere to the
Laws Of Thermodynamics. In other words, fat doesn't disappear as if by

But, as you probably know already, blindly cutting calories in an
attempt to lose weight fast has its own drawbacks. Sure, weight loss
is easy - you can just starve yourself - but then you'll just lose a
lot of muscle tissue. And muscle tissue burns the most calories! It's
not just about weight - it's about bodyfat percentage. Fat-weight loss
is what's important. Your entire strategy must be focused specifically
on that.

Since muscle tissue is the major calorie burner, if you lose muscle
tissue, then your metabolism slows down. And when your metabolism
slows down, the weight loss stops. Even worse, you could actually
start gaining weight on a ridiculously low amount of calories.

How crazy is that?

I'll give you the tools that will let you put a STOP to all this
WEIGHT LOSS MADNESS once and for all!

But first, let me tell you a bit about myself...

I am not a weight loss 'guru', nor am I a nutritionist
(but I am a biologist)

In my opinion, however, that's a good thing...

It has forced me to think outside the box, and to not blindly accept
some of the garbage that the 'qualified' experts can regurgitate so
efficiently. I've actually had the freedom to test potential solutions
in the real world - on myself and other highly motivated dieters. I
have been doing that for 20 years.

Because I too am constantly looking for better ways to control my
weight, I have focused on one thing, and one thing only...

Find methods that work,
make them more usable and sustainable,
and discard all the rest.

Although I have no formal training in nutrition science, I am a
scientist and I hold four degrees in biology, including a Ph.D. My
training in biology was very diverse and includes biochemistry,
genetics, molecular biology and bioinformatics. I am used to thinking
out of the box. I am fortunate in that I am able to evaluate and tweak
methods and theories that make scientific sense, combine them in new
and powerful ways, and also formulate new methods where appropriate.

But my obsession with how to lose weight started much longer ago.

Long before I ever even thought about becoming a scientist...

When I was in the 6th grade, I just started gaining weight. I still
can't explain why it happened. I wasn't eating any more than I had
been before, and I was still just as active. (Gotta hate those
hormonal changes that can wreak havoc with our physical appearance,
hey?). By the time I reached high school, I was very overweight. And
as many overweight teens have experienced, I had HELL being the 'fat
kid'. Of course, I wasn't ever considered for sports, since everyone
assumed that the fat kid would automatically suck :-(

And it's not like I didn't try to lose weight!

In fact, I had my first experience with a crash diet when I was in
the 8th grade. Of course, I didn't know that it was a terrible diet at
the time. But I was desperate! I gave it a real solid attempt, and
while I lost a tiny bit of weight, eventually my metabolism crashed
and I gained back all the weight - and then some!

One of the smarter things I did was to join a gym in the 9th grade.
Even though I didn't really know what I was doing, I put on quite a
bit of muscle. But I didn't know anything about nutrition (and neither
did the 'expert' at the gym). I ended up building muscle alright, but
under the fat. In the end I was just a slightly bigger version of the
fat me! That was quite demoralizing, and I soon quit going to gym.

What a disappointment.

I put in a huge, consistent effort and got no results (actually
gaining muscle is not 'no results', but I didn't know that at the
time). It was at that early point in my life when I realized that one
cannot out-train a bad diet. Still, I just gave up and got even

For a few years I didn't even care anymore...

When I was in the twelfth grade I again became interested in
(obsessed with) weight training and started to read everything I could
find on the subject. I already knew that I gain muscle fairly easily,
so I was more attracted to bodybuilding nutrition than to the
workouts. And while bodybuilding nutrition at the time was far from
perfect, it was still a lotbetter than what dieticians were
recommending at the time (high carbohydrate, low protein, and almost
ZERO fat - real stupid).

Those were the beginnings of an 'underground' education in nutrition
(of sorts)...

By the end of high school, I was starting to take shape, and
throughout my college going years I remained obsessed with nutrition,
strength training and performance. My 12 years of studying biology
helped a lot, but it didn't stop me from still jumping onto a few
weight loss crazes though.

I tried quite a few things that were real DUMB!

Still, due to my persistence, I was soon a former fat boy, and I
even started getting involved in sports - and doing fairly well to
boot! And I also soon became known as the guy to talk to about losing
weight, gaining weight, bulding muscle increasing strength for sports,
etc. Things were great, as long as I kept watching my diet.

But after 17 years of diligently tracking my weight and kinda
effortlessly keeping the fat off with the knowledge I had so
painstakingly gained, I was to experience another weight gain

At some point, I traded a good obsession for a badone - health and
fitness obsession for 'career building'. I wasn't exercising much, and
eating terribly too! I became glued to my desk and spent every minute
I could in front of my computer. Now being a dad of two boys that
needed the attention they deserve, I spent hatever time I had left
with my family. I can completely relate to those of you who have no
time to exercise due to 'life getting in the way'.

Recently, when I eventually woke up to what I was doing to myself,
I decided that I really needed to drop weight.

And I wanted to do it fast.

I wasn't interested in losing a measly 1-2 pounds per week.

Fortunately I already knew what to do, and it was just a case of
following my own advice. Five weeks later (you read that right), I was
more than 20 pounds lighter. Even people that saw me regularly were
shocked at how quickly the weight was coming off. Some people started
asking for advice, and although I was a bit hesitant, they managed to
convince me to write down some tips into a very short version of the
NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss guide. And quite a few people have put
it to good use.

The full system is far more powerful. Armed with it, anyone can
lose weight fast NOW

It doesn't matter whether:

** you've tried all those 'hot' programs and failed

** you cannot do intense exercise (or any exercise)

** you have a slow metabolism

No matter how many times you have tried an failed, you can lose your
unwanted weight. The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System will let you
lose a lot of fat fast! And while the system recommends a very small
amount of moderate-intensity exercise, you will still lose a lot of
weight even without exercise.

But you have to be willing to:

STOP what you're currently doing to lose weight

Unlearn a lot of the weightloss 'dogma' that you may have picked
up over the years

Get started and take control immediately

I can understand if you're skeptical - I would be too, given all the
junk going around...

Here's some photo proof what I was able to achieve in only 35 days
using just ONE of the FOUR methods in the NukeThatFat Quick Weight
Loss System (these were posted on my blog too):

Day 1
11 February '08
125kg/275lbs Day 35
18 March '08
115.5kg /254.1lbs

That's just under 21 pounds lost in 5 short weeks!

Not really lean yet, but that was only 5 weeks!

And I actually lost a lot more than just 21 pounds of fat, since I
actually gained quite a bit of muscle. I exercised very VERY little in
the first 3 weeks, and even after that I did a bare minimum of
exercise! (I was still a recovering workoholic).

OK. So maybe there was a bit of 'muscle memory' that helped with the
muscle gain, but the fat loss is a different story. It's not as if I
had just recently put on a little bit of weight. I had been overweight
for a loooong time!

I was almost completely sedentary for nearly 3 years and I started
gaining weight even before that...

And as you can see, my body type is not naturally skinny. I store
fat very easily. Yet when I actually follow my own advice, I lose
weight FAST.

By the way,

Aren't you just sick and tired of all these naturally-thin people
giving weight loss advice???!!
So, at the time of writing this, I am still at 114kg/250.8lbs (and
getting leaner and leaner at that weight) despite not actively dieting
since the 21 pound weight loss. The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss
System also has a very simple and powerful weight maintenance
Keeping the weight off is EASY...

Imagine that: Losing huge amounts of weight faster than ever, and
then effortlessly keeping it off! No more yo-yo dieting. No more
weight rebounds. And no need to eat like bird to keep the weight off!
The weight management component makes it simple.

I'll tell you more about the NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss system
in a second, but first let's have a look at what other people think
about the concept...

Note: the comments you will see are based on only a small sample of
the full plan, which I released after my progress photos attracted a
bit of attention and people started hounding me for 'tips' and 'quick
weight loss methods'.

Joshua 'Jossie' Combrink, United Kindom:

"Yo Dr J,

When I first downloaded your ebook, I thought "WTF? There's no way
it can be this simple!". I really thought that it would be much more
complicated. In any case, I gave it a try and all I can say is WOW! I
don't even feel like I'm on a diet. Just when I start to feel it a
bit, you change it up a whith that BOOST day.

So far, I'm down almost 8kg in only 3 weeks. I've got a lot of
weight to lose - about another 20kg), but this is a great start! I'm
so excited that I even feel like doing some exercise to help me lose
more weight even faster. That's new for me :-p

Anyway, I just wanted to say THANX. I was going to avoid the beach
this summer but my mind is changed!

Joshua 'Jossie' Combrink (UK)

PS. What about the other methods you mention? Are you going to
release those too?"

Marie Johannson, USA

"Hi Junaid,

I wanted to give you a quick update on my progress (thanks for being
so patient with me in getting me started).

It's been a month now and I am down 22 pounds. Now I've always been
a 'big girl' and I've still got a long way to go, but I'm very happy
with how big of a difference that loss has already made to my
appearance. People are asking questions! I've even heard rumors going
around about 'the lipo I had done'. Upsets me a bit, but I'm still
going strong! Can't believe how easy this diet is. Oh, and while I
don't know how to really tell, I think my metabolism is just FINE
because I'm full of energy!

Thank you so much again.


So other people are also getting really good results. And because I
mentioned in the original report that I also have other versions of
the general plan, people have been asking for those as well. On a
daily basis.

I then (very reluctantly) decided to actually knuckle down and
compile FOUR of the best strategies that I have into the NukeThatFat
Quick Weight Loss System. With those four options, there is a workable
plan for anyone. Regardless of your preferences, current state of
mind, or the current state that your metabolism is in.

The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System is a nutritional strategy
(not just a simple 'diet') that will let you lose weight rapidly
whether you exercise or not. While I do provide exercise advice in the
book, it is very straightforward (and doable). You don't need to do
fancy backbreaking workouts because...

The nutritional strategy is already so powerful!!!

Extreme Weight Loss Done Smartly And Safely

NO MORE starving yourself!

NO MORE boring diets!

NO MORE ruining your metabolism!

NO MORE exercise routines that you are not ready for!

NO MORE guessing!

My primary objective is to provide you with a battle plan that you
can use to:

Lose far more than the 1-2 pounds 'limit'
without excessive calorie restriction

Many people have been pleading with me to release this, and here it
finally is:

The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System
Grab Your Copy Now [1]

Discover how to:

Lose as much as 30 pounds in one month! Without starving

Lose weight with a bare minimum of exercise (or no exercise if you
are really unable to do physical activity)...

Prevent the dreaded metabolism crash...

Keep your body out of 'starvation mode' without resorting to those
silly 'cheat days' that so often turn into cheat weeks, months, and
even years!

Lose weight FAST without losing precious muscle...

Prevent your own enthusiasm from ruining your weight loss campaign
with excessive calorie restriction (you do NOT need to starve

Keep your metabolism sharp, even if you're one of those people
that hate eating breakfast or regular meals (normally a bad thing)...

Improve metabolic and general health even while losing weight

Supercharge your weight loss plan...

Eliminate the constant hunger that comes with most diets...

Improve nutrition quality so that fat loss is maximized...

Manipulate the carbohydrate, protein, and even the fat ratios of
your meals to keep fat burning at a maximum...

Prevent dietary boredom...

Supplement smartly and avoid the latest 'miracle' supplements...

Use carbs as a tool in your fat burning program...

Use the simplest form of exercise to melt fat off your body...

Using the ultimate form of exercise to turn your body into a
calorie burning blast furnace - in as little as 20 minutes 3 times per

Take a break from your weight loss campaign without gaining back
any weight - and possibly even improve your metabolism in the

Prevent a 'bad' diet day from ruining your entire weight loss
campaign (Hint: we're human, it'll happen. Forgive yourself. If
possible, use it to your advantage. Just prevent it from becoming a

Effortlessly keep the weight off...

And much more...

Grab Your Copy Of The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System [2]

Imagine that in just a few weeks from today, you can already see
visible weight loss results...

Imagine when in 3 short months from now you take a progress photo
(which I advise doing - trust me, the mirror tends to 'lie' :-) and
when you compare it to your 'before' photo, you are just totally
amazed by how different you look because of your weight loss...

Imagine 6 months from now, you meet someone that hasn't seen you in
at least 6 months and that person being blown away by the 'new you'...

Your weight loss dreams can be REALITY!

You may be thinking: "What's this going to cost me?"

Before I answer that, let me ask some important questions:

* What is improving your health worth to you?

* What is finally losing weight really worth to you?

* What is a longer, healthier life worth to you?

* What does open heart surgery or a triple bypass cost?

* What is the personal and financial cost of developing metabolic

* What will you lose if you become a diabetic?

Those are rough questions, but YOU must want to defeat your weight
problems once and for all...

If you're ready to take complete control, then this system will
deliver the goods. The information in the ebook is fantastic, but you
have to be motivated. If you are, then rapid weight loss is

YOU must take action.
YOU must fight the fight.

But you will need an anti-fat arsenal. An arsenal that you can use
to Nuke That Fat that's threatening your health and your life!

The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System gives you
Weapons Of Fat Destruction

And because I'm so sick and tired of seeing the same information
being re-written over and over, I'm going to make this dirt cheap.
It's difficult to put a price tag on information this valuable (since
it is essentially priceless).

The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System could easily sell for $150.
Really easily. (Ever see what a few month's supply of 'miracle' weight
loss pills will set you back?)

But since I want to make the information as widely accessible as
possible, I am willing to let you have it for the crazy low price of
only $37!

That's right,

Defeat your weight loss problems for ONLY

Grab Your Copy Now [3]

I'll even carry the risk. You can test the NukeThatFat Quick
Weight Loss system for 60 days, and...

If you're not satisfied with the program, I will give
100% of your money back. Unconditionally.

Grab Your Copy Now And Lose Pounds Fast [4]

The decision to change your life is yours alone to make...

You can either keep doing what you're doing and get little (or zero)
results or you can take complete control. Win this battle once and for


[5] Click Here To Order Your Copy At Only $37 [6]

NOTE: The NukeThatFat Quick Weight Loss System is a downloadable
e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you
will get instant access to download the e-book, which is in an Adobe
Acrobat PDF file that can be viewed on Macintosh, Windows, Linux, or
Unix computers.

If you have any queries, you can contact me on:
nukethatfat@gmail.com [7]

Wishing you the best of health and strength.

Sincerely yours,
Junaid Gamieldien, Ph. D.

PS. Please keep me posted on your progress. Also, if you get the
excellent results that I am expecting for you, please tell your family
and friends - help spread the truth.

PPS. I wasn't joking about taking a BEFORE photo and progress
photos. Do not rely on the scale alone. And the mirror does lie...

that. There is zero risk to you.

[9]Click Here To Grab Your Copy [10]

(c) Copyright 2008. www.NukeThatFat.com

The Fastest Weight Loss System

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