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How I Went From
Hating My Life
Being Happy and
Getting What I Wanted

Date: 15 July 2008
From: Paul Drayton
My life was so bad I could hardly get out of bed in the morning...

Every day was a struggle. It was a relief to was 'happy' just to get to the end of the day and lie down and disappear into the blackness of sleep every night. It was so bad (and I'm not exaggerating here) that I struggled to pedal my bicycle downhill! I'm serious! It was that bad!

But then magically, it all changed.

Somehow, just a few months later I was the happiest person in the world! I became one of those annoying people who jumped out of bed and enjoyed every day. I felt excited and happy to be alive, I was smiling a lot and having fun and genuinely enjoying my life.

Yes, I know, it's sickening. And you're probably think I'm lying. Reading this might even be making you a little bit mad. You might even have a voice in your head telling you I'm an ass hole who doesn't know what he's talking about and you should stop reading now. How do I know this? I've been there, done that.

"I was deep in debt, working hard and not achieving what I wanted. Now, I'm debt free, I own and operate a successful business, and am closing on a new house with my family."

ROBERT NEFF, Ph.D., Sports Psychologist (as seen on CNN) [
](http://www.robertneff.com)author of "Roapmap to the Zone." www.robertneff.com

So what's the secret?

I'll be honest. I had no idea how I went from dragging myself out of bed and hating each day, to being the happiest I had ever been in my life.

This may sound strange, but not knowing what happened drove me crazy.

I had to know what had happened because if I didn't know what happened, I could never make it happen again. So I started looking...and looking...and looking...

Eventually I found it - the secret of what pulled me out of my funk.

But first, let's take a little step back and look at this thing. Maybe you're thinking, "What a load of BS. Just because it worked for him, doesn't mean it will work for me. He got lucky, I'm not lucky."

Welcome to the club! That's what I thought too - I just got lucky, or there was some quirk of fate, or some mysterious force or maybe I had cracked and was imagining things.

This is the most practical guide to personal growth I’ve read!

Diane Kennedy, RichDad Advisor™, NY Times Best-Selling Author

But I wasn't imagining it. I was making 3 times more money than I had ever made, I had a cool sports car, an imported dirt bike, I loved my job, I had lots of energy, cool friends and a wonderful relationship. You can't argue with facts like that.

You see, after I discovered the exact mechanics of what happened, it became clear to me that it is not luck, or fate or whatever excuse we all make for not knowing how life really works and how goals are really reached.

Along the way I also learned the hard lesson that a lot of what I "knew" to be true, was a lie. "Life is a mystery", "Things just happen to us out of our control", "I'm not meant to be happy". Yes, I used to believe that too. But it's garbage.

So How Did I Get There?

My life was terrible. And then it was the greatest it had ever been. I wanted to know why. I wanted to be able to do it again if I ever got in such a hole ever again. But most of all, I wanted to tell other people how to do it. It's a natural thing - when you discover something great, you want to share it.

So I wrote it down in great detail. I put down the rules you've never been taught about the invisible workings of life. Not stuff like "love your neighbor" or "give to charity". Stuff like "this is step one, and this is how to get step 1 right so you can move onto step 2. This is step 2 and this is why you might not be getting step 2 right and how to fix it so you can move to step 3".

It was really a great experience and I can't thank you enough.

Tim P. Dallas, Texas.
Sounds simple. But knowing the correct steps and their correct order is the difference between success and failure.

The sentence above is the most important thing to learn first. In fact it is so important, I'm going to repeat it so you understand how important it is.

Knowing the correct steps and their correct order is the difference between success and failure.

I'll prove it. Take for example building a house. There is a correct set of steps and a correct order of steps.

What would happen if you tried to put the walls up before you put the foundation down? Or what would happen if you tried to put the roof on before you built the walls? You wouldn't have a house. You'd have a mess, like most people's lives who don't know the steps and apply them in the correct order.

I know that house example sounds oversimplified and silly, but if you don't have what you want, I can guarantee you are trying to achieve your goals with the incorrect steps or your steps are in the incorrect order.

So I wrote down the correct steps for building your life and success the way you want it. The correct steps in the correct order.

But that's not all...

You see, there are a lot of teachers and trainers out there who know some of the steps and their correct order. What they don't have is ALL the steps in their correct order.

"Thank you for your book, probably the best practical book I have ever come across. You may be interested to know it broke me completely out of the box I was operating in over the last year or so.

I couldn't see what I was doing, your book showed me.

It has changed me forever, very powerful material."

Michael Lampett, London, UK

The biggest lie about achieving your goals and being happy...

Things not working out for you? Life sucks? Not getting what you want? What you need is motivation and inspiration.

That's a big lie - You don't need motivation!

Achieving your goals and being happy is not about motivation, discipline, focus, dedication, commitment. Yes, those things count, but they're not going to get there by themselves. As Tony Robbins says "It doesn't matter how motivated you are, if you're heading east looking for a sunset, you're going to be disappointed".

Motivation is just adding energy to whatever you're doing. If you're doing it wrong, it doesn't matter how much energy you add to it - it's not going to work.

I'm not saying motivation and commitment etc are bad. They are a tool and they have to be used correctly.

That's why motivational seminars and books and tapes don't work long term. Sure, you feel great after an inspiring motivational seminar or book, but it doesn't last.

What most people do after a seminar is exactly what they did before, just with more energy. So they just get more screwed up quicker.

Motivation doesn't solve anything.

Motivation is a headache pill. It takes the pain away for a while, but it doesn't take away what caused the headache, it doesn't solve the problem. Next time you bang your head on that same wall again, you'll get another headache and have to take another aspirin.

And that's what most people do - they bang their head on the same wall over and over until they get overwhelmed by failure and quit.

They get "beat up by life" and begin to believe lies like "I'll never be successful", "It can't be done", "Life is hard" "I was never meant to be successful/happy/in love/popular".

But that's just a big lie! It's not life that is beating you up! It's you beating yourself up by running into the same problem over and over and not knowing how to solve it. It's not your fault - nobody told you different!

I am an avid student of personal development and over the last 3 years have read at least 300 books or more on the subject. I have to say it is one of the very best I have ever read....demonstrates the exact sequence of making our dreams come true.

Terry Hansen, Utah, TheCashActionPlan.com

Why People Paid $250 an Hour to Work with Me

It upset me so much to see people doing this to themselves that I had to do something about it. So I became a personal coach. A therapist, counselor, call it what you will. After a few years of training and practice I became so good at it that people traveled half way across the country and paid up to $250 and hour to work with me.

That's all great, and I loved being able to help people like that, but there's a big limit on how many people you can help at a time. It didn't seem very effective for me to be teaching the same thing over and over one person at a time. And what about all the people who couldn't afford $250 an hour but deserved success and happiness as much as anyone else?

I could not imagine my life without using Paul as my personal coach. I am just sorry I did not do it 10 years ago, my life would be completely different!

I would recommend anyone that wants to be successful, to hire Paul as their personal coach.

S. E. Mertens
Director of Operations, www.TaxLoopHoles.com
Phoenix, AZ

I knew what I had to do. I had to write it all down in a way that anyone could understand it So I bit the bullet and started writing a book telling people exactly what my clients were learning for $250 an hour.

I sweated over that book. I wrote it once, then rewrote it and then rewrote it again. I had to get it just right so that anyone could pick it up and start reading and understand it. After all, this is not light subject matter - how life works.

But I did it. If you ask anyone who knows me, they'll tell you I'm not one to brag or blow my own horn. However, I am very proud of this book and the feedback people like you have given me tells me that I achieved my goal. It is a book anyone can read and understand and use to start changing their life immediately.

So what's in the book? Give me something I can use now!

Here are some general pointers from the book. These are just the tip of the iceberg, there's much more in depth knowledge, training and technique in the book.
You don't know how you're sabotaging yourself. You're screwing yourself over and you don't even know it. How do I know this? Simple! If you knew how you were sabotaging yourself you would stop doing it and get what you want. You have sub-personalities in conflict with each other and with YOU. Yeah, I know. That sounds like psycho-babble. But that doesn't mean it's not true.

In simple English, all I'm saying is you have voices in your head that disagree with each other. You might not have noticed them before now, but they're there. I'll show you.

Think of something you really want - for example a big house or a fancy car, or a meaningful relationship. Now listen for the voice in your head saying something like "You don't deserve it" or "You shouldn't have that because ____." or "You'll never get that, you're just a _____".

Test it yourself - think of something you really want and listen to what happens in your head... the squabble... the opposition. Not exactly a formula for success is it? If you can't agree with yourself, what chance have you got?

Whoaa buddy! Come straight back here - don't get distracted and don't get into a fight with the voices - that only makes it worse.

Note: Reading this kind of material will make some of those voices nervous because they know their time is limited. They will try to get you to run in the opposite direction by making you feel uncomfortable!

Don't worry, you're not crazy, it's normal to have all those voices in your head. The trick is getting them to work with you and not against you. And that you'll learn in the book. You have incorrect ideas about yourself. This sounds strange because we all think we know who we are. But there is a very high chance that the person you think you are and the person you really are aren't the same.

We all like to think we know who we are, but most of the time there is a difference between who we think we are and who we really are. This is a conflict that makes you blind to why things are the way they are. Part of yourself is tied up in past disappointments/failures/upsets. We've all had traumatic incidents in our lives. These have an impact on us whether we know it or not. The reality is that traumatic incidents rob you of the energy and intelligence you have to use right here, right now.

The bottom line is you don't have your full horsepower available to you. You're less aware, less energetic, less yourself than you could and should be. You're an eight cylinder car running on 5 cylinders. You're a horse with 3 legs. (OK, that was a bad analogy, but you get the picture). But don't worry - t happens to everyone, and most importantly it can be reversed.
You think you have to do something to get what you want.

Now give me a minute here because this one is a little more difficult to explain.

Yes, you have to do something to get what you want. Letting the "Universe" or whatever the new-age crap says about thinking happy thoughts and letting it all come to you is egotistical, narcisistic nonsense.

But you don't start with doing. You start with BEing. You have to BE a succesful person to do what successful people do, and then you'll HAVE what successful people have.

Here's another silly example. If you think of yourself as a loser, if you've always been a loser, then you are BEing a loser. And no matter how many books you read about what successful, cool people do, it won't change anything. A loser doesn't DO what successful people do, so it's never going to work.

Remember all those grand plans you had about what to do to be successful and happy that you never quite got done? It's becuase you were still BEing someone who didn't DO those sorts of things. So of course, you never did them.

This may not be quite clear yet. It takes quite a bit of explaining because it is such a kick in the teeth for most us. It shakes you to the core, makes you feel like you don't know who you are.

Hey, I never said it was a walk in the park. But if you really want to get somewhere different from where you are now, you'll get through it just fine. "Blueprint" has plenty more training and explanation of these core concepts.

9 years, over 200 books, 50 seminars and $200,000 didn

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