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Welcome to the Inner Wife






Love life, ultimate strife, how-to lists from the Inner Wife:
THE How-To book of Dating, Marrying and Understanding

Discover simple and straightforward How-To lists for truly accepting yourself, dating that special someone and bettering your relationships!


Most of us stumble through our love lives! We can barely stand ourselves and we’re amazed when we can’t put up with someone else? Love seems like it moves left when we move right. How about those of us who are tired of fighting? Our relationships and marriages seem more a truce than love!

Who has never said “If love just came with a manual ?!?” How great would it be to have a built-in guide to understanding your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife? We love help menus on our computers, wouldn’t it be awesome to have an inner help system for the one we love?

Look no further. The Inner Wife is that built-in manual and that your love-life help menu.
With this guide by the Inner Wife, you can live and love a better life.


Ask Yourself, Are you:

• Tired of Fighting?
• Unable to find Mr. or Ms. Right?
• Tired of planning that big day?
• Scared of dating?
• Making the same mistakes date after date?
• Tired of miscommunication leading to World War Eight?


With the Inner Wife How-To ebook you get…
Simple How-To lists for finding that first love: you

Easy and straightforward tips on asking someone out, dating, getting serious and getting & staying married!

Humorous & heart-warming conversations with an Inner Spouse

Romantic & time-tested ideas on building solid relationships

The guide you've been waiting for to help you understand love


Learn tips directly from the Inner Wife, learn How To:

Plan a Wedding, without losing your mind!

Improve Communication, step by step!

Deal with Conflict, without sleeping on the couch!

Let Go and Get On with the best love can offer!

Communicate effectively and Avoid those arguments that hurt feelings

Meet the parents (gasp!)

Repair your relationship after major mistakes

Avoid infidelity and growing apart!

[Want to know more? Click here to join the Inner Wife! ](../../email.asp)


Date From: Chad Hunter & the Inner Wife,
authors of “How-To Lists from the Inner Wife”

To you,

Who of us has never had a broken heart? Who has never been fed up, beat up and burned out by bad relationships? Love and relationships are roller-coasters but the exhaustion that wears you down is not knowing you bought a ticket and how to get off!

If you’re exhausted with the confusion and frustration of love, and you wish there was a simple, easy guide to help you through, then this is for you.

We’ve all tripped up, had our hearts broken and stumbled through. I know I have! But something great happened: I grew an Inner Wife; an inner sense of consideration for the other person in my relationships, a “virtual” partner that answers questions before they’re actually asked and a guide to solving relationship problems before they’re really problems!

Together, she and I will give you how-to lists for better love, better living and better relationships! Even if you think you’re not the “sensitive type” or the “touchy-feely” kind.

Sound impossible? It’s not. With this guide, you’ll learn how to develop your own Inner Spouse and have at your fingertips, simple and quick how-to steps on having greater love and living a better life.

If you hurry and respond, you pay the introductory price of one $12.95.


Act immediately and receive the following bonuses:

FREE Inner Wife newsletter: A FREE copy of the quarterly Inner Wife newsletter. Full of additional How-To lists for your relationships!

FREE EBooks: Two (2) FREE additional ebooks with tips on relationships, dating and marriage!


Here's how to order now!

[Click here for an instant download](http://1.hunterchad.pay.clickbank.net) of the ebook. Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special download page where you will download the ebook including with your FREE Bonus Inner Wife newsletter & FREE Ebooks.

[Purchase Online](http://1.hunterchad.pay.clickbank.net) with Credit Card by Secure Server 

[Click Here NOW to download your copy!](http://1.hunterchad.pay.clickbank.net)

You will be downloading and reading the ebook and bonus newsletter almost instantly!
Begin your better relationships now!

Good life & good love,

Chad Hunter & The Inner Wife


*** This ebook will be sold for $30. The introductory price of $12.95 is a "Buy it NOW before it's too late " offer. The Inner Wife says Act fast!...[Order Now! ](http://1.hunterchad.pay.clickbank.net)

[ Click here to Join the Inner Wife and receive How-To lists, updates and helpful hints on growing your own Inner Spouse!! ](../../email.asp)

Feel free to contact us at innerwife@hunterchad.com!









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