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Shin Splints Treatment - ShinSplintsNoMore.com


re painful shin splints holding you back from performing at your
full potential? Do you rest them, only for them to come back as soon
as your start activity again?

Hi, my name is Shannon, I'm a certified AFLCA PT with a B.Sc. In
Sports Performance. Shin Splints is a problem very close to me and my

If you can spare me just 5 minutes, I will teach you exactly what
are causing your shin splints and exactly what you need to get rid of

Firstly, let me just say, it's not your fault!

So called "modern" shins splint treatments - such as rest and anti
inflammatories - simply treat the symptoms of shin splints, they
cover-up the problem, they do not fix the problem.

As soon as you think your shins splints have disappeared, you
restart activity and they come back. Common sense tells us the problem
does not come form inadequate rest or in not talking enough
anti-inflammatory or pain killers.

Just look at how many people you know that do the same exact
activity and yet do not even suffer shin splints? My guess is quite a
few. I know plenty.

What is stopping you from enjoying pain free shins like them?

Well the truth is, one or more underlying bio-mechanical and
muscular imbalances are holding you back from pain free shins.

Now that may sound like a complicated problem, but it really isn't.

Once you know the 3 major underlying causes are it takes only a
short amount of time to address them.

The 3 major underlying causes of shin splints are simple. They are:

MAJOR CAUSE #1: Incorrect Fitting Shoes

Incorrect fitting or poor quality shoes can lead to shin splints. It
is important you know the correct shoes and arch support for you to
prevent both over and under pronation. Also, shoes of the wrong size
and softness can interfere with running technique leading to shin

Many times Shins Splints start as soon as you purchase a new pair of
shoe. If so, go back to your old shoes and see if that makes the

MAJOR CAUSE #2: Leg Muscle Imbalances

A muscle imbalance is simply an imbalance between the strength
(activation) and length (deactivation) of two or more opposing
muscles. When this happens it can lead to incorrect bio-mechanics when
running, and then to muscle and tendon injuries .

It's very easy to see why this is such a large cause of shin
splints. It's very common for anyone involved in physical activity to
acquire muscle imbalances. One of the most common imbalanced involves
the lower legs (shins) and so causes shin splints.

MAJOR CAUSE #3: Postural Problems

Postural problems cause not only back and muscle problems but they
cause the body to displace it's weight correctly over the shins.
Repetitive activity with a postural problem will eventually lead to
shin splints.

Postural problems can come about also due to muscle imbalances -
through sport, work or poor habits - or genetics. But either way,
postural problems can be significantly improved through corrective

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