Excerpt from product page

The Quit Smoking Right Now Guaranteed Program

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to Listen to Rick 
  Beneteau's amazing 
  Quit Smoking story!

Dear Friend,

y name
is Rick Beneteau and I am an author and Internet
entrepreneur. It doesn't matter whether you know of
me or not, but in case you are interested you can
find out a lot


What IS
important is this: Last year, I quit smoking. Finally. For
good. Forever. As easily and painlessly as the above
headline states. And most important, I am prepared to help you
(or a loved one) QUIT
SMOKING, once and for all, the stress free way too!
And do you
want to know the
shocking truth about quitting that I learned after 39 years of smoking? 
It's easy!
Before you
begin thinking that here we go again with yet another
bogus claim about being able to quit so easily, I have a
small favor to ask.
I want you to
give me the benefit of any doubt you have for the
next few minutes because I want to be the person who helps
do for you what someone did for me -  that is to Have
You Take Back Your Life! 

I want more than
anything to help you or a loved one quit smoking, the
easy way. Just like I did.

"About a year
and a half ago my now 10 year old daughter,
Holly, caught me sneaking a cigarette in the
garage, not for the first time. She was so
upset, because I had promised her that I
would quit smoking. I felt horrible that I
had disappointed her so. Then a miracle
happened! This little girl did a search on
the internet and found your website. She
grabbed me by the hand, walked me over to
the computer, and said, "Here, now you can
quit forever!" I read your material, and
although I did not have total confidence
that it would work for me, I bought the
program. I did the things suggested and
after about 3 months I quit smoking! I am so
happy. All the things you said in the
advertisement were correct. I had virtually
no withdrawal symptoms. Today, when I see
someone smoking, I feel so powerful, because
I was able to quit, and I feel such
compassion for them, because I know many of
them would like to quit smoking, too.

Thank you, Rick! My life is changed for the
better, thanks to you program. I hope you
never stop helping people to quit smoking."

Steven Bowers
Girard, PA.

"I recently used

the quit smoking right now program and today

is day 30 of no cigarettes, no withdrawals,

and no cravings. This is really miraculous

in my case since I am 49 years old and have

been smoking since I was 8. I was hooked and

smoking a pack a day since I was 12, so that

is 37 years smoking and to quit this easy is

nothing short of a miracle. Every time I

tried to quit for the last 20 years, I

failed . . . Thanks for the program."

Ted Mertens

years of trying to quit smoking I tried

your Quit Smoking Right Now Program. It

was the BEST DECISION I have ever made. It

was QUICK, EASY and PAINLESS! It's not

what I thought it would be. I highly

recommend this program to everyone who

wants to quit forever."



I will be soon
be asking nothing more or less of you than exactly what I
did to free myself from the evil clutches of smoking
tobacco, but
so that you completely understand how this can work for
you, I
first need to tell you my short story. 
This is ALL
about YOU so please stay
with me here.
I smoked, like
a champion, for all but 10 of my 49 years of living. By the time I finally quit
last year, I could hardly crawl up a flight of stairs without
being barely able to catch my breath. Last year I had
developed a smokers cough so bad that during a hacking fit
I actually tore a chest muscle. Just a few weeks prior to
quitting I began waking up in the middle of the night,
gasping for breath. I had to borrow a friends asthma puffer.
My teeth were a sickening yellow, my eyes disgustingly dull,
my skin that ungodly grayish color that branded me "a
smoker" and I always seemed to be the only one at
social gatherings having to hide somewhere just to
steal a few puffs. I had tried valiantly to quit twice before,
but failed miserably.

Tobacco Industry kills more people in North
America from Monday to Thursday of each week than
the terrorists murdered in total on Sept. 11, 2001
family members and friends had started almost
pleading with me to 'save my own life' but I was
totally convinced that after failing to quit
before, I was a lifelong 'nicotine
addict' - and would probably be sucking on a
cigarette with my dying breath. The way I had
started to feel last year, it seemed like it wouldn't take too
much longer.
In fact, these are
the untouched words of my eldest daughter, a
registered nurse, who was the MOST surprised of
anyone that I had really quit smoking for
good: "Dad, you know how much I wanted you to quit
smoking for a long time but especially after the
birth of Corbin and Cameron. I couldn't be more
proud of you, and happy for my sons, that their
grandfather will now be around a lot longer to be a
great influence in their lives." Sara
N. Wilson RN

Well, this was
Beneteau - the Smoker, just last year. Coughing, hacking,
gasping for breath with everyone griping at him to "just be a
man and quit!" But despite even this pressure and how
bad my health was becoming, another attempt at quitting was not even close to
being on my radar screen. Ahhh, the seductive power of

A Chance Meeting
In 2003, I met a
man named Rick
Saruna. At the time, I had been looking for a local practitioner of
NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and relaxation therapy to help a
relative of mine through a difficult time. I came across
Rick and his clinic in my hometown of Windsor, Ontario. 
If you want to
know the entire truth, Rick was flabbergasted when I
called the first time as a few weeks prior he had written my
name down to contact me after buying a book at a
conference he had attended in New Hampshire -  my
company was listed in the book's resource section. So we
had 2 reasons to meet.
We met a few
days later at his clinic and discussed a plan of action
for my loved one. I noticed that a large part of his
practice was devoted to helping people quit smoking and he
claimed a 90% success rate. Knowing what I knew then about
the horror stories of myself and others who tried to quit
smoking, I was quite skeptical of this claim. Making one
of my notoriously off-handed remarks, I commented about my
being in the 10% -  the stereotypical, weak-minded,
incurable addict.
Rick replied SO
matter-of-factly that the 10% who failed to quit represented those who
didn't follow his simple program and that in a couple of hours he
could get me to give up smoking for good! 
He added
though that this time, I would quit for good,
without major stress and
without suffering through weeks or months of painful cravings and
withdrawals (that eventually led to my failure before) and
*without gaining any extra weight
whatsoever. In fact he said I would lose weight with his
program if I wanted to!
Sure I

of lung cancer occurs in those who have smoked.
Each package delivers the equivalent of one chest

I wasn't even close to thinking about making yet
so Saruna's promise would have been an absolute
miracle in my case! All he said I had to do to was
set aside 3 hours of my time and pick the date for
what I now call
"D-Day", or "done
day". I did just that. Afterall, what
could having at least a semi-open mind and
investing 3 hours really cost me in the bigger
scheme of things?


smoked 2 packs a day for 36 years. I have tried many
times to quit. Once I made it three months only to
start again. The day I found your web site, I had
just told my co-worker that I could walk outside and
dig through the ashtray by the door and smoke
someone else's butt. So I went online to find some
inspiration and read your information and downloaded
everything here at work. I have not touched nor do I
want a cigarette anymore. It has been 17 days!! If I
can do this at work and succeed anyone can."

Patty Weaver
Fairbanks, Alaska 

3 hours, I really did Quit!
My 9:00 a.m. session with
Rick lasted 3 hours. 
As an early
riser I had already been up for 5 hours when I arrived - without a
cigarette - and I was not in a great
mood. I believe in the power
of the mind and all, but at this point I just 'knew what I
knew' about cigarette addiction and it just felt like this
exercise would be one of total futility. Actually, I saw myself taking a break to light up
outside just as soon as I could:-)
Maybe this is how
you feel right now. Doubtful? Even skeptical? If that's
true, I encourage you to
please, please read on. Everything changed VERY quickly for me from
this point forward!
See, I made a commitment to
at least have an open mind,
the very same kind of commitment I will be asking you to make
here, so I started listening to what Rick began telling me - the real truth about my
addiction to tobacco.
he said soon made a whole lot of sense - including why
it would be very easy for me to finally quit smoking this
You are about to
read just some of what I was shocked to learn. Afterall, it IS these "truths" that make the
difference between smokers being able to quit, and not. And just so you know, I shook my head in
disbelief at some of these the first time I heard them! 

The Real Deal about Smoking
and WHY You Can Quit Easily Too!

cigarettes is NOT a natural or pleasurable thing to
do. The body rejects it, ie: hack, cough, spit and
did someone say, horrible taste? Your body tells you
this is really bad stuff! However, I must have said
a thousand times, "I enjoy smoking" or
"that cigarette will taste good right after
dinner", but that was because they (the
Tobacco Industry) made
me believe smoking cigarettes was a natural and
pleasurable thing to do. What I soon learned was
that I really love NOT SMOKING! You know, lungs full of clean air, tons more energy, no
shortness of breath, nice bright white teeth,
increased mental clarity, the amazing taste of foods, a more radiant
complexion and increased self-esteem simply because
of being victorious in the war of tobacco addiction!

It was your
mind that convinced your body to start smoking
in the first place so you could look cool/be
accepted/whatever reason your mind came up with, and
it is only your mind that can convince
your body to stop. This IS the focal
point of our program and the reason it really works.
No other program I am aware of takes your belief
system, the most important ingredient in the
successful quit smoking equation, into consideration
- hence the staggering failure rate of theirs and
the 90% success of ours!  

Here is
something that has got to shock you - nicotine is not
what you are mainly addicted to in cigarettes! The tobacco
companies and even the government and health care industry
would have you believe this is true but there is another
ingredient in the highly guarded, patent protected
list (imagine that, it's the public's health at
stake and this is a trade secret!) among the
1000's of chemicals in each cigarette that really is the one
responsible for your addiction - and - the terrible
struggle for most people to quit. In our program we
reveal this ingredient (it will amaze you!) and more
importantly, we teach you how to control and easily
counteract your addiction to this substance - a
simple and painless thing to do.

every other quit smoking program is
focused on helping you fight off false cravings for
nicotine, hundreds of thousands of people who are sincere about quitting are
sadly spending millions of
dollars buying up expensive pills, patches, inhalers,
supplements and gums in a losing battle to save their own lives. Therefore,
both the smoking and the
quit-smoking (pharmaceutical) industries (did
someone say among the largest government lobbies in
the U.S.?) are raking in billions and billions!

The main reason
people fail to quit (and why it took almost 40 years of
smoking for me to learn this) is that from the time we were
little children we have been lied to and literally
programmed by the powerful tobacco and
pharmaceutical industries as well as the media to
believe that we are heavily addicted and cannot quit. Between having you keep
smoking, and, keep quitting, they have a vested
interest in keeping you as a dying, sorry I mean paying,
customer. Not a laughing matter at all but I
couldn't resist.

Believe me, no matter how
strange or "conspirial" the above might seem to you
right now, this will ALL make total sense when you experience just
how easy it is to quit smoking using The Quit Smoking
Right Now Program. 

In other words . . . the proof is
in the quitting!

BIG thank you! After 25 years of smoking I
am now free of this bad habit and have NO
cravings. The Quit Smoking Right Now Program
was FUN, EASY and I feel more relaxed and
ENERGETIC. I am able to do what I want to do

Quit Smoking Right Now Program works from DAY
ONE! It was quick and easy. I tried everything
else. Nothing worked. I have NO urges or desires
for a cigarette after 40 years of smoking! You
have to try it to believe it. I'm so glad I


  contained in 
    second hand 
       smoke are not 
even allowed in
most city landfills
You can no
doubt tell that I am very excited about this
opportunity to have you or someone you love quit
smoking. One thing I
know is that not everybody is motivated by the same
things. One person may be motivated by the fact they
might add years to their life while another may be
scared by the grim statistics and horrible death
that so many smokers ultimately face. Still others may be
motivated by how much money they will save by
quitting smoking. So, let's spend a few seconds
talking about saving those thousands of

and Stopping Co$T You!
Here's the money
you will spend if you continue smoking (and of
course the price of smoking never goes down). Incidentally,
with what I am saving on cigarettes, I can take an all
expense paid vacation for 2 to an exotic island every year!










Did you read the amazing testimonial
at the top of this page from the 5 pack a day smoker who used our program and quit his
35-year habit? 

Here is money
you could spend on another attempt at "chemical"
Quit Smoking programs range from free to $1,000.00's. Most fail. Miserably.
A Nicotrol Inhaler will cost you approx. $509.88.
3 months of chewing Nicorettes will cost you approx. $337.50.
7 weeks of swallowing Zyban pills will cost you anywhere
from $160.08 to $300.00+ depending on where you purchase.
3 months of "withdrawal munchies" (with other
programs) will add at least $700.00 to your grocery bill.
Did someone say
it costs you thousands of dollars to both smoke and quit,
at least using the programs you've heard about prior to
coming to us?

Our Program . . .

will NOT have to spend hundreds of dollars
buying medicines or supplements that will NOT help you quit

will NOT have to put on patches, chew gums,
swallow pills, use an inhaler, or ingest any other foreign

will NOT have to follow any new and special
diet, although we recommend the intervals at which you eat
throughout the day and tell you one substance to avoid at
all costs (we also want you to drink plenty of water),

will NOT have to start an extensive exercise
program . . .
. . . in
fact, after you have read/listened to our program, about 3
hours, you just carry on with your normal routine only
having to set aside a half hour or so per day for 3 weeks
(or less) to listen to a special recording we made. Piece of

I've Heard Enough and Want To Order Your Program and Quit Smoking
Without Weight Gain and Stress

If you want to
quickly read about how dramatically your health can improve
almost from the moment you quit . . .

the 1990 Surgeon
General's Report findings:

it comes 
down to it,
you tired of
a slave

After 1 year off
cigarettes, the excess risk of heart disease and sudden
death caused by smoking is reduced by half. After 15
years of abstinence, the risk of heart disease is similar to
that of people who've never smoked.
In 5 to 15
years, the risk of stroke for ex-smokers returns to the
level of those who've never smoked.
Male smokers who
quit between ages 35 to 39 can add up to 15 years to
their life. Female quitters in this age group can add up to 12
years. Men and women who quit at ages 65 to 69 increase
their life expectancy by up to 3 years.

And here are some
amazing facts about the health benefits you can receive even 20 minutes after quitting.
It really doesn't
matter whose stats you read or believe the bottom line for most
people is the
Quitting smoking will probably extend the length and
definitely improve the
quality of your life and those around you!

I believe
it must also be said that as with all things in life, there
are exceptions to the normal health issues associated
with smoking. My aunt smoked almost her entire adult
life and lived to be 89 years old. A friend of mine's
close friend drank several martinis while chain smoking
every day and lived to be 96. Rare cases such as these
continue to baffle scientists.

90% Success Rate, Our 100% Promise!
Now that I have
experienced just how easy it really was for a die-hard smoker
like me to quit, I can see why The
Quit Smoking Right Now Program can proudly boast a 90%
success rate. In fact, I wondered why it wasn't higher! But
again, Rick
explains this as a simple example of human nature, in that 10%
of his clients just do not follow the simple steps of his
program. If they did, he could probably claim a 100% success rate.
So, for any customer
who falls into this category and for whatever reason doesn't
quit smoking in the first pass, we have a fail-safe back-up plan. We will
send in the reinforcements and come to their rescue. Our
promise, and our mission,
is to have you quit smoking - for Life!
would it be worth to you to Take Back Your Life?
What would the
freedom of being tobacco-free for the rest of your
life be worth to you? Interesting question,
considering the claim we make here, don't you agree?
In my case, and in all sincerity, I cannot put a
price on my new found freedom. Neither can my daughters and my mother and my
siblings and my friends. I feel GREAT physically and I feel
GREAT spiritually because I quit. This, and the fact
that it was so easy for me to quit for good was the entire reason
I decided to stop everything else I was doing to ask Rick Saruna to help me put his program and this
amazing product together. So, my answer to this
question is,
well, priceless.
I'm quite sure
the people whose testimonials you've read who quit smoking
using The
Quit Smoking Right Now Program, or the hundreds who have
quit with the clinic program, would feel just as I do.
Speaking of
which, in his clinic
practice, Rick's retail price for this program is $800.00.
Sometimes he has a special promotion where the price
is reduced to $500.00.
Thing is, you would not have a personal session with Rick with our digital product
but you also won't have to wait weeks
for an appointment (my 2 day appt. time was partially
business and not normal practice for his clinic) - you
receive everything you would during that session either in
written or audio form within hours. Plus, you can get personal help
by email and **even by phone if you require it.
We also researched and found a wide range of prices for
stop smoking programs.
Many cost thousands of dollars and included 'medicines' such
as the patch, pills, inhalers or gums, and/or supplements,
all of which are very expensive. You read the approximate
costs of some of the quit-industry pharmaceutical products a few minutes ago.
We also had to
consider that unlike the corner drug store who would not
likely ever refund you hundreds of dollars on empty packages of
Nicorettes or a Nicotrol inhaler because you claimed they
didn't work, we will refund you every penny you paid
us if you don't quit. You will
soon read this in our 100% money-back guarantee.
Also, unlike
most programs that would not likely continue to support you in your quest to quit
smoking for good after you have paid the price and completed
the course, we will!
Ok, just one
more thing. Rick and I spent
the latter part of 2003 and the first part of 2004 putting The
Quit Smoking Right Now Program together. Between his
grueling clinic schedule and my crazy Internet hours, a lot
of 'midnight oil' was burned in order to be able to present
this amazing program to you. We also decided to have the
audio portion of this program recorded in a professional
recording studio, so no "teleconference or
headset-to-PC" quality
files here:-) Plus, we added some custom-written and
produced music just to make you feel more
"energized" from the moment you begin to Quit Smoking.
Mostly though,
we decided The
Quit Smoking Right Now Program had to be priced fairly
and within easy financial reach of every smoker,
considering what every smoker pays right now for cigarettes
every day, or, for all the costs associated with all the
other quit-smoking programs and expensive pharmaceuticals
and supplements out there. 
So, our Special
Introductory Price to
have You Take Your Life Back by guaranteeing that You
Will Quit Smoking Once and for All, is only $197.00, or the price of
your supply of cigarettes at 2 packs a day for a single
month. That's it!

I Want To Take My Life Back Right Now!

just wanted to take a moment and thank you for saving
my life.

September 2004, on a whim, I purchased your Quit
Smoking Right Now program. I have tried so, so many
times to quit smoking and succeeded short-term. I was
a 25 year smoker and loved the habit. I picked up your
program half hoping it would work. I'd try anything
cause I knew the health risks were real but was unable
to control my habit. I "sort-of" tried your program
and only half applied what was in there. "BIG
MISTAKE". After 30 days, I asked for a refund and you
returned my money to me. Right around Thanksgiving I
found myself still smoking and was surprised that I
still had access to your product. I plugged in and
with focus and desire was able to quit in one day. No
nastiness, freaking-out or any of the stuff associated
with my previous attempts at quitting. I didn't even
tell my wife who asked days later what was up. I was
clear, cool and happy.

I am in my own business and distribute products on the
Internet. After 60 days being smoke free, (longest
ever), I decided that you were entitled to your money
and I owed you big-time for your product. I called you
and you were floored by the offer to pay you again.
Thanks for your fabulous product and thanks for saving
my life. I am truly a non-smoker for the rest of my

Ed Price,
New York

Ultimate 'Stress Test'

I struggled with
whether to include the following information in a sales
presentation because it is based on very personal information
but I decided that in the end, my desire to help you or a loved
to quit smoking won out. 
The last part of
2003 and the beginning of 2004 was very stressful for me. My
mother was hospitalized for 3 long months with appendicitis, a
broken foot from falling down when the rupture occurred and
complications resulting from the toxins being released into her
80+ year-old body. My youngest daughter was also hospitalized
having had her normal round of
seizures, which are always very nasty and physically damaging to
her. Finally, my elderly aunt, who I had taken care of since
1993, had fallen and had been alone on the floor for 2 1/2 days
when I discovered her. Different hospitals all, of course.
I am a
"lifeline" of sorts to all 3 of my loved ones here and
although I feel I have fairly broad shoulders, I could not begin
to explain the level of stress I came to experience dealing with
the intricacies of, and time associated with, each crucial
situation. You know, daily visitations, doctor consults,
specialist appointments, rehab appointments, discharge planner
appointments etc., and ultimately with my aunt, the long process of
having to select a nursing home and related services (dozens of
phonecalls and meetings) etc.
In January, my
mother was thankfully released but my daughter was hospitalized
again and
then my aunt suffered a massive
stroke just hours from being
transported to the nursing home that I and her step daughter
carefully chose for her, and near the end it became a matter of my
almost living in the hospital. She passed peacefully on
Feb. 1, 2004. 
If there ever was a
time when logic and stress would seemingly dictate that a
recently-quit smoker would slip up and start smoking again, believe me, it
would have been anytime during these months! But I can
honestly tell you that although I had fleeting thoughts of joining
the few smokers I saw huddled outside the hospital in
the bitter cold, I never even came close to
acting upon them. Truth is, based on what I learned in The Quit
Smoking Right Now Program, I simply cannot see a
circumstance under which I would ever go back to smoking
Believe me, before these stressful
months, I was totally
convinced of the effectiveness of The Quit
Smoking Right Now Program but while putting the finishing touches
on this letter I realized just how awesome and truly
powerful this program really is!
Now, here's the
bottom line for you . . .

QUIT or You Don't Pay - 
No If's, And's or BUTT's!
Our mission here
is clear - we want you or a loved one to quit smoking, for
Life! - so our promise to you is crystal clear and
unconditional . . . 

WILL Quit Smoking or Your Money

All you need to do is be sincere about
quitting smoking and then simply follow the instructions outlined in
the Quit Smoking Right Now Program. Follow them
accurately and faithfully, in the order they are
presented. None of this is hard. If you feel you
are following our program but are experiencing some
difficulties, you will be provided with a special
webpage where you can explain in detail what those
are. We will get you back on track. In extreme
cases we may have you
us for a phone consultation. 

mission IS to have you become tobacco-free, pure and
simple. If you for some reason do not quit smoking
after making a sincere attempt within eight weeks ClickBank
(Clickbank.com sells our products - they are a trusted
online retailer specializing in digitally delivered
products) allows refunds, we will refund
your credit card in full.

sell this product in good faith and we expect our
customers to be sincere about their desire to quit

 Thank You
I asked for the 'benefit of the doubt' at the
beginning of this letter and now you are here at the end. Please let me
express my sincere appreciation for your trust:-)You
might have decided to take advantage of
our Special Introductory Offer of only
$197.00 and our 100% No-Risk Opportunity
and do
yourself or a loved one the greatest possible favor - to quit smoking -
for Life. Thank you for that ultimate trust - you will
NOT be disappointed!
But in the event you haven't
decided, well . . .

... here's that
Special Time-Limited Bonus ...

Imagine waking up every day knowing that
you are going to experience a day filled with joy,
excitement, exhilaration and fulfillment!

Imagine going to bed every night feeling
completely at peace with yourself, reliving the
wonderful results of your day only to wake up totally
refreshed to do it all over again!
The above can be your
reality, each and every day.

Introducing the personal growth break-through product:

"Make Every Day
A Great Day

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