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Discover Your
Ayurvedic Beauty-Type...
FREE Multi-Media Online Course
Begins April 13, 2008
(The Start of the Vedic New Year)
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(Your email address will never be sold, rented or traded.)
Enroll for FREE by entering your name and email address into the signup form. Here's what you'll get...
The Anti-Aging Ayurvedic Report: How to keep your skin looking youthful and avoid signs of premature aging... yours free! TWO Teleseminars Live With Dr. Helen and [Lissa Coffey](http://www.coffeytalk.com): Author of best-selling, [What's Your Dosha Baby?](http://www.whatsyourdosha.com), [Lissa Coffey](http://www.coffeytalk.com) will be interviewing Dr. Helen Thomas on how to achieve vibrant hair and skin by identifying and caring for your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type (with a Q&A session)... both come to you free of charge!
20-Part Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type Online Course: How to identify your unique beauty goals which you can obtain effortlessly and naturally. Includes online text, PDF downloads, audios and videos sent to your email box daily from Dr. Helen... at no cost to you!
Dr. Helen's Ezine: A free subscription to tips, stories, recipes and advice from Dr. Helen delivered to your email box, weekly... won't cost you a penny!
All for Free!
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21 Years of
Ayurvedic Experience

Ayurvedic Doctor
Helen Thomas in India

Since 1987 Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C., has treated thousands of patients, both in America and India, on a daily basis, with the 3,000 year old science of Ayurvedic medicine.

Dr. Helen has pored over the ancient texts and worked side-by-side with Ayurveda practitioners. Over a decade ago, Dr. Helen started paying Ayurvedic doctors from India to come and work with her in her clinic.

Her knowledge comes from hands on experience, not theory given to her in school.

Many of her patients have been moved to tears after receiving an Ayurvedic assessment from Dr. Helen. Ayurveda helped them understand themselves, their needs and their stresses, more profoundly than ever before.


Ayurvedic Beauty Secrets For Your Face, Skin and Hair Collected From Rustic
and Urban India

Dr. Helen (left) consulting with Ayurvedic doctors at the World Congress of Ayurveda, Pune, India, November 2006

"I've traveled India, North and South, the modern and the rustic. I've studied the ancient texts,  the Charak Samhita, Ashtanga Samgraha and Astanga Hridaya of Vagbhata.

"Now you can discover exactly what you need to do each day to enhance your natural beauty, using this ancient science."

­- Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C.


Your Most Beautiful
Qualities And How to
Manifest Them

Identify unique beauty goals that you can obtain, effortlessly and naturally.

Sign up below to begin the Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type multi-media online course for free...

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Plus receive a free copy of the Ayurvedic Anti-Aging Report and a subscription to Dr. Helen Thomas' Effortless Ayurvedic Living ezine.


In Ayurveda There Is
No Difference Between
Health And Beauty

Prakruti is a Sanskrit word that means "nature" or "first creation." It refers to the natural state of beauty and health you were intended to manifest. The state in which you will be most radiant physically as well as mentally.

Discover your intended state and how to achieve it by taking Dr. Helen's free multi-media online course. Just enter your name and email address below. You'll also receive two other bonus gifts...

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"You see, there's no one-size fits all concept of beauty that is right. Get that out of your head."
— Dr. Helen Thomas

The first step in Dr. Helen's [Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty Program](eab/index.html) is determining what your natural balance is... what your natural state of beauty is. Not someone else's beauty—your own natural beauty—your prakruti.

When you start pursuing your prakruti, that's when looking beautiful becomes effortless. Because, in fact, you are not pursuing anything. You are, instead, finally expressing the beauty that is naturally you.

Sign up below to start the Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type Email Series now... you'll also receive my Ayurvedic Anti-Aging report and a subscription to my Effortless Ayurvedic Living ezine — all for free...

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It Happens to Every Woman
at Some Point in Her Life...

Photo by [Baron Samedi](http://www.flickr.com/photos/baronsamedi/479582782/)

You look in the mirror one day and realize: "I'm getting wrinkles! I'm getting age spots! My eyelids are hanging down over my eyes! I'm turning into my mother!"

How does it happen? Our genetic endowment (our prakruti) and the type of care we give our skin certainly count a great deal.

But as we go about our daily lives, our skin is exposed to many other factors that can accelerate aging and thus have a huge effect on our appearance.

So, download Dr. Helen's Ayurvedic Anti-Aging report now, and take into careful consideration all of her youth-preserving recommendations. Just enter your name and email...
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Discover Your
Ayurvedic Beauty-Type...
FREE Multi-Media Online Course
Begins April 13, 2008
(The Start of the Vedic New Year)
Enter Name: Enter Email:
(Your email address will never be sold, rented or traded.)
Enroll for FREE by entering your name and email address into the signup form. Here's what you'll get...
The Anti-Aging Ayurvedic Report: How to keep your skin looking youthful and avoid signs of premature aging... yours free! TWO Teleseminars Live With Dr. Helen and [Lissa Coffey](http://www.coffeytalk.com): Author of best-selling, [What's Your Dosha Baby?](http://www.whatsyourdosha.com), [Lissa Coffey](http://www.coffeytalk.com) will be interviewing Dr. Helen Thomas on how to achieve vibrant hair and skin by identifying and caring for your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type (with a Q&A session)... both come to you free of charge!
20-Part Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type Online Course: How to identify your unique beauty goals which you can obtain effortlessly and naturally. Includes online text, PDF downloads, audios and videos sent to your email box daily from Dr. Helen... at no cost to you!
Dr. Helen's Ezine: A free subscription to tips, stories, recipes and advice from Dr. Helen delivered to your email box, weekly... won't cost you a penny!
All for Free!
Just Enter Your Name and Email Address...
Enter Name: Enter Email: (Your email address will never be sold, rented or traded.)
Instead... Let Dr. Helen Help You
Discover, Manifest and Enjoy
Your Incomparable
Ayurvedic Beauty-Type

Revealed in this introductory article to Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type — a free multi-media online course by Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C....
How to Avoid the False Beauty Goals: Why beauty standards taught by every TV set in North America are neither desirable, nor possible... Identify Your Unique Ayurvedic Beauty "Standard" Instead: Discover what makes you uniquely beautiful—and how to make the most of it! Just Because You Meditate to Achieve Inner Peace Doesn't Mean You Can't Use Mascara To Enhance Your Outer Beauty: Why it's not only natural to feel, look and be radiant; and why it is healthy to want to be that way... 

he media, society and co-workers tell you that you need to look a certain way. They may not come out and say it in exact words. Yet there's a certain criteria set for who is beautiful, attractive and pretty—and who isn't.

If you're one of the 99% who doesn't meet the latest trend, you may become frustrated with your body. You may want it to be thinner or, for that matter, more robust. You want it to look younger or more mature. You may want blonde hair instead of brown. You may want plumper skin instead of stretched.

We live in a world that wants to keep us chasing after something we don't have.

Once we get it, another carrot is dangled before us that we're told we must pursue in order to feel fulfilled.

Are you chasing after someone else's idea of beauty?

Just look at the series of beauty enhancers and restrictive routines offered to "help" you meet impossible standards. Many women invest thousands of dollars and endless hours chasing after someone else's idea of beauty. Others can't be bothered and end up neglecting their face, skin and hair entirely.

Then there's someone like you who wants to be beautiful, but wants to reach that goal in a natural way. Not by putting gloop, gunk and grease on your face. Not by spending hours in a hair saloon, inhaling chemical sprays. And certainly not by surgery.

Yet, you do want to be, feel and know that you are beautiful.

It's natural to look vibrant, beautiful and healthy.
And it's natural to want to feel that way.

The more beauty you manifest, the more confidence, contentment and love you feel. Likewise, the more confidence, contentment and love you feel, the more beauty you will manifest. It's a wonderful spiral to be caught in.

I understand this truth now, but it wasn't always so simple for me to grasp.

I grew up in the 60's and 70's when the hippies were glorifying just "being natural" and not doing anything to make yourself appear more beautiful. In my 20s, 30s and 40s I felt pretty without doing anything. I was a little disdainful of beauty techniques.

Everything changed when I began to understand the esteemed place that beauty care held in Ayurveda. Ayurveda is the ancient science of well-being from India. Ayurveda helped me realize the deeper value of being committed to daily beautification practices for my hair, face and skin.

The first revelation for me:  According to Ayurveda there is no difference between beauty and health. That helped me realize that by neglecting beauty techniques, you were also neglecting your health.

Just Because You Meditate to Achieve Inner Peace
Doesn't Mean You Can't Use Mascara
To Enhance Your Outer Beauty

Some people say, "Well, if beauty comes from within, why bother with creams, potions and cosmetics?" Here's my answer, plain and simple: Because external beauty is the "icing on the cake"—and it tastes so wonderfully sweet!

Also, if you're looking to attract a life companion, in this day and age (or in any day and age, for that matter), it's hard for them to notice your inner radiance if you don't attract their attention outwardly, first.

So, I finally surrendered and traveled to India in 1993 (one of many trips) to find out how beauty care fits into the quest for health in body, mind and soul. I spent time in three spartan beauty "salons" in Northern India.

The practitioners actually held university degrees in Ayurvedic medicine, but operated as if they were North American aestheticians. I ran a "serious" Ayurvedic clinic back in the States, treating cancer and other chronic cases. I was shocked to see my Indian colleagues giving facials, treating skin and washing hair. I'll tell you more about my experiences in India, later...

So you want two things:

To have a beautiful image of yourself
that you are able to obtain...

And to achieve that image,
with, yes, a little self-discipline
but without the self-mutilation

What a dreary world, we always say, if everybody looked alike, did the same thing, acted the same way, wore the same clothes. Yet, almost every TV set tells us to strive for that goal. A goal we ourselves know at a deep level is not only impossible but certainly not desirable.

So How Do You Find Your Natural State of Beauty? I've made this as simple as I possibly can for you.

The three Ayurvedic Beauty Types (referred to as doshas in Sanskrit) affect how you appear physically. Everybody has a little of all three, but normally one or two will be predominate. When in balance, as they were at the time of your conception, they allow you to be radiant and beautiful...
The Vata Beauty-Type: Are you a person who can eat anything and never gain a pound? Are you prone to constipation? Do you develop anxiety when you have too much to do? Does your skin feel dry  when you are under stress? Maybe you have especially rough patches in isolated parts of your body. Certain areas of your skin may even look gray. If that sounds like you, you're predominately of the Vata Beauty-Type and need to overcome this hurdle to experience effortless beauty. The Pitta Beauty-Type  Do you need a lighter jacket than everyone else? Do you overheat easily? Does your face always look a little red? Are you plagued by red dry patches on your skin? Do you experience hot flashes like small infernos? How about a strong fiery hunger? Heat and dryness are the Pitta imbalances that block you from your effortless beauty... The Kapha Beauty-Type: You have natural lush and radiant skin, but are prone to blemishes and oil deposits when you put on excess weight. This happens easily. Even looking at cake puts on the pounds because your metabolism is slow. If this sounds like you than a Kapha imbalance is blocking your path to effortless beauty...
Normally, when you are imbalanced, a dominate dosha or Beauty-Type will become aggravated, while your lesser Beauty-Type will diminish even more so.

By signing up for the Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type multi-media online course you'll find out which Beauty-Type or -Types are naturally most strong in your skin, hair and complexion. You'll then be able to download the appropriate copy of the [Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty Program](eab/index.html) for your dosha(s). The program  will show how to properly care for your skin, hair and face, based on your specific needs.

I'll show you which specific massage oils to help beautify your skin. If your skin is dry and cold, then you need an oil that will warm and moisten it. If you have blemishes, acne, etc., then I'll show you formulas for removing them.

But it goes deeper... all the ingredients you'll be mixing are going to do more than just nourish your skin and hair. They'll absorb right down into the marrow, rehydrating and relaxing your nerves, bringing balance to your entire being.

For example, dry skin, characteristic of the Vata Beauty-Type, is caused by an agitated nervous system. When you apply the proper herbs, spices and oil, that have a calming affect, you'll begin to feel more poised and elegant. Vice versa, for someone who's lethargic and overly relaxed (the Kapha Beauty-Type) I'll show you formulas that will help stimulate your entire body and mind.

Your Natural and Lasting State of Beauty
Was Decided Before You Were Even Born

At Conception Nature Had Your Complexion, Skin and Hair Beautifully Planned Out: The moment your current life began, your prakruti, a blueprint of your entire body and mind, was set. This covers everything from height to ideal weight to skin and hair type.

As You Were Born and Grew You Started to Stray From Nature's Plan For You: Unless you live in perfect conditions your body and mind will not manifest exactly how they were intended. As life is dynamic, they'll remain constantly in sway to help you adjust and survive. Your current state of being is what Ayurveda calls your vrikruti. This includes your current Beauty-Type.

If you were born with a tendency towards dryness, and you live in a warm, tropical region, you should have little trouble keeping your dry skin in check. Likewise if you have moist skin and you live in a desert climate. Your vikruti (your current state) and your prakruti (your intended state) differ little.

Here's Where The Trouble Starts: Imbalances in your face, hair and skin (as well as the rest of your body and mind) occur when your Prakruti (ideal state) and your Vrikruti (current state) vary too much.

If you have a tendency towards dry skin, and you live in the desert, you'll need to take extra measures to keep from becoming excessively dry and unattractive. Vice versa, if your skin leans towards being overly moist and you live in the tropics.

So no matter how hard you try, if you were born with a certain Beauty-Type predominate, for example the Kapha Beauty-Type, you will never be able to achieve a super-thin look. It's just not going to happen. I'm not saying you need to surrender to being overweight. Not at all. But you have to take more action to control your weight, just like a predominately vata person needs to put forth effort to stop losing too much weight.

That's really what my approach to Ayurvedic beauty is all about... It's a process of discovering what makes you uniquely beautiful and working to bring that out more fully. It's about falling in love with who you are, and your beauty potentials, instead of straining to achieve someone else's.
When You Subscribe to my
FREE Multi-Media Online Course
Discover Your
Ayurvedic Beauty-Type
You'll Know How to Make
the Most Of What You Got!

By taking the Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type multi-media online course you'll know which dosha or Beauty-Type are predominate in you, and which are weak. Depending on your results, you'll be able to download a specific version of the [The Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty Program](/eab/index.php) that meets your needs.
The Unique Challenges Your Body-Type Faces, And How To Correct Them: It will explain why you have had trouble achieving radiant skin and hair. It'll then show how [The Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty Program](eab/index.html) can give you a step-by-step daily practice, specific to your imbalances, that will bring effortless and lasting improvements. The Truth About Commercial Cleansers: Find out why synthetic chemicals and abrasive particles provide short-term results and long-term damage. The Problem With Off-The-Shelf Moisturizers: Essentially your typical off-the-shelf moisturizer is no more than a layer of grease you apply to your skin for superficial results. Read what happens (and doesn't happen) at the deeper layers of your delicate skin. You may be shocked to see what you are unintentionally feeding your skin. Cheaper and More Sophisticated Beautification Methods: You'll discover that there are natural alternatives that not only improve your beauty but feed your skin and hair. Your skin and hair "digest" what you apply. If you feed them junk, they'll not be able to grow and stay healthy. If you feed them nourishing ingredients they'll not only thrive, but become radiant. Find out the one simple fact you need to know before you apply another ingredient to your delicate skin or hair. A Sneak Preview of The Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty Program: When you begin[ The Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty program](eab/index.html), you'll be turning your home into a haven for spa-like moments each day. The daily practices, using ingredients specific to your predominant Beauty-Type, will produce results within 28 days (which is how long it takes for skin and hair cells to renew themselves).
Sign up below to start the Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type multi-media online course now... you'll also receive my Ayurvedic Anti-Aging report and a subscription to my Effortless Ayurvedic Living ezine — all for free...
Enter Your Name: Enter your Email:
Ayurveda expands the possibilities of what beauty is,
so that you can find your place in it.

Right now TV, magazines, and other deciders of beauty standards have programmed most people into accepting such a limiting opinion of what beauty is.

On the other hand, Ayurvedic, some 5,000 years old, comes from a time when we acknowledged a much broader definition of beauty.

Take for instance, an image you have grown up with:That pink plastic confection known as "Barbie." She's been around since 1959. Over a billion have been manufactured. Every two seconds, it is estimated, another is sold to some little girl. Barbie, despite her emaciated figure, shows no signs of disappearing soon.

The Impossible Prakruti of a Plastic Doll

First edition [Barbie](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie)
dolls from 1959. Photo by [Сергей Бережной](http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:%D0%91%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B6%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%B9). If you don't take into account her polyester hair, Barbie stands 11 inches tall. Now, if she was 5'9" as suggested by her accessories her bust would measure 34.5 inches, her hips 30.5.

That may be the prakruti of a plastic doll, but it serves a useless goal for us humans. Certainly not a model we should be growing up with.

Ayurveda throws out Barbie and all other childish standards aside (e.g. air brushed models, anorexic movie stars, etc.) Instead you find out the real "standard," your prakruti, which Nature has already put within your reach and Ayurveda will help you achieve.

When you bring your Beauty-Type into the natural state of balance you were born with, then your natural inner beauty is able to manifest. It's about reflecting the inner beauty of the inner you—no mask, Just an honest portrayal of your unique expression in physical form.

What Indian Women Taught Me About
Beauty, Health and Loving Myself

The India psyche is quite interesting. It reflects the desire to build their connection with the Spirit of Elegance. They want to optimize the human experience. I don't think they always hit that mark, but there is the seed of that desire.

In India, women dress to the hilt every day. That was a shock to me. When I grew up in California in the 60s, my mother would wear slacks and tennis shoes for anything but a special occasion.

What I have come to learn from the Indians is that by expressing and caring for your outward beauty, you develop a deeper connection with the Greater Beauty inside. This outward caring for the physical, will build your connection with the spiritual.

Now, with [The Effortless Ayurvedic Beauty Program](eab/index.html) you can attend to all your beauty needs, without resorting to harmful chemicals or surgery. By understanding your Beauty-Type, you'll know what beauty goals you should be reaching for, and the quickest and most natural means to obtain it.


PS: Sign up below to start the Discover Your Ayurvedic Beauty-Type multi-media online course now... you'll also receive my Ayurvedic Anti-Aging report and a subscription to my Effortless Ayurvedic Living ezine — all for free...
Enter Your Name: Enter your Email:

Headline Photo Reproduced With Thanks:"Your friends like a certain you, that's who you've got to be" reproduced with permission from [Wiseacre](http://www.flickr.com/photos/wiseacre/455334815/).
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Copyright © 2007 Dr. Helen Thomas,D.C.
Reproduction of content on this site, including copy, articles, design and images is strictly prohibited without written permission from Dr. Helen Thomas, D.C.

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this website are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a doctor before beginning or changing any fitness, diet or lifestyle program to ensure it's suited to your constitution. Any results cited in this article do not guarantee you'll experience the same. Statements are anecdotal and may not represent typical results. Individual results will vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products and information on this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

[Effortless Ayurvedic Living](http://www.effortlessayurvedicliving.com)
2200 County Center Dr.
Suite B, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 

Phone: (707) 527-7313
FAX: (707) 568-3488

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